Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2910: Hou Gao Ye (in the code word of Ben Miao drinking ice drink after taking a bath)

Jing Shui Jiu's movements were very fast, but it took a while before she reappeared in front of Shizuku.

However, the news she brought made Shizuku quite surprised.



Jingshui Jiujiu nodded slightly.

"I have asked people from the ghost tribe. They said that Tianjin God is about to come to this world, awakening the Amaterasu God, and re-ruling the world..."

"Well, after the Ghost Eye King is finished, it's Amaterasu again, all of them don't make people worry...

Shizuku shook his head helplessly.

"By the way, what is the situation with this Amaterasu? Who of you is familiar with Japanese mythology?"

Shizuku said while looking at the people in front of her. She herself had no interest in Japanese mythology, that is, to the extent that she knew a few names in the draw card mobile game.

"Uh...I am not very familiar with this story..."

Hina Saki Crimson shook his head a little embarrassedly. Nowadays, high school girls would never go to "Gu Shi Ji". In fact, even in China, you said to watch "Feng Shen Yanyi" this year. Journey to the West is pretty decent, but it is another matter to turn to the "Shan Hai Jing".

"I am not interested in the history of this island country."

Bon Zhi Mist Branch is obviously more layman, she doesn't even care about the mythological beliefs of her own country, how could she care about the island country beliefs on the other side of the earth.

"The water has been standing still for a long time, I still ask you."

"I understand..."

At any rate, it is also a horned dragon who has been in Japan for hundreds of years. Jingshuijiu still has a lot of knowledge in this area, so she also nodded, and then told the whole story.

According to the records of the Japanese "Kojiki", after the formation of the heaven and the earth, five gods formed between the heaven and the earth, known as the other gods of Tianjin, and after that, twelve generations of gods appeared. This is the earliest recorded deity in Japan, and the land was not yet formed at that time, so the gods ordered Izanaki and Izanami to strengthen the land.

Then these two gods descended on the earth, built the land, and then gave birth to gods-well, it is not too much to say that it is the Japanese version of Adam and Eve.

And there is a short story about these two gods, that is, when Izanami gave birth to Vulcan, she was burned by Vulcan and died. And Izanaki, who missed his beloved wife, chased the soul of his wife to Huangquan, hoping that she could follow her back. In the end, Izanami decided to follow her husband back to this world, but there is a condition, that is, Izanaki can't look back at her wife before returning to this world.

Facts have proved that the less you let you do, the more you want to do. In short, Izanaki broke his promise and couldn’t help looking back at his wife before returning to the world. What I saw was that Izanami was rotten and swollen. , Full of maggot faces. The frightened Izanaki ran away, while Izanami desperately chased after him. Eventually Izanaki returned to this world. In order to avoid the wife who turned into a ghost to chase him, he pushed the stone to block it. The road heading to Hiraizaka Hiraizaka.

Seeing that the pursuit failed, Izanami cursed angrily to kill one thousand people of Izanaki every day. However, Izanaki replied that if she did this, she would give birth to 1,500. baby……

What kind of arithmetic increase or decrease is this Nima?

After that, Izanaki gave birth to three children, Amaterasu, Tsukidomi, and Susano.

He ordered Amaterasu and Yuedu to manage Gao Tianyuan and Yezhiguo respectively, while Susanoo stayed in the world.

Just like the Chinese legend that mountain rivers will become fine, Japanese mythology also contains natural land of mountain gods, and they are the gods of the country. After that, as in the myths and legends, the man Susano who left Takatenbara cut the Yaki Orochi (this is a famous one), and married the daughter of the local **** of the land, and became the ruler of the world.

The next thing is the point. Amaterasu wanted to rule the world, so he led the gods of Tianjin to attack the world, trying to conquer the gods of Guojin. Although Susano is the **** of Tianjin, his family has already been married and is already a group of kunitsu gods. In the face of Amaterasu's attack, Susano also led the kunitsu **** to counterattack.

The result can be said to be both defeated. Amaterasu hid in Iwato of the sky because he was afraid of Susao, and Susao was outnumbered and eventually defeated and died. Although Kunojin was defeated in the end, Tianjin God was also badly injured.

"so it is."

After listening to Jing Shuijiu's recount, Shizuku finally understood what was going on with the Tianjin God and Guojin God. To put it bluntly, it was actually the same as the controversy over elucidating and cutting religion in the "Feng Shen Yanyi". If the evangelism wins, it is the immortal Tianzun, and if it loses, it is the monsters and ghosts...the king and the loser are the same everywhere.

"In other words, now those guys plan to wake up Amaterasu hiding in Iwato of the sky, and then re-rule the world? The heart is big enough."

Frankly speaking, if it's somewhere else, Shizuku doesn't bother to care about these messes at all. But now it's my own place anyhow - some people dare to come and look for things, no matter what Tianjin Shenguojin God or the God of Creation, all will die!

"Yes, according to the ghost family, Amaterasu's Tenno Iwato was sealed in Gotakano..."

"so it is."

Hearing this, Shizuku immediately understood the process of the whole thing. It was obvious that, as he had noticed before, behind this series of events was the same thing, and that was the resurrection of Amaterasu.

According to Jing Shuijiu's statement, if the Tianjin God wants to resurrect Amaterasu, then Koyasan will definitely fall into their hands. Considering what Yuanzhensha said before, then the monk may also be in danger in Koyasan. Not only that, according to the ghost family, the Tianjin gods are hunting everywhere that would hinder their plans, even psychics. In fact, the previous eyeball monster incident was a Tianjin **** behind the scenes— -No wonder he will use this to deal with those with spiritual abilities.

In this context, it is easy to understand that Miyu was attacked. There must be many defeated gods and demons in the world of Gods and Demons who have been sealed, but if they want to rebel and seize power, then they must attack the prison and release the prisoners. Miyu is the guard. It's not surprising to be targeted by Tianjin God.

After figuring out everything, the next step is...

"Let's just leave Japan."

Bon Zhi Mist Branch decided to slip away.

"There are too many things here. Let's just find a separate place to live. What kind of Tianjin Shenguojinshen, if they like to fight, what does it have to do with us?"

"Are you leaving? But what should the people here do?"

Hina Saki Crimson is obviously unwilling to leave her home, and she is also worried that the Tianjin gods will attack her friends. Just now Hina Saki Crimson called specifically to inquire about Kurosawa Rei, Aso Misaki, and Misaki Fang Xili, and learned that they had not been attacked, but just in case, Hina Saki Crimson suggested that they improve. alert.

"No, it's not so troublesome."

However, Shizuku shook his head decisively.

"It's very simple. Their goal is to resurrect Amaterasu, then we only need to kill Amaterasu and Yuedu, and then kill those Tianjin gods who came out to make trouble, and the remaining idiots will naturally retract back obediently."


Hearing Shizuku's words, Hina Saki's crimson complexion was a bit complicated. After all, she was also Japanese, and she had also heard these myths and legends. And Shizuku's words sounded almost like killing the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother to Hina Saki Crimson... It was awkward enough to say awkward.

But fortunately, she didn’t follow Shizuku for so long. Besides, Hina Saki Crimson is also a person who grew up in modern society, and the fear of gods is not as deep as the previous people, so although she is a little bit inwardly He was awkward, but he adjusted quickly.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"You stay in the office, and I will go back... If you encounter anything, immediately notify me, Wuzhi, you will be responsible for investigating the surrounding area, and if you find Xiwei, bring her back."

Shizuku gave a few short commands, and then his figure flashed before disappearing.

If the situation is urgent, it is better to deal with it quickly.

When Shizuku came to Koyasan, night had already fallen, and the whole mountain was quiet. Only the lights on the side of the road shined on the cable car without passengers, and the stairs spread forward, all the way to the mountain gate.

"Uh...Speaking of which, where is Gokoye?"

Looking at the mountains and temples in front of her, Shizuku had a dazed expression. She had only seen the name "Hou Gao Ye" in the comics, but she didn't know exactly where he was referring. Although it can be explored through aura, it may be that the other party has also used enchantment, and it is still difficult to find clues about those guys.

How about finding someone to lead the way?

Just when Shizuku was looking left and right to find someone to lead the way, she found a monk wearing a hat was sneaking up from a path not far away, running and looking behind her as if she was watching out for something. of.

Just let him lead the way.

Thinking of this, Shizuku's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the man, blocking his way.



Seeing a person suddenly appeared in front of him, the monk was startled, and hurriedly stopped and stared at her vigilantly. But soon after seeing Shizuku clearly, the monk breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Miss Kasuga."

While speaking, the monk took down the hat and revealed his face. Shizuku raised his eyebrows looking at this face that he was not familiar with.

"You are……"

"It's me, it's me, Nobuo Takikawa. We have met several times."

"Oh... So it was you.

Hearing this, Shizuku nodded and remembered.

"What are you doing in Koyasan? Miss Kasuga?"

As he asked, Takigawa looked behind him vigilantly.

"It's true that Koyasan is not peaceful now. It seems that something very serious has happened..."

"Misako-san said that you haven't contacted you lately, and you want me to take a look, and I have something to come here... Do you know how Gotaka goes?"

"Are you going to Hougaoye?"

Hearing this, Takikawa's face suddenly collapsed.

"No, the current Hougaoye feels weird, it seems that something big has happened. You go to Hougaoye..."

"Of course I know what's going on there, in fact I came for this... will you take me there? Or am I just smashing the door?"

"......I'll take you there, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and walk here."

With a helpless sigh, Takikawa Nobuo turned and took Shizuku back to the path he had just ran.

"I ran out with great difficulty, and now I want to go back again..."

While complaining, Takikawa also told Shizuku his experience. It turned out that not long ago, he suddenly received a message from his master in Koyasan, asking him not to return to Koyasan no matter what happened. This made Takikawa Fasheng very puzzled. After all, he didn't usually go back to Koyasan, so it was unnecessary for Master to send this message to himself. But in turn, he became more confused because of this, so he went back to the mountain to see the situation.

"...When I came back, I found that the entire Koye Mountain had changed. Master didn't know why it disappeared. Several other people I knew disappeared. However, when I asked people around, it seemed that these people never existed. Yes, not only that, but I could also feel that the monks and soldiers seemed to be watching me. I didn't feel right, so I found a chance to escape their surveillance and escaped."

When he said this, Takigawa looked at Shizuku suspiciously.

"Speaking of which, what happened?"

"You will know soon."

Shizuku stopped and looked at the gate of the temple in the valley in front of him.

"right here?"

"right here."

"very good………"

Shizuku nodded slightly, then she stretched out her right hand, the next moment, a scroll emerged from her hand, and Shizuku pulled the scroll open and flicked upward!

Fengshen Bang, get up!

After that, Shizuku took a deep breath.

"Tianjin gods, come out and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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