Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3041: Not afraid of falling rain, nor falling snow... (everyone get up...

Three days later, Fang Zheng took Eve and Xiao An to a small town in Southern Europe.

For Founder, it’s much more convenient to go to wherever you are now. Just take a "Didi Taxi" and find the Blizzard. Not to mention that you can go anywhere on earth, even other planets. Come and go as long as you want.

The first thing they arrived at was the place where Tiayo originally lived in the survey.

"Sure enough, it was burnt clean."

Standing in front of the dark ruins, Fang Zheng looked at the record in his hand and frowned slightly. The population density in this place in Europe is not high, especially in this kind of small town. It is okay to say that the land is large and sparsely populated. A distance of one or two hundred meters between people’s homes is considered normal, but Tiyayo lives in a more remote place. According to the police records here, people in the small town found out that there was a fire here, so they called to find out. The fire brigade, and when the fire brigade arrived, it was almost burnt down here.

Regarding the cause of the fire, the police's investigation concluded that there was a fire, but Fang Zheng could tell at a glance that this was nonsense. After all, there were obvious burn marks on the ruins. Obviously, this was not a simple accidental fire, but someone took gasoline or something. The result of ignition and burning after the item was poured.

However, what makes Fang Zheng interesting is the ownership of this house. According to records, it was originally a house listed for sale, which was later bought by Tiayo. But it was not her who paid the money, it was the leather bag company under 50 million-which is also reasonable. An alien came to the earth, where did the earth's money come from?

Therefore, after Tiayo ran to the earth, he was fancyed by fifty million, and then bought her a house here. As for the identity certificates, naturally they were also false.

Later, there was a conflict between the two parties, and the Star Apostle sent someone to kill Tiayo. There was a conflict between the two sides here, as can be seen from the bullet holes in the wall. But since he didn't see the corpse here and found the bloodstain, most of Tiayo finally escaped. In order to destroy the trail, the Star Apostle burned down the house.

The question now is, where did Tiyayo go...

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Eve looked at Xiaoan, who was silent walking around in the ruins, and asked with some worry. Since coming here, Xiao An has not spoken, surrounded by a circle of cold depression, although Eve is not sure what Xiao An is thinking, but it is also certain that she is not in a good mood now.

"At least no one died here, but it's not easy to find where she went..."

Founder opened his personal terminal and scanned the surrounding terrain.

"All in all, we only have to look for it."

Although finding someone in the huge southern Europe is like finding a needle in a haystack, Founder is not really clueless. He first excluded those big cities. On the one hand, bounty hunters have surveillance networks in almost all big cities, and Tiayou has always been in it. City, will definitely leave a record. And there is no news of Tiayo in the bounty hunter's network, so the possibility of her being in a big city can basically be ruled out.

On the other hand, the Star Apostle and 50 million are obviously more powerful in the city. As long as Tiayo is not a fool, he will not be so stupid to go to the city to snare himself. So currently, she is either fleeing to a remote country or dying in a poor mountain and river... Well, I hope it is the former, otherwise Xiao An is afraid that it is not going to go crazy.

Fang Zheng rented a car, and then took the two little girls and started wandering around. Soon they followed the road to another small town. Then Fang Zheng parked the car in front of the bar and got out of the car.

"I'll ask and see if I can find any information. Don't talk too much, just stand by and watch."

"Okay, brother."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Eve nodded, but Xiao An stepped forward and pushed open the door of the bar.

"I come."

"You come?"


Facing Fang Zheng's question, Xiao An nodded.

"I have been a bounty hunter for a while before and know how to get information."

"okay then."

Since Xiao An insisted, Fang Zheng was naturally not good at objecting, he could only shrug his shoulders, and then he and Eve followed Xiao An and came to the front of the bar.

"What would you like to drink?"

The bar owner is a bald-headed looking sturdy, and now he also throws away the rag in his hand, staring at Fang Zheng and asking.

However, before Fang Zheng could speak, Xiao An in front suddenly jumped up and jumped onto the bar. Then her long golden hair suddenly flicked and turned into a giant hand and grabbed the bald boss. , Press him against the wall. At the same time, the ends of her hair separated and turned into a sharp blade against the boss's neck.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

Faced with this sudden change, the bald boss was shocked and screamed, while Xiao An's expression remained unchanged, raising the photo in his hand and placing it in front of the bald boss.

"Have you seen her?"

"No, I haven't seen it!"

"Really do not have?"

"No--I don't know her, and I haven't seen her...!"

"I do not believe."

Although the bald boss answered very loudly, Xiao An didn't mean to relax at all. On the contrary, the sharp blade formed by her hair directly touched the bald boss's neck, drawing a small blood mark.

"Answer me, or you will be killed."

Seeing this scene, not only the guests in the bar were stunned, even Fang Zheng and Eve were stunned.

"I'm going, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Fang Zheng also hurried forward, grabbed Xiaoan, and pulled her back.

"Have you collected information like this?"

"I always do this."

On the contrary, Xiao An was a little dissatisfied with Fang Zheng's behavior to stop him, frowning and staring at him.

"According to my experience, as long as you use this method, you can basically get the answer."

"What age of torture are you... I'll do it."

Fang Zheng was speechless when he heard this. How primitive is the method of collecting intelligence in the galaxy? However, considering that Xiaoan is a killer, this kind of "rough" style is not incomprehensible.

"Forget it, let's go, don't count on it here."

Fortunately, Fang Zheng carried the bounty hunter license with him. He went up to comfort the bald guy and showed him his license, indicating that they are investigating a case. Xiao An is his assistant and he doesn't know how to measure. , And then gave him a few more banknotes, which finally calmed the shocked bald boss.

Otherwise, if they leave with the front foot, it would be funny if they call the police on the back foot.

Although the person was comforted in the end, the investigation of intelligence was naturally hopeless. Fang Zheng briefly chatted with the other party, then left directly and left the town.

At dusk, Fang Zheng and others drove to a motel. After a decent dinner, Fang Zheng sat in a chair, drinking a drink, and looking at Eve.

"Eve, you go this time."

"Hey? Should I investigate?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Eve was a little nervous.

"But I don't quite understand these..."

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

Having said this, Fang Zheng waved his hand to Eve, motioned her to come to his side, then lowered his head, said something in the ear of little Eve, and the latter was obviously taken aback.

"Is this okay?"

"No problem, you go try it."


Although a little uneasy, Eve nodded, and then left the table with the photo. And seeing this scene, Xiao An also stood up.

"I'll go with you too."

While talking, Xiao An was about to follow Eve, but Fang Zheng was quick with his eyes and grabbed her.

"Well, you're waiting here. Eve is not a kid anymore. Don't worry, she will be fine. On the contrary, if you follow, you might be fine."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Xiao An gave him a dissatisfied look, and finally sat down obediently.

At this moment, Eve also took the photo and walked out of the restaurant and came to the street. Like many small towns in China, it is basically a commercial street. The street where the restaurant is eating here is the most prosperous place in the town. There are some gas stations, bakery and fruit shops nearby, and Eve took the photo of Tiyayo, hesitated for a moment, and then came to the gas station.

"Hello, little sister, what's the matter?"

Eve was already very beautiful and lovely, and she was liked by others. When she saw her coming, the staff at the gas station came forward and asked curiously. Facing the staff, Eve took out the photo, looked at him and asked.

"Excuse me, have you seen my mother?"

"Hey? Is this your mother?"

Seeing Tiayo in the photo, the staff was stunned for a moment, but didn't doubt Eve's words-after all, the two looked too alike.

"Well, my mother is gone. My father and my sister have been looking for her. Have you ever seen her?"

Having said this, Eve even showed a somewhat sad expression, which seemed to make people pity. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Woo...I'm not sure about this. I'll help you ask the manager... the manager! The manager!"

Such a cute little girl, as long as she has a little conscience, will feel distressed, and the staff at the gas station is no exception. He rushed into the store, then called the store manager out and explained the situation to him. And looking at the poor Eve in front of him, the store manager also showed a kind smile.

"Hello, little sister, are you here to find your mother?"

"Hmm... have you met my mother?"


The store manager stared at the photo carefully and thought, and Eve also looked a little nervous. In fact, Fangzheng gave her the idea to ask people who are looking for a gas station. After all, gas stations in a small town are generally located at the entrance and exit of the traffic. If Tiayou wants to come here or drive, it is easy to be here. Plant a place to stay for a while.

But unfortunately, the store manager didn't seem to have any impression of Tiayo. He also asked the other store clerk on duty one by one, and finally got a clue.

"Speaking of it, John said that when he was on duty, he met a rash blonde girl."

"What's the matter?"

After receiving the news, the store manager also hurriedly found the clerk. The other party looked at the photo, then recalled it, and quickly confirmed that this was the blonde beauty he had seen before. According to the clerk, she drove here to refuel a few months ago and then left. As for where she went, she didn't know. But he remembered that the blonde girl drove a Ford...


Eve was also relieved to hear this.

Finally found a clue!


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