Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3057: Even worse (Age of Empires IV don’t know if it’s fun or not)

Founder didn't know that he had just walked around in Hongsaki Academy and almost created a Shura Field, but even if there was a Shura Field, he didn't care--it had nothing to do with him anyway?

After visiting Hongsaki Academy, Fangzheng went to Yuqiu the next day. After all, they were also partners, and after hearing Kushida Kikyo said Yuqiu was so miserable, Fangzheng wanted to see what the situation was like in this school— ————Heaven and Earth Conscience, he really hasn’t seen a high school with only a hundred people.

The appearance of Yuqiu Girls’ School looks no different from ordinary colleges. Founder also heard that this school seemed to have been abandoned before, and then revived last year because of funding. It can be said that they are the ones who are most eager to open up their reputation and recruit new students at the United Academy Festival.

After all, for other schools, losing is just a loss of face.

But for Yuqiu, one might even lose his life.

After arriving at the gate of Jieqiu, Fang Zheng also called Ye Yuelian, who also said that he would come to meet him at the school gate immediately. However, Fang was waiting at the school gate for a long time and no one came out...so he had to send a text message to Tang Keke asking about the situation.

That's right, after the two met that day, Fang Zheng took Tang Keke to eat at the authentic Chinese restaurant as a bait to catch the fish. The two exchanged numbers and occasionally contacted after that. See Ye now. If Yuelian didn't come out for a long time, Fang Zheng also noticed that something was going on in Yuqiu. Since Ye Yuelian is busy, then just ask Tang Keke.

Sure enough, Tang Keke soon returned the text message, saying that it is a bit troublesome now...


Seeing this text message, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows and walked into the school.

He wanted to see what trouble Jieqiu encountered.

In fact, it's not hard to find. Shortly after Fang Zheng walked into Jieqiu Girls' School, he saw the setting being built on the side of the campus. It was obvious that Jieqiu was also setting up the school festival. However, right next to the set, a group of girls in white school uniforms and girls in blue school uniforms are facing each other. There is a large circle of people next to them. You can vaguely see a girl with a high ponytail working desperately, but it seems useless.

Fang Zheng also walked over, came behind Tang Keke who was standing next to him, and patted her on the shoulder.

"what's the situation?"

"Wow, President Yuki, startled me."

Hearing Fang Zheng's voice behind him, Tang Keke was also taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head and glared at him. After hearing Fang Zheng's question, Tang Keke also spread his hands helplessly.

"Something went wrong..."

"Talk about it, what's the problem?"

Fang Zheng also changed to Chinese now, and when Fang Zheng said that, Tang Keke did not hesitate, and quickly explained the situation again.

In fact, the situation is not particularly complicated.

Yuqiu Girls’ School is a music college, so the school is divided into music and general subjects. Among them, those wearing white uniforms are music subjects, and those wearing blue uniforms are general subjects.

The treatment of the two is also very different. The music department has an independent dance studio, vocal studio, music room and other equipment, but the general department does not have such a good environment. For example, they are the most famous academy idol group in this school. As a result, because they were born in general subjects, they didn't even have a practice field. In the end, the principal allowed them to use the roof to practice.

This is really miserable.

This time the joint school festival is responsible for appearing at the joint venue, and the school festival here...there is a problem.

The Music Department said that this school festival should be hosted by the Music Department. After all, is Yuqiu a music school? Isn’t it natural that the Music Department organizes the school festival? You can just fight for the general subjects and just give them a helping hand.

Now they didn't agree to the general subjects. They were very disgusted with the privileges enjoyed by the music subject. At this moment, they immediately fry the pot after listening to the other party's advice.

Why should we run errands for you? What's so great about your music department? Now Yuqiu is most famous in our general subjects. You don't have any shot scores in the music subject. Want us to cooperate with you? wishful thinking! Our general subjects will also hold our own programs at the Academy Festival! We won't help you if you don't agree! If you have the ability, do it yourself!

By the way, the total number of people in the music department is only 30, and the number of people in the general department is three times that of the music department...so there are still not many people.

So the two sides quarreled like this, which aroused crowds of people, and then more and more people joined the ranks of accusing each other. At this time, Ye Yuelian and the others were just planning to pick up Fang Zheng. When they saw this scene, they could still care about this, so they hurried up to persuade them to fight.

Reluctantly, Ye Yuelian's ability to persuade her seems to be negative, at least looking at it now, she can't hold back this scene.

"What's the matter..."

After listening to Tang Keke's narration, Fang Zheng also rolled his eyes helplessly. This knot made Fang Zheng couldn't help but recall the contradiction between the first major and second major students in the magic high school he was in. But in Fang Zheng's view, Yuqiu was much stupid than Magic High School. After all, the Magic High School recruited second-degree students and was treated as a reserve army for first-degree students, and it was not a waste of resources.

But what about knotty?

If you want to set up a music school, do you set up a special music school? Why do you have a general subject? Of course, Fang Zheng didn't understand, he just started, and he needed students. There are not many music majors, and the tuition fee is not enough to maintain the school's operations, so there is no way to absorb general students, but you are so antagonistic... It's weird that general students have no ideas.

"What do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

When it was someone else, Tang Keke didn't necessarily say so much, but she was very positive when facing Fang Zheng. In addition, because they both spoke in Chinese, she was not afraid that someone in Jieqiu could understand.

"Music people usually don’t interact with the general subjects. The teaching buildings on both sides are different. Our general subjects are taught in the previous teaching building, and the music subjects are in the newly built music building. The two sides basically don’t touch each other on weekdays... ..."

"It seems that you are really troublesome enough to form a mound."

Founder also couldn't help but sighed. It seems that everything is afraid of worse. Originally, Founder thought Cainan High School was considered to be a level of waste, but looking at the total number of freshmen in the school at the age of Cainan, they are still there. He felt that Cai Nan was much more stable due to internal conflicts.

But he didn't come here to watch Yuqiu quarrel.

"Come here, I'll tell you a plan."

Fang Zheng patted Tang Keke, motioned her to follow him a little further, and then whispered in her ear.

"You're just like this, like this --- tell Ye Yuelian this, and you're done."

"Is this all right?"

"Try it, otherwise when will the noise go?"

"All right."

As a Chinese, Tang Keke certainly doesn't have the Japanese's problems of looking forward and backward. She also feels that Fangzheng is right. It will be lunch time after this quarrel, is it not over yet?

Big food is the biggest!

So she also nodded, then got into the crowd, came to Ye Yuelian who was trying to persuade her, and said a few words to her. After listening to Tang Keke's words, Ye Yuelian was also taken aback, then she turned her head to look at Fang Zheng, who was standing outside the crowd, and the latter gestured to her. Then Ye Yuelian also bit her teeth, her heart swayed.

"Don't make any noise!"

I have to say that Ye Yuelian, the student council president, is still very prestigious. She used to be so good that she didn't get any response. At this moment, Ye Yuelian became cold and angry, and immediately shocked both sides.

"I have decided that for this school festival in the school, the general department must send someone to assist the music department."

"Hey——————! Why!"

Hearing Ye Yuelian's words, the students of the general department suddenly objected loudly, while the students of the music department showed a triumphant expression.

However, Ye Yuelian's next sentence immediately stunned everyone.

"Similarly, the music department must also send someone to assist the general department!"


As soon as this remark came out, both the general and music subjects looked at each other, and they didn't know what medicine Ye Yuelian sold in this gourd. But soon, Ye Yuelian gave the answer.

"In the school festival this time, the general and music subjects must prepare their own programs, and they must work together to complete them. If the school festival fails in the end, then it is not because the general subjects are still the music programs. We must take responsibility together!"


Hearing this, the students on both sides suddenly felt dumb. If Ye Yuelian only said that they wanted to cooperate with each other, they might not care about it. But now Ye Yuelian added that no matter which side of the show fails, everyone will be jointly and severally liable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which immediately makes them hesitate.

But soon, someone from the general department spoke up.

"But President, we don't have enough manpower."

This is also the core of the dispute between the two sides. Yuqiu plus music and general subjects total more than 100 students. The stage of the joint school festival requires at least more than forty people. In this way, the Yuqiu school There are still sixty or seventy students. In this situation, there will be insufficient numbers of people who are scattered to perform their own programs, so the music department will propose to host them.

"On the joint school festival, the school doesn't need to send people. Everyone concentrates on the school. Cainan High School has promised to lend us some people."

Speaking of this, Ye Yuelian's expression was also stern.

"Okay, it's so decided!"

As the president of the student council, Ye Yuelian also made a decision and did not favor any side. Naturally, this conflict could not continue. Soon, the students dispersed. And the other four people that Ye Yuelian took just then came to Fang Zheng's front and thanked him.

"I'm really sorry, President Yucheng, I still trouble you."

"It's nothing, just a little effort."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"Faced with this situation, don't think about fairness and justice. Since you can't share the same happiness, then you can share the hardship. Letting them have bad luck together is also a way."

"Thank you, President Yucheng for your advice, then..."

Having said this, Ye Yuelian was also stunned. Originally, the two parties had agreed to see the preparations for the mound, but when such a thing happened, the preparations naturally didn't have to be seen.

And Founder obviously already had an idea.

"Go to lunch first, and then talk slowly."


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