Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2780: Tuan Mie (Ben Miao is now rolling and losing weight)

Soon, as the sun rose, a group of heavily armed magicians arrived at the island.

"Well, guys, I think we all know what we will encounter next."

The lead magician looked a little excited, and also a little nervous-in terms of his status, this seemed a bit embarrassing, but no one at the scene would laugh at him. After all, they are the same. Just looking at the huge black figure at the end of the island has made them feel extremely nervous. At this time, there is no time to worry about other people.

Almost all the prestigious magicians from various countries were present, and there were many family members who stood at the top of the magic world like the Japanese ten divisions. Even so, fighting a giant dragon made them feel extremely nervous and uneasy. After all, this is unprecedented, and no one knows what kind of power the giant dragon has, and whether they can really accomplish this combat mission. But of course it's useless to say it now...

"Then, follow the plan we booked earlier and act."

Before going to the island, the magicians already had a plan, and they also had an understanding of the topography of the island, so as to formulate a battle plan.

According to the plan, the thirty magicians were divided into three groups, of which Group A had the largest number of people. They were mainly responsible for attracting the attention of the dragon frontally. Group B is responsible for searching for the trail of Fangzheng on the island. After all, not everyone has the courage to challenge the dragon head-on. Instead of challenging a terrifying behemoth, they still find it more convenient to find someone to output. If they can find the Founder and defeat it, then it is also considered a victory.

As for the C group, it is specifically responsible for stealing the crystal. According to the plan, after the A group has attracted the attention of the dragon, the C group will steal the crystal while the dragon is not paying attention, and then leave the island.

The entire island has drones and satellite surveillance shooting, and it will broadcast live to the whole world. For these magicians, if this can perform well in the battle with the dragon, it will be an instant fame in the world.

Of course, if you make a fool of yourself, then

Angelina is in the A group. Her magic is not good at sneaking. The frontal attack is her specialty. Although the B group also invited her to join, Angelina would rather face a giant dragon than go. Going with Fang-the psychological shadow of Angelina from the battle that night was too great. After becoming a magician, Angelina has never lost so badly in a heads-up.

The feeling of being unable to fight back is really bad. If the opponent is a dragon, maybe you can let it go. But facing an opponent who is also a human being, losing to that level is simply unacceptable...

This island is not as big as the dinosaurs raised in Jurassic Park, but it is not a small island, and the dragon is located in a volcanic basin in the center of the island. When Angelina and her group walked through the forest, When I arrived at the destination, the first thing I saw was the sleeping dragon in a ball.

"...It's so big when you look up close..."

Looking at the motionless black dragon with her eyes closed, Angelina took a breath. The head of the dragon was as big as a house, even though the dragon seemed to be in a deep sleep at this moment. But every time it inhales and exhales, it emits a smelly and violent air current, which makes people unbearable to look directly at it.

"I have seen it in movies before, and I thought it was just a fantasy of ordinary people."

Another magician also squeezed his CAD tightly, his face pale.

"What do we do now...are we really going to provoke it?"

Although they have seen it through satellites and drones before, they can only feel that they are so small when they really come in front of this giant dragon...

"Cheer up, we are also magicians!"

The other magician also plucked up the courage and whispered.

"Our ancestors also fought against giant dragons, and we can do it naturally, have you all forgotten those myths and legends? Humans can fight against giant dragons not by brute force, but by wisdom!"

Hearing this, the other magicians also recovered and were full of courage again.

"Yes, that's it. Our purpose is to attract the dragon, not to kill it... Everyone, first prepare the flying magic, and then according to the predetermined plan, I will launch the first strike, and then we will use the woods as The cover is dispersed. Attack from the surroundings and try to attract its attention. As long as Group C finishes stealing the crystal, we can retreat."

Hearing the command of the lead magician, everyone nodded. After Fang Zheng developed the universal flying magic, magicians all over the world basically use flying magic, so they immediately activated the magic, and then quietly approached the dragon, and then the leading magician raised the CAD in his hand, Wave forward.


Soon, a hot and scorching beam burst out and hit the dragon's head. This blow was enough to penetrate a warship, but it hit the dragon without even scratching its skin, just emerging. A puff of black smoke.

But this was enough, because the black dragon under attack at this moment had opened his eyes and raised his head to look at everyone.

"Evacuate now!"

Although I had already felt very nervous in front of the dragon before, when the dragon really opened his eyes and stared at them, everyone felt an indescribable fear.

Being able to open his mouth and give orders under the gaze of the dragon, instead of being scared and slumping directly on the ground, is enough to prove that these magicians themselves are good.

However, just as the magicians flew into the air to try to disperse, they saw the pitch-black dragon suddenly speak, and then a low voice appeared in everyone's minds.

"Fortunately, I usually have to leave the den to find food."

The voice was so dark and low, as if a heavy hammer hit the magicians' hearts, and when they heard this voice, the magicians were shocked.

"This dragon can actually speak!?"

At this moment, the magicians were all panicked. They originally thought that the dragon in front of them was just a monster, and even if it was wise, it was not a human opponent. However, what they didn't expect was that this giant dragon could still speak! ?

In this case, the situation has completely changed. If this giant dragon can't speak, then it is just a beast. Even if it possesses great power, its wisdom is very limited. But if this dragon can not only speak, but can even communicate with them, that's another matter-this means that the wisdom of this dragon is not much worse than that of humans, and maybe it's even worse!

In this way, whether their previous rough plan will work is another matter!

"Know your situation, mortal!"

With these words, the black dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and at the same time, a roar that frightened the soul came from its mouth. And when this roar sounded, the few magicians closest to the black dragon suddenly seemed to be completely defeated. They completely forgot their mission, and screamed and turned and tried to escape--but the next moment, a huge The tail swept across in this way, and directly slapped these unlucky ones away.

"Retreat immediately, retreat, and hide in the forest!"

The magician headed at this moment was equally surprised, but he quickly issued the order and led the others into the woods. And Angelina also raised the magic weapon in her hand that looked like a cane, and attacked the black dragon. Soon, a plasma beam flew out and hit the black dragon again. However, even the full blow of a strategic magician could not cause the slightest damage to the black dragon in front of him. On the contrary, it seemed to be completely irritated.

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

With these words, the black dragon suddenly opened its wings and flew into the air!

"It's now!"

Seeing the black dragon leave, UU reading www.uukanshu. The captain of the comC group suddenly shined.

"Everyone, follow me, while the dragon is now led away by Group A, we immediately find the crystal and take it away!"

Soon, another group of men and horses moved quickly and ran towards the place where the black dragon had nested before. Sure enough, when they came to the black dragon's habitat, they saw a half-human crystal placed in the center of the earth. Seeing this, the captain of Group C suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Quickly, quickly, we will move it away soon!"

At the same time, Angelina, who attacked the black dragon, turned around and ran. At the moment when the black dragon was watching, Angelina only felt that her brain was completely blank. The pride and pride of being a "Sirius" was completely lost. After she left her head behind, the instinct to survive at this moment seemed to replace Angelina's reason to control her body, causing her to turn around and run desperately without any control.

But soon, Angelina realized that something seemed to be wrong. She originally thought that the dragon would chase her, but...the dragon didn't seem to be following her?

Thinking of this, Angelina slowed down, raised her height quietly, hiding in the bushes and looking around, but what surprised Angelina was that no matter she looked left or right, she couldn't see the shadow of the black dragon.

Where is the black dragon?

Perhaps it was a premonition that Angelina subconsciously raised her head and looked at the sky, and then... she was stunned.

I saw that black dragon was floating in the sky, staring at the ground, and then it raised its head.

The black dragon took a deep breath.

The next moment, the flames falling from the sky burst out violently, covering the entire island, turning them into a sea of ​​flames.


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