Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2697: Storm (Wushuang All-Stars are still fun)

Heavy rain is coming.

Standing on the city wall, the prince felt extremely heavy. Under the dark night, he could see tens of thousands of orcs wearing heavy steel armor, holding spears and sharp blades, walking towards the fortress where he was. Although the walls of this fortress were strong enough to resist any attacker's attack, he still didn't feel at ease at all.

"my friend."

At this moment, another man walked up to the prince.

"You seem very upset."


Hearing Aikenbrand's question, the prince nodded and squeezed the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"To be honest, I don't know whether we can win the final victory in this war, but in any case, we will not surrender."

While speaking, the prince looked at the city wall, where an army of elves was neatly lined up. They had reached the Valley of the Helm before the sun set. I have to admit that this is a booster for the Rohan army stationed in the Valley of the Helm. They didn't expect to receive assistance from all sides. After all, Gondor was overwhelmed, the elves could not live in seclusion, and the dwarves had their own troubles to deal with.

It can be said that everyone is now cleaning up the snow on their own, and not taking care of others.

In this case, the elves are still willing to obey the ancient covenant and send an army to fight alongside them. Faced with these evil half-orcs army, they really let them breathe out.

But this is far from enough.

"What did that gentleman say?"

"He said he needs to think about it."


Hearing the prince's answer, Aikenbrand sighed, then patted the prince on the shoulder.

"I know what you are thinking. If that gentleman is willing to help, with the power of his huge metal chariot, the half-orcs here are not scary at all."


In the face of his friend's inquiry, the prince's expression was a little strange.

"It's just that, after I came back, I found out that we forgot one thing..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"... That gentleman's metal chariot... seems to be walking slowly..."


Hearing this, Aikenbrand's expression changed slightly, and he remembered that when they left the forest together, he and the prince also praised Fang Zheng for his huge metal chariot. At that time, the gentleman did say, "This is already the fastest speed on the ground."

At that time, they just trot forward...

"...Well, it seems we really have nothing to count on."

While talking, Aikenbrand also drew out the long sword silently, and at that speed, he wanted to reach the Valley of the Holy Helmet - at that time, I didn't know if it would be too late!

At this moment, the army of half-orcs has come under the wall of the fortress of Saint Helm Valley.

War is on the verge of breaking out.

At the same time, just as Aikenbrand and Prince Rohan thought, the Bliksem moved slowly along the hillside at a crawling speed that did not match its name.

"Can't you hurry up?"

Sitting on the chair, Ling couldn't help twisting, staring at the map on the screen, showing some dissatisfaction.

"Since we set off to the present, we have eaten lunch and dinner, played games for a while, and took a bath! We are still crawling...how long will we have to climb?"

"It will take at least six to seven hours."

Tio calculated the time, then replied helplessly.

"Why is it so slow!"

"There is no way, after all, when we designed it at the beginning, it was just in case. And considering the size of the Bliksem and the terrain here, we must find a relatively gentle path forward..."

Tida also stretched out her hands helplessly. As she said, as a space battleship, Bliksem had no ground cross-country capabilities. The reason for equipping ground and underwater accessories is just in case. Not to mention that although most of the places where the Rohan Kingdom is located are plains, the places close to the Helm Valley are basically mountainous hills. In this case, they have to make a detour, otherwise, if the mountain does not turn over, the whole The Bliksem broke directly into two pieces, which was really unlucky.

"You can go to sleep again."

Fang Zheng said with a smile.

"I will call you when it's time."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the little girls hesitated for a while, then nodded. After all, the children themselves went to bed early, and now they are tired. Originally, they were excited for a while because they were going to participate in the war, but soon, the enthusiasm of the girls was completely extinguished by the speed of the tortoise-like crawl of the Bliksem.

As for You Li and Qian Hu, they have gone to bed long ago, and they really have no interest in war.

"Then I'll go to bed first, big brother, must you wake me up when I get there?"

"Brother Fang Zheng, good night."

"Good night, Mr. Fang Zheng."

After greetings, the girls left the command room one after another, and then the hatch closed and the lights dimmed.


Looking at the closed hatch, Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, then he lowered his head and looked at the petite figure hidden under the table.

"Altina, they have already left."

"Huh?" (Really?)

Altina raised her head, staring at him with a pair of eyes, and at the same time, her head was still swinging back and forth slightly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to do such a bold thing. Fortunately, they didn't find out. Otherwise, I don't know what it will be like."


Altina hadn’t finished her words, and then she trembled fiercely, and then the girl’s white neck trembling unceasingly, after a while, she reluctantly opened her mouth and stretched out her tongue gently. Licking his lips. Then he let out a sigh of satisfaction, and a blur of vision appeared in his eyes. Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Altina's tender cheeks.

"What a greedy kid, but now it looks like you are not full."


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Altina nodded, and then she stretched out her hand, put her arm around Fang Zheng's neck, and sat on his lap.

"Instructor...please fill me with food..."

"Hehe, okay, then I will ask you to drink hot milk today..."

Facing Altina's request, Fang Zheng stroked her shoulders with both hands, then grabbed the girl's slender waist and pressed it down.

The next moment, accompanied by Altina's sudden low moan, a fierce battle unfolded in the quietly uninhabited command room.

At the same time, in the Saint Helm Valley, another equally fierce battle is also going on.

The orcs roared and rushed to the high wall. They set the iron siege ladder on the wall and launched rounds of attacks on the soldiers in front of them. The elven archers stationed on the city wall also displayed their ingenious skills. One arrow shot into the gaps in the thick armor of the orcs, piercing their eyes and throats. But this was not enough. Although the elven archers had shown their skills, the half-orcs continued to climb forward. For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

"Saruman's ability is nothing more than that!"

The prince brandished a long sword and chopped down an orc who had climbed up the city wall, then looked at the companion beside him and said loudly. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the two sides have been in a stalemate for several hours, but the army of half-orcs has still not been able to attack the wall. After all, this is the fortress of the Rohan Kingdom, if it is just this level of offense, they can still hold on.

"Be careful, that guy must have other plans...!"

At this moment, suddenly, not far from the city wall, a voice rang.

"Shoot that orc!"

Hearing this voice, the prince turned his head and looked, and saw that not far away, a ranger was standing by the city wall, his face pointing down anxiously. And below him, an orc who looked like he was holding a torch was rushing forward desperately. Hearing the ranger's order, an elf hurriedly bent a bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow. However, the orc didn't mean to stop at all, and rushed forward with his head stuffed.

what is the problem?

Seeing this scene, there was a sudden chill in the prince's heart. The half-orc did not hold a weapon, but for some reason, he felt a certain extreme danger and fear from the half-orc!

"Shoot that orc, hurry!"

At this time, the ranger's voice became more anxious, and the prince rushed to the wall and raised his longbow to aim at the target, but before he could shoot an arrow, the next moment, the orc rushed under the wall. In a pothole.

Then, a deafening explosion sounded on the ground, and at the same time, the originally strong city walls burst open.

The huge impact of the explosion caused both sides to fly backwards involuntarily, and the soldiers standing behind the city wall were also stunned by this sudden scene. Soon, as the explosion subsided, the orcs roared and rushed into the gap created by the explosion of the city wall. They brandished their weapons and rushed towards the soldiers in front of them.

"Everyone is ready! Block them!!"

In the city wall, Rohan's soldiers were also ready for the first time. They raised their spears and aimed them forward. However, those half-orcs were not afraid, facing the spear, they did not evade and rushed directly.

"...Why did they do this?"

Seeing this scene through the monitor, You Li and Qianhu were shocked. They watched the half-orcs rush directly to the soldiers like this, without avoiding, let alone hesitating, letting their bodies be penetrated by the spears in their hands. And those soldiers did not stop their movements, facing the weapons that the orcs wielded, they also dared not fear death, roared forward, and then were knocked to the ground.

"Aren't they afraid of death?"

Looking at the live broadcast of the battlefield in front of him, Qian Hu totally couldn't understand. Obviously we have seen so many people dead, and so many people are still dying. Why don't both parties intend to stop?

"Because they believe that they are all fighting for something worthy of their lives."

Fang Zheng stared at the screen and replied in a low voice. At the same time, he glanced at Altina, who was lying on the chair next to him, closed her eyes and fell asleep, smiled and stretched out her hand and touched her hair. . Under the light, you can see that Altina's lower abdomen is slightly bulging... well, it is probably too much to eat.

"Is this war?"

"This is war."

Fang Zheng categorically answered Qianhu's inquiries, and then looked at Ling.

"How much time do we have?"

"There are still fifteen minutes to enter the battlefield."

"Very well, get ready."

"Yes, big brother!"

The heavy rain is still falling.

At this moment, the defenders in the Valley of the Helm could no longer hold on.

"We must retreat!"

The prince grabbed the old king and shouted loudly, while the latter glanced at the fallen city wall and gritted his teeth.

"Retreat immediately, retreat to the fortress!"

"Okay, immediately..."

"Rumble rumbling..."

However, at this moment, suddenly, the ground began to tremble slightly, and for a while, both sides in the war could not help but stop. No one knows what happened. Could it be an earthquake?

At this moment, the prince standing on the tower looked into the distance, but his expression brightened.

"Father, look over there!"

While shouting, the prince stretched out his hand and pointed to the back of the Orc Legion. The old king raised his head and looked in the direction the prince pointed out. Then, he saw a scene that he could not imagine.

I saw that in the hills to the right of Saint Helm Valley, a dark, shining metal object appeared there, with a total of eight wheels on its body, which looked like a huge siege vehicle. And this weird thing is quite huge, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is almost as high as its own fortress.

Seeing the appearance of this monster, the soldiers of the Orc Army and Rohan stopped unanimously and looked at it suspiciously. No one knows what this is, is it a new weapon for half-orcs?

However, at this moment, I saw the weird chariot ascending the hill suddenly shining brightly. At the same time, a weird, cold female voice rang, echoing across the entire battlefield.




Accompanied by this cold voice, I saw that huge metal chariot suddenly began to deform, and the steel plates on both sides of its body slid directly down and turned into a building resembling a city wall. At the same time, the whole body of the chariot turned upwards. Up, the steel rolls, twists, and shifts. In the blink of an eye, it became a strange-looking building.

In the middle is a large silver-white sphere, and below it is a pillar. Surrounding this weird sphere, there are four small spheres next to it.

What exactly is this?

Before everyone could react, the alarm sounded quickly, and at the same time, the whole building was shining bright red.

"Warning, lightingstorm created."


Thunder roared.

Lightning erupted from the clouds, turning into silver snakes and hitting the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the entire battlefield outside the fortress was bombarded by lightning falling from the sky, and countless lightning silver snakes roared down, turning the entire canyon into a piece of silver.


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