Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3008: To appear (the illness is still not completely cured)

Speaking of Ling and Tio, Meigan and the others have never seen them before, but if they say their names, they are familiar with them-to say an exaggeration, they almost grew up listening to their stories.

It's like you tell the story of Peter Pan. Everyone has heard it, but who has actually seen Peter Pan?

I must have never seen it before, but Peter Pan's name is naturally known.

As for Meigan, Ling and Tio in front of her are like Peter Pan coming out of Peter Pan or Alice coming out of Alice in Wonderland... It makes her feel a little bit at a loss and don't know what to do. How to face it. After all, she had always listened to the things Fang Zheng told as stories before, but she never thought that the people in the stories would appear directly in front of her.

"Um... please use tea..."

Cautiously put the tea in front of the two of them, Mei Gan bowed his head to salute them, and then turned to leave with some anxiety. Seeing Meigan went out, Ling turned her head and looked at Fang Zheng.

"Big brother, when can you go back? Everyone is waiting for you."


Leaning on the door crack and listening to Ling's words, Mei Gan couldn't help but her heart trembled, but soon, she heard Fang Zheng's steady and calm answer.

"It doesn't matter if I'm there or not at the school right now, the Snake of the Body Eater hasn't come out to make trouble."

"That's how it is said, but elder brother, are you really going to get married?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. In short, it just depends on the situation. Besides, I'm not here just for fun. You should understand this."

"I know, but..."

Hearing this, Meigan didn't listen any more, but tiptoedly turned and left, and returned to the living room.

"What's wrong? Meigan?"

Seeing Meigan's somewhat depressed expression, Eve couldn't help but asked, while Meigan sighed.

"They seem to be taking brother away..."

"Hey? Are you leaving here?"

Hearing this, Eve was also shocked, Meigan shook his head.

"Of course my brother didn't agree, but..."

Said this, Mei Gan lowered his head. She herself is quite smart. Since Ling and Tio have appeared, it means that the stories that her brother told herself before are true, and this also means that one day, her brother will leave herself and go to other places. ......And this is what worries Mei Gan the most.

Do you want to leave with your brother?

In the past, Meigan could also make a decision immediately, but now she can't make a decision so easily. After all, she has many good friends in school and in the class. And Meigan also knows that there are many people close to him around my brother, did my brother leave like this?

Meigan didn't know how to do it well, so he was at a loss.

On the contrary, it was really red. Cui Xingshi and Xiao Bing looked very calm. They were Rozen Maidens who had signed a contract with Fang Zheng. They followed where Fang Zheng was going, so they didn't care much about such trivial matters.

"You don't have to worry about such trivial things, elder brother won't ignore your thoughts."

However, at this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from the side. The two turned their heads in surprise and saw a lovely girl with silver hair and brown skin, who didn’t know when she sat next to her. On the sofa, he was sipping a drink while smiling and staring at them.

"You are…"

"Hello, my name is Xiaohei. Big brother should have told you about me."

"Ah, Miss Black..."

Hearing the other party's introduction, Mei Gan hurriedly recovered. Compared with Ling and Tio, she heard the name Xiao Hei more because Fang Zheng often told them about Xiao Hei. More importantly, Fang Zheng has always trusted Xiao Hei and said that he and her are very good... Before Mei Gan didn't quite understand what it meant, but now after seeing Xiao Hei, she also somewhat understood what her brother meant. .

Because looking at the aura displayed by the girl in front of me, it is very similar to my brother—it can even be said that if she is the brother's sister, there seems to be nothing wrong.

"Sorry, I made you worried. Ling is still a child after all, and she speaks a little bit lightly or not. Don't worry. Big brother has his own ideas and won't make you sad."

Xiao Hei clapped his hands, looked at the two of them, and said, and hearing what she said, Meigan and Eve were somewhat relaxed in their hearts.

Xiao Hei didn't say much, but greeted a few people with a smile, and agreed to come back later when he had time, and then left with Ling and Tio and returned to the spaceship.

"So you guys... will cause trouble."

Facing Xiao Hei's criticism, Ling and Tio also didn't say a word, sitting obediently in the chairs, while Xiao Hei shook their heads helplessly.

"Big brother is good-tempered, but you have to think about it. You can't just say anything. According to your statement, if I and Ilia are to say to bring Big Brother back to Heavenly Dao Palace, you What do you think?"


Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Ling and Tio looked at each other with embarrassment.

"If you do this, the people around your elder brother will also be upset. At that time, your elder brother will have to work hard to appease them, so you are too reckless..."

Xiao Hei criticized the two of them for a few words, and then chuckled.

"Forget it, you will stay here during this time and take care of the next business. The transition system on the Blizzard has not been tested yet. We are going to transition over half of the fleet next, but we can't do this. Drop the chain, from now on, we will concentrate on this work."


This time, Ling also bowed her head and agreed with dejection.

Looking at the expressions of Ling and Tio, Xiao Hei also smiled and turned his fingers.

So, children are children. They shouldn't really think that if they make a lot of tricks, they will be able to hold the heroic spirits.

Xiao Hei was able to become one of Fang Zheng's most trusted partners in the Heavenly Dao Palace. In fact, she knew very well that it was not easy for Fang to open up a situation in any new world. People in every world have their own interpersonal relationship circle. Even if they are centered on Founder, they also have their own lives to consider. This is also the reason why Founder does not open his harem in every world, and sometimes even if the other party takes the initiative, he will refuse. For Founder, it is very important to maintain internal harmony. You can't let the whole harem be restless just because you feel refreshed.

But for young children like Ling and Tio, naturally they would not understand this.


However, at this moment, suddenly, a rapid alarm sounded. Hearing the sound, Xiao Hei was also stunned for a moment. At the same time, Tio jumped up and returned to his seat.

"Report, a huge UFO is detected approaching the earth!"

"Can you determine the identity of the other party?"

"According to the wavelength detection, the opponent is determined to be the Debby Luke battleship!"

"Here's here? How long is this? Didn't it mean three months?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei suddenly frowned.

"I will report to Big Brother immediately!"

Fang Zheng was also taken aback when he heard Xiao Hei's report.

"Here's here... It's really beyond my expectation."

"This, so fast?"

At this moment, Meigan and Lala also got the news, and they were shocked.

"Isn't it three months?"

"Although it was three months, King Debby Luke didn't agree with me at the time that it would be calculated according to earth time."

Compared with the panicked Meigan, Fang Zheng seemed very calm, and it was normal to think about it. He had only seen his father-in-law embarrassing his son-in-law, and had never seen a father-in-law willing to release water to his son-in-law. If King Debby Luke has to use the Lyra constellation calendar to calculate time, what can he do?

He can't do anything, can't he?

"Woo... Dad is shameless! I'm going to talk to him to make it clear!"

On the contrary, La La looked very angry, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com shouted that he was going to confront his father, and then ran away. Fang Zheng didn't stop him, so he just let her go-Erha was going to make trouble, you couldn't help it, didn't you?

"What do we do now? Big brother?"

"Is the fleet ready?"

"The jump device needs to be warmed up and it takes a while...After all, the situation in this galaxy is different."

"Get it done as soon as possible, safety first."

Founder also understands what Xiao Hei means. Unlike other galaxies, this galaxy is still "developing", which means that a lot of data may change randomly. At that time, if a value is wrong, it might be a headache for the fleet that jumped over to have a few ships missing.


"Don't tell me, this is really a stance of a sci-fi movie."

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the sky not far away - there, a huge circular spacecraft like a floating island emerged from the clouds, and there were small frigates around it, although this style seemed to Fang Zheng It's even a bit old-fashioned, but I have to admit that Debbie Luxstar's technological level is indeed a bit like.

This was when they were going to work and school in the morning. Many people even saw the huge spaceship when they went out, and they all yelled. However, at this moment, a sound resounding through the sky emerged from the spacecraft.

"Notice to all human beings on the earth, I am Cheetah Lucion Debby Luke, the ruler of the universe is also..."

Hearing the triumphant voice from the other side, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly.

This is really a bit troublesome.


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