Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2790: Attacked (received the 19th anniversary gift box from the starting point today)

The explosion happened in an instant.

When the wall shattered and the hot flames pounced on their faces, everyone did not react. However, these flames did not achieve the goal. Soon, a golden yellow barrier emerged out of thin air, blocking the bursting flames, high temperature and debris.

Fang Zheng was sitting on the chair, looking bored at the big hole that was blown up behind him, while the others were stunned at this moment.

"How is this going?"

Even the Patriarch of the Tenth Division was stunned at this moment. They hurriedly came to the hole and looked outside, but the scene they saw next made them completely unimaginable.

I saw that on the roof around the Hakone Hotel, several men in black combat uniforms were holding light portable missile launchers in their forehands and firing portable missiles at the hotel. Soon, the missile with the white tail smoke flew out and struck towards the hotel, then Fang Zheng gave a cold snort and waved casually. The next moment the golden barrier appeared again, blocking the missile's attack.

"Really looking for death."

But this is obviously not the end.

While blocking the attack, the air behind Fang Zheng began to tremble, and countless sharp blades emerged out of thin air, aiming at enemies in the distance, and then a flash of light flashed by, and the sharp blade shot through the sky in the blink of an eye and penetrated the limbs of the distant enemy. , Nailed them to the ground.

However, the other party's attack did not mean to stop there. Just after Fang Zheng prevented the other party's missile attack, a strong flame burst out below the hotel, and then the entire hotel fell.

The hotel with dozens of floors was like being demolished by directional blasting. It crashed and disintegrated. The huge concrete building fell to the ground, causing a cloud of smoke and dust all around, enclosing the entire street. And not far away on the roof where there was no one, hundreds of pale people were staring at this scene blankly, not knowing what to say.

At the moment the hotel collapsed, Fang Zheng immediately locked all the people in the entire hotel and sent them directly out of the hotel... and because of this, the guests and staff in the hotel were able to escape.

The police rushed to the scene soon and began to conduct on-site search, rescue and evacuation. Of course, the staff and guests of the hotel must be questioned. Of course, Fangzheng and the members of the Tenth Division are no exception.

"Is it okay? Kasuga No-kun?"

"Well, it's okay."

To the uneasy voice of Mitsui Suika coming from the other end of the phone, Fang Zheng also calmed down a few words.

"You also told Shizuku, Erica and Mizuki don't need to worry, it's just a little trouble, it's not worth mentioning."

After comforting everyone, Fang Zheng hung up the phone and walked to Shi Wenke Ren, staring at him silently.

"Oh, there won't be an attack in the bustling city center, will you."

"Now please stop talking about this..."

Shiwenkeren's face is as black as coal right now, and the ghost knows that this can also be beaten in the face.

"Forget it, it's useless to say this now, did the prisoner catch it? What do you know?"

"The prisoner has been found, but they are all dead."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his brow.

"I shouldn't kill them."

"Yes, Kasuga-kun, you just pierced their hands and feet and nailed them to the ground, but according to the results of the police's on-site inspection, it seems that the other party has poison hidden in their teeth. After finding that the situation is not good, they bite them immediately. The poison sac committed suicide."

"It's really an old-school suicide method, which means that this group of people are not ordinary anti-magicists."

"Oh, yes."

Shiwenkeren also nodded solemnly at this moment. If it is said to launch an attack on the ten divisions, then it may also be done by humanists who hate magicians, but being able to commit suicide is another matter, at least this. This kind of thing, ordinary people can't do it.

"And from the outside, they are all foreigners, and now they have begun to suspect that it may be the sabotage of our country's magicians by foreign hostile forces."


Fang Zheng nodded meaningfully, without saying much.

After that, the people who had finished the investigation also returned to the headquarters of the Kanto Wizards Association to rest, and Fang Zheng said goodbye to the flash. After all, the current situation is messy, but according to the information obtained from the ten divisions, it is certain that the light portable missiles used by the other side were used by the U.S. military during World War Three. After the end of the Third World War, it was caused by magic. Many of the weapons used between wars in various countries have been sealed up, but some of them have flowed into the black market.

It is not yet possible to confirm the origins of these terrorists' identities and their goals, but for Fang Zheng... it doesn't matter.

Because after a day, the major news organizations received criminal statements from terrorists.

"——Yesterday, we attacked a hotel in Hakone, and the terrorist attacker was us. We were to sweep the demon power of magic from the ground and carry out holy wars. The attack yesterday was aimed at the head of the magician, ten It was carried out by the teacher clan. But unfortunately, the demon escaped the justice. But we will not give up, and we will continue to fight in order to liberate humans from the mutant called the magician. As long as the Japanese don’t If the magician is exiled, the number of victims will continue to increase."

When the terrorist's declaration was spread on television, the students of the first high school of course also knew about it.

"I have a pretty bad hunch."

In the club room, looking at the army of reporters outside, Nanakusa Mayumi touched her stomach... She has now decided to keep her stomach medicine.

"Terrorist attacks are really troublesome. Now about this matter, there have been remarks against magicians in society."

"For ordinary people, it is obviously disturbing for the magician to be implicated in the attack."

Shi Wenke Ren also shook his head.

"You are really laid back."

Looking at Fang Zheng, who was leisurely drinking coffee and reading a book, Mayumi Nanakusa was speechless.

"Now the magician is greatly affected, don't you care?"

"Don't mind, the magician was originally affected, but as the eldest lady of the tenth division clan, it can't affect you."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"And this is not a bad thing for me. At least for now, my Magic Autonomous Special Zone plan has received full support. Hmph, the Japanese government's politicians are just a bunch of pigs, and there is nothing to expect from them. It is impossible for them to offend their own ticket warehouse for this little thing, not to mention from their point of view, if the magicians are all dead."

Having said this, Fang Zheng took another sip of coffee.

"I have already negotiated with the principal. I took advantage of this opportunity to close the school and then began the transfer to the artificial island."

"Hey? Is it all right?"

"Almost, the central area is almost built, Beishan Industrial is still very effective, unlike the group of idiot politicians that takes half a month to approve a note."


Hearing this, Nanakusa Mayumi also didn’t know what to say. Now this situation is really troublesome, especially after the terrorist’s statement, many people and the media didn’t think it was the terrorist’s fault, but instead thought it was the magician. 'S fault. This is also very influential for the students in the first high school. Most of the boys are angry at the indiscriminate behavior of the media, and the girls are more afraid of the trend of hostility to magicians in society.

"However, if the world thinks that this is because we are afraid of them and chose to escape, it will make me very uncomfortable. Therefore, before that, I must make them understand that our magicians are not afraid of them. Stupid and incompetent idiots left the country."

"Kasugano-kun, what are you doing."

Seeing Fang Zheng put down the coffee cup and stood up, Nanakusa Mayumi felt her stomach hurt again.

"Accepting interviews, isn't this group of reporters coming here for this?"

Fang Zheng grinned open, showing a grinning smile.

"I promise to give them a big news."

When Fang Zheng came to the school gate, as expected, reporters who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded him.

"Kasugano-kun, what do you think of this terrorist attack?"

"Is the Magic Autonomous District plan prepared for this?"

"According to the police report, the real identity of the terrorists who attacked the Hakone Hotel is a resident of NX City in the United States. Do you think this has something to do with the magic disaster caused by Shiba Shenxue there?"

Faced with the reporters' inquiries, Fang Zheng didn't say anything, but just made a gesture, and the reporters soon became quiet. It was not the first time that they interviewed Fang Zheng. Naturally, they knew that this young man had a very tough personality and very aggressive...They were not willing to break into each other's guns.

After the reporters shut up, Fang Zheng looked at them and said with a sneer.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that the Magic Autonomous District Plan was not prepared for this reason. To be honest, in my opinion, the anti-magic atmosphere in Japanese society is bad enough, and there is no big difference between whether there is this terrorist attack or not. So I Only then did the Magic Autonomous Special Zone plan be proposed. Since you are so afraid of coexisting with magicians, then everyone should be separated. You will live yours and mine will not interfere with each other. What's wrong with staying together forever?"


The reporters were a little embarrassed in the face of Fang Zheng's unrelenting ridicule, but soon some people opposed it.

"But there are also some remarks in support of the magician..."

"It makes no sense."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"Discrimination against magicians is racial discrimination. This is no different from discrimination based on different origins, skin colors, and races. No matter how you conceal it, you can't conceal its essence. You keep saying that because magicians have powerful powers, they are afraid. And discriminate against them, what’s the difference? Isn’t it the same way that white people discriminated against people of color? They are brutal, rude and dangerous, so they need to be regulated... Okay, now it’s useless to say this, you love Admit it or not, it’s all facts."

Having said this, Fang Zheng sneered.

"As for the terrorist attack...hehehe, are you so sure that it is a terrorist attack?"


Upon hearing this, the reporters opened their eyes. There is something in Fang Zheng's words... Could there be big news?

"Use your brain to think about it. Now the identity of the terrorists has been determined. They said that they were revenge for the magic disaster. This is not a lie. But the question is, where did the weapons in their hands come from? Yes? The US military base in Yokosuka has been inspected and there are no missing weapons inside. So where did they get their light missile launchers? That thing was not a pistol, but it was brought in sneakily. Japan and the United States are separated by the Pacific Ocean. What are they doing? Secretly transporting weapons in without being discovered?"


The reporters were also taken aback at this moment.

Yeah, that sounds a bit wrong?

"It's very simple, because in fact, this is not a terrorist attack at all."

But soon, Fang Zheng threw a bomb at them.

"Not a terrorist attack?"


While talking, Fang Zheng took out the terminal and opened it, and then called out one of the intelligence documents.

"Look, this is an intelligence document I got earlier. It says that the U.S. congressman privately transferred a batch of sealed weapons to a group of people with unknown origins, so... you understand?"

"This this………"

Looking at the files that Founder had transmitted to him, UU Reading www. The uukanshu.com reporters were suddenly shocked.

This is big news!

"what do you mean………"

"Yes, this is actually just a campaign by the U.S. government disguised as a terrorist attack, trying to weaken the magical power of Japan. This is also normal. After all, it is not once or twice that the Americans go to other countries to instigate rebellion and make terrorist attacks. The United States People like to do such bad things."

When he said this, Fang Zheng's expression sank.

"But, they dare to get me on top, that's another matter. Come and don't go indecently, so...Onyxia!"

Following Fang Zheng's call, the black dragon descended from the sky and appeared in the sky behind Fang Zheng. The reporters were also shocked to see the dragon suddenly appearing, and the more keen-minded... suddenly yelled badly!

"Since those terrorists threaten us, then I don't want to be said to be afraid of these idiots, so I am here to say it clearly."

Having said this, Fang Zheng stared at the camera.

"What you did has constituted a hostile act against Japan and the Japanese magicians, so I ask you idiots to surrender to me immediately. You can continue to carry out terrorist attacks. However, every time you commit a terrorist attack, you will retaliate. , I will destroy a U.S. military base... There is no proof, so... Onyxia, go and destroy Pearl Harbor for me."


Hearing Fang Zheng's command, the black dragon roared and flew into the sky with its wings open. Looking at the dragon's back, the reporters looked at each other, then turned around and ran away.

This Nima is really a big deal! !

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