Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2832: Forced demolition (Ben Miao is already hot and doesn’t want to move anymore)

"woo woo woo woo……!!"

The roar of the engine broke the dead silence of the abandoned mansion, the dazzling white light tore the darkness, and the steel chariot broke through the ruined walls of the house without hesitation and rushed forward.

Shizuku was sitting on the locomotive with a big sword in his right hand. He looked like a mobster robbing the house and blatantly committing crimes. It was as if he was a demolition gang hired by the local demolition office, planning to completely razing the house in front of him.

And no one can stop it yet.

This feeling is... so cool!

Looking at the big house in front of him, Shizuku raised Frostmourne and waved it down.


The sword wind whizzed past, and then the already weather-beaten house collapsed.

Any demolition work will encounter resistance, and the Jiu Family is no exception. Along with the collapsed house, several resentful spirits emerged from the ruins screaming. They furiously flared their teeth and claws and rushed to the culprit who had destroyed their home. ——Then disappeared in the cold wind of Frostmourne.

Therefore, no matter how determined the nails are, they are weak in front of the bulldozer.

After clearing away the nail household resenting spirit who tried to prevent him from demolishing the gate of Huangquan, Shizuku got out of the car, and then connected the phone.

"Hey, Crimson, have you found the specific location of the Yellow Spring Gate?"

"Yes, Sister Shizuku, first go to the deep palace from the first floor, and then need to find four woods of tattoos to open the closed gate of the palace of carvings... The first wood of tattoos is located..."


Shizuku clenched his fist and blasted his fist. The thick and closed door in front of him was smashed and flew out in an instant, and then it hit the wall and turned into a pile of tatters.

"Open it, then what?"

"...Please go straight inside to the end, and go down the stairs next to the cave to the bottom."

Look, this is a simple, direct and convenient way.

Following the direction that Hina Saki Crimson said, Shizuku ran forward all the way, and soon reached the location of the gate leading to the Yellow Spring. Different from the Hiking House and Minami Village, the Yellow Spring Channel of the Kuse Family is not a tunnel, but a vertical 90-degree cave. A small wooden cage is hung in the center of the cave, and the cave wall is hovering. Down the stairs, the torii gates were placed in the cave, which looked rather strange.

Shizuku jumped down and landed directly on the bottom of the cave. Then she followed the path in front of her to a half-closed stone gate in front of her.

Walking into Shimen, it was pitch black inside, and I could barely see my fingers. But this is of course nothing to Shizuku. She can clearly see that in the Shimen room, there are women covered with tattoos lying on all sides, their limbs are firmly nailed to the ground by stone cones. On the walls and ceiling.

Obviously, this is how the Jiushi family sealed the gate of Huangquan through sacrifices again and again.

But unfortunately, that's it.

While Shizuku was carefully looking at the room in front of her, the heavy stone gate behind her suddenly closed with a "boom", and then a faint cyan glow emerged. Then, a woman with tattoos appeared in front of Shizuku. Her eyes full of pain and resentment stared at the black-haired girl in front of her, resentment and undead entangled in the woman's body, spreading towards the surroundings.

"Thanks for your hard work, lady."

Shizuku pulled out Frostmourne silently, and held it up high.

"Although I don't know what you have gone through... well, but everything you have experienced ends here, your mission is over, go with peace of mind..."

After saying this, Shizuku squeezed Frostmourne firmly and waved forward.


The dark big sword was swung down suddenly, and the cold wind suddenly rose on the ground, whizzing forward, and while being blown by the cold wind, the whole hall began to tremble, and the dead souls gathered on the tattooed woman seemed to be ravaged by the storm. It was torn from her body like a spider silk, spinning and disappearing into the door of the yellow spring at the end. Only the tattooed woman still screamed, waving her hands vigorously, trying to resist the attack of Frostmourne.

While she was struggling, a azure blue light flew along the raging cold wind to the side of the tattooed woman, and then turned into a man in a kimono. The moment the tattooed woman stopped struggling when she saw the man, she stretched out her hand and hugged the kimono man in front of her tightly. Then the two of them were blown to the end of the other side of the yellow spring, and disappeared into the depths of the gate of the yellow spring. Place.

When Shizuku put down Frostmourne in his hand, the bodies of the tattooed girls who were originally fixed in this hall had disappeared. Their souls no longer need to keep the pain and torment, but can go to the other side of the Yellow Spring peacefully and fall into eternal sleep.

"In this way, there is only one thing left!"

After confirming that the evil spirits of the entire Jiu Shi family had been absorbed and expelled, Shizuku once again clenched Frostmourne in his hand, facing the door of the Yellow Spring in front of him, with a strong wave.

For a time, the earth moved and the mountains shook.

The valley where the entire Jiushi family was located began to tremble violently, as if an earthquake had erupted. And the already dilapidated mansion collapsed completely during the earthquake. Then, a big hole appeared without warning, swallowing the collapsed house. Afterwards, the mudslides rushing down from the mountain rushed through, completely filling up everything here.

When the shock disappeared, everything in the vicinity, including the Jiushi family, had been completely swallowed.

When Shizuku returned home with a yawn, it was already early morning, and the others had already awakened at this moment. Seeing Shizuku's return, everyone was relieved.

"Sister Shizuku, you're back, are you okay!"

"What can I do? It's so simple..."

Facing Hina Saki's crimson question, Shizuku smiled slightly and waved her hand, and then she looked at Kurosawa Rei. At this moment, Kurosawa Rei's eyes were red and his face was sad, as if crying bitterly.

"What's up with her?"

"... We... saw Miss Kurosawa's fiancé at the end of the Yellow Spring Gate..."

Hearing Shizuku's question, Hinasaki Crimson replied in a low voice.

"Miss Kurosawa Lian originally wanted to go to the other side of Huangquan with him, but he stopped Miss Lian and absorbed all the curses on Miss Lian."

"Oh...it is true."

Shizuku glanced at Kurosawa Rei and found that the original tattooed aura on her body had indeed disappeared.


"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Crimson's slightly gritted teeth, Shizuku asked suspiciously, while Hina Saki Crimson hesitated for a moment, then replied in a low voice.

"I... saw my brother."


"He still has a crush on that woman! Obviously he abandoned me for that woman, and in the end he even dared to talk about that woman in front of me...!!!"

Speaking of this, Hina Saki's crimson is full of anger, of course she is very sorry for Higuro Mizue's past, but this is not the same as stealing her own brother! Go back and find the man you love. What kind of thing is pestering someone else's brother!

Seeing Hina Saki who clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and exuded dark aura, Shizuku silently wiped away his cold sweat. If I remember that’s right, when he sealed the gate of the Yellow Spring at the Ice Room Mansion, Hina Saki Matsumoto was indeed sealed on the other side of the Yellow Spring together with Ikuro Mizue. Now look at Hina Saki's crimson appearance... The two of them had a pretty good life on the other side of Huangquan?

"I also met my great-grandmother."

Hina Saki Crimson apparently had completely given up on this elder brother who had seen the color of Wangmei. He took such a big risk and even entered the gate of Huangquan to look for him. As a result, he came up to ask about his own recent situation, unexpectedly. Are you showing off your newly married life with Higuro Mizue?

Had it not been for Hina Saki Crimson to maintain a little sense, she would just take the phone that Shizuku gave to herself and seal Hina Saki Mawinter.

"Great-grandmother also asked me to thank you...Thank you for fulfilling her wish."

At this point, Hina Saki's crimson expression was a bit complicated. After all, from the perspective of generation, Kurosawa Yae is his great-grandmother, but her appearance in the yellow spring is about the same as her own age... To be honest, looking at such Kurosawa Yae, Hina Saki Crimson is really embarrassed to call Her great-grandmother.

Kurosawa Sasuke seemed to be very interested in the man named Zongfang Liangzang who married Yae, and asked Hina Saki Crimson a lot about him-well, as for Huangquan, will there be any **** storms afterwards. This is not something Hina Saki Crimson can interfere.

The matter of the dead is left to the dead to deal with.

After that, Rei Kurosawa cheered up and solemnly thanked Shizuku.

"Thank you very much, Miss Kasuga, although I did think about going to that world with Youyu at that time, but Youyu said that as long as I am still alive, he will never be forgotten... so I will work hard. If you survive, you will never fail Youyu's heart."

"The dead are dead, and the living have to move on."

Shizuku also smiled and nodded in the face of Rei Kurosawa who looked serious.

"It's good that you can have such an idea."

Anyway, as long as the result is OK, then everything goes well.

After Kurosawa Rei’s commission, everyone lived a relatively peaceful life. For Bon no Mizue, the Tokyo office is naturally not as comfortable as coming from her own home, but she is now Shizuku’s servant, Shizuku wants her She has to do what she does. So even though I think it is small and broken, Bon Zhi Mist still has to succumb to Shizuku's "devil power", UU reading www.uukanshu.com obediently stay and do things.

"I'm back."

Hina Saki Crimson pushed open the door of the office and greeted him, but unexpectedly, there was no one in the office.

"Sister Shizuku? Miss Mizue?"

Putting down her schoolbag, Hina Saki looked around in crimson suspiciously. In her original impression, Shizuku had always been sitting behind the table and watching TV or newspapers, while the newly-arrived Bonzhi Mizue mainly sat in a daze on a chair. . However, neither of them are here today...


At this moment, Suddenly, Hina Saki Crimson heard a crash from the building. She hurried up the stairs and looked towards the third floor. When Hina Saki Crimson probed, she saw the fog on the third floor. The door to Zhi's room slowly opened, and Shizuku walked out of it refreshingly.

Seeing Hina Saki crimson, she also greeted with a smile.

"Yo, Crimson, you are back."

"Yes, I'm back... Sister Shizuku, what are you doing with Miss Mizue?"


Hearing Hina Saki's crimson question, Shizuku turned his head meaningfully, glanced at the room of the fog branch of the camp, and then looked away.

"We are playing games."

"play games?"

"Yeah, very interesting game."

While talking, Shizuku stretched out his hand and rubbed his fingers. Hina Saki Crimson tilted her head in doubt, and then she took out a letter from her pocket.

"Ah, by the way, sister Shizuku, this is what I just found in the mailbox. It should be a power of attorney."

"Power of attorney?"

"Yes it is."

While talking, Hina Saki handed over the letter while crimson.

"It seems to come from an outfield village."

Then she replied.

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