Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2906: conspiracy

Compared with ordinary people, Shizuku's resources can make it easier for her to investigate everything about the show.

Just like now, when she contacted the director of the NCK TV station through a member of Congress who was involved with the company, and invited the TV station staff involved in the recording of the show to come and ask, no one dared to refuse at all-they might be for a little girl They don't care, but they can't help but listen to the words of their immediate superiors.

"Actually, this show is not the idea of ​​our TV station."

Sitting in front of Shizuku, a man of flesh and blood whispered while wiping sweat from his forehead. At the very beginning, he wanted to show Shizuku's style as a media person, but after Shizuku showed him the Metropolitan Police Department's ID and a line of figures, he immediately paralyzed his whole person and put himself in shock. Everything that I knew was spoken like a bamboo tube.

"In the beginning, a variety show company approached us and proposed this project. They believed that all psychics are liars, so they wanted to produce such a show to expose the tricks of those liars in front of guests and audiences..."

Oh, that's the Japanese version of "Into Science".

"Then do you think those psychics who come to power are all liars?"


Facing Shizuku's question, the man hesitated.

"Frankly speaking, I think there are still a few people in there who really have real abilities. For example, they can learn about their past from people they don't know each other, the first time they meet, and some things that only this person knows. Of course. , The rhythm of this show is like this. First, we will try to show the power of these psychics, and then wait for the audience to believe it, and then in turn criticize it..."

It's understandable to raise first and then lower.

"But those with spiritual abilities won't be convinced."

"Of course, and to be honest, many of their performances are indeed doubtful. For example, someone tells the secrets of others when they were young, saying that they learned from the spirit behind him, but they may also be the guests before the show started. The list was leaked out secretly, and the other party conducted an investigation based on this..."

"It is indeed possible."

Shizuku nodded slightly. This is the reason why spiritual abilities will not be accepted by the public. This is different from science, and there is only one scientific explanation. For example, if there is a fire in a certain place, there must be a place to ignite the flame. The public can accept and understand the principle.

However, you say that you can see the spirit behind others and get news from it, which is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

The most important thing is that this kind of idealism is difficult to prove with evidence. For example, what the other party said was a secret between a guest and his dead relatives. If this secret is not recorded, it is difficult to obtain evidence. But if there are records left, it increases the possibility of leaks.

Even if the other party insists that it is true, this kind of non-circumstantial evidence will only arouse others' suspicion. Maybe even the guests will be suspected of being the support of spiritual abilities, or the performance of the show.

This is the reason why true spiritual abilities rarely participate in such media programs.

"Have you seen these two girls?"

Thinking of this, Shizuku withdrew his thoughts, and then put the picture of Hazuki Izuna and another girl in front of him. After seeing the picture, the other side remembered it slightly, and then nodded vigorously.

"Remember, especially this one is called...Izuna, we originally wanted to promote her as a first-class beautiful girl with spiritual ability...Hahaha, you know, the public is most interested in this type. "

"The original meaning was that you were not able to follow the plan?"

"Yeah, she disappeared suddenly, and we don't know where she went."



The man nodded again.

"We originally planned to do a serial feature, focusing on the beautiful girl Izuna with spiritual power... and maybe she can be promoted as a star idol, but just before the show started, she suddenly disappeared, and we looked for it. For a long time, no one was found in the end."

"Have you ever called?"

"Of course, it was the call made by the producer himself, but no one answered it."

"...I see, thank you."

After questioning the man, Shizuku stood up, then turned and walked out of the TV station. And just as she walked into her car, the phone rang, Shizuku picked up the phone, and Hina Saki's crimson red voice came from inside.

"Sister Shizuku!"

"What's wrong? Crimson?"

"Something is wrong! I followed your instructions to investigate the psychics who participated in the show, and it turned out that many of them disappeared after participating in the program!"


"Yes, I asked the friends and relatives of those with psychics. They all said that those psychics never came back after participating in the program. They went to the TV station to inquire, and they called the police, but in the end they all said that they never came back. It's nothing more."

"It seems that the variety show company is very problematic."

Hearing this, Shizuku's expression also became serious. If the other party was only deliberately trying to corrupt the reputation of the spiritual power, she actually didn't care. As she said to Hina Saki Crimson before, it is better to make people think that psychics are liars than they think that psychics are real.

But if the other party did something harmful in this name, it would be different. More importantly, Hazuki Izuna is also related to this matter-Shizuku does not remember Izuna in "Hell Teacher" Having encountered such a situation, the situation is obvious, and Izuna is clearly involved in an event that is beyond the track.

"I'm going to see the production company. You go back to the office first, and I will contact you if I have something to do."

Shizuku quickly made a decision.

Originally, Shizuku thought that the production company of such a third-rate supernatural program should be located in some relatively remote places. After all, although the ratings of this program are not low, it is not a big hit, and the supernatural program will not appear in the elegant hall after all. Coupled with the other party's similar means of playing hooliganism, it is easy to remind people of the affairs controlled by gangsters. Place.

What Shizuku did not expect was that this office was actually located in a high-rise building in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, and its location was more than ten times better than that of his own office.

This is interesting.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Shizuku can’t believe that an entertainment company can rely on a third-rate superb show to buy a building in the central area of ​​Tokyo, even if the Japanese financial crisis bubble collapses, it’s impossible.

On the 20th floor of this building, Shizuku could feel a clear aura. If it was correct, this should be the breath of Izuna.

Sure enough, when she sneaked up to the 20th floor and looked for it in the direction of Reiki, she saw a black-haired girl in a sailor suit lying on the ground, unconscious. There were a lot of people in black suits standing around, who looked like they would appear in gangster movies. Shizuku glanced around, then quietly flashed and entered the room, and then she came to the black-haired girl's side. Pushed her.

"Are you okay? Wake up!"


Hearing Shizuku's voice, the black-haired girl opened her eyes in a daze, and then she saw Shizuku in front of her, and she suddenly screamed, but Shizuku's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, and she covered her mouth.

"Don't call, you are Hazuki Izuna, I am Shizuku, and I came to you on the commission of Mr. Nano."

Perhaps after hearing the name of a familiar person, Hazuki Izuna's struggle became less intense, and then she looked at Shizuku, nodded, and then Shizuku let go.

"Are you OK."

"I'm okay, but Kyoko... Kyoko got them...!"

"You calm down first."

Seeing Hazuki Izuna clenching his fists and looking angrily, Shizuku hurriedly stretched out his hand to signal her to calm down.

"Speak slowly, what happened?"

"You don't know, this company is run by a monster! They collect psychic abilities in this way, and then turn them into monsters!"

"Calm down and tell me slowly what happened."

Under Shizuku's comfort, Hazuki Izuna slowly calmed down, and then explained the whole story to Shizuku. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the same as what Bon no Mizue heard in school. Hazuki Izuna’s friend Kyoko at school was spotted by this variety show production company and asked her to show her divination ability in the show. , And then criticized her for nothing. Kyoko was very sad at the time, and Hazuki Izuna was also very uncomfortable with these people. She wanted to comfort Kyoko, but found that Kyoko seemed to be a different person.

"Changed a person?"

"Yes, the former Kyoko was just a straightforward girl who liked divination, but after that show, she changed her appearance. She seemed to have to prove that she was not a liar, and then she was persuaded by the producer named Kageyama. , What kind of surgery did she have, and then she changed..."

Having said this, Hazuki Izuna couldn't help but tremble.

"Her divination is getting more and more accurate, but her whole personality has changed drastically. Not only that, she always takes some weird drugs..."

"Have you discussed this with Teacher Ye Ye?"

"How is this possible? Do you think this kind of thing can tell the zero-ability teacher?!"


That said, if Hazuki Izuna tells Nono Narusuke, the other party's first reaction is probably to call the police.

"Not only that, they also turned Kyoko into a monster!"


"Yes, when Kyoko first came back, everything was normal, except that there was a small spot on her forehead. At that time, I only thought it was acne or something. But then, that spot got bigger and bigger, and finally...it changed. Became an eyeball!"


Shizuku couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.


Is the Three-Eyed Race reappearing?


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