Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2705: Overplayed? (Benmiao repaired the high tech today)

"Eula Oula Oula Oula!"

Fang Zheng brandished his great sword and charged forward. No one can stop wherever he went. The Orcs Legion was already in chaos at this moment. Although they had tried their best to resist Fang Zheng’s attack, no one was able to. Block his footsteps.

At this time, Fang Zheng's performance finally attracted Sauron's attention. Soon, the magic eye that was condensed from burning flames suddenly turned around, staring at Fang Zheng firmly. An orange light emerged from it, shining on Fang Zheng's body like a searchlight.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Gandalf's expression suddenly changed slightly. This was Mordor, where Sauron's power was the strongest. This was what he worried about. Sauron's greatest strength is not in the army of these half-orcs, or what powerful magical powers, but his way of controlling people's hearts, now it seems that Sauron has clearly targeted Fang Fang!

come yet?

Perceiving Sauron’s sight, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows. As expected, he immediately felt that a force was gradually beating his spiritual barrier, like a mouse, desperately trying to find a trace from his own soul. Weakness caused him fear and pessimism, and then gave him hopelessness and pain... But unfortunately, before Fang was facing, Sauron's little trick was not worth mentioning.

Although Sauron's mental attack was just a breeze for Fang Zheng, he was unwilling to let him go.

Isn't it just mental pollution? I want you to know that you can't provoke anyone!

Thinking of this, a dim light flashed in Fang Zheng's eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

So, let you see what is spiritual pollution!

At this moment, Sauron was still staring at Fang Zheng, looking for the gap in his mind. For Sauron, this is not difficult. He has done this many times, no matter how strong a person is, there will inevitably be weaknesses. Even Gandalf is no exception. Of course, Sauron does not deny that some of the mortals are quite determined, but this does not mean anything. Their firm will may also change unconsciously. There is often only a wall between self-confidence and arrogance. Sauron Very good at using this method to induce them and let them act at their own pace.

But this time, Sauron found that something was not quite right.

When he tried to penetrate into the heart of the man in front of him, he seemed to have encountered a towering city wall that was extremely strong and could not see the end at a glance. This is something that Sauron has never encountered before, but even so, he still did not give up, because Sauron knew very well that if he could use the loopholes in this man's heart to control him, then for Sauron, it was It couldn't be better.

Everyone has weakness...Next, just look for...


Suddenly, from Sauron's ears, there was a burst of tidal sound. The sound was so faint, it suddenly seemed like an illusion. But soon, the voice gradually became louder and echoed in Sauron's mind. At this time, Sauron discovered that what echoed in his mind was not the real tidal sound, but a series of incomprehensible whispers!

These whispers seemed to be a large group of people whispering and whispering in front of them. They seemed to be talking, but they couldn't hear anything when they listened carefully.

What sound is it?

Sauron didn't care at first, but when he noticed this, the Dark Lord found that he could no longer concentrate, and his attention turned to the whisper in his ear uncontrollably. A strange desire emerged from the depths of the Dark Demon Lord. He felt that these people seemed to be telling things about themselves, and they were very important things.

It is like a whisper from the abyss of destiny, representing an irreversible trajectory.

However, no matter how concentrated Sauron was, he couldn't hear clearly what those whispers were saying. On the contrary, not only that, those voices grew louder and louder. Soon, they formed a crazy enough noise, echoing in Sauron's mind.

Do not! say no more! Stop it! I do not want to hear!

Sauron's soul uttered a silent roar. If he still had a human body now, he might have begun to hit the wall with his head in pain. It's a pity that the Dark Demon, who has long since lost his entity, can't even distract his attention with pain. The more he wants to resist, the more annoying the sound in his ears.

Do not---! !

Sauron's eyes closed abruptly, and then opened again. He almost gritted his teeth, forcibly peeled off the noise entangled in his heart, and looked in front of him.

But the next moment, Sauron was stunned.

what is this?

Under Sauron's gaze, the world before him completely changed its appearance. The originally pitch-black, dry ground now resembles a rotten piece of meat, with pus and blood dripping everywhere. The place where the Doomsday Volcano is located, at this moment, has become a dark black, beating huge heart. There are scars everywhere on it. Every time it twitches, dark red seeps around the huge heart. , Rancid, disgusting blood.

what is this? This is Mordor? why? How is this going? What did I see?

Sauron stared blankly in front of his eyes, and then he looked down as if attracted by something.

Below, the dark and hard tower that originally supported Sauron’s demon eyes has now become an arm with sores everywhere. This arm is raised high, and the outstretched palm will hold Sauron The magic eye is clinging to it.

But Sauron did not look away.

In other words, he couldn't look away.

Under Sauron’s stare, the wound on his arm that looked like it had been bitten by some animal gradually opened. Then, one eye emerged from it, and they appeared on the fingers, palms, arms, in all directions. It's densely packed everywhere. Although each eye had a different angle, they were staring at Sauron.

do not look at me!

Sauron roared, but these eyes didn't obey his orders at all, just staring at him.

Get out of me!



Those eyes Sauron is not unfamiliar. He remembers these eyes. Before he became the Dark Lord and abandoned his body, he also knew the meaning of those eyes. Sauron originally thought that he had already left everything behind. Behind the head. But now, when these eyes stared at him again, he was horrified to find that the memory that had been dusted up, like a living dead being awakened, crawled out of the grave!

"Go away! Go away!"


The eyeballs began to expand, and each eyeball protruded from the eye sockets like a balloon, and then burst with a "bang". Then, flesh and blood tentacles came out from it, like vines hovering around the trees. Going forward like this, surrounded Sauron's magic eyes.

"...No, don't come...Don't come..."

Looking at these disgusting creations, Sauron felt fear for the first time. However, the tentacles did not hear his roar, his voice, they still moved forward and came to the Eye of Sauron.

Then, Sauron saw the tops of these tentacles suddenly split apart, turning into tentacles, and then these tentacles began to expand again, becoming larger, turning into eyeballs staring at him.

He stared at it stared at him stared at it stared at him...

"Do not-----!!!"

The earth began to tremble.

The screams of screams echoed in the sky, and even the people fighting below were shocked. Gandalf looked up and saw that the magic eye at the top of the dark tower was desperately swinging. It looked around frantically, as if trying to get rid of something. Then the next moment, that eyeball suddenly swelled, and then there was a "boom"—a direct explosion.

The howling storm instantly enveloped Mordor, the earth shattered and the sky trembled.

"What happened? Gandalf?!"

At this moment Alagon also hurriedly came to Gandalf and yelled loudly.

"I don't know, maybe... Frodo succeeded?"

Gandalf was also very confused. He could feel that Sauron's soul was struggling in pain. At first Gandalf also meant that Frodo had succeeded, but soon he realized that something was wrong, because if Frodo succeeded, it would mean that Sauron would be completely exiled. But now, Sauron's performance seems to be different from what he expected...?

"Cut, this won't work?"

Contrary to the confused Gandalf, Fang Zheng looked at the magic eye exploding not far away, and couldn't help but curl his mouth. He originally thought that the Dark Lord could resist the aura of the old god, but he didn't expect that Sauron would be so casually, he would be mentally contaminated just by a single encounter. Now his SAN value has returned to zero and he is completely in a state of madness.

So there are often no wet shoes when standing by the river... right?

"No...! Frodo!"

Just when Fang Zheng sighed helplessly, suddenly, his ears caught the screams coming from the Doomsday Volcano. Hearing this sound, Fang Zheng also blinked, and then turned around and rushed towards the Doomsday Volcano.

When Fang Zheng came to the gate of the volcano, he could see a short and fat halfling kneeling on the ground, as if crying bitterly.

"what happened?"

Fang Zheng walked in and looked at the halfling.

"Why are you crying? Where's Frodo? He threw the ring into the volcano?"

"No... sir... not... he..."

At this moment, the halfling was also dumbfounded. Facing Fang Zheng's question, he stammered out the truth of the matter-it turned out that everything went well until just now. Frodo walked into the passage with the ring, and then he just had to throw the ring into the volcano. However, unexpectedly, halfway through, Sauron's scream came from outside, and when he heard this scream, Frodo seemed to have changed himself, raising the Lord of the Rings and shouting.

"Sauron is dead, this ring doesn't need to be thrown away anymore, it's mine now!"

Hearing this, the short halfling was naturally shocked and wanted to stop Frodo's crazy behavior. At this moment, Frodo put on the ring in front of him and disappeared.

That's why he yelled.

"That's it."

After listening to this halfling's narration, Fang Zheng scratched his head--he didn't expect that he played too much, and he actually played the plot?

But it doesn't matter, it's not that there is no opportunity for remedy.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng glanced around, then he suddenly reached out and grabbed the shadow next to him.


Accompanied by a scream, a thin halfling man was directly caught by Fang Zheng pinching his neck from the shadows. He waved his hands in horror and grasped Fang Zheng's arm hard, desperately trying to struggle. However, Fang Zheng didn't care about his resistance at all, just brought the halfling to the end of the passage and lifted him up.

"Give you a chance to throw the Lord of the Rings down by yourself, or I can throw you down. UU Reading www.uukアnshu.com"

"Let go of me, that is my ring!!"

Facing Fang Zheng's cold warning, Frodo still struggled desperately, without any intention of stopping. Hearing Frodo's answer, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows and let go of his hand-the next moment, the halfling fell from his hand and fell towards the volcano.


Seeing this scene, another short and fat halfling suddenly screamed, and Frodo also let out a horrified cry, but at this moment, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand again and grabbed him.

"Last chance, you choose your own ring? Or is it your fate?"


This time, Frodo didn't answer immediately. He stared at Fang Zheng. The fear of death just now seemed to make his mind a little more sober. In the end, Frodo gritted his teeth, pulled out the ring he was wearing on his finger, and threw it down against the volcano under his feet.

The golden lord of the ring fell from the sky in this way and fell towards the volcano. And at this moment, suddenly, another thin voice suddenly rushed past the two of them.

"No, that's baby, my baby!!"

The skinny stinking Gollum screamed and rushed out of the cliff. It reached out to the Lord of the Rings below and smiled excitedly.

But the next moment, they just fell into the magma, and disappeared completely before they even had time to make a splash.

At the same time, the volcano began to tremble, and the roaring force gradually erupted.


Fang Zheng let go of Frodo and threw him to the ground.

"It seems you have made a correct choice."

He stared at the undecided halfling and spoke.


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