Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3023: Emergencies (Idol Master will unlock immediately)

With the ringing of the bell after class, the students also dispersed in a rush, going back to each house and looking for each mother. And Fang Zheng stretched out while leaning on the chair, watching the scene grinningly. This reminded him that it was the same in his school days, when he wanted to go home from school immediately, far away from school.

But looking back after entering the society, Fang Zheng didn't want to leave school anymore, especially going around the school after school like this, it is not funny.

"Hey, Yuki, we and Haruna are going to sing K. Do you want to be together?"

Just as Fang Zheng was packing things slowly, Xilian Temple Chuncai’s friend Lian Gang Lisha shouted at Fang Zheng, and Fang Zheng was just about to answer. Suddenly the phone rang, he made a gesture, and then picked up the phone.

"Hello? Meigan? What's the matter?"

"Brother, it's not good!"

Soon, Meigan's voice came from the phone.

"Something happened to Celino!"

"Celino? That flower? What happened to it?"

Hearing Meigan's words, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Celino was the alien-looking piranha-like plant that Lala gave to him before, but didn't it always be fine?

"Selino's situation is not quite right... you come back and have a look."

"Okay, I see, I will go back now."

Fang Zheng nodded, then put away the phone and waved his hands to everyone.

"Sorry, something happened at home, I have to rush back to deal with it, and it will be fine next time."

After speaking, Fang Zheng also greeted Chuncai and the others, then left the school and hurried back home quickly.

When Fang Zheng walked into the courtyard, he saw that other people were also worryingly surrounding the courtyard, looking at the alien piranha in front of him. Fang Zheng still remembers that he was quite energetic when he left in the morning, but at this moment the whole flower collapsed on the ground, looking wilted.

"What the **** is going on? Cui Xing Stone? Really red? Excellent?"

Fang Zheng first asked a few of the housekeepers, and they looked at each other, and then You walked forward and began to explain.

"We don't know very well either. At first it was noon, Celino felt something was wrong. Cui Xing Shi thought it might be heatstroke, so she watered Celino..."

"Well, the weather has been a bit poisonous recently, then?"

Regarding the judgment of Cuixingshi, Fang Zheng also nodded. This season is the hottest time, even ordinary plants are weak, not to mention this kind of alien plants.

"Selino felt better after watering, but in the afternoon it collapsed to the ground like this..."

"Green Star Stone?"

After learning the whole story from You, Fang Zheng looked at the Cui Xing Stone.

"Can you figure out what's going on?"

"I don't know this. The plants on the earth are okay, but this is an alien plant. I really can't say this."

Cui Xingshi was also desperately shaking her head right now. As a gardener, she certainly had the ability to take care of plants, but that was limited to plants on the earth. Faced with this alien species that didn't know which planet it came from, Cui Xing Stone was helpless and could not help it.

At this time, I still need to find a professional counterpart... by the way.

"Meikan, what about Mengmeng? I remember she seems to be able to talk to plants?"

Fang Zheng also looked at Meigan and asked. He remembered that, when Mengmeng and Nana introduced themselves to everyone, they did say that one of them can talk to plants and the other can talk to animals.

"I am here, Mr. Yuki."

At this moment Lala, Nana and Mengmeng also fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard. Then Mengmeng came to the flower and listened to something in a low voice, then she raised her head.

"It says, ‘I’m fine, I’m just too tired, don’t worry...’"

"Does this look like it's okay? Don't stand up if it's okay."

Hearing Mengmeng's answer, Fang Zheng immediately started to complain. This Nima was like "I'm fine, let me sleep for a while..." and then she couldn't sleep. The reality is not acting in a TV series!


Mengmeng obviously felt the same way too, she nodded, and then carefully looked at Celino in front of her.

"From the perspective of symptoms, this may be jaundice."

"what is that?"

"It is a plant-specific disease. If left alone, it will wither and die within a few days."

"so serious?!"

Hearing Mengmeng's answer, Fang Zheng also frowned.

"There should be a cure."

"There is only one way, but it is dangerous..."


"Yes, there is a planet called Mestria about three million light-years away from the earth. I heard that there is a kind of Laquebeli fruit that is very effective in curing jaundice. But there is an undeveloped one. Primitive planets, I don’t know what kind of danger there will be..."

"That's right."

At this moment, even the change-up robot on Lala's head also spoke.

"In my file, Mestya is indeed a planet with an'S' risk index."

"No matter how dangerous it is, it's just a planet in the final analysis. You can't just watch it die."

Looking at Celino in front of him, Fang Zheng also sighed helplessly. There is medical glue in the personal terminal, but this thing is used to treat organisms, not to treat plants. Anyway, this flower has been raised here for so long, and it's somewhat emotional, so you can't really see it die.

"I'll look for it and see if I can find the fruit."

"I am coming too!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Lala immediately hugged Fang Zheng.

"If Darling is going, then I will go too!"

"I am coming too."

At this moment, Mengmeng next to her also spoke.

"If I don't go, you won't find Rackberry."

"Since Sister Wang and Mengmeng are going, then I want to go too."

Now Nana also raised her hand, indicating that she would also participate.

"Then it's so decided...Can your spacecraft be prepared?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the three sisters looked at each other, and then Lala stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"I only have the spacecraft that I use when I run away from home."

Then Mengmeng also shook his head.

"Nana and I can only take two people in our boat."

"Then use my spacecraft. Just tell me the coordinates later."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Nana and Mengmeng were shocked at the same time.

"Do you still have a spaceship?"

"Mr. Yuki, do you have a spaceship?"

"Ah, Nana and Mengmeng haven't seen each other yet."

Seeing how surprised the two were so surprised, Lala also smiled and clapped her hands.

"Darling owns a lot of warships, and they are super beautiful, even better than our Debby Luke's!"

"...If you don't say this, King Debby Luke probably didn't trouble me so diligently..."

Fang Zheng murmured silently, and then opened his personal terminal. To his surprise, this time the personal terminal rang for a while before being connected, and then Tio appeared on the screen.

"Ah, brother, is there anything wrong?"

"We are going to an alien planet, and immediately start the Blizzard to pick us up."


Hearing Fang Zheng's order, Tio couldn't help but look embarrassed.

"...I'm sorry, brother, I'm afraid the Blizzard cannot be activated for the time being."

"………what's the situation?"

"Uh... Sister Xiaohei had a fight with Ling and broke the bridge. It is now being repaired."

"... These two goods are really not worrying... Then you can deploy a ship. By the way, tell them that after the bridge is repaired, copy me the book and copy the elementary school language to me ten times."

"Okay... I'm going to deploy now."

Tio's speed was indeed very fast. It didn't take long for him to see a Frenzy-class heavy assault cruiser just above everyone's heads. Then the beam fell, and the next moment Fang Zheng, Lala and the other three were teleported to the battleship. On the internal bridge.

"Hello, Commander."

When Fang Zheng and others walked out of the teleportation halo, he saw a pretty and lovely blond girl standing there, saluting him respectfully.

"Leander is reporting to you, and I would like to take care of you today."

"Leander, it's been a long time since I saw you, I will ask you today."

Seeing Leander, Fang Zheng also smiled and nodded to her. Leander was also considered to be a relatively common ship mother in the fleet at Fang Zheng's hand, and occasionally went out on missions together. Perhaps because of this reason, Tio chose to send her to assist Fang Zheng in this operation.

After receiving the coordinate location from Fang Zheng, Leander quickly left the earth, and then entered the transition orbit, heading towards the destination.

And now Lala, Nana and Mengmeng looked at the spaceship in front of them curiously, their eyes gleaming. After all, for them, the battleship style of the Blue Fleet is completely different from Debby Luke.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there would be such a spacecraft..."

"It's really beautiful...Hey, Yuuki, can we go and visit it?"

At this moment, Nana was also pulling Mengmeng and Lala excitedly, her eyes gleaming towards Fang Zheng, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Although I want to promise you, I'm sorry, you can only stay on the bridge."

"Hey? Why?"

Hearing this, Nana suddenly pouted the boss upset.

"We are just taking a look, and we are not trying to break it for you..."

"I'm really afraid that someone would break me..."

Hearing Nana's complaint, UU reading www.uukanshu.com watched Lala silently wiped away the cold sweat. He still remembers Lala once said to himself that she was alone in the palace when she was a child and had nothing to do. That's why I made various inventions and creations, and even dismantled a Debby Luke battleship for research... With such a past, Fang Zheng didn't dare to let her run around in this ship.

"The battleships of the Blue Fleet are different from your Debby Luke's. They are alive."

"Hey? Alive?"


Fang Zheng said while pointing at Leander who was standing not far away.

"It's not their entities who are standing there, but clones like projections. In fact, their real bodies are this ship, and each ship is an independent living body."


Hearing Fang Zheng's introduction, Lala, Nana and Mengmeng screamed in surprise. Although they had seen a lot of things, it was the first time I saw someone like this!

"Understand now, if you run around in a battleship, it will be very uncomfortable for a girl to be like someone looking around in your body."

Upon hearing this, the three sisters finally settled down and stopped running around. In turn, they surrounded Leander's side, and curiously began to look at the ship's lady in front of them. This also made Leander look a little flustered, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, it didn't take long for them to reach their destination.

"Your Excellency Commander, the transition is over and we have reached our destination."

Following Leander's words, I saw a planet covered by dense fog on the screen in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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