Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2674: Layout (now I feel bad when I change to a new computer)

Looking at the three dead **** in front of him, Fang Zheng's whole person was not well.

In fact, he hasn't seen ugly people pretending to be beautiful women, such as hags and famous succubuses in the main world, especially the latter is a behemoth three meters tall, which is scary enough.

But ah...but!

At least people have professional ethics! ! !

No matter what the person is, when they come out to lie, they still make a full set! Still dressed up very beautifully, at least people who don't know will be fascinated by it.

Even if you are an Internet celebrity, you still have a beauty filter on the live broadcast! !

And what about the three of you? Just hung up a picture?

Don't pretend to be?

What's the difference between this and those happily calling with the little cards of "Pure student girl massage and massage for 24 hours", and the result is a heavy tank! ?

Is this how you deceive the pure and innocent souls of others? !

Can there be some trust between people? !

Fang Zheng's whole person was MMP, but Xili had no idea, staring at the three old witches and shouting.

"You took the Baroness? Why did you take her?"

"Hehehe, little girl, what do you say is this good for?"

Hearing Xili's scolding and questioning, the three old witches suddenly smiled sharply.

"She has reached a contract with us! She is ours!!"

"Deed, contract?"

Hearing this, both the baron and his daughter were taken aback.

"Yes, this woman doesn't want the baby in her belly, so she made an agreement with us, we will help her eliminate the baby in her belly, and she belongs to us. We have fulfilled the contract, but she actually wants Escape from here, escape from your side, this is absolutely intolerable!"

"So you guys are playing tricks!?"

Now the baron clenched the long sword angrily, and roared. He had always thought that he was drunk and beat his wife to cause her miscarriage, but did not expect these three guys to be the culprits? !


Facing the **** baron's anger, the three old witches were not afraid, and even laughed coldly.

"It's too late now, she belongs to us, and her soul belongs to us, no matter what you do.........ahahahah!!!"

However, before the old witch's words were finished, a flame suddenly rose on the ground, and the three of them were burnt into charcoal in an instant.

"MMP, it's over."

Fang Zheng put down his hand and sighed.

"It will be bad for the spirit to continue like this..."

"Mr. Fang Zheng, did you kill them?"

"Otherwise? Keep them for the New Year?"

Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly, and Xili shook his head speechlessly.

"But they planted a curse on the Baroness..."

"It's just a curse, leave it to me."

While talking, Fang Zheng walked up to the old woman, held her left hand and raised it, flicked out the silver dagger with his right hand, and then lightly stroked the palm of his hand. In the next moment, everyone saw a pattern suddenly appeared in the center of the old woman's palm, and then it was completely broken and disappeared. Then the old woman trembled, and a few bright colors appeared in the eyes that had lost their expression.



Seeing the old woman waking up, the baron and daughter rushed over and helped her up, but the old woman still seemed to be trembling, pale and trembling uneasy.

"Well, what's going on? Didn't you say that the curse has been eliminated?"

Looking worriedly at the fragile appearance of her mother, Tamara looked at Fang Zheng and asked, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes, the curse is lifted, life is no longer in danger, but mentally it's another matter."


"Isn't it nonsense? You were beaten by your husband all day, then miscarried again, then ran away panicked, then caught here by monsters and called as slaves by three ugly old witches, can you have nothing to do?"


"Then, is there any way?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's ridicule, his daughter looked embarrassed, and the **** baron also hurriedly asked.

"There is no way to deal with mental things. To put it simply, it is to have a quiet recuperation and not to stimulate her herself. You can understand that, Mr. Baron. Just because the soldier was seriously injured and could not be cold, and It’s a reason to have to rest quietly. She’s mentally seriously injured now, so you can’t fight or stimulate her in front of her, so she will get better. If you quarrel and fight as before, then she’s afraid Will be directly stimulated and become a lunatic."

"Is it so serious?!"

Hearing this, the **** baron's complexion suddenly became a lot more dignified, and he nodded vigorously.

"I, I understand, I will take good care of her! I will never let her suffer!"

"I don't believe you, I will take care of my mother!"

Now the daughter also hurriedly interrupted.

"You say that every time, but haven't you made your mother like this?"

"I didn't mean it, I was just drunk!!"

"Ahem, two people."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Fang Zheng hurriedly intervened, and then pointed to the old woman who was shivering and curled up into a group of trembling groups as he heard them quarrel.

"If you keep arguing, I guess she will get sick directly."


Seeing Anna, who was trembling like a mouse in a cat, the baron and daughter hurriedly stopped, and then they looked at each other awkwardly. At this time, Fang Zheng also coughed and continued.

"Well, I have a way, lady, you might as well go back to the castle with your father to take care of your mother."


"Yes, if you take your mother out of here, how do you raise her? She can't live without people around her. In the castle, at least there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and the safety of life is guaranteed. You only need to take care of her wholeheartedly. Mother is fine. As for Mr. Baron...you should give up drinking too, and let your daughter stare at you all the time. Of course, you have to make up your mind, how about it?"


The two looked at each other, and then felt that this was probably the only way.

"I understand, I will go back, but I won't make up with that man."

"I too...I will try my best to quit drinking, and I will never drink anymore."

While speaking, the baron nodded vigorously, then he walked to his wife, patted her on the back, and helped his wife up, and then took his remaining guards with his daughter. , Slowly walked towards the path.

As for Fang Zheng and others, they stood there, watching the scene in front of them. At this moment, Miaojie quietly approached her.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, did you deliberately?"


"With your strength, Mr. Fang Zheng, it shouldn't be difficult to repair that woman's wounded heart."

"It's true, but what about karma.........I have done my sins and clean up by myself. I am not interested in wiping others' ass."

Fang Zheng shook his head, admitting Miaojie's guess. Indeed, if he takes action, he can easily heal the mental trauma of the old woman. But Founder did not intend to do this, the reason is very simple, it is meaningless. In the final analysis, the cause of this incident was that the Baroness was cheating outside, and then the Baron himself was furious and violent his wife all the time. This is a vicious circle for both parties. It must be said that both sides are wrong, so the sins they made are solved by themselves.

"Furthermore, this is also an opportunity for their family to start again. Whether they can seize the opportunity well is up to them. If everything goes well, they will be able to restore the family's appearance in the next time. But if The two sides were still arguing, and finally caused the old woman to suffer from a mental illness and die or something so that his wife broke up and died. That was the outcome of their own choice."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, retracted his gaze, and looked at the green-haired girl beside him.

"I gave them a choice, and they made a choice, then they will have to bear the result."

Next, everyone naturally bid farewell to the baron, planning to return to Novigrad. After all, when they came out this time, at first Xili wanted to meet the **** baron who had saved him and say thank you. Now that he helped him solve the problem, and Mrs. Anna also needed to rest after returning home. It was not suitable for the outsiders to disturb herself, so she left.

The Baron was a little bit reluctant about this, but he still said that he would welcome them at any time. Of course, the Baron also said that if he sees Xili's adoptive father appearing in Willen, he will immediately let his men find him and tell Geralt of Xili's current situation in Novigrad.

After bidding farewell to the baron, the group set out for Novigrad again.

"How should I put it......this world is really different from what I imagined."

Riding on a horse, watching the surrounding scenery and the corpse hanging from a wooden frame in the distance, Liz also had a complex expression. It can be said that as a priest, this world has completely destroyed Liz's Three Views.

Why do housework elves look like that? Didn't Xili say that housework elves are good elves who protect and guard the family?

Since it is a good elf, can't it be longer... more beautiful?

Although the zombies and mutant creatures that I encountered in the biochemical world were also terrifying, Lisi knew that it was a cursed mutant monster, so it was not incomprehensible to become terrible.

But after purifying the curse, it was still terrifying and I really couldn't understand it.

"I think this world is very interesting. I can encounter many things that I couldn't see before. Although the situation in each world is different, people's reactions are all the same."

While speaking, Miaojie narrowed her eyes and smiled like a cat.

"Bow bark!! Bark bark!!!"

When a group of people was walking along the road, there was a barking sound of dogs not far away. When they turned their heads and looked around, they saw a few wild dogs surrounding it in front of a wooden house on the side of the road. Barking.

"Oh, it's a group of wild dogs again."

Seeing this scene, Miaojie suddenly showed a surprised expression, and Xili nodded.

"After all, because of the war, many villages have been destroyed, so many dogs have become stray dogs...and it is difficult to deal with."

As Hilli said, because of the war between the Northern Alliance and Nifgaard, many villages were destroyed, and the dogs raised by those people left as a result, and then turned into stray dogs, attacking in groups on the road. Passersby. From a certain point of view, these stray dogs are no less harmful than wolves.

At this moment, the group of wild dogs also spotted Fangzheng and the group approaching, and suddenly turned around and grinned and rushed towards them.

"You guys wait a minute!"

Seeing the group of wild dogs running wildly, Xili also said casually, and then turned to dismount, only to see her dashing through the group of wild dogs, and in the blink of an eye, they completely turned into corpses.

Then, Hilly walked to the wooden house and knocked on the door.

"The wild dog has been killed, it's okay."


Hearing Xili's voice, there was silence inside the wooden house, and then the wooden door opened with a "creak". Then, a little girl poked her head out and looked at Xili and Fangzheng's group anxiously.

"Where are your parents?"

At this time, Xili discovered that there were only a few children in the entire wooden house, and no adults at all. It is no wonder that they dare to hide in the house in the face of a group of wild dogs.

Hearing Xili's question, the girl was silent for a moment and replied.

"Some were killed by soldiers, some...I don't know where they went."


Hearing the girl's answer, Hiri was silent for a moment, then took some food from his pocket and handed it over.

"Share these among everyone."

"Thank you, big sister."

Taking the food, the girl smiled happily, then turned and ran to the others. Seeing this, Miaojie walked to Fang Zheng and gently pulled his sleeve.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, these children are very pitiful."

"It's very pitiful, so what?"

"I wonder if we can take them in."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng looked at Miaojie beside him curiously.

"Keep these children?"


Facing Fang Zheng's question, Miaojie smiled and put her hands together.

"Look, we have seen along the way, haven't many places been abandoned because of the war? We can repair those buildings and use them to take care of these children who were displaced by the war. Isn't it a good thing? "

Speaking of this, Miaojie seemed to be excited too.

"There is no need to interact with other people. We can choose some more remote places. Although there may be monsters in those places, I believe this is not a problem for us, and Mr. Fang Zheng, you are not going to Do you want other people to come here? Novigrad’s words are crowded with people. After all, it’s not a place to stay for a long time. I think a small place that belongs to us is a good choice. It’s like the one that Miss Xili said belongs to Like Kyle Mohan of the Demon Hunter..."

"You mean to say it's the same as the crow's den of the **** baron."

Of course, Fang Zheng heard the meaning of Miaojie's words. At the beginning, the Bloody Baron was just an ordinary officer, and he brought his remnant defeated general to here, and then occupied the unmanned crow's den and became the landlord of Willen. Now it seems that Miaojie is planning to do these things too?

But what is she for?

"Miss Liz, you think this is a good idea, too."

Speaking of this, Miaojie also hurriedly pulled up the ally, who also nodded.

"I also think Miss Miaojie has a good idea, Mr. Fang Zheng."


In fact, Fang Zheng did not particularly object to it. This is actually something he often does in other worlds, but what makes Fang Zheng a little curious is why this matter was brought up by Miaojie?

If it is Lisi, it is better to understand that she is a believer of Qi Yao Church after all, with a kind heart, and Qi Yao Church itself has a tradition of helping orphans. But Miaojie..... Looking at her appearance, it doesn't seem to show her how kind she is. Fang Zheng can be sure that Miaojie's suggestion is definitely out of ulterior motives.

"Okay, just do it."

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng nodded.

No matter what she wants to do, it's fun, isn't it?


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