Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2755: Magic weapon? (The finger was cut through a hole today)

After the dinner was another celebration party, the teenagers and girls who had worked hard for ten days could finally relax and have a good time.

However, Fang Zheng was too lazy to mix it up. After opening the champagne, he went back to his room and rested happily.

In fact, Fang Zheng also wanted to take this opportunity to seduce a few girls, and then went back to the room to be humiliated. After all, with his appearance, plus his own limelight, and the eager gaze of the girls at the banquet, if you don't have to choose, then Founder can really do it-it's weird!

Of course, this is not because the charm of Founder is not big enough, but because of the values ​​of girls in this world.

Fang Zheng had complained about it before, and it was clearly the end of the 21st world. The clothing taste of this world is actually a virtue of Showa. But in fact, it is not only the taste of clothing, but the female consciousness of this era is also different from the Showa era.

In Japan at the beginning of the 21st century, women were still a little open. Of course, at least judging by Founder's personal experience, most women are not resistant to premarital behavior. Even among female students, there will be scenes of "because they are inexperienced so they will be embarrassed, so we must get rid of this state as soon as possible".

But in this era of Japan, it feels bad for Founder.

This is not feudalism, but it seems that there has been a 180-degree change in the concept of women. For example, in the summer, when men and women were the most relaxed, many students took advantage of the summer heat wave to easily board. Up the steps of an adult. After all, in their opinion, this is a cool thing.

Putting it in this world, women in this world seem to think that pre-marital behavior is not cool. On the contrary, it is cool to be able to keep working hard until they are not succeeded by a man before marriage.

In fact, Fang Zheng sometimes hears the conversations between some senior girls. Unlike in other worlds, such as "Wow, you did this step, it's really bold." On the contrary, these girls are communicating with each other. "At most he is only allowed to kiss his neck" "If you want to get an inch, you have to stop him" topics like this.

Fang Zheng had to shed a tear for men in this world.

It is also because of this that it is not easy to successfully master girls in this world-of course, except for brainwashing. Precisely because of this, it is not so easy for Fang Zheng to tease a girl in this world. After all, according to common sense, it is much more difficult to coax the other side to bed than in other worlds.

Even the perverted "sound world" does not give Fang Zheng such a troublesome feeling. The reason why the world is "sound" is simply because of "ignorance", so once they taste it, they will immediately degenerate faster than anyone else. . But this world is not ignorant, but values ​​have completely moved to another angle... In this case, Fang Zheng has no good way.

Of course, Fang Zheng wouldn't use his abilities casually just because of this trivial matter, so after opening the champagne, he decisively went back to rest.

However, others did not intend to let him go.

"Really, how can the champion hide here?"

Looking at Chiba Erica who opened the door confidently, Fang Zheng couldn't even sigh.

"How did you open the door? I obviously locked it."

"I'm a waiter, of course I have a backup key."

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Chiba Erica grinned and showed off the maid outfit she was wearing, and then walked in. Behind her, Shibada Mizuki, Kitayama Shizuku and Mitsui Hooka also followed.

"You guys..."

Seeing the girls file in, Fang Zheng also shook his head helplessly.

"If you are really free, go to bed, why are you here? You guys don't want to chat. Then I won't accompany you. Of course, I won't accompany you if you play games."

"Really, how can you be like an old grandfather at a young age."

Chiba Erica curled her lips and sat directly on the bed, looking around curiously.

"Before because of the game, I didn't come to disturb you. It's okay to disturb you now. Meiyue and I have been cheering for you too, right, Meiyue."

"Ah, uh..."

Hearing Chiba Erica's inquiry, Shibata Mizuki nodded.

"Speaking of which, I have always been curious."

At this moment, Chiba Erica suddenly approached Fang Zheng and stared at him.

"Kasuga, what exactly is your CAD like, show it to us?"

"This is your purpose, right."

Looking at the red-haired beautiful girl in front of him, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows. He was still wondering why these four people ran into his room without sleeping at night, but now he finally figured it out.

"Of course, I have always been curious and curious. After all, we have been together for a semester, but we have never seen you use CAD."

"I have used it in competitions."

"That's for the game, not your own item."

Chiba Erica obviously wouldn't listen to Fang Zheng's sophistry, on the contrary, she smiled and approached Fang Zheng again.

"You are also an ancient magician, so don't you use CAD?"

"For me, CAD really doesn't work."

Founder did not deny this, but Shibata Mizuki, Kitayama Shizuku, and Mitsui Honoka also looked at him curiously.

"So Kasuga-san, are you really an ancient magician?"

"I only know how to use magic. It doesn't matter how I use it. Of course, if I don't limit the CAD, I still have magic weapons."

"Hey? I want to see! Let us see, it shouldn't be a secret."

Hearing this, Chiba Erica's eyes glowed suddenly, and then she turned her head and looked at the other people around her.

"You guys think so too, right."

"Ah, uh..."

Facing Chiba Erica's inquiry, Mitsui Hooka also hesitated and nodded.

"I am also very curious."

Shizuku Beishan also stared at Fang Zheng curiously. Speaking of which, she and Fang Zheng often act together because of the relationship between flying magic and the core of automatic calculation, but Shizuku Beishan has never seen Fang Zheng use CAD or any magic props. Generally speaking, even users of ancient magic without CAD will have various characteristics. But the magic that Fang Zheng showed was all on its own, without any characteristics at all.

"You guys... forget it, idle is idle."

Fang Zheng stood up, looked at the four girls in front of him, and shook his head helplessly.

"It's okay to show you, but I hope you don't get too excited."

While talking, Fang Zheng raised his hands.

In the next moment, flames suddenly ejected from his hand, and then, two swords, one black and one white, one long and one short, emerged from the flames and appeared in front of the girls.


Seeing this scene before them, everyone was stunned. Chiba Erica stared at the two swords and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Kasuga, do you actually use a sword? You know how to use swordsmanship?"

"Understand a little bit."

Fang Zheng looked at the two swords floating in front of him, then snapped his fingers.

"Well, wake up, Restia, Esther."

Then, a stunned scene appeared.

In front of the girls, the two swords suddenly emitted a soft brilliance. The next moment, a purple-haired girl in a black dress and a white-haired girl in a white skirt quietly emerged from the sky, and then fell on In front of everyone. The former looked at the crowd with a smile, and bowed slightly to salute.

"Hello, meeting for the first time, I am Restia Asudoul."

"Tiluminus Esther."

The white-haired girl followed and introduced silently.


However, in the face of this scene, the girls were completely speechless. They stared blankly at the two people who appeared out of nowhere. After a while, Chiba Erica reached out and pulled herself. Cheeks.

"it hurts!"

Perhaps it was the result of too much effort, Chiba Erica jumped up directly, while the others still stood there dumbfounded, looking at the two people in front of them, speechless.

After a while, Mitsui Hooka spoke tremblingly.

"Well, what's going on... the sword... the sword turned into a girl?"


At this time, the others seemed to have reacted, and they didn't seem to have reacted at all. Shibata Mizuki's eyes widened in surprise, staring at the two girls without blinking, not knowing what to say. Even Kitayama Shizuku, who is always silent, silent, and expressionless on weekdays, opened his eyes in surprise, as if seeing an unbelievable scene.

While Fang Zheng completely ignored the confusion and confusion of the girls in front of him, UU read www.uukanshu.com instead patted the shoulders of his two sword elves.

"Let me introduce to you again, they are my contracted sword elves, that is, my weapons... Okay, should your curiosity be satisfied now?"

"No, no, no, there is no satisfaction, what the **** is going on? Why did the sword become such two cute girls, what have you done?"

Chiba Erica obviously wouldn't be persuaded by Fang Zheng in this way, she shook her hands desperately, and kept asking. Mitsui Honoka's focus was a bit wrong, she stared at Restia and Esther carefully, then lowered her head to look at her body, and then sighed insignificantly.

"Hehe, I can't tell you this."

Fang Zheng obviously didn't intend to answer Chiba Erica's meaning, he snapped his fingers again, and then he saw Restia and Esther change back into weapons and disappear into the flames.

"Well, you have seen my magic weapon, you should be satisfied, now I am going to rest, you also go back to sleep."

While talking, Fang Zheng pushed the four girls out of the room, and then closed the door. And because they were so shocked that when Fang Zheng pushed them out, the four girls almost didn't react. When they recovered, the door was completely closed in front of them.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Chiba Erica stared at the closed door in a daze, then turned to look at the others. The others also shook their heads.

But one thing is certain, they don't want to sleep well tonight.


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