Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3021: Difficulties (I want to drink 1 cup of milk before going to bed now)

It is indeed Mr. Yuki, it is really difficult to deal with.

When she walked out of the square bedroom, Mengmeng frowned and started to think.

Regarding the relationship between Fang Zheng and Lala, she had already asked her sister carefully last night. I have to say that the result was quite surprising to Nana and Mengmeng. Before, they only vaguely knew that Fang was the candidate for their sister's marriage contract, and it was not clear what the situation was. As a result, after listening to my sister's words, I realized that the other party actually already has a girlfriend! And there is more than one! ?

To be honest, when they heard the news, both of them were shocked, and what surprised them even more was that their sister, instead of caring, expressed her willingness to be one of them, and we were happily together! Because of this, she is now working hard to make Fang Zheng like herself! Then accept yourself too!

"Woo... this seems to be a bit of a headache."

Thinking of this, Mengmeng also showed a distressed expression. After all, no matter how you look at it, Fang Zheng's choice is normal, but her sister's thinking is not normal. Not only that, judging from the previous actions of the other party, he was a fairly mature and stable man, and it was difficult to seduce him.

Unlike her two innocent and innocent sisters, Mengmeng is obviously more aware of this aspect of things, and because of this, she can perceive that when Fang Zheng is looking at herself, she is indeed with a bit of interest and appreciation. His gaze, but did not show a beast-like desire in a deeper way. This was not because of ignorance, but obviously the appearance of a well-versed man.

No wonder he has been with his sister for so long, and he hasn't acted on her sister.

Mengmeng can also understand why her sister loves him. This man does have a special charm. Even if it is herself, he will feel his heartbeat speed up when he hears his voice. It feels very comfortable just being close to him. Not only that, but what he did is very easy to win girls' love. Like the previous procedural problem, he actually ignored his injury and directly forcibly broke through the blocked gate. Just because of this, Mengmeng put herself in the situation for a moment, if she replaced Lala's sister with her at that time, I'm afraid she would be moved.

Not only that, but Mengmeng also carefully discovered that Fang Zheng had concealed all this well, and did not let Lala's sister know that he was injured. Obviously, he was thinking about himself and Nana. Otherwise, depending on how fascinated his sister is, if she finds herself and Nana hurting him, she might scold them severely.

Nana didn't notice it because of her innocence, but Mengmeng was obviously not so careless. In fact, just this alone was enough to make her feel good about the other party.

Not to mention that the other person is very handsome...Even in the galaxy, Mengmeng has never seen such a handsome man, so when Lala's sister said that he has a girlfriend, Mengmeng was not at all. I feel surprised-if such a handsome man has never had a girlfriend, doesn't it mean that the eyes of girls on earth are all blind?

But the question is, who is his girlfriend?

Mengmeng had also suspected Haruna of Xilian Temple and Yui Furukawa, but after thinking about it, she found that the relationship between these two people and Founder was not that close, so who else would it be? Could it be those dolls? Probably not, because Sister Lala said that she didn't even know—then it's not the person next to Mr. Yucheng?

"Ah, good morning, Miss Mengmeng."

Just as Mengmeng walked down the stairs, Meigan also came out of the kitchen, and she greeted Mengmeng when she saw Mengmeng.

"Would you like to have breakfast together?"

"Okay, okay, then I'm not welcome."

Hearing Meigan's invitation, Mengmeng nodded with a smile, and then her eyes lit up.

"By the way, Miss Meikan, we heard that Mr. Yuki already has a girlfriend? Do you know anything about his girlfriend?"

Mengmeng knows that Meigan and Fangzheng grew up together since they were young. These are brothers and sisters, and it's okay if others don't know it. Doesn't she know if it's possible?

"Ah... this..."

Facing Mengmeng's question, Meigan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a somewhat helpless expression.

"Actually, I am not very clear. I know some things about them, but I have never seen them..."

"Hey? What does this mean?"

Hearing this, Mengmeng blinked suspiciously. What does it mean to have heard about them, but never met them?

"Because my brother said they are in another world..."

"Ah, sorry."

Hearing Mei Gan's answer, Meng Meng hurriedly lowered her head, and seeing Meng Meng's appearance, Mei Gan also waved her hand with a wry smile.

"It's not what you think...Woo...According to my brother, they are currently in a completely different world from here, and there is no way to meet us for the time being, but after a while, they should be able to meet."


"I don't know the details, but you can ask Miss Blackie."

"Miss Little Black?"

"Well, she... has a very close relationship with her brother. The two of them seem to have known each other for a long time..."

When I said this, Meigan's heart was actually a bit sour. She has always thought that she and her brother are the closest, after all, they have been together since birth. And Fang Zheng almost watched him grow up, Mei Gan always felt that he and his brother were the closest people.

But what Mei Kan didn't expect was that the girl named Xiao Hei was obviously closer to her brother than herself. Even many times, Meigan could detect that there was some unexplainable understanding between them, and many times she could not understand the content of the conversation between the two of them, and she could only sit next to him like a wooden person. .

This makes Meigan really complicated in his heart, and he feels as if he is an outsider.

Of course, Xiao Hei seems to be aware of Mei Gan's mood, so he rarely comes to the house. But this made Meigan feel more depressed. It reminded her that when her brother was receiving guests, she would sometimes avoid it-the kind of "consideration" of being a family is another matter for others. .

Mengmeng’s EQ is much higher than that of Nana and Lala. As soon as she looked at Meigan, she knew that she was reluctant to talk about this topic, so she immediately changed the subject with a smile and took Meigan to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Mengmeng learned most of the situation from Meigan. In short, the so-called "girlfriends" of Founder were not in this world at present. In this world, there are only a few people who have a good relationship with Fangzheng, such as Haruna of Xilian Temple, Kyoko Kizaki, and Sakura Toomi. And Meigan didn't see who among them was sure to confess to Fang Zheng, which was a relief to Mengmeng.

"Sister still has a chance..."

After eating breakfast, Mengmeng left home on the pretext of a walk, wandering around the street, thinking about the current situation again.

"Although Mr. Yuki seems to have many girlfriends, he does not yet have a girlfriend in this world, so my sister still has a chance, but..."

Mengmeng shook her head. The only thing she worried about now was whether her father would agree to such an outrageous condition. But considering that since Fang Zheng has been able to make a condition with his father, I am afraid that this is not a problem, and Lala's sister herself is also very active, so now it seems that the only obstacle is whether Fang Zheng himself is willing to accept it.

"Why is Yuki unwilling to accept my sister...?"

Just as Mengmeng was muttering to herself in doubt, suddenly a voice came from her ear.

"You want to know?"


Mengmeng was shocked when she heard this sudden sound. She turned her head and looked behind her, only to realize that she did not know when there was a long brown-skinned and silver-white hair behind her, which was quite cute and beautiful. The girl, her golden eyes are staring at herself curiously, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Are you... Miss Black?"

This feature is too obvious, so Mengmeng recognized Xiao Hei as soon as she saw her.

"That's right."

Hearing Mengmeng's question, Xiao Hei nodded with a grin.

"You are Mengmeng, hahahaha, you dare to climb on the bed of your eldest brother, you really have the courage."

"You, did you see it?"

"No, the eldest brother told me. He wondered if you had any strange purpose. After all, someone would climb onto another man's bed the next day after meeting."


Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Mengmeng seemed a little embarrassed. Indeed, thinking about doing this kind of thing on her own is a bit too impatient.

"But why are you doing this?"

However, at this moment, Xiao Hei fiercely approached Mengmeng and stared at her.

"You should know that Big Brother has many girlfriends? That's not a lot, but many, many, that is, even if your sister is accepted by the Big Brother, he can't stay with her all the time? He still Going to accompany a lot of girls, do you think this is acceptable?"

Faced with Xiao Hei's look, Mengmeng was a little flustered. For some reason, she felt that there seemed to be a mysterious power in the other's eyes, shooting straight through her heart, making her unable to keep secrets at all. of.

Obviously the other party seems to be a few years younger than himself, how come this kind of prestige... seems to be stronger than his own mother?

Mengmeng barely stabilized his mind, and then looked at Xiao Hei.

"This may be the case on Earth, but in the universe, the harem system is actually very normal. Everyone does this, and I believe that this way my sister can also be happy..."

"But your sister can't be Zheng Gong."

Xiao Hei did not let go of the vague part of the dream talk.

"She is the first prince and daughter of the ruler of the galaxy, right? Go and be someone else's side room? Do you think she can accept it?"

"I... I think my sister shouldn't care too much about these issues..."

"Indeed, this is the case now, but in ten or twenty years? I can tell you that the eldest brother is a very romantic person, and more women are attracted to him, even if your sister joins the harem. , Then she won't be the last."

Although Mengmeng tried hard to answer the questions calmly, Xiao Hei seemed to be a beast trying to prey, pressing on Mengmeng step by step.

"Don’t you worry that your elder brother will change his mind in the future? Don’t say that after ten or twenty years, maybe five years later, the eldest brother will get bored with Miss Lala, and then he will meet with Miss Lala less and less. Even if she didn’t come to see her in the end, let her be alone in her empty boudoir...Do you think it’s okay to do this?"

I have to say that Xiao Hei's words are not only heartbreaking, but also quite ear-piercing, which makes Mengmeng unconsciously shaken. She even began to think about how tragic the scene was under Xiao Hei's description-her innocent and cheerful sister stayed alone in an empty room, her face was silent, no one came to accompany her, and no one came to watch. She, occasionally heard knocking on the door, Lala would have a look of expectation, but when she saw that the maid who walked in was responsible for taking care of her, not the one she loved, she would change back to the original one again. A disappointed look...

This also caused Mengmeng's heart to throb. Of course, she was unwilling to let her sister face such an ending. She hoped that her sister would be happy instead of making her miserable.

"Long pain is worse than short pain, what do you think?"

At this moment, Xiao Hei's voice still resounded in Mengmeng's ears as if the temptation of the devil.

"You see, how pitiful your sister is in this way. Instead of that, how about persuading her to go back to Debbie Luke and find another good man? Of course, broken love is painful, but there is a future, isn’t it? ?"


Facing Xiao Hei's whispers like a devil, Mengmeng only felt like a drowning person, almost out of breath. However, just when she was about to give in, suddenly, Mengmeng felt as if she had grasped something, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly lit up.



Hearing Mengmeng's answer, Xiao Hei was stunned, and Mengmeng stared at Xiao Hei.

"No, I believe Mr. Yuki is not that kind of person, and you have said that Mr. Yuki has many girlfriends. If it is like you said, then... Has anyone broken up with him?"

While speaking, Mengmeng gradually recovered her clarity. Although Xiao Hei's situation did worry her, she did not think that Fang Zheng would do such a thing. Even if the contact time between her and Fang Zheng is not long, she can still feel that the other party is obviously not the kind of person who will always abandon girls.


Seeing Mengmeng staring at him, Xiao Hei gave a "pouch" smile and stepped back. At the same time, Mengmeng also felt that the previous pressure had also quietly disappeared.

"It's not bad, it's preliminarily qualified."


"Yes, the big brother's harem is not so easy to enter. You have also seen that if the big brother wants a woman, then you can start it casually. But it is not easy to become a woman of the big brother. Things, um, you pass today, and I am looking forward to seeing what you can think of to get older brother to accept sister Lala."

While talking, Xiao Hei grinned and patted Mengmeng on the shoulder.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you."


Hearing Xiao Hei’s words, Meng Meng was stunned for a moment. Just when she wanted to ask something more, a gust of wind blew, causing Meng Meng to instinctively close her eyes. However, when she raised her head again, she I was surprised to find that the girl who was standing in front of him had no idea when she had quietly disappeared.

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