Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2691: 2 people (it's really cold and no heating today...)

Each world can bring different feelings to people.

Even this destroyed world is the same. When they saw the towering buildings that broke through the sky in front of them, the girls couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is really... an unimaginable scene."

Looking at the metal city in front of him, Tida muttered to herself. What I saw in front of them was a city stacked on top of each other like building blocks. It stretched from the ground all the way up. Above one city was another city. Although accompanied by ice and snow, this place has completely disappeared. But those abandoned, worn-out metal brackets still represent the existence of human civilization in this world.

"...Well, that's weird."

Fang Zheng stared at the city in front of him, frowning.

"Is there something wrong? Big brother?"

"of course."

Hearing Ling's question, Fang Zheng nodded.

"Obviously, we can see that this world has completely perished because of war and hoarfrost... This is not surprising, but one thing is strange."


"The corpse."

Founder knocked on the scene displayed on the screen.

"According to the truth, such a large-scale war, coupled with the freezing cold, even if all perished, but at least there should be corpses left. But along the way, we didn’t see any of the corpses. , Corpses, bones, none of these, whether it's human or other animals."


Hearing this, the girls were suddenly shocked. They hadn't felt it before, but now that Fang Zhengyi said that things were not quite right. The ruined world itself is not strange, but it is too strange that there are not a single body.

"Tio, check again, there are really no other life forms and energy fluctuations?"

"Let's see...it really doesn't."

Hearing Tida's words, Tio also hurriedly turned on the system again, scanned the whole thing, and then shook his head.

"No, nothing can be searched... Should the detection system be okay?"

"I knew I should do a few more tests..."

Ling sighed helplessly. After all, in order to be in a hurry this time, they were rushed out immediately after completion. Although the safety is okay, many system inspections have not been completed, so they are not sure about themselves. Whether everything is working properly on the warship.

"Anyway, be careful."

Fang Zheng just reminded him and didn't say much, and the other people also increased their vigilance at this moment. After all, there was no corpse around, but two life signals could be detected, which was a bit weird. Who knows if this is a trap, or if there are any special problems.

All in all, it's always good to be careful.

Soon, the battleship came to the location of the life signal, which is the top floor of the city's tall tower. According to detections, just now, the two life signals were still moving, but now they stayed there without movement. This also makes people more and more disturbed-is this some kind of trap? Still ambush? Or what other reasons.

"Keep invisible and move forward at a slight speed."

The nominal commander Ling quickly issued the order-perhaps out of the confrontational psychology with Xiao Hei, when discussing who would be responsible for commanding the Bliksem, Ling immediately volunteered to stand up. Others didn't have any opinions on this, so Ling became the commander of this warship. And now in front of Fang, Ling is naturally more serious.

Under Ling's command, the invisible Bliksem approached the apex of the tower, and then quickly locked the source of the signal.

Unexpectedly, what appeared on the screen was not a monster or a strange thing, but two young girls.

The two of them just covered their coats and lay in a corner of the high platform, motionless as if they were sleeping.


Seeing this scene, the girls didn't know what to do to react.

"...That's them?"

"It's them..."

"It's not a trap..."

Seeing this scene before him, Tio frowned. It was really illogical. Why did the two remaining people in this world sleep in such a high place? What is this unfolding? What does this mean?

"Their physical signs are very unstable."

Tida looked at the screen and spoke anxiously, while Tio nodded.

"This is also taken for granted. From the scan, it can be seen that the two have been malnourished for a long time, coupled with the high altitude and lack of oxygen here, extremely cold and freezing..."

"Should we not save them?"

Qia looked at the screen anxiously, and then spoke. When she heard this, the girls turned around and looked at Fang Zheng who was sitting behind. Facing the girls' eyes, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"You decide for yourself, this is your battleship, what you want to do, you decide for yourself."


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, the girls glanced at each other, and then Ling made a decision.

"Tio, you and Altina are going to save people, we are here to observe, pay attention to the surrounding area, Tida, please go to prepare the isolation ward."


Soon, the huge black battleship appeared again and quietly stopped beside the two girls. Then the hatch opened, and then Tio and Altina walked out of the battleship and came to the two girls. And until they walked in front of them, the two girls still didn't mean to wake up.

"They are still sleeping really well..."

"No, this is a faint, right?! Didn't you say that sleeping in the snow-capped mountains will lead to death?"

Tio quickly took out his personal terminal and scanned the two of them.

"No, their vital signs have become very weak, take them back quickly!"

"Okay... lightsaber!"

Following Altina’s order, the silver-white mechanical creation suddenly appeared. It stretched out its hand, grabbed the two unconscious girls, and brought them back to the battleship—then the hatch closed, After a series of scanning and disinfection, the two girls were sent to the observation isolation room for treatment.

It wasn't until the two men's physical signs stabilized again that the girls onlookers outside breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's incredible. They don't seem to be much older than us."

Through the observation window, looking at the two young girls sleeping on the bed, Ling said suspiciously.

"I can't imagine how the two of them came to this place, and what are they doing here? There is nothing here?"

"By the way, are there really only two of them left on this planet?"

Kia looked at Tio, who nodded.

"Yes, to be on the safe side, I scanned the entire planet. The only signs of life found so far are the two of them. There are no other signs of life."

"I really don't know... what happened in this world..."

As the girls were discussing, the black-haired girl lying on the bed with a groan slowly opened her eyes.

"here it is………"

The black-haired girl rubbed her eyes, sat up and looked around, with a touch of confusion on her face.

"Am I dreaming again?"

While speaking, the black-haired girl stood up and looked around. Then she walked to the other side of the bed and pushed **** the blond girl who was still sleeping.

"Hello, Yu?"


Pushed by the black-haired girl, the blonde girl also rubbed her eyes, then yawned and sat up.

"Huh...Morning, Qian...Um? What's wrong?"

"It seems a little strange."


The blond girl called Yu turned her head to look around, then squinted her eyes and lay down again.

"What's weird, this is Elysium."


"The soft quilt, the warm room, and the bright light... Let's still dream, let me dream for a while..."

"Hey? Hey?!"

Seeing You falling asleep, the black-haired girl named Qian was taken aback again, and then she pushed her hard.

"Wait, Yu, this is not a dream, wake up."

"Huh... No, if it's not a dream, then this is the world of bliss... Anyway, it's okay, let me sleep for a while..."

Through the observation window, looking at the two young girls playing treasures, Ling and Tio stared at each other.

"It doesn't look like a bad person."

"Go in and talk to them."

The girls at this moment have also made their own decision.

Then they opened the door and walked in.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, the black-haired girl hurriedly turned around and looked at Ling and the others who walked in. Her eyes widened in surprise, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

"It's a human..."

While muttering to herself, the black-haired girl pushed harder on the blond girl who was sleeping beside her.

"Hey, you, look, it's a human! Someone!"

"Woo...what, Qian..."

Pushed by the black-haired girl, the blonde girl also yawned and then sat up. She was also shocked when she saw the girls standing at the door.

"Wow, there are really people!!"

"a ha ha ha………"

Faced with the reactions of the two girls, everyone didn't know how to react.

Anyway, say hello first.

The two parties quickly introduced themselves, and Ling and others also learned from the black-haired girl that their names were Qianhu and Youli. As for why the world has become like this, the two girls are not very clear, they only know that it seems to be because of the war.

All in all, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com according to Qianhu, from the time they remembered, the world seemed to be like this, there were ruins, ice and snow everywhere, but there were other people there at that time. But later, the grandfather who raised them asked them to leave here and go elsewhere. Since then, they have been traveling towards the top of the city's towers.

As for the reason? There is no reason, it's just to keep going.

"So, what do you plan to do next?"

Looking at Qianhu, Tida asked uneasyly.

"There are only two of you left in this world? Do you want to leave with us?"

"Aren't you from this world?"

Hearing this, Qian Hu looked at the crowd suspiciously, who shook his head.

"No, we are from another world... Well, although it is not a good idea, but I think in that world, you should not have been so hard..."

"one more bowl!"

However, before Qianhu could answer, she saw You Li who was next to her suddenly raised the bowl and shouted with a grin.

"This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious thing!"

"It's best not to eat too much."

However, Tio shook his head.

"Your body functions are not very good. If you rashly eat too much, it will cause adverse reactions. You can wait until tomorrow to continue eating."

"Really, there will be tomorrow?"

"Well, of course."

"That's not bad, Qian, what do you think?"

Hearing Tio's answer, You Li smiled contentedly and looked at Qian Hu with a grin, while the latter sighed helplessly.

"...Really, whatever you want..."


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