Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2826: Mistaken? (Now the weather is really warming up)

Early the next morning, Shizuku directly called Yuan Ma Sago's house, and soon, Yuan Ma Sago's quiet and peaceful Shana sound came over there.

"Hey, is it Miss Kasuga? Are you okay, great..."

"Well, of course I'm fine, then I want to tell you..."

"In fact, we received a report last night that another victim appeared. I am still a little worried..."


"...Miss Kasuga?"

"Another one? Are you sure?"

"Well, just like the previous victims, the blood in the body was sucked dry. This time it was at home, just a few minutes' time... It's exactly the same as before... By the way, Miss Kasuga, you call Give me..."

"Oh, nothing, I just asked about the situation, that... I hung up beforehand."

Shizuku hung up the phone silently, then turned his head to look at the fog branch beside him, who was lying on the bed at the moment, his eyes flushed, staring at her fiercely. Just like the little cabbage in the ancient old society occupied by Huang Shiren, the Qin family who was abandoned by Chen Shimei, and Du Shiniang who was deceived by Li Jia...

"So... didn't you do it?"

"I said...not me...!"

Looking at the black-haired girl in front of her, the fog branch of the camp can't wait to rush over to fight her to death. But now she doesn't have any strength all over her body, and her whole body is limp. If it’s a TV series, then Bon Zhi Mist is now on the bed holding the quilt and staring fiercely at the innocent young man who insulted his innocence, while the latter is sitting on the bedside smoking cigarettes while wearing clothes proudly...

Well, Shizuku actually started to get up and put on clothes.

"If you make a mistake, make a mistake, anyway, you are planning to attack me."


Hearing this, Bonzhiwuzhi wanted to stand up angrily, but the next moment her legs weakened and she collapsed on the bed again. But even so, Bon Zhi Mist still stared at Shizuku fiercely.

"and many more!"

"What else is there?"

Shizuku put on his clothes and turned his head to look at the fog branch of the camp.

"You are responsible!!"

"responsible for?"

"Yeah, you have taken away my virginity that I have protected for three hundred years, do you want to leave like this? I won't let you go!"

Staring at Shizuku firmly, the fog branch of the camp issued words full of anger like a curse of a wraith spirit, and when he heard the words of the fog branch of the camp, Shizuku narrowed his eyes, turned and walked again in front of the fog branch of the camp . Then she stretched out her finger, lifted the vampire girl's chin, and forced her to stare at herself.

"You won't let me go? What are you going to do?"


Looking at Shizuku's blue eyes, Bon Zhi Mist was speechless for a while, her cheeks were reddish, her eyes blurred. But he unconsciously remembered what happened last night. Having lived for three hundred years, Bon Zhi Mist Branch has never experienced such an experience before, being overwhelmed by others, acting recklessly, and fiddling like a puppet. Neither crying, begging for mercy nor threats would help.

But this gave her a wonderful feeling, the kind of happiness that was brought about by being completely suppressed and yielding, full of humiliation...

But how can this be the outlet?


Compared to Mizuki Bonzhi, Shizuku is a veteran driver-of course, she was born in this world for less than a year, but who has let her manipulator experience the battle?

It's like playing a game. After you have cleared the customs, you will be familiar with the road by playing hand-made girls or something.

Staring at the fog branch of the camp in front of her, Shizuku knew what she was thinking without needing to read minds.

"Close your eyes."

Shizuku's voice was soft, but with an unquestionable command. Hearing Shizuku's command, Bon Zhi Mist hesitated, closed his eyes, and cleverly opened her lips slightly. Shizuku lowered his head and leaned over, putting it on the lips of the camp of mist. Feeling the touch from Shizuku, the fog branch of the camp is also instinctively beginning to cater-although this is the first time for her, but after being tossed for a whole night, even if she does not want to, the body will instinctively remember How to deal with this situation.

After a long time, his lips separated, and a silver line appeared.

"Um... not bad."

Shizuku stretched out his tongue, licked the corner of his mouth lightly, and nodded.

"Come with me."

When the Mist of Bonbon reappeared in front of Shizuku, she had put on her previous student uniform again. Although her face was cold, she still looked like a thousand miles away, but she was sitting on the opposite side of Shizuku. ,not moving at all.

Just like a Gao Leng Bingshan maid, although she looks like she is thousands of miles away, she will still obey the master's order. The host asked her to do whatever she did, and she could pose in whatever posture she was asked to do, and she would not lie on her stomach when she lay down...

"Okay, let's talk about it, what do you know about that vampire?"

Although Bon Zhi Mist Branch is not a prisoner, Shizuku can be sure that she is definitely the local snake here. After all, it can be seen from this castle-unless this is the same as the castle of a blood-sucking duck, it will be teleported at will. Stayed here for a long time.

"...I don't think it's a vampire."

Even though Bon Zhi Mist Branch has already obeyed, it is still not very well-behaved—well, unless it is shaking M, it is easy to be so smooth that the "obedient" point to the top.

"Oh? Isn't it?"

Shizuku was slightly taken aback when he heard the answer from Bon Zhi Mist Branch, and Bon Zhi Mist Branch nodded.

"We vampires do not make such a big noise, and they will not absorb all human blood. I do hunt at school, but I only draw a little blood. In order to avoid trouble, I will manipulate each other. My memory makes them forget all of this. So in my opinion, this shouldn’t be done by a vampire."

"That's it."

Shizuku nodded when he heard the answer from Bonzhi Mist.

She knows a lot about vampires, but because there are too many, Shizuku is not sure what the vampires in this world are like.

It’s like Sophie never **** human blood, saying that it’s too scary to **** blood directly from people. She always puts the blood in a cup and then heats it in the microwave-although from a medical point of view, it’s in the blood. All kinds of substances are finished, but the ghost knows which component of the blood the vampire depends on for survival.

Conversely, like the vampires under Kluru, the blood sucked by one person at a time. There are also the dead in the Xingyue World, whoever bites them will turn into ghouls...Too much information makes Shizuku unable to judge.

"So what do you think it is?"

"Maybe it's a Japanese monster? I'm not very familiar with these."

Bon Zhi Mist Branch also shook her head. She was born in France and came to Japan a hundred years ago. The vampire itself is a solitary creature, and Bon Zhi Mist Branch also shook her head. Naturally, she would not want to be like Japanese monsters. Get involved.

Strictly speaking, Bon Zhi Mist Branch also hates that idiot who acts wantonly in his own territory. In fact, it is because of the recent events in Kyoto that Bon Zhi Mist Branch dare not **** blood, for fear that others will associate these with him. . This made the Bon Zhi Mist Branch had to fall into a situation similar to "hunting to lose weight", and this is why when Shizuku came to fish for law enforcement, the Bon Zhi Mist Branch was so easy to get the bait.

She is hungry too!

But now Bon Zhi Mist Branch is not hungry anymore, um... not because she sucked blood, but because she was so full last night...

In the end, Shizuku decided to follow the old plan and fish...to lead the snake out of the hole.

Because according to the argument of the Bonzhi Mist, Shizuku’s blood has a special fragrance. She doesn’t know how other monsters react, but for vampires, this fragrance is just like a good steak on the grill in front of you.” After roasting like this, the mouth-watering aroma burst out, and the saliva flowed out in an instant.

If you don't drool, you will definitely be anorexic, and you won't be sucking blood.

Soon, night fell.

In the ancient capital itself, there was no activity at night, coupled with the recent consecutive vampire incidents, it was even more frightening. Now that the night falls, most people are basically staying at home, panicking. Only the police are still patrolling the streets, trying in vain to show their role-they are also very depressed.

As for Shizuku, he held a map and circled in a nearby park. The other party really doesn't have the awareness that rabbits don't eat the grass around the nest. The positions of these victims are like the result of radiation from a certain nest as the center point in all directions. However, Shizuku learned that this area was a residential area after chatting with Hara Masha, and wanted to find someone... or fishing law enforcement is faster.


When Shizuku turned the intersection and came to the other side of the park, suddenly, a thick mist appeared quietly. This made Shizuku frown, and then looked to the side, not knowing when, thick fog gradually enveloped the surrounding park. At the same time, something seems to be about to move...


At the moment Shizuku shifted his attention, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the woods and rushed towards her!

Good job!

Seeing the black shadow appearing, Shizuku's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a weird smile, then she stretched out her hand, grabbed Frostmourne, and just waited for the opponent to pounce over...


However, at this moment, suddenly, a red flame fell from the sky, blocking the path of the shadow. But Sombra was shocked by this blow, and hurriedly turned around and ran away!


Seeing this scene, Shizuku was also stunned.

Damn, someone robbed it? !

Where to run!

Thinking of this, Shizuku didn't even care who was robbing the monster behind, so he directly raised the big sword and chased after the shadow.

Soon, Shizuku realized that he was not the only one who was chasing the shadow.

Not far from the other side, some people were chasing the black shadow, but fortunately, Shizuku was not alone in the fight.

As soon as the shadow passed through the woods, accompanied by a melodious whistle, the next moment countless bats rushed over like a dark cloud, blocking the shadow’s path. Immediately afterwards, the group of bats condensed again and turned into the fog branch of the camp wearing a black dress. Her eyes were red, staring at the black shadow in front of her, as if gritted her teeth and was about to smash the other party's body-after all, the other party was also the culprit who fell into this situation.

"It's a pity, I won't let you run away."

At the same time, Shizuku also appeared behind Sombra holding Frostmourne, staring at him. At this moment, the appearance of the black shadow has also been revealed in front of everyone. It looks like a person wrapped up in a white cloak, but from the appearance of the body, it does not seem to be a human.

However, at this moment, an ethereal voice sounded.

"I'm very sorry, this is my prey."

Hearing this voice, Shizuku and Bon Zhi Mist could not help looking up, only to see a young girl quietly appearing in front of them not far away.

She looked like she was about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a short white skirt and kimono, and the bare feet under her slender and white legs were wrapped with bright red ribbons. And the girl's long brown hair tied a strange ball head on the left side, and it fell into a braid. On her pretty cheeks, a pair of golden eyes glowed slightly in the moonlight.

On the girl's body, there was a tall girl, her whole body enveloped in a blue cloak, and a man wearing a white mask followed around like a shadow.

Shizuku couldn't help but stunned when she looked at this girl.

Why is she here?

(End of this chapter)

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