Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2660: The prime minister's task

"Xiao Hei is really..."

Sneaking to the bathroom on the second floor, Illiya looked around like a thief and walked to the cleaning room.

"Why do you have to put it in this place, what if someone finds out..."

While muttering in a low voice, Illiya opened the door of the cleaning room and found the book on the shelf.

"Huh...Fortunately, it's still..."

After taking the small notebook, Illiya was also relieved, then turned around and planned to leave. However, when she turned around, she was suddenly startled---at the door of the cleaning room, Altina was standing there, staring at her silently.


Seeing Altina's sudden appearance, Ilia was shocked, and then she came back to her senses.

"Ah, that...I remember you are Miss Altina...Right?"

Looking at Altina in front of her, Ilia asked tremblingly. She and Xiao Hei didn’t have much contact with the students of Semilia Academy, but Altina still left a lot of impression on Ilia. The reason is very simple. After all, both of them have silver-white hair. Naturally, it will attract more attention.


Altina nodded and stared at Ilia, who hid the little book behind her and looked at her with a bit of embarrassment.

"You, what's the matter with you?"

However, facing Ilia's inquiry, Altina stared at her in silence for a while, then shook her head, and then turned to leave.


Seeing Altina turned and left, Illya also let out a sigh, then hurriedly hid the little book, and then ran away in a hurry.

what's wrong with me?

After Ilia left, Altina came to the door of the cleaning room again, looking at the empty shelves. Originally, after flipping through that dirty book, Altina planned to leave directly. But I don't know why, she stayed behind, and after secretly seeing that Ilia was about to take the book, Altina even walked out on impulse, wanting to take the book back!

Fortunately, Altina reacted almost immediately, did not say what she thought, just turned and left as if passing by.

But even so, the scenes of the book are still engraved in Altina's mind like a brand, almost indelible.

How could this be?

Yaltina didn't think it was caused by the irritation. Not only that, every time she recalled the scenes she saw, she felt flushed and her heartbeat accelerated...however, she felt that something was wrong.

Altina certainly doesn't know why this happened. The reason is simple, because she is not looking at ordinary books, but books drawn by Ying Lili.

You should know that before this, Fang Zheng used Ying Lili's notebook to create the God Realm of eroticism in the sound world. Because of this, Ying Lili is basically Fang Zheng's half god, and the notebook she drew can be completely said. It is an oracle.

Of course, just like the bibles copied in many horror movies have no effect on evil spirits, only the original or hand-copied bibles can produce power. There is no oracle power in the book that Yinglili simply copied and published for sale. of. However, her original manuscript and first edition have the power comparable to "The Book of the Necropolis". Normal people will be spiritually contaminated as soon as they see it, and they will be trapped in it.

It’s just that, for a long time, no one can be qualified to read the first draft of Yinglili. After all, after it coincides with Fangzheng, Yinglili belongs to the rich and powerful. If you think of a book, you can produce a book. If you think of a full color, you can produce a full color. After communicating with the publisher or something, there are only a few people who can see her first draft. Asuna and the others are not interested in the book, and Xiao Hei and Yi Liya are Fangzheng’s heroic spirits. A batch of high resistance, so there will be no special reaction to this kind of book.

But Altina was different. Although she was a human being, she also possessed a soul and life. If she suddenly faced the oracle without precaution, there would be no good things.

The result is………


Lying on the bed, Altina frowned and kept tossing. It was late at night and everyone had already rested, but Altina was lying on the bed but couldn't sleep. The scene of the book she saw during the day kept turning over and over in her mind, making her sleepless. I don't know how long it took before Altina finally fell asleep faintly.



The next moment, when Altina opened her eyes, she found herself standing by the wall, and in front of her, a man who couldn't see his face was standing there, pressing herself against the wall.

"It's so cute...Altina..."

While speaking, the man in front of him stretched out his hand and touched Altina's cheek. At this moment, Altina felt as if she had been manipulated by something, she could only stare at each other blankly. Under Altina's gaze, the man lowered his head and kissed her forehead, cheek, and neck, and then all the way down...


Altina opened her eyes suddenly, panting for breath.

"Yes, it's a dream..."

While talking to herself, Altina looked to her side, but the next moment, her whole body suddenly stiffened in place. Beside Yaltina, a man with the same blurred face and indistinct appearance was lying with himself in a quilt. Not only that, his hand was like an iron hoop, and he hugged Yal tightly. Tina's body embraced her in her arms.

"Wait, you are..."

"Are you awake? Cute kitty, huhuhu...Then let's go on..."


Altina shuddered again and raised her head.

Only this time, what appeared in front of him was no longer the bedroom he was familiar with before, but a secluded classroom under the sunset.

"I'm... hey? Hey...?"

Altina turned her head around in confusion, only to realize that she was not sitting on a chair, but standing at the desk. At the same time, her body was lying on the desk like this, her big hands were holding herself. Slender waist, at the same time, when Altina was puzzled, the voice came from her ear again.

"Don't worry, just leave everything to me..."

"Are you..."

Before listening to the man's words, Altina's consciousness was sinking into darkness again.

In this way, for the whole night, Altina did not sleep well. Every time she woke up, she was in a different scene. The tram, the health room, the music room, and the sports warehouse. Every time Altina thought She finally woke up, but every time she would find that she fell asleep again.

It wasn't until the dazzling sunlight passed through the window and shone on Altina's face that finally allowed her to end her endless nightmare.

The result is………


Everyone was shocked when they saw Altina, who was exhausted and haggard, appeared in the restaurant early the next morning.

"Altina, are you okay?"

"Um...I'm fine......"

Altina nodded listlessly. In fact, she was still dizzy in her mind, and she was a little confused about where reality and dreams were.

"Your complexion is really bad, do you want to go to the health room to take a rest?"

Emma also came over now, holding Altina's petite body anxiously, and asked in a low voice.

"No, I..."

Hearing Emma's suggestion, Altina trembled and shook her head hurriedly.

"I do not want to go………"

At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Yo, good morning, eh? What happened to Altina?"

"Ah, Mr. Fang Zheng!"

Seeing Fang Zheng appearing, Emma was suddenly relieved.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, come and see Altina, she is in a very bad spirit, I suspect she may be ill..."

"Oh? Let me see."

Hearing Emma's words, Fang Zheng also came over and looked at Altina carefully.

"My face is terrible, come to see if I have a fever."

While talking, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pressed it on Altina's forehead.


The moment Fang Zheng's hand touched Altina, the girl suddenly felt her heart beating wildly, and at the same time, the world before her eyes began to blur again. But on the contrary, in front of Altina, UU's face was clearer than ever before reading www.uukanshu.com.

Ah... So that's it, that man is the instructor...

Thinking of this, Altina felt that she was suddenly enlightened, as if she had completely figured out everything.

That's right, I am also a staff member of the Intelligence Bureau, and I can do it myself... After all, it is the task of the Prime Minister, so isn't it the same for everyone?

Thinking of this, Altina reached out and put her arms around Fang Zheng's neck.


While calling out in a low voice, Altina raised her head and gave a deep kiss to Fang Zheng's lips.


At this moment, the entire restaurant was suddenly dead, and everyone was staring at this scene dumbfounded, completely unsure of how to react. In their eyes, they only saw Fang Zheng reaching out to touch Altina's forehead, but at this moment the latter suddenly reached out and hugged Fang Zheng, then half closed his eyes, and kissed directly on his cheeks with reddish cheeks.


For a while, everyone was stunned. Elysée raised the fork in her hand and put it on her mouth without any intention of eating, but her eyes were round and her mouth was wide open to watch this scene. At Altina's side, Emma and Laura were equally stunned, not knowing how to react. On the contrary, the Empress Alfing had round eyes, showing an expression of excitement, covering her mouth as if she had seen some good show.

As for the other people’s situation, it’s not much better. After all, Altina has always felt calm and reticent for everyone. As a result, she suddenly made such a move in the public, which stunned everyone. Up.

I don't know how long it took before the entire restaurant suddenly boiled like boiling water.


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