Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2913: There is no more (it’s 1 hot, Ben cat rolls sleepy)

The Demon King has appeared, and it will rule the entire world, and then the hero will appear, and the Demon King will be eliminated, and the world will be peaceful.

The full text is over.

The poor Tianjin gods had just set up their positions, and before they even yelled "Solomon, I’m back", they were overturned by Shizuku. The two great gods Amaterasu and Yueyue were sealed in the list of conferred gods, and the other gods were the same. Be killed. All of this happened overnight, and then as Shizuku thought, the bosses were killed, and the people below naturally became scattered, either entrusting Jingshui to be a lobbyist for a long time and praying for surrender, or they just ran far away. Lest you be killed.

After this battle, Shizuku can be regarded as completely smoothing out the previous opposition. After all, Shizuku's previous surrender book was recognized by most representatives of Demon Slayer and Shintoism, and only Koyasan's opposition was the strongest. It's alright now, all those who opposed it were summoned by Shizuku, Oda Nobunaga, and the Demon Slayer didn't dare to say anything. The one who murmured and begged Shizuku to agree... In case Shizuku felt unfair, thought To change the conditions or something... They seem to be unable to refuse.

I'm kidding, that's a master who directly killed Gaoyeshan, even the highest **** of Gaotianyuan, who would dare to fight her? Tired of life?

By the way, Shizuku also found Xiwei in the prison of Koyasan. It was a girl with long black hair that was supple, who looked very quiet and introverted. According to Xiwei, the reason why the people from Koyasan caught her , Originally intended to use her power as a sacrifice when awakening Amaterasu, so she was captured instead of killed on the spot.

All in all, it can be considered lucky to escape.

After that, Shizuku sent Xiwei to Kyoto, where she finally saw the blood of Miyu who was killed.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect Mei Xi to have such a miserable day."

Seeing the pool of blood in front of her, Shizuku couldn't help but shook her head with emotion, and then she looked at the tall man standing next to him with a mask-if Shizuku remembered correctly, he should have been sucked blood by Mi Xi. The Western **** and demon who became her servant.

"Isn't Mi Xi very good? You can escape if you can't fight, how can you die?"

When Shizuku got the notice, she was very puzzled. Now the culprit has been eliminated, and the beam jumping clowns who danced with her have disappeared, so she is in the mood to satisfy her gossip.

"We have fallen into the trap set by the joint efforts of humans and Western gods and demons."

The man wears a mask and can't see his expression, but his tone is quite remorseful.

"We originally thought that there were only traces of Western gods and demons, but we didn't expect to be ambushed by humans... As a watcher, Miyu cannot attack humans at will, so..."

"It's really unlucky to have regular employees with an establishment."

Hearing this, Shizuku shrugged helplessly, and she understood why Mi Xi had fallen to this point. Unlike the others, Mei Xi is a regular employee who has an organization in the Gods and Demons Realm and has signed a contract, not an auxiliary police or temporary worker. Because of this, her actions must comply with the regulations, and she can do it casually in the face of the gods and demons, but she has to give priority to others in the face of humans-just like the police will never shoot in the downtown unless necessary. .

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between Xiwei and Meixi?"

At this moment, Xiwei had come to Mei Xi's remaining blood, and then cut his wrist. Soon, the blood flowed out of it and merged in the blood. Shizuku was bored, and began to satisfy his curiosity. After all, she had only watched "Vampire Ji Meixi" and didn't know that she had another...Is this a younger sister?

"She is Mi Xi's sister and daughter."


Hearing this, Shizuku nodded first, and then reacted immediately, looking at the man next to him suspiciously.

The younger sister, what the **** is the daughter?

"Uh... that's the case."

Perceiving the question in Shizuku's eyes, the man spoke in a slightly embarrassing way to explain.

"Before, Mei Xi had sucked the blood of a certain woman and gave her an eternal illusory dream... But at that time that woman was already pregnant..."

"Oh I got it."

After hearing this, Shizuku finally understood.

"So Mi Xi's blood was also passed on to the baby, so that's it..."

"Yes, Xiwei is different from Mixi. She is a ghost princess, so she and Mixi do not usually act together."


As I spoke, I saw that the blood stains in front of me began to roll over after receiving Xiwei's blood. After a while, the blood gradually emerged and turned into a huge sphere, and then Mei Xi emerged from it, regaining its original appearance.


Opening her eyes, Miyu also let out a sigh, and then she looked at Shizuku and saluted her.

"Thank you, Miss Shizuku."

"You are welcome, but you are really miserable. I didn't expect that the watcher of the gods and demons would also fall to this point."


Hearing Shizuku's answer, Miyu smiled awkwardly.

"This time I was not prepared enough, I was really ashamed."

"Everyone has a time when a horse stumbles. It's good to learn more in the future."

Shizuku is not worried that Mi Xi will die. She is different from the vampires like Bonzhi Mist. As an employee with a formal staff, Mi Xi can't die even if she wants to die. As it is now, although there was a sneak attack, and only a pool of blood was left, as long as a suitable donor was found for a blood transfusion, it would be alive and kicking again in a blink of an eye.

Those vampires in the West are not treated so well.

With the destruction of the Tianjin God, the entire Japanese monster world has basically settled down, and Shizuku has begun to consider the last fragment.

"Hey? Sister Shizuku, you plan to go to America?"

Hearing Shizuku's statement, Hina Saki Crimson was somewhat surprised.

"America? What are you doing in that savage place?"

Bon Zhi Mist Branch obviously has no interest in the United States—the United States did not exist when she was born.

"I'm going to look for something. This time I'll go alone. You stay here. Although the situation in Japan is still stable, I can't tell when things will go wrong... So I have to ask you to help you watch. If there is any problem, you can handle the things that can be solved by yourself. If you find that the situation is not right, then call me. Don’t worry about the distance, even if it’s on the other side of the earth, as long as I want to come back, it’s just a matter of minutes. "


"I see."

Everyone was not surprised by Shizuku's words and nodded slightly. Although it sounds like a long way to go to the United States, with Shizuku's strength, it is really not difficult to go back and forth between the two places.

"But Sister Shizuku, where are you going to go to America?"

Out of curiosity, Hina Saki Crimson couldn't help but raise a question. Facing her question, Shizuku thought about it.

"Well... if you want to say, there are still quite a few places to go..."

After all, although the last fragment is in the United States, Shizuku does not know exactly where it is, and there are many horror movies in the United States.

What "Saw Fright", "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural", "The Shining", "Calling the Soul", "Death Is Coming", "The Exorcist", "Dead Silence", "The Cabin in the Forest", "Living Jumping Corpse", "Group of Corpses Played in the World", " "Silent Hill" "Annabel"............This is not even considered a science fiction horror film. Of course, with the urinary nature of this world, Shizuku is not worried that there will be any alien predators or zombies coming out to disrupt the situation, but even if these are removed, There are countless bad things in American horror movies. To be honest, she was not sure where the last piece would be.

However, Shizuku had already decided on the first place he planned to go.

"Crystal Lake."

"Crystal Lake?"


Seeing Hina Saki's crimson in front of him, Shizuku nodded with a grin.

"I'm still quite interested in the captain of the anti-vice and anti-drug squadron."


Hearing Shizuku’s words, the girls looked at each other, UU reading www. uukanshu.com couldn't understand what she was talking about. Shizuku, on the other hand, was happily and eagerly gearing up.

For Shizuku, the most upright BOSS of the three views is none other than Jason in "Friday the 13th". It is rumored that he was originally an ordinary kid who drowned in the lake when he went camping in Crystal Lake. However, the lifeguard who was supposed to take care of the children at the time was busy making out with his girlfriend, and eventually Jason died with hatred. After that, he became the resentful spirit of Crystal Lake, slaughtering those tourists who didn't know how to enter here.

Domestic audiences even call Jason the captain of the anti-pornography and anti-drug squad. The reason is very simple, because in each movie, Jason is the first to be killed, or it is those who sneak in the forest or in the room. Couples, or those who like to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol.

To be honest, for these victims, domestic audiences are not considered innocent good people. So for them, Jason wielding a butcher knife is not only not terrible, but like a dean of academic affairs who yelled "No weed", "No puppy love", "No damage to the natural environment," or he would kill you. ...

And the corruption and degeneration of the American teenagers shown in the movie...hehe, that's it.

Of course, the later Jason is getting more and more outrageous, and there is even an episode of boarding a spaceship in the future-I really don’t know if Jason, iron blood and aliens are packed into a spaceship. What results.

After consulting the map of the United States and confirming that there is a crystal lake in this world, Shizuku also made a decisive decision.

After going to the United States, you must go to Crystal Lake and have a good chat with this Jason!

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to be able to take a photo with it and sign a name?

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