Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2743: Pests in the garden (the bees finally ran away after dark...

The so-called nine-school battle is not much different from the ring competitions in many online novels. This is a competition held between the first high school to the ninth high school of the National University of Magic and Magic. Each school is divided into a men’s group and a women’s group. For types of competitions, the player with the highest total score wins-in simple terms, it is a large-scale inter-school sports festival.

And just like the settings in online novels, generally there will be many high-ranking officials and high-level people in the magic world in this kind of competition. On the one hand, they come to appreciate the game, but also to collect talents.

Similarly, this is also the best stage to show magic. For example, if someone showed a brand new magic during the Battle of Nine Schools, they would be immediately found by the relevant staff and asked if they wanted to join INDEX. On weekdays, even if you apply for your own magic to join INDEX, you will go through a very cumbersome procedure. In the Nine Schools War, these rules are all eliminated, and everything is subject to the ultimate goal.

And if Fang Zheng wants to publish his flying magic, then the best way is naturally to show it in the Battle of Nine Schools, so that it will immediately become famous and be known to everyone.

In fact, Shizuku Kitayama's father also had the same idea. There is no better advertising occasion than the Battle of the Nine Schools. If you can show the prowess of flying skateboards during the Battle of the Nine Schools, you can basically avoid any advertisements.

And Fang Zheng naturally wanted to participate in the Battle of Nine Schools. Of course, the reason why he wanted to participate was not to win honor or to build a reputation for the school. On the contrary, Fang was aimed at destroying the seedlings.

Those who are eligible to participate in the Nine-School Battle are all elite players from each school. If they can be completely abolished, then the future of the new generation of Japan will be completely abolished. He has deep experience in this, and I think that was the case when he played the piano. Basically, many of the children who had played with him collapsed directly, and no longer had the motivation to continue playing the piano.

It is just an artistic exaggeration to see that an opponent that cannot be defeated can still ignite the fighting spirit like the one in the animation. In fact, in reality when you realize that no matter how hard you work, you can't defeat it, then the rest is naturally frustration and decline.

This is what Fang Zheng has to do now. He has to appear in an unparalleled crushing posture in the Battle of Nine Schools, so that other opponents can fully realize that no matter how hard they work, they cannot touch one of their fingers, thus completely destroying their spirits. , So that the future seedlings in these gardens were completely depressed and finished.

Fangzheng now is like a pest in the garden, sharpening his knife to completely kill the delicate seedlings in front of him.

Unfortunately, there is no gardener who can stop him.

After that, Nanakusa Mayumi and the others also experienced a flying skateboard. Then, like Chiba Erica and others, from the initial anxiety to indulge in it, and even to the end, they stayed behind and didn’t want to leave... If it weren’t for the class bell, I’m afraid These people may choose to skip class collectively.

Although everyone was in high spirits, only one of them was not very interested.

That is Sibo Shenxue.

Although she was also excited about flying a skateboard at first, after returning to the classroom, Shiba Shenxue's expression became a little depressed.

Maybe others don't know, but for Si Bo Shenxue, Fang Zheng has become a nightmare for her.

Prior to this, Sibo Shenxue had always thought that her brother was the best. Although there were some problems in personality, he was quite good in ability and was superhuman-in fact, it was the same, at least when Sibo Shenxue entered Before high school, she hadn't seen anyone comparable to her brother.

Until she entered a high.

At the beginning, I was enrolled as a freshman. I and my elder brother had similar results on the theoretical level, but only because my elder brother was not suitable for practical operation, so I was deducted points. But even so, Shen Xue, who knew her brother's true strength, didn't think her brother would be a loser. She silently defended in her heart, but her brother was too special, and other people didn't know his power.

If the results are calculated according to the strength of his brother, then he should undoubtedly be the one standing at the top-Sibo Shenxue originally thought so.

Until the appearance of Fangzheng.

Not only the theoretical score is perfect, but the actual operation is also perfect...Even the start speed test is exactly the same for the two of them to milliseconds.

At first Sibo Shenxue really thought it was just a coincidence, but as the other party's positive understanding increased, she increasingly doubted whether it was a coincidence as the other party said. According to Sibo Shenxue's understanding of Fangzheng, he might be able to easily break his own record. The reason why he didn't do that was because he didn't want to be on stage to give a speech on behalf of the freshmen, so he chose the same record as himself.

Although this fits Fang Zheng’s character very well, Si Bo Shenxue did not dare to imagine it because the two people were in different examination rooms. If what she expected was the fact, it would mean that Fang Zheng could not only know what she did across the examination room, It can even be copied perfectly, and in the guessing game after this, he was also deliberately defeated...If this is the case, then it means that this man's strength is unfathomable and unimaginable.

At least Shiba Shenxue can hardly imagine her brother can do the same thing.

In addition, what Si Bo Shenxue admired most was Fang Zheng's character.

Her brother was deprived of his feelings for some reason, which also caused him to be very slow in responding to people other than himself. Although it is not that he can't fight back or scold him, unless the matter involves Sibo Shenxue, Otherwise, Spoda has almost no interest. It is precisely because of this that he will be used as a tool by so many people.

Si Bo Shenxue had thought more than once that if his brother could speak as straightforward as Fang Zheng, and whoever dared to find trouble and directly confuse him, then he would not fall into the current situation.

Precisely because of this, Si Bo Shenxue actually had a little bit of resentment deep in his heart. It was obvious that his elder brother was also very capable, but just because he was not used to being public, the limelight was robbed by Fang Zheng. Now that a semester has not passed, Fang Zheng has become a man of the highest rank, and almost no one does not know him from top to bottom.

As for his elder brother... Nowadays, many people even forget that Sibo Shenxue also has an elder brother.

The research on flying magic made Sibo Shenxue feel a little restless, others didn’t know, but Sibo Shenxue knew very well that his brother had been doing research on the generalization of flying magic. Her elder brother is full of confidence. She thinks that no matter how Fang Zheng shows off, as long as her elder brother solves the three major problems of aggravating magic, he will definitely be recorded in the annals of history and become a star.

However, what Sibo Shenxue did not expect was that even this was actually completed by Fang Zheng first?

But soon, Si Bo Shenxue discovered that it was more than that.

With the end of the first semester, the results of the final exam came out. Among the first-year students, the highest total score of theory and practical skills is still Fangzheng, with the highest score, followed by Shiba Miyuki, Mitsui Hoika and Kitayama Shizuku. .

The problem is not here, but the theoretical results.

In the theoretical ranking list, the first place is also Founder, the second place is Sibo Daye, and the third place is Sibo Shenxue.

Frankly speaking, this score ranking has dealt a considerable blow to Sibo Shenxue, because it is tantamount to his brother and sister being hanged up and beaten by Fang Zheng...

Of course, Fang Zheng wouldn't care how Sibo Shenxue's fragile mind was hit, after all, after the final exam, he only focused on one focus.

Nine school battles.

"According to the regulations, four of the six competitions are shared by men and women. The secret tablet decoding is limited to the men's group, and the fantasy star is limited to the women's group. Each competition has a maximum of three people in each school, and there are male and female contestants in the same event. Separate calculations, including regular and rookie competitions, each of five men and women must choose two of the five competitions, and the other five must focus on one."

Nanakusa Mayumi once again preached the rules, and then looked at the people at the conference table.

"So about the players..."

"I have an opinion."

Fang Zheng raised his hand and interrupted Mayumi Nanakusa's words.

"What's the matter? Kasuga-san?"

"I want to participate in the regular season and the rookie game at the same time. I wonder if the president can make it convenient?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's proposal, everyone present was stunned.

"is that OK."

And Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Mayumi Nanakusa with a grin.

"According to the convention, the rookie competition is limited to first-year students, but the regular season does not limit the age. In this way, I can participate in the regular season and the rookie competition at the same time."

"But... there is no precedent..."

"Yeah, Kasuga, and if you do this, a bad one will cause trouble."

At this time, Watanabe Mori also interrupted and said, as Nanakusa Mayumi said, according to the rules of the nine-school battle, each school can register for a maximum of three people in each competition. If the founder asks him to participate in both the rookie competition or the regular season, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com then means that there will be one less player in every competition here.

There are not a few people who want to make a name for themselves in the Battle of Nine Schools, and Fang Zheng will naturally provoke resentment if he steals someone else's place without saying a word.

"It doesn't matter."

Founder snorted coldly.

"And isn't it more interesting? Think about it, if one person wins all the titles in the regular season and the rookie competition at the same time, isn't it interesting?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, everyone was stunned, and immediately afterwards, Watanabe Mori immediately showed an expression of excitement.

"It seems to be so!"

Having said this, Watanabe Mori immediately looked at Mayumi Nanakusa.

"In history, no one has ever been able to win both the regular season and the rookie Grand Slam at the same time! If Kasuga wins, then he will be the first person in the nine school battle!"

"But... although that's the case... but there is no way to guarantee that Kasuga-kun can successfully win all the championships..."

Hearing Watanabe Mori's answer, Nanakusa Mayumi seemed hesitant, and Fangzheng shrugged.

"That's very simple. Whoever refuses to accept it, just have a game with me. If they can win, then let them participate. If they can't, then the quota belongs to me... No problem."


Nanakusa Mayumi thought for a moment, and finally under Fang Zheng's gaze, she sighed and nodded.

"Then, it's so decided."

Hearing Nanakusa Mayumi's answer, Sibo Shenxue sighed inwardly.

It would be great if my brother could also participate in the competition...


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