Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2991: It's finally here

For Founder, the time has come.

"YAHOO! Darling, I have come to school too!"

Seeing Lala rushing into the classroom happily in school uniform, Fang Zheng was not surprised at all.

That's right, I'm not surprised at all. Isn't Nima the standard plot of Harem Love Fan? Regardless of whether the opponent is a vampire, a robot or a monster, they can easily transfer to the school without any obstacles. Basically, I don’t investigate anything such as student registration or hukou, and it’s so simple and easy that you can enroll with a single sentence.

Founder was MMP in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and waved to Lala.

"Introduction, this is Lala Satalin Debby Luke who has just transferred here. It is the first time for her to come to Japan. Please get along with her."

Kirisu Matsumoto is still the same cold face for thousands of years, and the sunny Lala who is smiling next to him is completely two extremes. But at this time, I saw some classmates who were not too busy raising their hands and asking.

"Laola, what is the relationship between you and Yuuki?"

"Hey? I'm Darling's bride."

Not surprisingly, Lala said this sentence naturally.

And hearing Lala’s answer, the classmates in the whole class were stunned, and then...


"A lie? Jun Yucheng?"

"Do you already have a girlfriend?!"

"No wonder he never fell in love..."

Unlike most of the harem fan works, the students expressed envy and hatred towards the male protagonist. The students in Class A are obviously more curious and gossip about this kind of thing. After all, Fang Zheng's excellence is there. Although he doesn't like to mingle with everyone like Kushida Kikyo, everyone respects him very much. Of course, there is also some gossip.

For example, whether Founder will fall in love has always been one of the seven incredible things in Class A. Although he also walked very close to Kizaki Kyoko, Serenji Haruna and Tokai Sakura, everyone has asked about it. Of course, Serenji Haruna and Tokai Sakura categorically denied it, while Kizaki Kyoko said, "No. Shiro is not Kyoko's boyfriend, but Kyoko's master. "This kind of unclear speech.

Of course, after entering high school, it is not that no girls have confessed to Fang Zheng, but they are usually from other classes. Even if the girls in this class have this meaning, they don’t think they will be the opponents of Haruna Xilianji and Kyoko Kirisaki. So it basically belongs to the first surrender before a fight.

So the class actually cares more about who Founder will associate with and how many girls will be rejected by Founder.

It is precisely because of this that they will not say like other students in the harem, "A mere XXX, obviously nothing can be done, why would they be attracted by such a beautiful girl, no, I will not accept it, burn it!" Then Wearing a black pointed gown to set the torture frame.

Hearing Lala’s blew up at this moment, the students’ interest was immediately ignited, and they started asking questions.

"Are you Yuki-kun's fiancée?"

"When are you going to get married?"

"Are you living together?"

"Student Lala, which country are you from?"

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire classroom was as warm as a press conference, and Fang Zheng reluctantly reached out his hand to hold his forehead and shook his head. Xilian Temple Chuncai, who was sitting next to him at this moment, hesitated, turned her head and looked at Fang Zheng.

"That...Kun Yuki, this..."

"Remember the story I told you this morning?"

Although Xilian Temple Chuncai seemed hesitant to speak, Fang Zheng naturally understood what she meant and gave the answer decisively.

"This is that."


"Do you still feel romantic? I have a headache to death."

Hearing this, Xilian Temple Haruna’s face turned red and white, white and red. In the end, she still didn’t say anything, just turned her head and stared at Lala who was standing on the stage with an unknown expression, not knowing what she was thinking. what.


Fortunately, there is a teacher in this class who has a straight face that can scare children into crying. I saw Mr. Kirisu speaking in a low voice. The next moment he was excited to engage in gossip interviews with the paparazzi students, they were immediately beaten by surprise. Back to his original shape, he shrank in his chair and dared not speak. At this time, Kirisu Masuhiro glanced seriously at the classroom.

"Attention, if you have any questions, please ask after class, don't inquire about personal privacy, and... classmate Lala."

While talking, Kirisu Masuu looked at Lala.

"School is a place of study, please pay attention."

"Yes, I understand."

As another student, I’m afraid that I’m afraid to speak just by being stared at by Kirito Matsumoto. However, Lala doesn’t know if it’s a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers or simply natural, she still smiles like the bright summer sun. generally.

"Sit down and get ready for class."

Kirito signaled Lala to go to the seat and sit down, and then looked at Fangzheng.

"Yucheng, talk room after class."


What evil did I do?

After class, while Lala was surrounded by classmates to satisfy his curiosity, Fang Zheng also ran out of the classroom in a hurry, and then came to the conversation room.

As a result, he opened the door and saw Mr. Kirisu sitting inside, with a serious atmosphere like a trial in three halls.

"Explain, what's going on?"

Fang Zheng also found that this teacher is good at everything, but there is a problem. He likes to add a two-character word at the beginning when speaking. Basically these two words are the center of her sentence, and the latter part is more like an extension. explain.

I have to say that this way of speaking is quite interesting.

"Actually, it's not a big deal..."

Fang Zheng was obviously prepared for this, and he also sat in a chair to explain it to Kirisu. He omitted some aliens and the like, that is to say, he discovered that the girl was entangled by others during a night tour, and then shot and defeated the opponent. , It was discovered later that the girl sneaked out because the family arranged a blind date for her and couldn't bear it, and the person who entangled with her before was from that family. The end result was that the girl didn't know why she fell in love with him, crying and screaming to marry him... almost that's it.

Founder's explanation was very careful, clarified the whole situation, and completely deleted the information hidden in it. In this way, even if Tongsu Zhendong went to Lara to confront him, he would not get another answer.

Sure enough, after listening to Fang Zheng's explanation, Kirisu's face became somewhat better.

"Inquiry, what are your plans?"

"What else can I do, now she and her father are frustrated, so she can only calm down, and then wait for her father to come, and then talk to her father to solve the problem. Anyway, it is impossible to meet with only one person. People for two days just get married so hastily."

"very good."

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Kirito nodded in satisfaction. Hearing this, Fang Zheng was also relieved and planned to leave. However, at this moment, Tongsu Zhendong suddenly looked at Fang Zheng and asked.

"Yucheng, how do you think students should study?"

"Hey? I don't quite understand what you mean by Mr. Kirsu."

Hearing Tongsu Zhendong's question, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, wondering why the other party asked this. In the world he traveled through, when Fang Zheng was a teacher, he occasionally discussed educational topics with other teachers. But now I am still a student, and I am only a freshman. Wouldn't it be too weird to ask myself this question?

"Choices, strengths and weaknesses, how do you think you should choose?"

Tongsu Zhendong asked again, and Fang Zheng probably understood her meaning this time.

"Generally speaking, it is better to avoid weaknesses."


Kirito nodded slightly and looked back.

"It's okay, you can go now."

"Then I'm leaving."

Fang Zheng didn't know what Tongsu Zhendong was thinking, but since it had nothing to do with him, he was naturally a stunner to say goodbye.

However, not long after Fang Zheng walked out of the interview room, he saw Kushida Kikyo approaching him with an inexplicable smile.

"So you already have a fiancee."

Kushida Kikyo smiled and greeted Fang Zheng, just like an ordinary class friend.

"so what?"

Looking at Kushida Platycodon, Fang Zheng raised his brow, and the latter smiled lightly.

"I don't know what the student Lala would look like if I told her about it?"

"Please... do you want me to ask her out for help?"

Fang Zheng was really eager for Kushida bellflower to talk to Lala about this. It would be better if Lala’s impression of him was disillusioned because of this. Although it was uncomfortable to make the beautiful girl’s favorability drop, he considered the harmony and stability of his harem. , Founder was unwilling to make any trouble in such matters as marriage.

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What's the use of a tree? Natural forest bathing is comfortable!

"No, I have my way."

Kushida Kikyo naturally did not take Fang Zheng's words to heart. In her opinion, Fang Zheng was just playing mystery, so she smiled as she thought she had caught Fang Zheng's handle, and then turned away triumphantly.

Fang Zheng looked at the back of Kushida Kikyo and shrugged his shoulders.

He was anxious for the other party to come.

Next, Fang Zheng's life remained the same, except that Lala followed him every day, nothing else changed.

Of course, as an alien, Lala is quite unique in many aspects. For example, when drawing a sketch, she will directly draw an alien. When playing baseball, the speed of the baseball thrown out is about the same as the speed of a cannonball... Being the other protagonist is afraid that she has long been holding the opponent to warn her not to be so conspicuous, but Fang Zheng didn't care about this. The eye-catching is eye-catching. Anyway, he himself is eye-catching enough, and he is not the humble and dusty male protagonist before he appeared, so why care about the eyes of others?

Just after nearly half a month of peaceful life, Justin appeared in front of Fang again.

"Master Aunt!"

"Don't yell so loudly, it feels like I'm a parent."

Fang Zheng pushed Justin to the side of the street, then sighed helplessly.

"Why? What can I do?"

"Master Auntie, the matter is not good, Master Lala's father, King Debby Luke already knows about you, and said he wants to see you in person!"


Hearing this, Fang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally there is news...

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