Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3096: Turn on (Tachibana, who is distressed about what to eat every day)

Soon, one night passed. When Bronya opened her eyes again, she was awakened by Rosalia and Lilia.

"Sister Bronya, let's go and play together!"

"We are not here to play...well, what do you want to play?"

"hide and seek!"

"...Bronya doesn't think there is any fun in hide-and-seek..."

Seeing Rosalia's elation, Bronya was speechless, but when she was about to say something more, she suddenly saw a young girl with short pink hair wagging her tail and walking over.

"Ah, it's Mengmeng!"

Seeing the girl opposite, Rosalia immediately screamed happily, perhaps because everyone has a long tail, they are also quite close to Lala, Mengmeng and Nana. Although it has only been together for less than a day, the relationship between the two parties is already very good.

So at this moment Rosalia also waved her hands excitedly.

"Hey, Mengmeng, do you want to play together? We are going to play hide and seek with sister Bronya!"

"Ah, Rosalia..."

Mengmeng seemed to come back to her senses when she heard Rosalia's greeting. She looked around, then looked at Bronya.

"Miss Bronya, have you seen Dr. Einstein?"


"Well, the doctor didn’t mean to go to the observatory to determine the change in the value of the Quantum Sea to determine when to open the gate of the abyss. I went to her today to ask about the situation, but I couldn’t find Dr. Einstein. ...I don't know where she went, have you met her?"

"Dr. Einstein is not in the observatory?"

Bronya was taken aback when she heard Mengmeng's words, and Mengmeng nodded.

"Well, she didn't leave any message...I always feel that something is wrong, Miss Bronya, have you met her?"

"No, Bronya did not see Dr. Einstein."

While speaking, Bronya looked at Rosalia and Lilia, who also shook their heads.

"Well, then I should go and inform Mr. Yuki, it seems..."


However, Mengmeng hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, the entire Haiyuan City shook suddenly, as if it had encountered an earthquake. At the same time, a rapid alarm sounded. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a large group of white collapsed beasts appearing from the bottom of the sea, like a school of fish, they rushed towards Haiyuan City in groups.

"Wow, what's the matter?"

Seeing the collapsed beast rushing into Haiyuan City, the girls were suddenly shocked. Bronya also changed her expression slightly.

"A large amount of collapsing energy has been detected in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.........something went wrong!"

At this moment, the girls naturally didn't care about playing any more games, and hurried back to Haiyuan City, and at the entrance of Haiyuan City, they also encountered the same agitated Kokolia. Seeing Bronya and Rosalia and others, Cocolia was also relieved.

"Bronia, Rosalia, Lilia, are you all right, great......!"

"Ms. Cocolia, what happened here? What did you do?"

Mengmeng stared at Cocolia and asked seriously, but when she heard Mengmeng's inquiry, Cocolia stared.

"I just wanted to ask what you guys did! The Eye of the Sea Abyss was activated, and the Collapsing Beast was attracted by it!"

Bronya couldn't help being surprised when she heard Cocolia's answer.

"The entrance to the Quantum Sea has been opened?"

"Yes, I don't know what you did, but now this place has become the target of the Benghuai Beast... We must leave this place immediately! The Eye of the Sea Abyss has gone violently, and thousands of Benghuai Beasts are coming here. We can’t keep it here because of the side attack.”

"The Eye of the Abyss must be protected."

At this moment, Bronya made a decision immediately, and she no longer paid attention to Cocolia's persuasion, but turned her head to look at Mengmeng.

"Miss Mengmeng, please inform Mr. Yucheng of the situation here immediately, and I will immediately protect the Eye of the Sea Abyss."

"Okay, Miss Bronya, trouble you, I will inform Mr. Yuki of the situation right away."

Mengmeng also knew that the situation was critical at the moment. Although they still don't know what happened, at least for now, the Eye of the Sea is their greatest guarantee for returning to their own world. In any case, this place cannot be destroyed, but the collapse of this world is a very dangerous thing, so she decided to report the incident to Fang Zheng immediately.

"Wait, Bronya...!"

Seeing Bronya rushing into Haiyuan City, Kelia tried to stop her, but Bronya just turned her head and looked at her.

"Mother Kokolia, Bronya is no longer a child......it's long gone."

After saying this, Bronya turned and left, and when she saw this, Ke Kelia gritted her teeth and looked at the sister beside her.

"Rosalia, Lilia, you go and help her. But be careful, don't get close to the Quantum Sea!"

At the same time, Fang Zheng also learned what happened from Mengmeng.

"What? The Eye of the Sea Abyss ran away? Who opened this door?!"

Fang Zheng was also taken aback when he heard Mengmeng's report. You must know that Einstein told him before that the waves of the Quantum Sea are ups and downs, and they must wait for the Quantum Sea to be calm before they can open the Eye of the Abyss, so as to ensure that everything goes smoothly to the greatest extent.

But now the Eye of the Abyss was opened in advance, causing the storm in the Quantum Sea to overflow from it, making everything around it become unstable.

"Where is Dr. Einstein?"

"I don't know, I didn't find Dr. Einstein at the observatory. This is what I originally wanted to report to you, Mr. Yuki..."

"I will go to the Eye of the Abyss immediately, and you will return to the battleship first..."

Founder quickly issued the order, and then he immediately switched the communication channel.

"Xiaoan? I have one thing to ask you..."

When Fang Zheng rushed into Haiyuan City again, this place had become the world of collapsed beasts. Thousands of collapsed beasts are wandering around in Haiyuan City with joy. Although the anti-entropy mechas still persisted in resisting these collapsing beasts, it seemed that they would not last long.


Fang Zheng glanced around and immediately drew out Frostmourne and waved forward. Then, the undead army and the undead dragon roared out from under the ice.

"Destroy these guys!"

Fang Zheng gave an order, the Scourge Corps immediately turned around and launched an offensive against the collapsed beasts, while he rushed into the city of Haiyuan and ran towards the eye of the sea.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As soon as he entered the Eye of the Sea Abyss, Fang Zheng heard a series of explosions. You don't need to ask to know that this must be Bronya's artillery attack. So Fang Zheng also looked at the place where the sound was made. As expected, in the deepest part of the Eye of the Abyss, Bronya and the sisters were fighting a huge monster. The opponent appeared from the center of the platform of the Eye of the Abyss, only the upper body got out, and at the moment they were waving their hands to fight them.

………Um? Is this scene familiar? Is there the Wrath of Thoridar Stars in this drop?

Although this monster looked mighty, it was obviously not capable of Kil'jaeden. With the cooperation of the sisters and Bronya, they were quickly wailed and beaten back into the Quantum Sea.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the change became prominent.

As the monster was defeated, the platform on which Bronya and the three were standing also collapsed and shattered. This suddenly surprised Bronya. She hurriedly stretched out her hand, and then the machine behind Bronya A slammed a punch, and flew Rosalia and Lilia to the platform, while Bronya herself was captured by the rotating quantum storm and disappeared into the quantum sea in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Rosalia and Lilia also yelled suddenly, and at this moment, Fang Zheng rushed over.

"Leave it to me, you go back first!"

Without looking back at this sentence, Fang Zheng also jumped into the quantum sea. Immediately after the next moment, the roaring Eye of the Abyss regained its calm---the door that had been opened was closed again.

There was a azure blue in front of him.

Boundless, as if the deep sea-like scenery appeared in front of Fang Zheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His body slowly fell, and then stood on a piece of debris.

"This is the sea of ​​quantum."

Fang Zheng glanced around, and what he could see were all kinds of fragments - there were dilapidated buildings, withered trees, and some messy invisible things. This is also normal. This is a broken world, where will and reality, existence and spirit meet. Here you may be able to encounter something from reality, or you may encounter a broken space-time fragment...Well, who is right?

"But then again, where is Bronya?"

Fang Zheng looked around again, but couldn't find Bronya's trace. Perhaps Bronya was taken elsewhere by the power of the Quantum Sea?

But this is not a problem. For ordinary people, entering the Quantum Sea may be a very risky thing, but for Fangzheng, it is not much more dangerous than his own swimming pool — well, of course, maybe the water park The swimming pool is relatively unfamiliar.

But fortunately, the quantum sea is the gap between will and reality. Simply put, it is a bit like the outer world - as long as you want to find it, then you will be able to find it.

Fang Zheng closed his eyes and began to sense Bronya's breath. Soon, he grasped a weak connection, which was the power of collapsing energy - the power of the Valkyrie.

right here.

Fang Zheng opened his eyes, and then he waved his right hand forward, and the void in front of him began to twist and spin, turning into a huge light vortex.

Then, Fang Zheng walked in.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, everything was completely different.


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