Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2957: Alice Game (Ben Meow is lying on a chair and chewing rice...

According to the consistent urination of Japanese animation, when the protagonist gets something extraordinary, he will definitely try to hide it from others.

But for Fang Zheng, he didn't bother to take care of these messy things, so...

"so cute!"

"There are really talking dolls!"

Looking at Real Red sitting on a chair calmly drinking tea in front of them, Goto Jun, Nozomi Momi and Kaneshiro's eyes sparkled. Fang Zheng called them before and told them to come to see some "funny things" at home. They were quite confused, but after seeing the real red, the three little girls suddenly became excited.

"I said, is this really okay?"

Compared with the three little girls who are excited and chatting with Zhenhong, Tokai Sakura's performance is much more normal. She stood not far away, staring at the scene in front of her anxiously, while whispering to the other side.

"A doll that can talk and walk is too weird, are you sure it's not something cursed?"

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm watching it, and don't you think it's fun?"

Compared with the original protagonist, Founder basically put Zhenhong in the position of a "rare pet", as a cat owner-in fact, strictly speaking, Zhenhong's reaction is similar to that of a cat.

"Yes... it's fun."

If you change to the group of dolls in Hikamiyama Shrine, then Toomi Sakura will not let her sisters get close, but as mentioned before, true red will not cause people to have the uncanny valley effect, she It seems that it is not so much a doll, it is more like a dwarf, goblin, dwarf and other humanoids, so Toomi Sakura is not very scared looking at the petite and lovely red.

In this way, everyone had a pleasant banquet. The little guys even played a tune for Zhen Hong to welcome her, and they agreed that they would come to play with her when they had time.

For Founder, this is enough.

"You really worked hard."

After the banquet was over, Fang Zheng returned to his room, but Zhen Hong who followed him walked in with emotion.


"Well, taking care of those children must be very tired."

Zhen Hong is not an idiot. While chatting with the children, she already understood what the situation of the home she was in, and the situation of the children themselves, naturally thought of Fang Zheng's situation.

"Fortunately, habit is natural, and obedient children are still very cute, as long as they are not bear children."

Fang Zheng seemed very calm. Just as he said, Fang Zheng was already familiar with taking care of children.

After all, practice makes perfect.

"So if you can help me, I will be very happy."

"help you?"

"Yeah, just like you did today, sell them cute, roll around, talk about them or something."

"I am not your pet."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Zhen Hong snorted softly, then she opened her suitcase and got in.

"But I will think about it, good night."

After saying this, Zhen Hong closed the suitcase, and Fang Zheng looked at the suitcase and shrugged his shoulders.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

After the exam, Fang Zheng's life became calm again. Now he is like a salted fish and spends most of his time at home. Only on Saturdays and Sundays will I go to church to see the concert and the situation of those little girls, and those little girls now almost treat Fang Zheng’s house as a second home, and they will come here every day if they have nothing to do, or they will talk to them. Real red play, or play with Meigan and Eve.

It seemed to be quite daily, until one day, the red face solemnly knocked on the Fangzheng room door.

"problem occurs."

"what's up?"

Seeing Zhen Hong's serious expression, Fang Zheng also put down the book in his hand and stared at her, but Zhen Hong did not immediately explain, but just spoke.

"I need your help, can you lend me your mirror?"

"no problem."

Fang Zheng stood up and nodded. There was a floor-to-ceiling mirror in his room, which was mainly used by Fang Zheng when he changed his clothes. It was just a normal mirror, nothing special. When she heard Fang Zheng's words, Zhen Hong walked to the wall, and then stretched out her little hand to pull off the bra covered on the mirror.

And Fang Zheng also walked to Zhen Hong's side.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"China Berry... My sister brought her medium to the world of her dreams. I must stop her."

"Cherryberry...oh, it sounds like..."



Seeing Zhen Hong's suspicious look at him, Fang Zheng blew a whistle. Although he did watch the animation of "Rose Maiden", the three dolls that Fang Zheng remembers deeply are the real red, the mercury lamp and the green star stone. Because True Red is the heroine, Cui Xing Shi is very cute, and the Mercury Lantern is the BOSS, Fang Zheng remembers these three dolls more clearly.

As for the young berry...Although she is second only to Zhenhong, and she has a lot of roles, but I don’t know why it always feels like a little transparent. If it weren't for Zhenhong, Fang Zheng would have forgotten that there is this doll. NS.

What did she do?

"So to fight?"

"Very likely."

Zhen Hong nodded slightly, stretched out her hand to put it on the mirror, and then saw the original reflection in the mirror in front of her begin to change. Then, the original reflection disappeared, and replaced by a world that looked like it would only appear in a fairy tale.

"let's go."

After saying this, Zhen Hong walked into the mirror, and Fang Zheng also sorted out the things on hand, and then walked in.

The scenery in front of me flashed by.

The next moment, the one in front of Fang was no longer the original world. It's a place that looks like a large doll house. The entire sky is wrapped in silk and satin, and the ground is emerald green plush carpet. There are dolls and houses that are taller than humans everywhere, which looks like a puppet kingdom in a fairy tale world.

And not far away, I saw a petite figure, a little doll with golden hair and a pink dress, smiling and walking towards the girl. The girl was pale and collapsed on the ground, looking at the doll in front of her, motionless.


"Is that the classmate you were talking about?"


Fang Zheng nodded. After returning home, he told Zhen Hong about his encounter with Bai Yeba. At that time, Fang Zheng felt bad when he saw the ring in Bai Yeba's hand. Now it looks like something happened.

The puppet looked quite innocent and very cute, but Bo Yeba looked at her with anxiety and fear at the moment. At this moment, I saw Zhen Hong staring at the doll and said.

"Stop it, young berries."


Hearing Zhenhong's drink, the doll named Young Berry turned his head and looked at Zhenhong. After seeing the blonde doll in front of her, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow, it's really red! Are you here to play with us too?"

………After all, they are all puppets, so the difference in temperament is really big.

Looking at the young berries in front of him, and comparing the real red around him, Fang Zheng also sighed inwardly. The heights of the two dolls are about the same, but this doll called Hina Berry gives a feeling of innocence and romance as a child of six or seven or eight. And the feeling of true red is more like a calm and quiet, elegant lady waiting to be released.


Zhen Hong shook her head, and then looked at the young berries again.

"I came here for Alice Game."

"Alice Game...!"

Hearing this word, the original innocent and romantic smile on Hina Berry's face disappeared, replaced by restlessness and fear-well, to be honest, bullying a child really gives people a sense of guilt.

"No! Not now!"

"Ah, why?"

Hearing Xiao Berry's answer, the red expression did not waver at all. On the other hand, the chickberry on the opposite side gives people a reluctant expression of a child who is going to school at the end of the holiday, or forced to do homework after watching TV.

"Xiao Chi still wants to play with Ba for a while! So no!"

I don't know why, this tone always reminds Founder of those little ghosts who often said "I will do my homework after playing this game."

"Then just win the game."

Compared with the seemingly unreasonable chickberry, Zhenhong's performance is really more like her sister.

"The game of Alice is a game in which the maiden of the Rosary is robbed of each other. The loser will become a doll who can't speak or move, and the winner will go one step further towards Alice. This is the destined destiny of our Rosary Maiden... Could it be you Don’t you have the confidence to win?"


In the face of Zhen Hong's severe reprimand, the young strawberry on the opposite side really looked like a bullied child, almost crying.

"Really red, you bully!"

"It's a kid who hasn't grown up at all."

Looking at the young berries in front of her, Zhen Hong sighed.

"Every time you feel bad, you cry, because of this, you will become lonely."

......Wow, what you said is too cruel.

Hearing this, Fang Zheng couldn't help but glanced at the red color. Although the bear children are like this, is your straightforward provocation really okay? The other party was not a kid who would cry home to find his mother if he couldn't win.

Sure enough, as if to verify Fang Zheng's premonition, the young raspberry also raised his head and stared at Real Red.

"What's really red... What's really red... Little chi is going to squash you completely!"

Accompanied by the cries of the young berries, the surrounding dolls suddenly moved, and then they jumped up and pounced on Fangzheng and Zhenhong!

"You're not an MT, is it really good to have a mockery at the beginning?"

At this moment, Fang Zheng didn't cover it anymore, and he took out the gun in his arms and pointed it at the dolls that flew over.

"This is good, ADD!"

"what are you saying?"

"Go back and tell you, you go and deal with that doll, and leave these tatters to me!"

While talking, Fang Zheng aimed at the puppet in front of him and pulled the trigger. The next moment, he saw a burst of fire emerging from the sky accompanied by a roaring explosion, instantly engulfing those puppets.

"Are you...?"

Seeing this scene, not only the young raspberries were stunned, but even Zhenhong was stunned.

"I'm not those ordinary little ghosts who know nothing, hurry up, it's red!"

"Woo...I will never lose!"

Seeing Fang Zheng blocking his attack, Xiao Berry screamed. With her cry, hundreds of piggy bank emerged out of thin air, fell from the sky, and rushed towards the two again. At the same time, the little piggy banks opened their mouths, and huge coins shot out from it like a flying blade.

"This kid's trick is really troublesome!

Looking at the coins that were bigger than himself, Fang Zheng was speechless. He rolled to avoid the attack of the coins, and those coins almost passed by Fang Zheng like huge wheels, bringing a trail to the ground. Road deep gully, and then directly smashed the distant walls and houses into fragments.

"I'm going, this thing is more terrifying than a Zergling like a Kachchu."

Watching this scene, Fang Zheng couldn't help but breathe in. Before seeing Hina Berry's attack methods were cute dolls, piggy banks and other very little girls' fantasy, he still thought that there was not much power... …It seems that no one can kill anyone who is long and cute!

"How are you going to clean up her? I can blow her head with one shot from this distance...but I don't think you would want to."

Looking at the expression on his face, Fang Zheng shrugged helplessly, then he rebounded again, pulled the trigger, and broke all the coins that were shot at him to pieces.

"I will find a way to deal with her and cover me."

"Well, listen to you."

Fang Zheng reloaded the bullet again and nodded, and at the same time, the young raspberry also launched a new round of attacks.

"One, two, three, go!"

When the coins were whizzing down, Fang Zheng and Zhen Hong suddenly separated, running to the left and right.

"Hey? Huh?"

Faced with this scene, the little head of Caspberry was not enough. She looked at the left and then at the right, and finally decided... to deal with Zhenhong first!


Young Berry raised his hands, and following her movements, a huge penguin seal suddenly jumped up and smashed towards the real red.


But before the penguin seal hit the real red, a ball of fire broke out from above, directly smashing the penguin seal into pieces. Xiao Berry turned his head in surprise and saw that Fang Zheng on the other side was holding a gun and approaching her along the other side.

"Well, what should I do?"

Xiao Berry was completely panicked this time, she looked at the left and then at the right, she didn't know what to do. However, at this moment, with a burst of petals falling, true red appeared in front of the young berries.

"do not come!"

Seeing the real red in front of her, the young raspberry also screamed in fright. She raised her hands subconsciously. Soon, countless vines emerged from the ground, entwining the real red tightly, but the next moment, accompanied With the sound of gunshots, the red vines entwined with each other and broke.

And Zhenhong then fell on the ground, staring at the young berries.

"That's it, young berries."

"Also, not yet! I want to be with Ba!"

Hearing Zhenhong's words, Hina Berry suddenly yelled like a child who lost her temper, and then raised her hand again to try to summon the vine, but this time, the vine had just appeared, and it turned into a light spot and completely disappeared.


Seeing this scene before her, Xiao Berry was stunned, while Zhen Hong stared at her.

"Look behind you."

Hearing Zhen Hong's words, Xiao Bing looked back hurriedly, and then she was taken aback.


I saw that at this moment behind the young strawberry, the Bai Yeba who had fallen on the ground had completely closed his eyes at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's thorns erupted from the rose ring on her left ring finger, binding the girl's slender body tightly, as if squeezing her life.


Xiao Berry hurried to Ba's side, calling her name, while Zhen Hong shook her head helplessly. At the same time, Fang Zheng put away his gun and walked to Zhen Hong's side.

"Xiao Berry, you have taken too much power from Ba, and she will die if this continues. If you want to save her...you know what to do."


Hearing Zhen Hong's words, Chin Berry looked at Bo Yeba again, and then she closed her eyes and lowered her head-kissing the rose ring on the girl's ring finger.

The next moment, I saw that the ring began to flash red, and then... gradually shattered.

At this moment, the whole world was also shrouded in dazzling light.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction website mobile version reading URL:

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