Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3053: 3 school union (the 30 heroines of the machine war are so cute!)

"Yueqiu, are Hongsaki and Cainan three schools united?"

I have to say that when Kushida Kikyo heard the news brought back by Fang Zheng and Yotsuya Miko, she was also quite surprised.

"Why do you do this?"

"There are three reasons."

Fang Zheng raised his fingers.

"First, Jieqiu just rebuilt last year, and now their school has a total of more than 100 students. There is insufficient manpower and insufficient funds. Even if it is done according to the minimum standards of this joint school festival, Jieqiu is doing it all. Uncertain, so they have to unite with other schools."

"Speaking of it, I have also heard that the knotty girls seem to have some problems with the source of students. They should be eager to use this opportunity to attract new students to school."

"It's almost like that, so the Yuqiu girl decided to contribute her own space to co-organize with others."

"Then what's going on at Nishisaki Academy? I remember Nishisaki Academy is a very famous and popular university, why would they want to cooperate with Yuqiu?"

"This involves a planning issue."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"This is also the second point I said. Both parties seem to intend to use the school idols as the center of their activities, and Hongsaki's school idols don't seem to be in groups, but to act independently. So they hope to be able to join forces with Yuqiu. The women complement each other and prepare for a live LIVE with a combination and a single dual performance."


Hearing this, Kushida Kikyo frowned slightly.

"But, this has nothing to do with Cainan, we Cainan don't have any school idols, and don't plan to hold a live."

"This is the last point I said. In fact, our venue is next to them. So if the three of us unite, it will occupy the center of the entire venue. If it works well, then this joint academy will commemorate us. It’s stable. Of course, on the other hand, both Hong Saki and Yuqiu said that in return, they can allocate some funds for Cainan’s activities."

Both of these are private schools, and the card is not strict in terms of funding. Although they are not as local tyrants as Xiuzhiyuan or the White Emperor, they are relatively wealthy compared to Cainan who can only deduct money.

"So, they treat Cainan as a messenger?"

Kushida Kikyo's complexion was not pretty, and Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Is there any way, I can only say a bunch of trash... It seems that Kyoko can only be played, otherwise Cainan will really become a bunch of trash. I went up to form a double LIVE with her, and I couldn't let Cai. Nan is ashamed. As for the rest, I will go back and ask Lala to see if she can help."

Fang Zheng can only recognize this. Who calls Cainan High School really bad? However, he also has his own plan.

"What are you going to do with Miss Lala?"

Hearing this, Kushida Kikyo suddenly became nervous.

"Some stage design things, if she can handle it, then it will naturally be better for the LIVE performance effect... Don't worry, I will watch it, at least not let it explode."

If you want to fry, let's fry it together.

Of course, Founder also knew that Hong Saki and Yuqiu had nothing to say. The reason why they asked for their cooperation was that they had a fancy to the higher education school. After all, although the previous President Nan Yun admitted, this does not mean that he will not do anything in actual action, and ordinary schools do not have the ability to dare to compete with higher education schools.

In fact, among the school representatives who had quarreled with Nanyun before, there were Yuqiu and Hongsaki. It can be said that the two sides are already hostile at the moment. Taking into account that the enemy's enemy is a friend, it is also a good choice to bring Cai Nan into the united front against the higher education training school.

Having said that, that mentally retarded...

Recalling what the golden retriever said at the meeting today, Fang Zheng's expression sank again. This girl was making fun of Lala and the others. She couldn't even do anything with satirical Cainan, so she simply pulled the aliens out for the exhibition of rare and exotic animals-this Nima can bear it?

It's strange to see if I don't shut down your broken school!

Thinking of this, Founder silently took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

Get ready to die, idiot!

Soon, the next day, local news and TV programs broadcasted a large amount of information about Senator Nanyun’s suspicion of taking bribes. In addition, they also reported on the close relationship between the Higher Education School and Senator Nanyun. At the same time, they "accidentally" reported some scandals within the higher education schools.

For a while, the entire higher education training school was overwhelmed and flew around - but this had nothing to do with Fang Zheng.

The so-called people are looking at the sky, you can't look at it in vain?

Just when the higher education school was surrounded by reporters, when the chickens and dogs were restless, Fang Zheng had already contacted Zhongchuan Caicai and Ye Yuelian again. After all, although it was said that it was a proposal to join together, it was only an intention at the time. Everyone had to go back and make a clear statement with the members and classmates of the student union under their own staff, so as to obtain their consent.

Founder's side passed unanimously, and the other two also obtained the permission of their respective schools. So this three-school union was settled, and from the original intention, it entered the substantive stage of discussion. For this reason, Founder also specially came to the coffee shop, met again with the two student presidents, and discussed the next detailed plan.

"Does Chae Nam plan to participate in the LIVE?"

I have to say that Zhongchuan Caicai looked a little surprised when he heard Fang Zheng's request, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Of course, since it is a combination of three schools, then we also have the qualifications to be on stage."

"Of course, but..."

Speaking of this, Zhongchuan Caicai and Ye Yuelian looked at each other embarrassedly.

"Chairman Yuki, this joint school festival is very important, so we also plan to put in a lot of effort. If it is not of a certain level, I am afraid to come to the stage..."

"Don't worry about that."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"We Cainan also have idols, maybe you have heard of them."

"Hey? Really?"

"Who is it?"

"Ha ha."

However, this time, Fang Zheng smiled meaningfully in the face of the two people's questions.

"At that time you will know."

As the saying goes, men and women match, work is not tiring, including Fang Zheng's three student council presidents are not a waste, and quickly formulated a detailed plan. Yuqiu will provide a combination with 30 students and financial support, Hongsaki will provide nine academy idols and nearly a hundred students and funds. As for Fangzheng, in addition to the venue and the participating personnel , He also provided an additional gift.

"what is this?"

Looking at the card issued by Fang Zheng, Ye Yuelian asked curiously, while Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"This is the transformation hairpin invented by Lala. To put it simply, you can store several sets of clothes in this hairpin, and then you can change clothes on the spot with one click during the performance, just like the transformation of a magical girl. "

"Hey? Is there such a good thing?"

Hearing this, Ye Yuelian and Zhongchuan Caicai also had their eyes glowing, staring at the hairpin.

"Miss Lala, is the alien princess rumored in Cainan High School, right?"

"Yes, the things she made are still useful."

Facing the two of them, Fang Zheng didn't say the next thing. Everyone at Cainan High School knows that although Lala’s inventions are all useful, they must have side effects, and that something will happen in the end. So facing Lala's invention, they stayed away. Reluctantly, other schools are obviously not aware of the situation on Cainan's side, and they are still quite interested in the invention of aliens.

The "transformation card" that Founder took out was also a gadget that was barely normal after he had discussed with Lala for a long time after he went back. According to Lala, this "transformed hairpin" is mainly for her to use as a substitute when her drag robot Pekai is out of power.

Of course, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can’t change into any clothes like Pekai did. You can only change the clothes stored in it, and the number of clothes stored in it is also very limited, so La La is Think of it as a substitute.

But for ordinary earthlings, this is already very magical. After all, something like this kind of transformation has never appeared on the earth, and for the school idols, they certainly know how important such a one-click change is.

Looking at the excited two people, Fang Zheng didn't tell them, in fact, this "transformed hairpin" is not without its shortcomings. That is, when the "transformation card issuance" is activated, the clothes worn by the user will be completely erased, which means that once the use time is too long, it consumes too much, and finally when the transformation card is out of power... …Then the clothes on your body will completely disappear, and then what will become, everyone knows very well, there is no need to say more.

It should be said that it was Lala's invention. It is strange that there is nothing wrong with it.

So looking at the two of them, Fang Zheng didn't say this. It's the same as selling games. How can there be no bugs in games? If you tell your customers that there are many bugs in the game before the release, the customers will definitely be unhappy. But wait until you release a patch and fix it, and customers will only regard you as a good company in desperation.

As it is now, if Fang Zheng tells them that this "transformation and hairpin" will make people's clothes disappear completely, they will inevitably worry that Fang Zheng has any bad ideas. But if Fang Zheng pretended to be unaware, and then went to fix the BUG when something went wrong, then there would be no problem.

Oh, yes, you have to set the personal terminal to shooting mode first.

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