Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2799: The supernatural world (cracking meow on my belly)

The rain is continuous.

Seeing the dim rain outside the window, the black-haired girl yawned involuntarily.

After using the Scourge to destroy the small town entangled by the curse of the outside god, Fang Zheng is now the manipulating the clone and really started his adventure in this world. If you use the game to compare, then the previous small town that believes in the true fish sect is only It was just the prologue. When everything disappeared and Shizuku came to the outside world as a clone, she finally discovered the peculiarities of this world.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a spiritual world.

It's not that Fang Zheng has never been to a similar world before, such as the world of Cthulhu where the Goddess of Order used it as a testing ground. But this world is not the same as the Cthulhu world. Although people in the Cthulhu world are quite enthusiastic about a lot of rumors and there have been many similar stories, but in the final analysis, these are all due to the entanglement of the ancient gods and the outer gods. Appeared under.

However, this world is different.

How do you say this world... is closer to the traditional spiritual world.

After leaving the village, Shizuku also received several similar incidents, and then discovered the laws of this world. To put it simply, what happened in this world was not as indescribable as Cthulhu, but more traditional evil spirits hurting people.

For example, the Seven Unbelievables in the school, all kinds of urban ghost stories, ghost baby Hanako... this kind of things are all included.

Of course, maybe it’s because Shizuku crossed into this world in the late 1980s, and the shadows of Sadako and Kayako have not yet appeared, but if she is correct, then they should appear in this world. .

Yes, all kinds of ancient legends, myths, demons and ghosts, people will use the way of legend to recite scriptures to supersede and repel them. This is an orthodox world of spiritual mythology.

It's not a virus leak like Resident Evil, or an indescribable life from an alien planet like Cthulhu, it's more a weird conceived by the earth itself.

Shizuku had also felt the presence of monsters several times, but perhaps it was because the power of Frostmourne was so strong that the monsters hardly dared to show up in front of her.

This is a pity for Shizuku, she also wants to see if there is a Zashiki boy in this world, would she be a cute little loli.

Thinking of this, Shizuku couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the map of Japan on the wall next to him. Basically, every time Fang Zheng went to a world, he tried to check the map first, and then to see if there was any place name he was familiar with, and then he almost guessed what kind of world it was.

For example, now, under the pushpin on one end of the map, you can clearly see the name of "Tongshou Town", while under the other side, there is the expression "Koyasan".

"Teacher of Hell" and "The Peacock King", worthy of the 1980s, are really back again.

Shizuku didn’t go to these two places to check it out. That’s all about "Teacher of Hell". She only hopes that Koyasan is just the same name and surname, not the real "Peacock King", otherwise it will be troublesome. The destruction of the world or something... Founder was very fond of watching these two supernatural horror comics.

As for the reason... everyone who has seen it understands it.

Don't go to see if you haven't seen it.

After all, it was something that I had to secretly buy with my boss in the bookstore, like drug trafficking in private.

Just don’t know if there are other childhood memories in this world?

For example, Miyu or Onitaro... After all, is it the Shaman King?

But anyway, I won't be the Shaman King. Of course, if you meet Anna of Mount Dire, you can ask her to leave a photo with yourself.

If you encounter a girl from hell... well, the Internet is not popular yet, so I shouldn't be able to meet it.

Of course, there are evil spirits and monsters in this world, and naturally there are people who deal with them.

According to Shizuku's investigation, it is determined that there are basically three kinds of slayer forces in this world.

The first is the various ancient families of demons that everyone is familiar with, such as the family of Onmyojis, or the Tantric monks of Koyasan. These people seldom hang out outside, and they mainly practice on their own ground.

The second type is the national public service agency, but this is not the same as the so-called "Dragon Team" in the net article. Shizuku has also dealt with one of the organizations. The other party is a subordinate of the Metropolitan Police Department. The publicly announced name is "Police "History Compilation Office" sounds like an elderly care department that simply records the history of the police.

But in fact, the work of this department is to search, investigate, and classify countless mysterious cases from all over the country every day. After all, in today's society, various criminal methods are also diverse, and disappearances and killings also occur from time to time in Japan. In many cases, there is no way for you to immediately determine whether the event is caused by ghosts or ghosts or humans, and then blame the urban legends or ghosts.

Therefore, they are mainly responsible for investigating these difficult cases that ordinary police cannot handle. If it is artificial, it will be transferred to the relevant department for processing. If it is done by a monster, then they will find an expert to deal with it.

The third type is freelancers like Shizuku. They don't belong to any family sect, and naturally they are not restrained. They basically act like detectives with money. For example, Shizuku has opened a "difficult incident investigation office" near Tokyo. The layout is basically similar to Kogoro's Mori office. The second floor is used for offices, the third floor is a residence, and the first floor is a ramen restaurant. ...In fact, Shizuku quite likes this kind of ordinary style.

As for the money to buy a house, it was naturally deducted from the FBI.

It has been almost two months since Shizuku came to this world. Basically, she is already well-known among many demons. Different from the ordinary "comrades are enemies", the demonist industry is very particular about interoperability and interaction. After all, everyone's work can be described as life-threatening, and ordinary evil spirits are nothing more than ordinary evil spirits, in case they are accidentally provoked. When you arrive at a terrifying and powerful monster, if you don't know a powerful counterpart, you probably won't even know how to die.


"It's free..."

Looking at the TV show in front of her again, Shizuku opened her mouth and yawned again. Now she finally understands why Kogoro Mouri watches TV and drinks beer all day long. There is really nothing to do except these. This kind of office does not open for half a year, and it only takes half a year to open. Besides, although this world is a world of evil spirits, it is generally considered peaceful. At least there have been no worldwide disasters. Even if ordinary evil spirits don't do it themselves, others will clean up, right?

As for the surrounding business, Shizuku didn’t count on it. With the power of Frostmourne, the surrounding evil spirits were basically eaten by her, and those in the distance did not dare to come and die. It can be said that this area is the cleanest and safest. Yes, there are no evil spirits, no monsters, nothing.

Why don't you go to school? In school, you can post with innocent and cute girls, and the school uniforms now are different from those in the future. It is not a suit shirt, but a traditional sailor suit model, as well as sports shorts that have not been cancelled...

"Boom boom boom."

Just when Shizuku was thinking about it, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and when he heard the knock, Shizuku also retracted his thoughts and sat down and looked at the door again.

"Please come in."

After a while, the door of the office slowly opened, and then a young girl walked in. She raised her head and looked at Shizuku who was sitting behind the desk in front of her, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Ah, hello, may I ask if this is... the difficult incident investigation office?"

"Yes, do you have anything to entrust?"

While motioning to the other party to sit down, Shizuku looked at the girl in front of her curiously. She was wearing a white sailor suit and looked like she had just finished school, with a school bag in her hand. She was about fifteen or six years old, with long hair tied. With a ponytail tied behind him, he looks playful and cute, but his expression is rather disturbed and gloomy.


The girl was obviously a little nervous. She sat in front of Shizuku, staring at her anxiously, as if she didn't know what to say. Seeing her reaction, Shizuku smiled, then poured a cup of tea for her.

"Well, don't be so nervous, there is something you can say slowly."

"Ah, yes, thank you..."

Perhaps it was Shizuku's smile and the aroma of tea that had dispelled the anxiety. The girl's originally tense and stiff expression gradually relaxed. She held up the teacup and took a sip of the tea before she whispered.

"Um... hello, when we first met, my name is Hina Saki Crimson. Actually... I'm here to entrust my brother."

"Oh? Looking for your brother?"

"Yes, he has disappeared for almost two weeks, I don't know what to do..."

After opening the chat box, Hina Saki's deep red suddenly poured beans into the bamboo tube, telling all his experiences.

It turns out that Hina Saki Crimson has an older brother named Hina Saki Matsumoto. Because his parents have died, the two brothers and sisters depend on each other. And Hina Saki worked in the editorial department after graduating from university. In the editorial department, he met a reasoning writer named Gao Feng Xing. The relationship between the two is very good. For Hina Saki, the peak sight is his mentor.

However, not long ago, Feng Xing went to a place called Ice Room Mansion to collect materials for the second work, and then disappeared. After seeing the missing report in the newspaper, her brother Hina Saki decided to go to the ice house to find the missing peak sight. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At that time, Hina Saki Crimson was naturally very uneasy about this, but her brother comforted her and said that she would be back soon. However, after waiting for two weeks, Hina Saki Crimson did not wait for any news from her brother, which made her really restless.

Originally, Hina Saki Crimson also planned to look for her brother. At this time, she heard a rumor from her classmates that there was a "difficult incident investigation office" on a street near her school. , Was responsible for investigating those mysterious incidents, so Hina Saki Crimson began to look for it. She also thought that her idea was weird. In fact, after she found this firm, Hina Saki Crimson also Thought of leaving directly.

But in the end, she walked into the office.

"So that's it..."

Shizuku nodded slightly after hearing Hina Saki's Crimson narration.

"So your commission is for me to help find the missing brother, right?"

"Yes, that... I don't know if you can..."

"No problem at all."

Shizuku nodded.

"This is within the business scope of our firm, so I will prepare and set off right away. By the way, please tell me the specific location of the ice house."

"Me, I want to go together too!"

However, Shizuku had just finished speaking, and saw Hina Saki crimson standing up and staring at her.

"I also want to find my brother together, can I?"

"No problem at all."

In this regard, Shizuku would naturally not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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