Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2828: Doll Love (Warmly celebrate the 0th year of the founding of the party)

For Founder, if he wants to stay in one place for a long time, he basically buys a house. On the one hand, this can be regarded as a Chinese habit. On the other hand, having a place of your own is more comfortable than staying in a hotel. And his avatars naturally also have the same habit. After the investigation, Shizuku found that Kyoto is indeed a better place for health preservation, so he was moved to buy a house here.

As for buying a house... She naturally left it to Bon Zhi Wuzhi to handle it.

This can kill the fog of the camp, but what can she do? Once she wants to protest, Shizuku just glances at her, hooks her fingers, stretches out her tentacles, and the next moment the fog branch of the camp kneels directly.

Although Bonzhi Mizue also owns a mansion, Shizuku is not interested in it, and she can't help it.

As for Shizuku himself, he returned to his job.

The commission this time was also quite interesting for Shizuku.

"Find a doll?"

Hearing this, Shizuku looked at the middle-aged man in a suit in front of him with interest. Judging from his clothes, this man should be a successful person. But now his face is haggard, his eyes are blank, and his brows are frowning. According to Harako Harako's introduction, this man originally had a happy family, but not long ago, his daughter mysteriously disappeared while attending a school summer training camp. Although there was also a police call to search for it, there was no result.

And his purpose of entrusting Shizuku this time was not to find his own daughter, but... to find a doll.

"Yes it is."

Facing Shizuku's curious gaze, the man nodded slightly.

"The day after the girl disappeared, I went to the school to search for clues. At that time, a girl from the art department told me that when the girl disappeared, she had seen a strange doll nearby. Although the police and the school were both I don’t think it has anything to do with the girl’s disappearance, but I think that doll is the girl."

"Where is the doll?"

"I don't know when it is gone..."

"Hmm...so you think your daughter has become a doll..."

Hearing the middle-aged man’s answer, Shizuku stared at the drawing paper he took out. The drawing on it was a very ordinary doll model. From the outside, it was a doll stand made of spherical joints. No hair or clothes. But the appearance of such a doll in the wild is indeed suspicious.

"I will look into it."

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, so Shizuku quickly answered.

For Shizuku, it couldn't be easier to get involved in a school. As long as she put on her school uniform and walked into the school swaggeringly, almost no one would doubt her identity.

Originally, Shizuku thought she might waste some time, but what she didn't expect was that when she walked into the library, Shizuku found an unusually familiar figure.

Not to mention, the hairstyle of the ponytail on the head of the bag is so unique that it is impossible for people to read it wrong.

Under Shizuku's gaze, she saw the girl holding a book, came to sit next to another teenager, and then she glanced at the other person and whispered.

"It is better to advise you not to get too close to that girl."

Hearing the girl's sudden words, the teenager next to her was taken aback, while the girl looked at him grinningly.

"If you want eternal life, I can give it to you. The way to keep the way you are and live forever... I also know."

However, when he heard the girl's words, the boy turned his head indifferently.

"Anything like that is fine."

Hearing the answer from the other party, the girl seemed to be insulted, but she frowned and stared at the boy seriously.

"That woman doesn't understand what eternal beauty is."

However, facing the young girl's retort, the young man silently closed his book and stood up.

"I don't know what you know. The agreement is actually just an excuse to meet. I...like her. I love her. All I want is her. Even if...she doesn't belong to this world, it doesn't matter. "

After saying this, the boy didn't even glance at the girl, and then turned and left. The girl lowered her head, clenched her fists, and whispered to herself.

"In love with her? Humans... in love with gods and demons?"

At the same time, a voice rang beside the girl.

"As an accost, your methods are too bad, Miss Mei Xi."

With these words, Shizuku sat down beside Miyu and looked at her grinningly. The latter's complexion changed slightly, turning his head to look at Shizuku next to him. Although the two sides only have a one-sided relationship, considering Shizuku's previous strength in the vampire turmoil, it is of course impossible for Miyu, as the watcher of the gods and demons, to be unconcerned about this.

"……How will you be here?"

"I was entrusted to investigate a missing case."

Shizuku shrugged her shoulders in response to Miyu's vigilant question.

"There was a man whose daughter disappeared for no reason, and then he suspected that his daughter was turned into a doll, so he entrusted me to investigate, but he saw you here...well, that is to say, this is another **** and demon. ghost?"


Facing Shizuku's question, Miyu hesitated, and finally nodded.

"Then it will be easy...but then again, you are actually interested in that sissy little white face."

"I like beautiful people."

It's about her own aesthetics, and Miyu obviously doesn't intend to make concessions in this regard, but Shizuku has a different view on this.

"I like it too, but I only like beautiful and cute girls. As far as men are concerned, I don't care or care about their life and death... In other words, what are you talking about just now? Eternal life? Right."


Hearing this, Mei Xi looked up with a complicated expression and looked out the window in front of her.

"He is a human being, but he fell in love with the gods and demons... I originally thought that he chose to be deceived and seduced by the gods and demons because he wanted to keep his beauty forever, but..."

"What's weird about this."

Compared to the bewildered Miyu, Shizuku sees more as a veteran driver.

"That **** and demon must be very beautiful. It's not like that of the people who follow the facial features of Sanguan, especially the little devil's age. He is decadent in the second grade. He always thinks that he is as miserable as Mary Su. I like this tune..."

Shizuku stretched while speaking.

"I think even if you are looking for prey, you have to improve your taste, Miss Mei Xi. At first glance, that middle and second-year young man is a golden jade. You are not afraid that you will bite it down and it will be filled with gutter oil..."

"This one………"

Facing Shizuku's familiar conversation, Miyu seemed a little at a loss. As a watcher of gods and demons, she rarely has such an intimate relationship with others. As an eternal vampire, Mei Xi has experienced many things. As an eternal girl, she has also transferred to many places and had some friends. But those friends didn't know her true identity. They knew her identity like Shizuku, and came over to deal with her enthusiastically. It was also the first time for Mei Xi to see her.

But wait...

"Wouldn't you want to..."

Thinking of the vampire commotion before, Mei Xi was shocked. In the terms of the game nowadays, if nothing is done, it is not **** or steal. Does this guy want to steal the blame again? !

"Oh, this time the client just hopes to find the doll that his daughter has turned into."

Of course Shizuku understood Miyu's thoughts and waved his hand decisively.

"Your job is to send the escaped gods and demons back. I won't interfere this time. What are you going to do?"


Facing Shizuku's question, Miyu hesitated, and then she seemed to think of something, staring at Shizuku next to her with a playful smile.

"I want that boy's blood, and I have to send that **** and demon back into the darkness."

"no problem."

Shizuku snapped his fingers when he heard Miyu's answer.

"Then just do it."

In the church, a black-haired girl in a white kimono is holding the beautiful boy in her arms tightly.

Immediately afterwards, the storm roared.

Everything around was torn apart in the strong wind, and the kimono girl just knelt and sat on the spot in silence, then she turned around and looked forward.

"Good afternoon, Mi Xi."

At the same time, Miyu, who was wearing a red kimono, appeared quietly and appeared in front of the kimono girl with Shizuku. The former stared coldly at the kimono girl in front of him, and then spoke.

"First give him to me, and then you will return me to the darkness."


Shizuku couldn't help but blew his whistle when he heard Mi Xi's overbearing presidential speech, and looked at the vampire beside him. And following Mei Xi's words, the masked man behind her raised his right hand and summoned a ball of flames-but at this moment, suddenly, countless silver lights flashed by.

The silk thread that fell from the sky instantly penetrated the masked man behind Mi Xi, then tied him up and hung him on the cross.


Seeing that her partner was knocked down by him in an instant, Miyu was also taken aback. At the same time, the kimono girl showed a cold and proud laugh. She stretched out her hand, gently stroked the hair of the beautiful boy in her arms, and looked at Mi Xi provocatively.

"Huhuhu...This man is useless to me, but I don't want to give him to you, a greedy lady..."

"Tsk tusk tusk..."

Shizuku silently shook his head as he watched the scene in front of him and listened to the conversation between the two sides. Those who know this are going through the retreat of gods and demons, but those who don't know think it's the season of white albums again.

Hearing the words of the kimono girl, Mi Xi's face sank, and she rushed towards the gods and demons in front of her without saying a word. Then she raised her right hand, a flame flashed from it, and then Mei Xi stretched out her hand, trying to send the **** and demon in front of her back into the darkness.

However, in the face of Mi Xi's actions, the kimono girl seemed quite calm. She raised her hand, and the beautiful boy who was lying on the ground instantly got up. Then the kimono girl flashed and disappeared into the beautiful boy's body. Seeing this scene, Mei Xi also hurriedly stopped-this beautiful boy is still her own prey, if it burns out, it would be a waste!

But the moment Miyu stopped her hands, the kimono girl appeared again, she untied her belt and threw it out at Miyu. The long belt flew out like a python instantly, entwining Mei Xi tightly. At the same time, the kimono girl hugged the beautiful boy again and looked at Miyu in front of her provocatively.


Obviously Mi Xi couldn't accept this kind of scene of sprinkling dog food on the spot. She roared, and the flame broke out, tearing her belt around her, and then Mi Xi suddenly stretched out her hand, and soon, a strong air current flew over. Suddenly he pulled the beautiful boy who was holding the kimono girl tightly into Mi Xi's arms.

While holding the beautiful boy in her arms, Mi Xi showed a triumphant smile like the success of the junior high in a romance drama, and looked at the kimono girl in front of her.

"Please watch it carefully, your beloved man will receive eternal life after accepting my blood."


We are doing demon, can you be more serious?

Shizuku was completely speechless looking at the scene of the Shura field like a love triangle.

After Mei Xi proudly declared her ownership of Mei Boy, she lowered her head and tried to draw the other party's blood. Seeing this scene, the kimono girl trembled all over, her eyes widened-and the next moment, her eyeballs fell out of her eye sockets and fell to the ground like a glass ball.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, Shizuku was shocked and hurriedly reminded her, and just as she said her words, she saw the kimono girl suddenly turned into a weird shadow and jumped up, rushing towards Miyu, taking her embrace. Beautiful young boy. And Miyu hurriedly backed away and jumped back to Shizuku's side.

"Why are you irritating her, it's very troublesome to jump over the wall in a hurry, can you just bite it?"

At this moment Shizuku also raised Frostmourne, staring at the front, complaining incessantly. But Mei Xi did not respond to her complaints, she just stared at the front blankly-there, the originally beautiful black-haired girl in kimono has become a doll, her body is a combination of wood and joints. It looks like a waving puppet. The beautiful boy was held in her arms, motionless, as if unconsciously.

"Whirring whirring………"

Hugging the beautiful boy tightly, the black-haired doll let out a triumphant laugh, she looked at Mi Xi like a winner, and said.

"Didn’t you ask me before, why didn’t you turn Gui into a puppet? I will answer you! As a **** and demon, I fall in love with human beings... I have fallen in love with Gui. That’s why I can’t turn Gui into a puppet. He became the kind of immortal puppet. The gods and demons are different from humans, and they have long forgotten what love is. But now it seems that this is simply wrong..."

While talking, the black-haired doll took off the clothes of the beautiful boy in front of him--and under his clothes, it was the body of the doll, which was made up of joints and wood just like the black-haired doll.


Seeing this scene, Mei Xi's face was gloomy, and the black-haired doll sneered triumphantly. Then, as if showing off her trophy, she raised the beautiful boy who had turned into a doll at her hand.

"How? Miyu, do you still love him? Even if that beautiful man becomes like this? Hahahahahaha..."


Seeing the beautiful boy who had turned into a puppet in front of her, Miyu said nothing, while the black-haired doll hugged him tightly.

"I love him, like this... it belongs to me only... this is something that belongs only to me..."

For a time, the scene became extremely silent. However, at this moment, another cold voice sounded.

"No, he doesn't belong to you."

Accompanied by this sound, Bing Ling burst out instantly, encircling the black-haired doll in it. Then, the chain of ice suddenly appeared, and the doll of the beautiful boy who was not moving was tightly bound, and then quickly contracted, and then I saw it. The doll that had turned from a beautiful boy was bound by the ice chains and flew up, and then fell heavily in front of Shizuku.

"Gui! Gui!"

Seeing her beloved doll being taken away, the black-haired doll suddenly screamed, but Shizuku just sneered and stared at her.

"Want to return to the dark abyss with your beloved? Unfortunately, you are not worthy of this treatment. Have you ever thought about how many people have lost their dear children because of you? And now? Delusion to get happiness?"

While speaking, Shizuku raised his right hand, squeezed Frostmourne, and then stabbed the doll in front of him forcefully.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Painful screams sounded from the doll, and the next moment, the beautiful young doll suddenly shattered and was sucked into the blade of the pitch-black sword.

"Gui! No!! Give it back to me!!!"

Seeing this scene, the black-haired doll screamed even more bitterly and painfully, while Shizuku showed an icy smile and stared at her.

"I will not kill you, you will be sent back to the dark abyss, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, you will suffer eternal pain and torment just like those who have lost their loved ones because of you... Miyu, Send her back!"


Hearing Shizuku's order, Mi Xi was stunned for a moment, and then she recovered, and then she glanced at the **** and demon in front of her with a complicated expression, and raised her right hand.

"God and demon Ranja, go back to the darkness!"

Following Mei Xi's order, the flames broke out again, swallowing the black-haired doll completely.

"No! I don't want to go back! Give Gui back to me! Give me back...!!!"

The screaming screams gradually disappeared, disappearing into the darkness with the flame.


Mei Xi put down her right hand and stared at Shizuku with a complex expression. This is not the first time that she has sent a **** and demon back into the darkness, nor is it the first time she has experienced similar emotional entanglement.


"Miss Kasuga, you do this... will it be too..."

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished."

Shizuku shook his head, interrupting Miyu's questioning.

"She turned so many people into puppets, causing their parents to lose their love. Then I think that giving her the same treatment is a very reasonable return... She has to bear the consequences if she makes a choice."

Having said this, Shizuku retracted Frostmourne, and then smiled slightly at Miyu.

"Then, my mission is over, I'm leaving, and I hope to see you next time."

After saying this, Shizuku turned and left, while Miyu watched Shizuku's back. After a while, she suddenly asked.

"Miss Kasuga, do you want eternal life?"

Facing Miyu's question, Shizuku didn't even look back, just waved his hand.

"I already have this thing."

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