Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3029: I can still see it

As long as you have the exorcism items from the alien planet that Miss Lala gave, then you don't have to worry about those monsters anymore!

Yotsuya Miko thought so, but...

"It's totally useless..."

The next morning, when he walked into the school gate in the bright sunshine, Yotsutani Miko's heart was covered with clouds.

How could this happen, obviously I took this to sleep yesterday, why is it still useless? Those monsters don't seem to react to this thing at all?

Could it be that I am useless? Or is there another reason?

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miiko took out the box in his arms again and looked carefully.

Otherwise...Go ask Miss Lala how to use this?

When Yotsuya saw the child thinking, suddenly his hands stretched out from behind.

"Good morning, see you!"


Miko Yotsuya was shocked by this sudden attack, and the box in his hand suddenly slipped and fell to the ground. I don’t know where it hits, but the box opens with a click at the next moment, and then...

"Guru Guru Guru............!!!"

A large number of bubbles burst out in an instant, and Yotsuya Miko was completely enveloped in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, what's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding students were also shocked, and hurriedly dispersed to the surroundings. Fortunately, at this moment, Fang Zheng, Lala and Chuncai also came to the school and naturally witnessed the riot.

"What's that? Jun Yucheng?"

"I do not know either……………"

"Ah, that's slippery soap."

At this time, Lala said with a smile.

"This is a special product of our Debby Luxing star. It not only makes the skin smooth and tender, but also can remove dandruff and relieve itching. It is fully automatic and very easy to use!"

"But this thing is not used in front of the school, is there any way you can fix it?"

At this moment, the bubbles have risen high, almost forming a bubble mountain. The students around were scared and went back. When they heard that this was something from Debbie Luke, they did not hesitate to pull it away. distance.

"Ah, no problem, look at me!"

While talking, Lala took out her own universal tool, then turned around and created it on the spot-seeing this scene, Fang Zheng did not hesitate to pull the spring vegetables back, Lala’s came out of the laboratory Few inventions do not have side effects. This kind of stuff made on the spot has a higher chance of producing moths. The so-called gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, of course, Fang Zheng did not intend to experience the meaning of Lala's invention by himself.

Soon, within a few minutes, Lara raised her hand and took out something like a hair dryer.

"Look at this! Blow and fly away!"

While speaking, Lala pointed the hair dryer at the pile of foam, and then pulled the trigger.


The next moment, the howling wind broke out instantly and swept across the entire campus. For a while, the girls' skirts were blown up, revealing the black, white, red, yellow, green, blue and purple inside...

Accompanied by the screams of the girls and the cheers of the boys, the bubbles were blown into the sky, and then disappeared into the air. And after the bubble disappeared, I saw Yotsuya Miiko sitting on the ground in a dazed manner---and the clothes on her body were gone.



Hearing her friend's call, Yotsuya Miko seemed to come back to her senses, she lowered her head, and the next moment...

"Don't yah yah ah!!!!!!"

After this, there was naturally a big riot at the school gate. Fortunately, the students at Cainan High School were also resistant to the commotion caused by Lala, and Yotsuya Miko was taken to the infirmary soon. He also changed into a sports uniform, and it was only at this time that Fang Zheng learned the ins and outs of the matter from Yotsuya Miko.

"So, you are looking for Lala for something that Debbie Luke uses to drive away evil spirits?"

"Um......but I don't know how to use it, so I brought it to school and wanted to ask Miss Lala..."

Sitting on the bed, Miko Yotsuya also lowered her head and looked speechless. Although she also knew that Lala’s things would always cause trouble, she would only find out when she encountered her... so troublesome.

"It turns out to be exorcism, not dandruff..."

Hearing this, Fang Zheng was also speechless. On the contrary, it was the culprit who was still confused at this moment, and looked at this and that with curiosity.

"What's wrong? Isn't that suitable for people on earth?"

"Before that, it wasn't the same thing at all..."

Fang Zheng took a lot of effort, and then successfully let Lala understand that "exorcism" and "dandruff" are not the same thing... and after discovering that she had made a mistake, she also hurriedly apologized to Yotsutani Miko. .

"Sorry, I thought it was for dandruff removal, so I gave you Debby Luxstar soap...but exorcism...Darling, what does exorcism mean?"

"I'll explain it to you slowly when I go back."

With Erha's urinary sex, this explanation can be troublesome.

"I'm really sorry... By the way, why don't you wait for me to make you an exorcism thing."

"Good intentions!"

Hearing Lala's suggestion, Yotsuya Miiko was sweating coldly and waved her hands desperately - she had just been attacked by Lala's invention. At this moment, the area of ​​mental shadow was so big that she didn't dare to use Lala again. Other things invented.

But then again...

"What do you want to exorcise evil for?"

Fang Zheng stared at Yotsutani Mizuko and asked. As the president of the student council, it is not surprising that he has such a question. Although girls, what kind of jewelry do they like, things that exorcise evil, and it is not surprising that chasing strange stories are popular, but it is strange to ask Lala to ask for this kind of thing.

Of course, if it’s a girl like Lala Risa or Sawada Miyo who is in the same class as Lala, who is more familiar with Lala, and likes some weird things, then she might ask Lala for this because of curiosity or a brain twitch. thing.

But this Yotsuya Miko and Lala never knew each other. From the impression of meeting her, she didn’t look like a quirky fanatic, and her personality was not the kind of extroverted familiarity, so she would ask specifically. It's weird that Lala wants this kind of thing.


Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, Yotsuya Mizuko hesitated, and finally whispered.

"Because, because I am more curious about this aspect recently, so... I want to see what the alien exorcism items look like..."


Although Yotsuya Miko tried to show a calmness, Fang Zheng could easily see that the other party was lying. Although I don't know why she lied, but......It's nothing to do with her. After all, the two parties have just met each other, and they talked shallowly and said nothing.

"So, I know. If you have any difficulties, you are welcome to come to the student union at any time."

"Ah, thanks, thank you...I see."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Yotsuya Mizuko was also relieved. In fact, for a moment, she did want to speak out her troubles, but soon, reason stopped Yotsuya Miko's actions.

How to explain? Say that one day you can suddenly see a monster that does not exist in this world?

This kind of thing will only be regarded as a delusion or a joke, not to mention that the other party is not his own friend, but the president of the student council. Mitsuya Yotsuya is just an ordinary first-year high school student, and the relationship with Fang Zheng is just acquaintance. How can he say such words like the delusion of Zhong Er?

So in the end, she chose to remain silent.

After dealing with the commotion at the campus gate, Fangzheng returned to the student union room. Kushida Kikyo in the student union room was sorting out the documents. According to her, Ogata Risa left the room after submitting today’s financial report. ———It's almost the same as a student who rushed home after finishing his homework.

"Thank you, chairman, have you dealt with it?"

"After processing, compared to before, the trouble caused by La La this time is not too big."

"Is it an alien after all..."

"Right, Kushida."

Fang Zheng returned to his seat, as if thinking of something.

"Do you know this girl, Yotsuya Miko?"

"I've heard that I am a student in Class C."

"What kind of person is she?"

"Um...The long one is quite cute, but she is always expressionless on weekdays. She doesn't seem to like communicating with others very much, but she also has good friends."

"That's it..."

Hearing Kushida Kikyo’s answer, Fang Zheng also nodded. Compared to his own impression, coupled with Kushida Kikyo’s profile verification, it is certain that the girl wanted Lala’s alien exorcism for some reason. ———It’s just that Debby Luke doesn’t believe this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Kushida Kikyo smiles slightly when he looks at Fang Zheng.

"What's the matter? Chairman? Are you planning to attack that Yotsuya-san?"

"I have this kind of image in your heart? Forget it, I won't say anything, you go to investigate if there is anything abnormal in her recent actions... Well, I feel like something has happened to her, after all, it is to solve the students. Trouble is also the job of the Student Union, and there is nothing wrong with the situation."

In terms of exorcising evil, Fang Zheng's first reaction was that the girl named Yotsuya Miko might be possessed by some evil spirit or cursed, so he also watched her while Yotsuya Miko was not paying attention. But to Fang Zheng's surprise, Yotsuya Miiko didn't have any evil or aura, and it could be said that he looked exactly like ordinary people. On the contrary, her friend's spiritual power is quite strong, but it doesn't look like she has been threatened or cursed.

So Fang Zheng simply asked Kushida Kikyo to inquire about it - for her with friends all over the world, this is obviously not a difficult task.

By the way, on the way home, Fangzheng couldn't bear Lala's questioning, so he bought her a plate of "Annabelle" and asked her to see what "exorcism" is. After all, Lala was quite interested in this, and Fang Zheng felt that he couldn't understand it just by telling her, so he might as well just use it.

As a result, that night, Lala chased the Cui Xing Stone and ran around and said to "exorcise evil", while Nana looked at Zhen Hong and Hina Berry into a panic—————Okay, one or two Erha have this virtue. , Founder is also used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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