Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2865: The BOSS is myself? (It's the season of gnawing rice again...

Now that there was a chance to clean up Urami Yusuke's meal reasonably and legally, Shizuku would definitely not let it go. So he called himself "Eldest Sister" at him, Shizuku said that if he didn't hit him with a peach blossom, he didn't know why the flowers were so red.

But how to participate in this KOF, Shizuku also has his own means.

For ordinary people, they just find the competition organizing committee to register according to the address, and then wait to participate in the preliminaries. After passing the preliminaries, this is considered to officially enter the KOF competition stage.

But Shizuku didn't need to be so troublesome. She called the company directly and asked them to sponsor the KOF conference. With Shizuku's experience, the more money is always the better for such large-scale events. In particular, the KOF competition still radiates the world. It requires a lot of funds to recruit martial artists and fighters from all over the world to compete. As long as there are big gold masters entering, they will generally be quite welcome.

And Shizuku is not spending money in vain. In fact, she originally planned to sell her company's latest product after the Chinese New Year-the world's first flip phone.

Originally, the first flip phone was produced by Motorola, a nuclear bomb manufacturer, in 1995. Now Shizuku is five years ahead of schedule. Although some functions are not comparable to Motorola’s bricks, at least Shizuku is guaranteed to be hard enough. Smashing it down is absolutely capable of smashing people to death.

It is naturally a good choice to use the stage of KOF to promote your flip phone around the world. Although Shizuku still prefers smart phones, the current level of technology in the world has not yet pointed out the touch screen, so she had no choice but to use a flip phone to make do with it.

But having said that, the Japanese really like clamshell machines. Shizuku remembers that in many worlds, other places have already switched to smart phones, but the Japanese still use flip phones. In the end, it was delayed until it was almost eliminated by the world, and was reluctant to switch to a smart phone.

I really don't know what these Japanese people think.

Although she didn't bother to care about it.

After becoming a KOF sponsor, Shizuku naturally skipped the preliminaries as a seed player. Not only that, as one of the organizers of the competition, she was also able to get the list and information of all participants...

This is the power of money, a fighter with a brain full of muscles will not understand (hands out).

After paying a large sum of money, Shizuku also succeeded in joining as one of the four KOF contest organizers and was qualified to have a meeting with them.


"This is really troublesome."

Looking at the three men in the conference room, Shizuku had a black line. Sitting in the middle was an old man who looked almost sixty-year-old. He was sturdy in shape and had a very strange hairstyle. I saw that the middle of the old man's head was a smooth Mediterranean Sea, and the hair on both sides was erected high like cliffs, and the whole person looked full of majesty.

Sitting on the left is a blond man wearing a white suit with his hair combed back. He holds his arms around his arms and stares at the girl in front of him coldly, without saying a word. It's like a blond lion choosing someone to eat, full of wild deterrence.

Opposite him, there is also a sturdy man with blond hair, a mustache, and a sturdy body. In front of the three, the girl in front of him is almost like a harmless little human and animal who has entered the cage of a beast. White rabbit.


Looking at the three people in front of her, Shizuku sighed helplessly, then she coughed and looked at the three of them and said.

"Three gentlemen, let me express my opinion first. I just want to hold a fighting contest smoothly and steadily. I don't want to engage in any moths. So why do you want to take this opportunity to rule the world? Or clone the strongest fighter, absorb the power of the fighter, or want the blood of the gods...Can we not do it?"


Hearing Shizuku's words, the three men looked at each other, and then they looked at the girl in front of them and jumped up suddenly!


In the next moment, only a bang was heard in the conference room. After a while, Shizuku clapped his hands and pushed open the door of the conference room, shook his head and walked out with a sigh.

"Really, I know it doesn't make sense. I'll do this by myself."

After slapped to death the guys who wanted to make trouble, Shizuku was finally able to secure a normal KOF game.

There is no conspiracy, no shady, just to have a regular game, can't it? Why do you have to use the game to do things? Don't you do nothing if you don't mess up? But if you want to make trouble, you have to figure out what you are.

Besides, Shizuku will not allow anyone to succeed in doing things.

After all, the company paid for the advertisement for this competition, and it was me who had problems. In case it is revealed that there is something shady in this competition, isn't the advertising that the company spends so much money on? You are anti-human and anti-society, but don't touch my income. Even if the money falls from the sky, it's okay for me to bend over and pick it up by myself.

Fortunately, the entire competition was originally at the stage of preparation and acceptance. Although this group of people wanted to make trouble, the management of the competition process was quite strict. However, after Shizuku intervened, he made some changes as appropriate.

First of all, the rules of the game. KOF has always been a group of three, but considering Urami Yusuke, in order to prevent this guy from running away because of insufficient numbers, Shizuku changed the three-person group to a four-person group. A three-person team will participate in the game, and one person will be in charge of the substitute, which can also avoid problems caused by insufficient numbers.

Secondly, there are rewards. Of course, the high bonus is part of it, but if it is just the bonus, it would be too boring, so Shizuku gave out another extra prize very badly.

That is, the winning group can realize a wish.

Note that not everyone can realize one wish, but the people in the entire group can only realize one wish.

Any wish is fine!

That's right, just like the Holy Grail War, all teams fight each other, and the final winner fulfills his wish. Isn't it very interesting?

Shizuku's heart was full of laughter when she said this condition, she wanted to see this kind of Shura field unfolding. As the saying goes, when the brother sword is out, there will be no more brothers. She also wants to see if the fighters will turn against the brothers and fight against them when they are involved in trouble... Well, if it is so, it would be too interesting!

Of course, what if someone wants to realize the evil desire?

Such as destroying the world and ruling mankind, can it be realized?

Of course it is impossible.

At this time, it was Shizuku's turn to debut.

Although she was the person in charge of the competition, Shizuku used her company's deputy to conduct remote control during the entire competition, and she herself would only appear as a contestant. If there is any evil and strange team, Shizuku will simply transfer the opponent to his own group, and then kill it directly.

It really doesn't work. At the end of the day, I just find a chance to abstain. It's not a big deal anyway.

As for the realization of the wish, of course it is the one who has the final say. After all, it is not the incompetent **** blasting machine. The realization of the wish and how to realize the wish are the final decision. So don't expect someone to take this opportunity to do things for yourself. If someone is really messing up, just kill them.

Of course, the main goal of this competition is to be able to reasonably and legally squeeze a meal of Urahan Yusuke. This premise cannot be forgotten.

Now the only remaining problem is the team members.

Although Shizuku has decided to bring Xuecai, Xuecai is not a member of the team, but a logistics assistant. The reason why she brought her is to expose Hiying and Xuecai directly on the spot during the game. Brother-sister relationship, completely handle this matter. However, Xuecai's combat effectiveness as a Snow Girl is not strong, so she didn't mean to let her join.

As for Bon Zhi Mist and Jing Shui Jiu, although they were willing to participate, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was denied by Shizuku. Although there are all kinds of monsters and monsters in this game, after all, it is a global live broadcast. At least you are like an individual. Just like the fog branch of the bonnet, you can directly expose your wings when you are excited, or you can directly turn into a puddle of water like the static water for a long time... This is impossible to justify in front of a global audience.

Therefore, Shizuku must still find three people to compete. Of course, the best strength is not too weak, and it is best to be able to continue the competition without himself. After all, as the host, Shizuku couldn't win the championship by himself... it was too obvious that he was manipulating the game.

As for the others, although the spiritual powers of Bai Ju and Heosawa Fengshi are very high, they are just witches and have no physical combat power. If they have physical combat power, they will not be destroyed by a single woodcutter.

Not to mention Hina Saki Crimson and Amakura sisters.

In fact, if Shizuku chooses himself, it must be a team of female fighters. Like Yuri Sakazaki, Mai Shiranui and Athena Asamiya are the most commonly used combinations when playing games in arcade halls. They are beautiful and cute. Strong again. But unfortunately, in reality, of course she can't choose how she chooses. After all, these people who want to form a team also sign up for their own team, and they won't wait until she comes to collect people.

Fortunately, there are still some players who signed up separately, after being told to change the rules, they are also looking for teams. Shizuku intends to choose from among these people-the target must be beautiful young and lovely girls.

But finding these people is not easy for Shizuku.

So soon, after receiving the information of the contestants, Shizuku began to search for the teammates.

And soon, a person entered her field of vision.


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