Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2986: Your choice (Benmiao ate 1 pass today)

For Fang Zheng, whenever the ban was launched and the Scourge was summoned, the battle would basically be over.

The fact is indeed the case, although the monster summoned by that man is huge, and its strength is not weak. But in front of the overwhelming army of undead spirits, they were still wiped out quickly. As for the man himself, Fang Zheng didn't even go up to fight himself, just beckoned, and the next moment the Scourge Army swarmed and buried him directly.

When Fang Zheng appeared in front of the man again, his limbs had been penetrated by the undead with a spear, and he was firmly nailed to the ground.

Seeing Fang Zheng appear, the man slowly raised his head and stared at him.

"Are you...really just human?"

"it is ... now."

Fang Zheng shrugged, then picked up Frostmourne. At this moment, Yu reached out and grabbed Fang Zheng's sleeves again.

"Wait a minute!"

"You want to do it yourself?"

Hearing You's voice, Fang Zheng put down Frostmourne in his hand and looked at her curiously. Yu was silent for a moment, then whispered.

"Could it be that there is nothing else to do..."


However, before You finished speaking, Fang Zheng suddenly waved his hand, slapped her, and interrupted You.

Being slapped in the face with a merciless slap on the face by Fang Zheng, not only Yu was stunned, even the man was stunned. And Fang Zheng stared at You, whose cheeks were red, and said coldly.

"It's hypocritical, it's hypocritical."


"Do you know why I slap you?"

Fang Zheng stared at You, who was silent.

"I know what you think, and you know that your power is terrible, so you have been reluctant to speak, and even less willing to kill. This is understandable, but... I must tell you that you have killed a lot of people."


Hearing this, You froze for a moment, staring at Fang Zheng with wide eyes in doubt, and Fang Zheng gave a cold snort and pointed at the man.

"Don't tell me, you really didn't expect that you resurrected this man and didn't want him to die. What did he do to let you kill him? If nothing else, just say those monsters, he and Companions killed at least dozens of innocent people, and what are these for? They are all for you to kill him, so in the final analysis, those people died because of you!"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, You suddenly turned pale, biting his lips tightly.

"Don't you really think that as long as you don't kill people, no one will die because of yourself. How long will you escape? What will happen if you let him here? Wouldn't he continue to kill innocent people? You can always escape, but you can’t change the facts! What's more, it’s not a terrible thing for you. He just hopes you can solve the problem with one sentence! But you are damned because of yourself Spiritual cleanliness, I chose to escape! You must remember that those people died simply because of your hypocrisy!"

If the other party wants you to make sacrifices, or make her sacrifice or something, it is natural for you to be unwilling. But in fact, what the man asked Yu to do was just a small effort for Yu, but she chose to escape in order not to get her hands dirty, which finally led to the current result.

In Fang Zheng's view, this is ridiculous.

In fact, Fang Zheng did not believe in You and had not considered this issue, but she still subconsciously chose to escape. This is actually the child's xinxing. If you feel uncomfortable, put it on the back of your head. It's the same as when nothing has happened, but the fact is always the fact, and you can't change the fact at all.

"He is a monster you made."

Fang Zheng pointed at the man.

"The pet's problem requires the owner to be responsible. The same is true for you. You created him and then abandoned him. Now it's your turn to take responsibility."


You look at Fang Zheng, then look at the man.

"Is there really no other way?"

"Remember the story I told you?"

Founder stared at You.

"You have made a choice, and you have to bear the consequences. Since you have chosen to turn him into a zombie, then what happens next is your responsibility."

In fact, from You’s expression, Founder can guess that there is obviously a problem in the relationship between You and this man. After all, if you think about it carefully, if you are not a person with a particularly good relationship, you will obviously not use this method to kill him. resurrection. However, since it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, Founder regards himself as an outside judge and judges only by the facts. There is no question of the reasons behind it. Sometimes, if you want to not hurt your feelings, business is best.


You lowered her head again and remained silent for a long time. Just when Fang Zheng couldn't help but want to do it herself, she finally made up her mind and raised her head.

"I... I'll come."

"Have you decided?"

Fang Zheng looked at You and repeated his question again, but You nodded immediately this time.

"I made a decision."

"very good."

Fang Zheng didn't say anything more, he touched the rose ring in his hand, adjusted the flow of magic power transmission, and then stepped aside. Afterwards, Fang Zheng saw Yu walking in front of the man, then she lowered her head and said something softly in the man's ear. Then the man smiled freely, and then his body turned to ashes and dissipated. In the air.

It's cheaper for this kid.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng also smashed his mouth. He originally wanted to imprison his soul in Frostmourne. After all, if as the man said, he can't die, then this guy's soul can be used as a perpetual motion machine...Forget it, because you have contributed a lot of magic to himself, Let's buy life money.

After the man disappeared, You felt as if she had lost her strength. She slumped down on the ground, and Fang Zheng also readjusted the flow of magic power before walking up, only to find that You had passed out directly.

"Hey, it's really fragile."

Seeing You in front of him, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly.

But this way... it should be completely over.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the sky in front of him.

If this is the third mission, then galaxy expansion should be almost done now...

At the same time, in the galaxy of the universe, some people have the same emotion.

"How long has it been, why there is still no news from Big Brother."

Xiao Hei paced back and forth on the bridge, looking anxious.

"Miss Xiaohei, can you stop shaking in front of your eyes, your headache..."

Looking at Xiao Hei, Tio complained helplessly.

"Didn't the big brother say that as long as the galaxy space ahead fluctuates and the data starts to stabilize, can we move in? Just wait now."

"Although I said that, I still feel upset."

Xiao Hei stopped helplessly, and then sat down in a chair. The most troublesome thing was the snake that caused her to suffer the most. Originally, Xiao Hei still thought that during the time that Fang Zheng was away, she would be able to eat the snake. The snake organization found it and destroyed it completely. In the end, she didn't expect that the other party was hiding like a mouse, and Xiao Hei couldn't find the location of the **** after digging the ground three feet, which made her angry to death.

"Besides, Big Brother said, he is an ordinary person in this world, what if something happens?"

"I don't think something will happen to Big Brother, he has too many ideas."

Ling obviously had a different view on this, but Xiao Hei curled his lips.

"Cut, it really is a kid..."

"What did you say?"

Taking a look at Ling Mao's hair, Xiao Hei turned her head - of course she was not worried about whether Fang Zheng would be in danger, but Xiao Hei knew very well that with Fang Zheng's ability, it might be another great in that world. Dui the harem, but the square body of that world is the identity of an ordinary person, so...

"Can Big Brother be able to hold it? Wouldn't it be that when I went there, I saw that Big Brother became a human being..."

While grumbling, Xiao Hei dreamed that when he led the team to arrive, Fang Zheng was as thin as a wood, lying on the bed pale, with a look of kidney deficiency and weakness...


Just when Xiao Hei imagined that if he rushed over and wanted to send a shot, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, Fang Zheng would tremble with his hands and feet when he refused, the call sounded, and then a young girl appeared on the screen.

"This is the little swan. We detected unidentified fluctuations in the space ahead."

"Oh? Transmit it over immediately!"

Hearing this, Xiaohei immediately became energetic, and then saw countless numbers and garbled characters appearing on the screen in front of her. Xiao Hei stared at the data in front of him without blinking. After a while, I saw that the numbers and garbled characters that had been stumbling around on the chart gradually began to stabilize, and then they became rows of data.

"Well, it's really big brother, I know he's fine!"

Xiao Hei clapped his hands excitedly and jumped up.

"Little Swan, immediately launch the probe to search the star field ahead, and at the same time determine the location of the planet where the big brother is."


Hearing Xiao Hei's order, the battleships of the Blue Fleet immediately took action, while Ling looked at Xiao Hei curiously.

"I thought you would immediately order to find Big Brother inside."

"Just kidding, this is the Chaos Realm, so I won't be stupid enough to take risks."

Hearing Ling's words, Xiao Hei shook his head. She has followed Fang Zheng in the South for the Northern War for so many years, and she also has a deep understanding of the horror of Chaos. Although she is usually very happy, Xiao Hei still has considerable determination and responsibility when encountering major events. Otherwise, Fang Zheng I would not rest assured that she would be able to direct the situation on the continent of Semiria instead of her.

After saying this, Xiao Hei glanced at the unchanging starry sky in front of him, then stretched out and sat back in the chair.

I hope that Big Brother will not be squeezed out before he arrives.


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