Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2838: Swimsuit DLC (currently chasing 2 in the July new show)

As the yacht slowly docked, the girls got off the boat one after another. Looking at the abandoned island in front of them, everyone was a little uneasy.

"Then, it's so decided."

Shizuku turned his head, looked at the girls around him, and said that the candidate for the trip has been decided. In addition to Mizuuzuki Ryuge as the client, Aso Misaki and Tsukimori Soonka must accompany him, Hina Saki is also naturally crimson. Will go together as an assistant. The rest of the people basically signed up voluntarily-so Kurosawa Rei joined them.

She was originally a photographer for shooting supernatural subjects, so naturally she would not miss this opportunity.

On the contrary, it is the Tiancang sisters who are a little surprised.

Originally Shizuku wanted to let Sister Tiancang stay on the yacht with Mizuki Bonzhi, but Yuu Tiancang strongly asked to go together, which made sister Tiancang Mio look a little surprised. However, Tiancang Yu seemed to have her own reasons. According to her, she was re-possessed by Kurosawa yarn when she was in the village of Gods. There is almost no memory of that time. And in Kurosawa Rei's incident, Tiancang Mio didn't know what was going on and was drawn into Kurosawa Rei's dream, but instead fell asleep until dawn. Even looking at her sister who became close to Hina Saki Crimson and Kurosawa Rei in one night, Amakura Yuco felt like she was being excluded.

That's why she urged her to go with her this time.

Amakura Mio obviously does not want her sister to do this. After all, her legs are inconvenient. Although nothing can be seen here so far, based on her experience, I am afraid that evil spirits are also rampant on Ozuki Island. If my sister goes up, I am afraid that she will encounter it. To danger. But Tiancang Yu insisted on participating, and Tian Cang Mio couldn't resist. As for Shizuku... she nodded and agreed.

For Shizuku, Amakura's safety is not a problem in itself. She was able to be pulled back even when she was possessed by Kurosawa Yae in Minakami Village. To Shizuku, Ozukishima's trouble was nothing at all.

Not only that, the sisters also have the same "retrospective" powers similar to those of Hina Saki Crimson, but the two of them are even more restricted. First of all, Tian Cang Yu and Tian Cang Mi must be together to be able to exert this power. Secondly, they can't choose to investigate and retrospect according to their will like Hina Saki Crimson, but they are like the kind of thoughts that are left in the air. For Shizuku, this place is also suitable for the two of them to train, so it doesn't hurt to agree.

In Shizuku’s view, among the girls around him, apart from the non-human existence of Bonzhi Mist, the strongest is Hina Saki Crimson, then Amakura Yuco and Amakura Mio, and finally Kurosawa pity. Among these three clients, Misaki Aso and Mizusuki Ryuge's spiritual power are basically the same as Amakura Yuco, and Tsukimori Yuanka's spiritual power level is not much different from Kurosawa Rei.

"By the way, take this."

After stepping off the yacht and coming to the dock, Shizuku grabbed a talisman from his arms and handed it over.

"this is?"

"You can see that it is a talisman. It can protect you from the attack of evil spirits. If you encounter any danger, you can just tear it open and I will rush to it immediately."

After listening to Shizuku's words, Hina Saki was crimson, Amakura sisters and Kurosawa Rei quickly reached out and took the talisman. They were all helped by Shizuku, and there was no doubt about her abilities. Although the three girls including Shui Wuyue Liuge were a little confused, they also obediently took the talisman and put them on.

"I think you should be very clear, but I still want to say it again. It’s dangerous here, so don’t separate. At least two people should be together. If you find yourself separated from others inexplicably, don’t hesitate to open the talisman right away and understand. Yet?"

From the outside, Shizuku's age is not too old, but what she said seemed to have a sense of majesty that everyone could not question, so that the girls nodded involuntarily. Hina Saki Crimson showed a somewhat puzzled expression, and sneaked up to Shizuku's side when others were not paying attention.

"Sister Shizuku, you don't seem to do this before?"

In the impression of Hina Saki Crimson, Shizuku has always been vigorous and resolute when removing spirits, and he went up directly to demolish and push from beginning to end. Originally, Hina Saki Crimson thought that Shizuku would be like before when he came to Ozuki Island. Summon a bunch of undead and then jump the entire Ozuki Island.

"In the past, it was mainly an emergency and was busy saving people, but this time it was mainly an investigation, so there was no need to be so eager."

Shizuku shrugged his shoulders, and then replied.

"In my opinion, this is also an opportunity for you to correctly recognize and deal with evil spirits. Don't worry, the evil spirits on this island are nothing particularly powerful. They are far worse than those you have encountered before. As long as you are careful There won't be any problems with it."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Hina Saki Crimson was finally relieved. It is true after thinking about it. At the beginning of the ice house, she hoped that Shizuku would save her brother. In Minikamura, they needed to rescue the possessed Tiancang cocoon. In the case of Rei Kurosawa, she had already suffered. The curse of tattoos is at stake.

Although these incidents were all resolved lightly because of Shizuku's strength, but in retrospect, it is true that every time it is a life-threatening situation.

In contrast, the experience of Mizuki Ryuge and others is sympathetic, but their main reason for going to Ozuki Island is not to rescue someone, but to investigate their lost memories and past, so naturally they are not so eager. At least not to the point where the race against the clock will lead to death.

That's why Shizuku agreed to let Tiancang Yugo along, obviously intending to use this place to train the girls.

"Relax, don't you always take part in the bravery test when you go to the beach? Just treat it as part of the entertainment program on your vacation."

"This entertainment program is really..."

Hearing this, Hina Saki crimson couldn't help but twitched, and there was indeed a reserved program for participating in the bravery test on vacation at the seaside. But that's all fake. There are real evil spirits here. In the eyes of Shizuku sister, is this island actually similar to an amusement park?

With Shizuku's elder sister's strength, perhaps it is true...

So in this way, the group of people joined the "Ozuki Island One-day Tour Group", only the fog branch of Bonzhi has a face in charge of staying behind the yacht. Of course, other people have also wondered why the bonsai fog branch looks like this, but after Shizuku said that "girls always have so many days", in addition to wondering "will vampires have that kind of life?" Apart from Red, everyone else basically expressed their understanding.

But... this is really interesting.

Looking at the girls in front of him, Shizuku showed a subtle expression.

The reason is very simple. Since today’s original plan was to go to sea for a long journey, except for the three girls of Mizuki Ryuge and Shizuku himself, the other girls are all wearing swimsuits. Even now, they are only wearing coats. Wearing slippers on the feet.

If Ozuki Island is not abandoned, then they seem to be tourists who come to the beach during the tourist season.

But now, in the dark night, shining by the silver moon, it is already dilapidated, and on the ghostly pier, a group of girls in swimsuits are chatting and laughing...This has to remind Shizuku of the swimsuits that many Japanese games would have in the past. DLC...

That scene is really...well, please, players, please dress like individuals.

The entire Ozuki Island is very large. Of course, it is impossible to carry out a carpet search with such a few people, but there is no need, because Aso Misaki and the others still have a clue — they used to have five people filming together at Ozukikan. The photos, it can be determined, no matter what the reason, the five girls did stay together in Ozukikan for a while when they were young.

So they decided to go to Ozukikan and start an investigation.

The so-called Ozukikan is a building that integrates recuperation and treatment. It can be said to be similar to the VIP ward building of a hospital. The girls walked into Ozukikan, and then looked around-the entire Ozukikan. It was dark and gloomy inside, only moonlight shone in from outside the window, bringing a little light.

"It looks very shabby here."

"It's true that nobody has lived for a long time."

Looking at the Ozukikan in front of them, Hina Saki Crimson and Kurosawa Rei also gave their own evaluations, which on the contrary made the three girls such as Mizuzuki Ryuge relax a lot. They were very nervous at first. When they came here, would they encounter any problems? Now it seems that there are more people and it is still good. At least this is better than the three of them breaking into this place.

"Do you think of anything? Yuanxiang?"

With a flashlight shining ahead, Aso Misaki asked, while Tsukimori Soonka shook his head timidly.

"No, because it was a long time ago..."

"The photos taken by the five of us are indeed right here."

Aso Misaki took out the photo and compared the Ozukikan in front of him. And Yuemori Yuanxiang looked around anxiously, although she was surrounded by people, but she seemed to be very resistant to these things in front of her.

"Misaki, is it really okay for us to come here? I can't remember anything from the place where I took the photo..."

"You just need to obediently do what I say."

Facing Tsukimori Soonka's somewhat cowardly speech, Aso Misaki bluntly replied, and Tsukimori Soonka suddenly shrank her body.

"Or, do you want to be that way too?"


Hearing this, Yuesen Yuanxiang's face was pale. She remembered what she had seen in the photo, the appearance of the other two companions dying tragically. They curled up and covered their faces with their hands, their expressions twisted and died in agony. She felt terrified.

However, in the next moment, an unprecedented scene appeared in Yuesen Yuanxiang's head.

The girl taken away, the mysterious ritual, the dead...and then...


Hearing Yuesen Yuanxiang's cry, the others stopped immediately.

"Miss Yuanxiang, what's wrong with you?"


Yuemori Yuanxiang raised her head and looked around, and saw that everyone including Mizusuki Ryuge was watching her worriedly. She gritted her teeth and then spoke.

"Me, what do I seem to think of?"

"What do you think of?"

"Um... I remember... I saw a man in a suit and took a girl away... Then someone was playing music in strange clothes and a strange mask, and then suddenly..."

Speaking of this, Yuemori Yuanxiang couldn't help but began to shiver.

"A big sister wearing a mask and dancing fell down, her mask fell to the ground, she seemed to be dead, everyone was shocked..."

"What happened then? Then what happened?"

At this moment, Aso Misaki also walked back, and when he heard Tsukimori Sonaka's words, he hurriedly asked. And Tsukimori Soonka shook her head constantly facing Misaki Aso's questioning.

"I don't know, I only remember these, I don't know... I'm so scared, I want to go back!"


Hearing Tsukimori Soonka's words, Aso Misaki tried to reach out and grab her, but Mizusuki Ryuta blocked Aso Misaki.

"Misaki, stop here."


Aso Misaki glanced at the other people, then turned his head and walked forward. With the comfort of Hinasaki's crimson and Mizuzuki Ryuge, Tsukimori Soonka, who had been forced to collapse, calmed down. Everyone continued to move forward.

Only this time, no one talked any more.

After this, the group continued to move forward, and then they came to a door on the first floor where a plaque of "Aso Kunihiko Memorial Hall" was hung.

"What is this place?"

Kurosawa looked at the plaque in front of him suspiciously. It was obviously a nursing home, but there was a memorial?

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the memorial hall of my ancestors."

"Ancestor? Ah, speaking of it, your surname is Aso..."


Aso Misaki nodded.

"Although I am not very clear, but according to family members, my ancestor was a well-known folklore scholar. He once came to Ozuki Island and lived here for a period of time. Then he got married and had children here, and then Ozuki In order to commemorate him, the island built the room he lived in into a memorial hall."

While talking, Aso Misaki stretched out his hand, UU read www. uukanshu. com tried to open the door, but the door was locked.

"How to do?"

"It's better to find the key, there should be..."

When the girls were discussing, Shizuku walked over silently, then stretched out his hand, clenched his fist, and slammed the door in front of him.


The wooden door shattered, and everyone was stunned when they saw this scene-only Hina Saki Crimson and Amakura Mio expressed emotional stability.

Shizuku clapped his hands, then turned his head and gestured at the crowd.

"Okay, open it, let's go in."

Soon, everyone walked into the Aso Memorial Hall, which was filled with various things, and among them, Kurosawa Rei discovered an existence that surprised her.

"Look at this!"

While talking, Rei Kurosawa walked to a cabinet and pointed to it, only to see an old-fashioned camera in the glass cabinet.

"Ah, that was made by my ancestors."

Aso Misaki also walked over, and then introduced.

"I heard from the family that the ancestors made this projectile machine, which can capture evil spirits, repel them and seal them. In fact, I also have such a thing in my home."

While talking, Aso Misaki took out a projection machine of the same style from his side.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but..."

But before Misaki Aso had finished speaking, she was stunned.

Because in front of her, Mio Amakura also quietly took out a camera that was exactly the same, and Rei Kurosawa on the other side also took out a camera from his bag.


Everyone looked at the weird scene in front of them, and fell into silence for a while.

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