Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2719: One after another (the automatic dough pressing machine is very useful)

"What the **** did you do!"

Walking into the interrogation room again, Kirk didn't even bother to be polite on the surface. He grabbed Diana by the collar and stared at her viciously. The reason for the chaos of this young guy is simple. After learning that the connection with the Earth was interrupted, he immediately contacted the York City Space Station, and was surprised to learn that it was not just the Earth that had happened. In fact, it was now counted. Problems have already occurred in each colony, and many places have been completely out of contact. At this time, the Star Federation is also in a mess, and I don't know what happened.

"I told you that it's too late."

However, Diana just sneered and looked at Kirk, and then she glanced at Spock next to Kirk.

"The Star Alliance’s approach is wrong. Humans, and only humans are the masters of the universe! But you, you, you gave up your mission, and you actually got along with these aliens! There is no weapon, no power, and hope is only achieved through negotiation. Purpose! Absurd, stupid! The history of mankind is the history of war!"

"That was the dark age! It is a new age now, not before!"

"This is just your delusion. All aliens are our enemies."

Diana was unmoved.

"Human civilization should rise to a higher level, instead of mingling with a group of alien creatures like it is now. Our enemy is not just Klingons. Can you guarantee that the Vulcans will not rebel against us one day? They are the same as the Romulans! Human beings can only rely on human beings in the end!"

Okay, another Sebrus.

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. He is not surprising. Race differences exist in every civilization. The saying that non-self races must have different hearts has been passed down by the ancestors for thousands of years. There is such a anthropomorphic organization in the mass effect world, and now it seems that the Unification Church can be regarded as their counterpart.

It's just that the former chose to be a terrorist in the technological age, while the latter intends to conquer the world with religious beliefs.

Now it seems that Uni-President is still a bit better than Sebrus.

After all, regardless of the generation, religious brainwashing is the most powerful.

Moreover, it cannot be said that there is no truth in the unified teaching, after all, there is a gun in his hand, and I am not panicked. And taking the law of the dark forest as an example, whether it's friendly or hostile, it's always right to have an olive branch and a sword in one hand.

However, the Star Alliance side seems to pay more attention to daily development and communication and coordination, and does not spend too much time on the upgrading of armaments, and the humans in this world are not invincible. Both Klingon and Romulan are stronger than the Star Alliance, and the former are full of aggressiveness. To say that they will not go to war against the Star Alliance and can always maintain peace... Fang Zheng didn't believe this.

The same is true for Fang Zheng himself. Although he has always taken a non-interference attitude towards the development of various worlds, the upgrade of the Swarm in secret has never stopped, and Fang Zheng will not fall when there is an opportunity to increase the strength of the Swarm. Just in case, he can still use the insect swarm to support the scene.

The so-called two-handed grasp, both hands must be hard, that's it.

But now it seems that the Unification Church obviously looks down on the weak pacifist style of Star Alliance, so it simply relies on the imprint of the gods in their hands to directly embark on the path of idealistic ascension... Now it seems that they have succeeded. ?

However, Fang Zheng always felt that things were not so simple, because on the surface, the Unification Church's approach seemed to be thinking about the future sensibly, but inside it was full of some radicalized chaotic actions. Although Diana has been concealing this point, Founder can see that the dispute between her and Kirk is not simply that the Unification Church and the Star Alliance do not agree with each other.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng looked at Irene.

"Aren't you a witch? Can you make a Veritaserum for the other person to tell the truth?"

"Of course, but I have no material in this world."

Irena spread her hands.

"The witch is not omnipotent. Although I can make these things, there is no way without the materials. Unfortunately, this world does not seem to have the materials in my world. It is not a day or two to find a substitute. Thing."

"What about magic?"

"It doesn't seem to be suitable to use magic on this."

Irene was obviously reluctant, and Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. He could also use similar magic, but as Irene said, this kind of information obtained by magic is prone to problems, even if they can guarantee the truthfulness of the information. Sex, but in such a world, it is not a good choice to have a guy who can let you say everything in your heart at will.

If Irene is in her own world, then she might not hesitate. After all, there are magic and witches in that world. Most people know this common sense and understand that witches can do some magical things. However, in this world, this kind of power is still a taboo. If it is not by Fang Zheng's side, Irena will not use her magic.

"Big brother!"

Fortunately, Ling made a new discovery at this time.

"We parsed the information file on that aunt's body and found new information!"


Hearing this, Fang Zheng hurriedly dropped Kirk who was still entangled with Diana, returned to the bridge, and began to carefully observe the information in front of him.

As a senior of the Unification Church, Diana naturally carried a lot of important secrets with him. Of course, the Unification Church was not a fool, and these things were naturally encrypted. But this is of course useless in front of Bliksem, and direct brute force cracking is a matter of minutes.

However, the more Fang Zheng looked at the information, the more solemn his expression became.

The information that Diana carried with him can be said to be a top-secret document of the Unification Church, and the information inside is even more appalling. According to the descriptions in these documents, the Unification Church actually discovered the imprints on the earth hundreds of years ago. Not only that, but after that, they also discovered imprints on other planets. Since then, the Unification Church has been conducting research on the **** seal, including analyzing it, copying it, and then making several copies and placing them on different colonies for various experiments-of course, basically all of them are played. Take it off.

However, even so, the Unification Church still keeps the Star Alliance strictly confidential, and their plan is very careful. Although the experiment of the Shenyin replica was out of control and caused various colonial disasters, these disasters did not happen continuously in a short period of time. , But it happened in units of decades. The Star Alliance has been expanding its power wildly. It is not surprising that there are problems with the colony. As long as there is no major problem, they will not particularly care.

But Founder didn't care about these, he was more concerned about the description in this document.

According to the documents of the Unification Church, they have almost figured out the entire process of how the **** seal works. According to the statement in the document, the seal of God will send out a kind of mental fluctuation, which will have an impact on the people around it. In this process, only the "chosen" people can obtain the knowledge and blessings of the **** seal, and other people will have various hallucinations, and then start a series of killings.

Then the killed corpse will become a corpse variant under the action of the **** seal-but in fact, it is not the end here.

According to the document description, after turning everyone into corpse morphs, these corpse morphs will actively gather under the **** seal like moths attracted by lights. When the number of corpse morphs reaches a certain level, they will begin to last. One step action-aggregation.

In other words, the seal of God will put all these corpses into space, and then these corpses will fuse with the asteroids to form a half-rock, half-flesh creature-the blood moon.

And this is the ultimate evolution that Unification Church believes.

They have conducted investigations in many alien relics before, and believe that many alien civilizations have passed this step to surpass themselves and evolve to the next stage. That's why the Unification Church decided to let humans join the ranks and ascend to the next stage to become a real higher being.

Diana came to the Titan Space Station this time. In addition to destroying the equipment here and allowing it to enter the third stage of aggregation, it was to take away Isaac Clark, because he was also the object selected by the seal of God, and there was something in his brain. His knowledge is very important to Unification Church, so Diana will send someone to rescue him.

"In other words, if we didn't blow up the space station, the corpse variants inside would gather in front of the **** seal and start to converge into a brand new higher life form?"

Fang Zheng stared at the document in front of him and tapped his finger. He was now more and more worried. Because according to the goddess of the sky, the purpose of the hoarfrost program is indeed to test the evolution of civilization, but its function is strictly speaking more like testing rather than actively evolving, let alone transforming all living things into corpse variants and then Fusion together or something... Is this really called evolution?

Now Founder is 80% sure that this program is definitely contaminated by chaos, just don’t know the degree of pollution, but one piece of debris is enough to cause such a big impact on this world, a world that has stepped into cosmic civilization. So the threat of Hoarfrost's body is obviously only higher.

There is only one way to figure out what happened.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng made a gesture to Altina.

"Call Isaac here."

Soon, the cosmic engineer who used to be in and out of the corpse variant, who can be called interstellar, came to Fang Zheng, facing the man in front of him, Isaac's attitude was very vigilant, no wonder, After all, he had been interrogated and tortured by the Unification Church before, and he was very sensitive to any similar situation at the moment.

Fang Zheng didn't waste time either. He explained the situation to Isaac, and Isaac's expression suddenly changed.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, but we want to figure out what the aggregation is."

"I do not know."

Isaac shook his head.

"I don't even know what you are talking about aggregation or other things. UU reading www.uukanshu.com I know that Unification Church has been studying these things, but I really can't understand the things they said, the knowledge...symbols... ...I only know that they are in my head..."

"I understand, I just want to say... I read the interrogation record of Unification Church. According to your statement, that **** seal once appeared in your mind in the image of your... deceased girlfriend to communicate with you?"


Isaac nodded tiredly.

"I really thought she was alive at first, but she didn't. She was dead. No, maybe I knew it a long time ago, but I forced myself to forget it... Anyway, she died. And the illusion did not Disappearing, she is still torturing me and pestering me... I hope I can become one with it."

It is the final evolution of the blood moon.

Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his brow.

"Can you still see those illusions now?"

"I can't see it anymore."

Isaac shook his head.

"After you destroyed the space station, the illusion disappeared from my eyes. But I know this is not the end. If I encounter a **** seal again, maybe the illusion in my mind will resurface.


In other words, what God imprinted in Isaac's mind is not just symbols and knowledge, maybe it is also a communication interface?

if it is like this……

"Mr. Isaac."

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng looked at Isaac.

"I need your help on something."

"what's up?"

"It's very simple."

Faced with Isaac's question, Fang Zheng smiled harmlessly.

"I want to use your brain."


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