Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2817: Encounter (Benmiao gains weight and is moving towards the orange cat)

No one knows the death of the Three Gods' Pity.

In fact, in just one day, the students in Class Three for three years have completely forgotten the existence of this person.

This is also the common point of all the dead. When they were in the third shift of the third year, they couldn't see any flaws when they broke their heads. It is even possible that they are your friends, your lovers, and your opponents. But no matter what kind of relationship the deceased had with other people, the moment he really died, he ceased to exist. This is not only himself, but also the traces of his existence.

From a certain point of view, this is a bit similar to the torch in Shana's world that has been swallowed up by the power of existence. When the torch is extinguished, all traces of him in the world will be erased.

The same is true of the Three Gods' Pity.

Like now, Izumi Akasawa and the others have completely forgotten that there was such a teacher in the third class of the third year. Not only them, but also the memory of the principal and others have also been modified. At the beginning, the third class of the third class only had Kuboji The teacher is alone, and Tatsuji Chiaki of the library is responsible for these two days.

But other things, they have not forgotten.

"I didn't expect that you were the slayer who was invited by the principal...Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Standing in front of Shizuku, Akasawa Izumi glared at her menacingly, while Shizuku smiled slightly.

"This is more convenient, and even if I tell you, I don't think you will believe it."

"That's what I said...but...ooh..."

Hearing Shizuku's answer, Akasawa Izumi was speechless.

"Kasugino-san, are you leaving now?"

Compared to Akasawa Izumi, Sakuragi Yukari next to her looked a little uneasy, staring at Shizuku pitifully like a puppy abandoned by the owner, who was slightly speechless.

"As I said, I just came to work. Now that the work is over, I naturally want to go back."

While talking, Shizuku took out a few business cards from his pocket and handed them over.

"However, if you come to Tokyo, you can call me and I will treat you well."

And Akasawa Izumi took the business card, was silent for a moment, and suddenly spoke.

"I want to take a high school in Tokyo."


Shizuku smiled slightly when she heard Akasawa Izumi's words.

"If you can pass the test in Tokyo, then you can live in my office. My house is quite big. You are welcome to come and play. You can go to sleep when you are tired, no problem."

"This is what you said!"

Hearing this, Akasawa Izumi also immediately cheered up.

"At that time, I'll go to you, you can't speak for nothing!"

"of course."

Facing Akasawa Izumi's words, Shizuku looked at her with the smile of Grandma Wolf looking at Little Red Riding Hood.

"A word is a deal."

At this moment, the train slowly entered the station, and Shizuku waved to several girls, then turned to the train and left. Soon, the train galloped forward, until the train had disappeared, the girls looked back.

"I will definitely be admitted to a high school in Tokyo!"

Clenching his fists, Akasawa Quanmi whispered to herself. Her family is not a particularly wealthy and wealthy family, so if you want to get to Tokyo, you have to go to a public school. Akasawa Izumi's results are pretty good. She didn't care about these before, but now, she has decided on her goals.

In contrast, Sakuragi Yukari next to him seemed a bit disappointed. Her mother and aunt didn't survive in the end, and died after spending a week in the ICU. Now Sakuragi Yukari is solitary. She didn't know where to go, but at this time she also made up her mind to go to Tokyo...at least, she won't come back again.

On the side, Jian Qiming silently looked at the business card in her hand, without saying a word, then she turned around and left the station.

Sitting on the train, Shizuku couldn't help but yawned looking at the scenery passing by the window. This time the commission is the most difficult trouble she has experienced since she came to this world. What's more troublesome is that Shizuku is still not sure whether her method is really successful. She will have to wait until next year's third class of the third year to see the situation... But based on Shizuku's experience, Ye Jianshan This mysterious curse incident should be regarded as completely over.

But then again... I don't know how Crimson is now?

At the same time, Hina Saki Crimson had already followed the mountain road and came to a torii gate.

"this is………"

Looking at the old and shabby torii in front of him, Hina Saki crimson looked a little nervous. However, at this moment, the scene in front of her suddenly changed. The next moment, the world in front of Hina Saki's crimson eyes immediately turned into black and white, and then she clearly saw that in front of the torii, one was wearing a white kimono. The short-haired girl was crying sadly covering her face.

"sorry Sorry sorry………"


Looking at the kimono, Hina Saki Crimson also hurriedly walked over and shouted in a low voice. Although she had never seen this girl before, the white kimono she was wearing was no stranger to Hina Saki Crimson. That is exactly the clothes she found in her great-grandmother’s room outside the Ice House...So in other words, is this a memory of her great-grandmother when she was young?


Just when Hina Saki Crimson came to the kimono girl's side, the scene in front of her changed again, everything changed back to its original appearance, and the kimono girl who was standing here before disappeared.


Hina Saki Crimson took a breath, squeezed the phone in his hand, and walked into the torii gate.

Entering the gate of the torii gate, the first thing Hina Saki Crimson saw was a weird altar, with a square stone slab in the middle, surrounded by five stone pillars, and a rope wrapped around the five stone pillars. On, sealed off the entire altar.


Seeing this altar, Hina Saki's crimson complexion suddenly changed slightly, which reminded her of the ritual to create the rope maiden in the ice house. It was the same back then...

Thinking of this, Hina Saki Crimson shook her head and forced herself to forget the unpleasant memory. Then she walked forward, and then a village appeared in front of Hina Saki Crimson.

"The disappeared village..."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Hina Saki Crimson whispered to herself. While tracking and searching for information, she also learned some rumors. Among them, there are rumors that there is a village deep in the forest that was swallowed by a ceremonial ceremony, and people who lost their way in the forest would enter there and disappear.

And now it seems that he has clearly found this village.

It's just that, unlike the dilapidated ice house, this small town is still a bit dilapidated, but it is still shimmering, and it seems that there are still people living in it. However, even if the lights were lit, there was no sound in the entire town, and it was as silent as a graveyard.


However, when Hina Saki Crimson carefully looked at the village in front of her, she was suddenly surprised to find that under the light of the fire, two young girls were walking on the street. They were not wearing ancient clothes, but very well-dressed. In modern dresses, one of the girls seemed to have some inconvenience in their legs and feet. Hina Saki Crimson watched the two girls walk into a room next to them, and then disappeared.

How is this going? Is there anyone else here besides yourself?

At this moment, Hina Saki Crimson was also quite surprised. She stood there holding her mobile phone, staring at the big house where the two girls disappeared below, a little hesitant.

According to common sense, it is impossible for ordinary people to step into this place. Even if you are yourself, it took a lot of time to find your way in here. Judging by the experience of Hina Saki Crimson in the Ice Room Mansion, the two girls should not be humans, but ghosts. But looking at them just now, it doesn't give people a sense of nothingness like ghosts. In other words... it is very likely that they have entered this village by accident because of some kind of accident?

Anyway, let's take a look at it first.

Thinking of this, Hina Saki Crimson also hurriedly walked down the mountain along the path, and then came to the house where the two girls had entered before. Looking at the closed door, Hina Saki Crimson was a little bit lost. At this moment, she seemed I recalled the scene when I went to the ice house and wanted to find my brother.

However, my current self is completely different from then!

Hina Saki Crimson stretched out his hand, pushed the door open, and strode into the house.

The interior of this house is already in tatters. Both the screens and the floor are quite dilapidated. Only with the brilliance of candles burning in the corners around can we see something clearly.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

While yelling in a low voice, UU read www.uukanshu.com Hina Saki crimson while holding the phone and marching toward the depth. However, there was no sound in the whole room-at this moment, suddenly, deep in the corridor, Hina Saki Crimson heard a scream.


Hearing this scream, Hina Saki's crimson was also cheered, and hurried to the direction where the scream came from. Then she opened the door and rushed into a room inside.

And then, Hina Saki Crimson saw that in the room, the two girls in dresses he had seen before were holding each other's hands tightly, staring at the front in horror. In front of them, a long-haired woman in a white shirt was slowly drifting towards them.

That is the resentful spirit!

At this moment, Hina Saki Crimson raised the phone without hesitation, the holy light from the phone instantly enveloped the long-haired ghost, and at the moment when the holy light was shining on, the long-haired woman suddenly issued a painful With screams, her figure began to become thinner, and her behavior became extremely slow.

At the same time, on the phone screen in front of Hina Saki Crimson, five circles emerged one by one, enclosing the long-haired woman in the picture.

Then, Hina Saki Crimson pressed the shooting button without hesitation.



Accompanied by a scream, the ghost of the long-haired woman turned into a light, and was drawn into Hina Saki's crimson phone along the holy light as if attracted by a magnet, followed by a photo of a pale woman in it. Appear, then disappear.


It wasn't until this time that Hina Saki Crimson breathed a sigh of relief, and then she turned around and looked at the two girls behind her.

"Are you okay?"

Later, Hina Saki Crimson asked.

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