Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2770: Win-win

The devastating explosion in the Pacific Ocean soon spread throughout the world.

Owning satellites, it is clear that Ta Ya and Japan are not the only ones who have detected the conflict. In addition, because the above is deliberately not keeping secrets, things about Destiny Gundam and the destruction of strategic magic quickly spread.

Of course, in a strict sense, this can be regarded as the Founder’s instructing Daya to fuel the flames.

This war can be regarded as a win-win situation for both parties. For Japan, they prevented aggression and kept their territory.

For Ta Ya, this is also worth celebrating.

With the end of the war, the Korean and Vietnamese forces that had jumped up and down in the Great Asia Alliance were severely hit. Their fleets were completely annihilated, and their personnel suffered heavy casualties. And it was completely defeated. All this caused the people in the two regions to feel grievances and dissatisfaction. Therefore, the representatives of the main battle faction had to take the responsibility and step down sadly.

On the contrary, it was the Dahan side, because he had long been secretly communicating with Fang Zheng, so before the beginning, he had been firmly opposed to the joint war with the new Soviet Union. Therefore, they also took advantage of this defeat and successfully seized the dominant power within the Great Asia Alliance, which was a turnaround. After all, the attack on the big man was a crime of non-war, but this time it was a mistake of strategic judgment. The representatives of Vietnam and Korea had no room for excuse at all, and could only get out of their lives obediently.

After gaining the dominance, the Han forces immediately reformed the alliance drastically. On the one hand, they signed an armistice agreement with Japan, and on the other hand, they also reformed the Great Asia Alliance. One of them was to change the name of the Great Asia Alliance. Change to Pan-Asian Union. After all, the name originally came up with that group of monkeys. It's too public and doesn't fit the idea of ​​making a fortune with a muffled voice. It happened to be used by this reform to change the name by the way...

In order to appease the public opinion in Pan-Asia, they naturally hyped up the existence of Gundam-this is inevitably a bit strange in the eyes of other countries and forces. After all, they have never seen the defeated party even happily beating the gongs and drums. I want to let the whole world know how they were defeated.

However, Pan Asia’s explanation for this is to inform the people that "it is not that our army is not strong, but that the other side has a high" to appease public opinion... This is not justified.

No matter what madness Pan Asia has made, at least under their deliberate propaganda, the whole world knows the existence of Destiny Gundam. This also made the Japanese government hate it. They originally thought that the other party would hide all this in order to avoid shaking the military spirit. Just like the Okinawa battle three years ago, as long as you don’t say it, I don’t say it, then the secret weapon will always be a secret.

But I didn't expect that this time Pan Asia didn't know which brain string was wrong. Everyone knows that they have to do it. Now Japan has to become very passive.

Of course, the worst thing was the New Soviet Union. The Pacific Fleet was wiped out. Their influence in East Asia was greatly reduced. Moreover, the pan-Asian side also fell into trouble, claiming that this joint operation was proposed by them, and the result was even the most basic. I couldn't do well in intelligence investigations, and it also caused the loss of the fleet of two military regions on my side. This also brought the reputation of the new Soviet Union to the bottom.

As for Fang Zheng's side, after returning to Yokohama, he and Destiny Gundam were taken away by the military immediately and conducted a careful inquiry and investigation.

However, the result also made the Japanese military very helpless.

"In other words... Isn't that the effect of some weapon, but the power of that Kasugano-kun's own magic has been augmented?"

Looking at the investigation report in front of him, Kazama Xuanxin frowned and asked, while Lieutenant Fujibayashi, who was standing in front of him, nodded.

"Yes, we have also checked. There is indeed no military weapons or similar settings on the aircraft. According to Kasugaye-kun, the reason why he was able to defeat the combined fleet was based on a body named'spirit'. The force skeleton' system, it can amplify the magician's magic in a short period of time and release it."

"you sure?"

"I'm very sure."

Having said this, Lieutenant Fujilin gave a wry smile.

"Because Kasugano-kun showed his strength in front of us... Frankly speaking, that is not something we can resist at all."

"Compared with the Black Captain?"

The "Great Black Special Lieutenant" referred to by Kenshin Kazama was Sibo Tatsuya who was aliased as "Great Black Dragon Ya".

"If you want to compare two people, I'm afraid it's hard to say, but he is also a very powerful magician."


Kazama Xuanxin closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then looked at Lieutenant Fujibayashi.

"In fact, the above is considering the removal of Lieutenant Great Black."

"Hey? Why... wait, because of fate?"

Hearing Kazama Xuanxin's answer, Lieutenant Fujibayashi was shocked, and then immediately reacted.


Xuanxin Kazama nodded.

"You and I both know that the greatest effect of Captain Black's existence lies in his deterrence as a strategic magician."

"But now this deterrent is not the only one..."

"Yes, and I heard that the separation of the Yotsuba family seems to have made some comments. They seem to think that the mental state of Captain Daikoku is not stable. There was no way before, but now that there are alternatives, continue to let the big The existence of Captain Black is not a good thing."


Lieutenant Fujibayashi didn't know what to do. Of course, she understood why there were such thoughts above. After all, Spoda was a person, and if he was alone, then the spirit would be unstable and even full of threats. But destiny is just a weapon. Although they have discovered in these days of inspections that unless they are a very powerful magician, there is no way to drive destiny, but even so, its requirements are still much lower. After all, which country There are not a few powerful magicians?

The Gundam is a weapon and a machine. The machine has no self-awareness and heartlessness and can be controlled.

But it's hard for people to say... an existence that has its own powerful ability to destroy the world will always make the people above feel jealous.

Besides, even if there is no Spoda, isn’t there still Kasuga? Headed by him, and then train a few magicians as drivers to control the mecha, its power will not be much worse than Spoda, and it is better to control. No matter how powerful the strategic magician is, there is only one person. If it is defeated, it will have a great impact on the nation, just like the patron saint falling down.

But conversely, if the machine is destroyed, it can be remanufactured. Even if it doesn't require as many backups, at least it won't be too few.

"But... do you really want to... clear out the Black Special Lieutenant?"

Although it is not unclear, Lieutenant Fujibayashi still feels a little unhappy when he thinks of killing the donkey.

"Of course not. Although there are potential threats, purging generals without practical reasons will only cause trouble, but as far as the current situation is concerned...we have only one solution."

Kazama Xuanxin obviously didn't want Si Poda to be delisted, after all, he was also his own subordinate anyway, so Kazama Xuanxin also used a lot of methods to change this ending. In the end, the decision made above was changed, and he was somewhat relieved-although he was not naive enough to think that the other party would not start with Spoda again, or strictly speaking, it was right. It was a test for Siboda to determine whether he was still willing to serve the country.

For Xuanxin Kazama, there is only this he can do now.

And soon, Founder also learned the news.

"Exchange study?"

Fang Zheng looked at the file in front of him, squinted his eyes and raised his head, staring at Si Bo Shenxue, who unmistakably showed an unhappy expression.

"That's right... This is an offer from the U.S., and we're next here."

Said this, Sibo Shenxue was quite unhappy. Of course she understood what was going on. Although the Yotsuba family had collapsed and the remaining divisions were not enough to maintain the influence and intelligence network of the Sibo family, Sibo Shen Xue was not a fool, she had guessed that it must be related to the large robot developed by Founder.

But the reason given above is also impeccable, because the girl who is going to study abroad is the opposite high school girl, so in exchange, I naturally have to exchange the same person for the past. As the developer of Destiny Gundam, Fangzheng must be For those who are not allowed to go abroad, then Sibo Shenxue, the second 10,000-year-old ranked below him, is naturally an exchange target.

Strictly speaking, Sibo Shenxue is not that unhappy, because the above agreed to Siboda's request to go to the United States with her, but when she thinks that the whole thing was done by Fangzheng, she finds it difficult to treat this man. Keep a good attitude.

"Not bad, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the United States is a good place to enjoy it."

Fang Zheng put down the document in his hand with a smile, and said that he was not a fool either. When he saw this document, Fang Zheng knew that everything he had done worked.

This is also normal. When it comes to manipulating people's minds, none of the ten Spodas are his opponents.


"Yes, it's Disney or something, it's perfect for dating and relaxing."

Fang Zheng said, looking at the file in front of him again, ignoring Si Bo Shenxue's face flushed after hearing the word "date".

And more importantly...

This time, they don't even think about coming back once they go.

So, have fun.

Fang Zheng silently sent a eulogy to the two of them.

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