Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3100: Dreamland (Battlefield can't wait for the 358 empire)

When Fang Zheng hurried to the entrance of the village, he saw Yae Ying fighting fiercely with the collapsed beasts.

Of course, it is said to be collapsed beasts, but they are not the big white crabs that Fang Zheng will see in the future. On the contrary, they look more like species that have been infected and mutated by T virus.

Unlike the weak girl in Fang Zheng's previous impression, the current Yae Sakura is obviously more like a warrior, holding a long knife in her hand, bravely dealing with these broken beasts, and she finds the opportunity to kill with one blow. It’s just that the number of these beasts still makes Yae Sakura a bit difficult. Although they are not as powerful as ordinary beasts, and they have not mutated any special abilities, they are full of aggressiveness—even if they are. A pig, if it is full of aggressiveness, can also make people feel a headache.

The current Yae Sakura was obviously unable to support it. Although she wanted to work hard to ensure that the collapsed beasts would not enter the town, the number of these collapsed beasts was so large that it could not be resisted at all. Seeing that a few collapsed beasts broke through Yae Ying's barrier, they roared and rushed towards the town.

Seeing this scene, Yae Sakura also screamed badly, but just when she was about to turn around to resist. I saw the howling cold wind blow in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, all the collapsed beasts around turned into ice sculptures. She turned her head, and saw Fang Zheng holding Frostmourne in her hand and strode past.

"Mr. Yuki!"


Fang Zheng raised his hand and greeted Yaezakura.

"It was Rin who asked me to come. Leave it to me here. You go down and rest. You alone can't resist these guys."

"Okay, trouble you."

Of course Yae Sakura knew what Fang Zheng was capable of, and she was relieved to see that he took a shot at this moment, and hurriedly backed away. Then Fang Zheng held Frostmourne in his hand and waved forward. Soon, the howling cold wind swept across the entire herd, freezing all the struggling and roaring collapsed beasts into ice sculptures. Then Fang Zheng snapped his fingers, and then he saw these ice sculptures burst suddenly, turning into dust and disappearing into the air.


Seeing this, Yae Sakura also breathed out.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Yuki."

"You're welcome, nothing more."

Fang Zheng waved his hand, then looked deep into the woods and frowned. He has a feeling that this is not the end. That weird thing is probably still hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to plan to act...

The attack of the collapse beast was prevented, but the danger still existed. Yae Sakura also gave notice from door to door, telling them not to go out at night to avoid danger. Then she kept her promise and made a delicious dinner for Fang Zheng to entertain him and Karen.

Karen is also an honest child. He blames the town for being attacked by the beast, and swears to everyone that she will find the demon sealed in the box and completely wipe it out...Of course it cannot be overnight. Set off. So everyone decided to take a rest, and then set off into the woods the next morning to look for clues to the devil in the box.

After dinner, Karen, who returned to the guest room, was also a little tired. Just when she was about to rest, the door was pushed open again-this made Karen immediately alert, and hurriedly sat up and looked at the door. Fortunately, it was not the pervert who came in during the day.

"Ah, Miss Yae...what's the matter with you?"

"Sorry, Miss Karen, that... I have repaired your clothes."

While speaking, Yae Sakura passed the black monastic uniform in her hand, Karen took the monastic uniform, and then lowered her head.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Yae, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be attacked by those collapsing beasts..."

"Please don't say that, Miss Karen, you can survive anyway. As for the monsters... Since Mr. Yuki will deal with it, I don't think there will be a problem."

"Do you trust that man that way?"

Hearing this name, Karen pulled her face suddenly, to her, it was just a pervert who peeped at her changing clothes!

"Of course, Miss Karen, after all, he is the savior of me and Rin."



Yae Sakura also told Karen about the fact that she and Rin were rescued by Fang Zheng, and the latter was also taken aback after hearing it.

"There is such a thing..."

"Yes, so I believe Mr. Yuki can definitely solve these problems, Miss Karen, you don't need to worry about this... Then, it's late at night, please rest early."

While speaking, Yae Sakura stood up and planned to leave. And Karen also retracted his gaze and began to think. Perhaps because of being too absorbed, Karen didn't notice that something was twisting in the shadow next to him. Immediately afterwards, the black shadow suddenly jumped out of the shadow and attacked Karen!

"Miss Karen, be careful!"


When Karen came back to her senses, she had been rushed by Yae Sakura, but when she looked intently, she found a black poisonous snake opening its mouth and biting her arm tightly...

"...So, Sakura became like this to save you?"

Fang Zheng and Rin, who rushed to the sound, looked at the comatose Yae Sakura lying on the tatami in front of them, and they were also startled. Fang Zheng frowned, checked Yae Sakura's wound carefully, and then looked at Karen.

"Where is that snake?"

"I, I don't know. After biting Miss Yae, the snake seemed to melt suddenly..."


Fang Zheng carefully looked at the unconscious Yae Sakura, then he suddenly stretched out his hand, and before the two of them could react, he "tipped" Yae Sakura's clothes apart.

"Big brother?"

"What are you doing?!"

Seeing Fangzheng suddenly tore off Yae Sakura's clothes, Yae Rin and Karen were both surprised, but soon they were surprised to see that on the body of Yae Sakura, there were rows of bright red, like cracks. Extending along the arm, it has even penetrated near the chest at this moment.

"This is?"

"Liuzhe eroded, um, sure enough, this thing came for Yae Sakura."


Hearing this, Karen was taken aback.

"What does it mean?"

"You just said that the snake attacked you when you were not paying attention, and Sakura protected you from being bitten by it. But think about it carefully, if the snake's target is really you, it can obviously It’s okay to take advantage of Ying’s departure and wait until you fall asleep before eloquent. You have to wait for the two of you to start, it’s probably not for you, but now the problem is not here..."

"Do you have a way? If this goes on, Miss Yae might..."

Having said this, Karen couldn't help but think of her colleague who was eroded by the black box and turned into a dead man. If this continues, then Yae Sakura will become the same thing as them!

"I'll give it a try. If you get into her spirit, you should be able to drive away the lawmaker."

"I want to go together too!"

At this moment, Karen also spoke.

"Miss Yae was attacked by that demon to protect me, and I also want to help! I am the Valkyrie of Destiny, and I also have the ability to fight!"

"Well, you can also come together... so dreadful, trouble you to watch it here."

"Okay, big brother, big sister, be careful..."

"no problem."

Fang Zheng said, reaching out to Karen. The latter hesitated for a moment, and took Fang Zheng's outstretched hand. Then Fang Zheng raised his other hand and placed it on Yae Ying's forehead.

The next moment, the world began to twist and spin, swallowing the two in an instant.

When Fang Zheng and Karen opened their eyes again, they were in a cold steel cell.

"Where is this? Is this Miss Yae's dream?"

Karen looked around suspiciously and asked, while Fang Zheng frowned.

"No, this is not like a dream of Yae Sakura."

The reason why Founder was able to make this judgment is simple, because although the cell in front of him looks very simple, the whole shape is quite modern or even a little futuristic. Yae Sakura is a girl who lived in Japan five hundred years ago. How could she have seen this kind of thing since she was a child?

At this moment, the door of the closed cell suddenly opened, and a girl with pink hair walked in.

"Miss Yae?!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Karen suddenly screamed, and Fang Zheng blocked her. Obviously, although the girl in front of her looks exactly the same as Yae Sakura, their outfits are completely different. The good lady at the moment is wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts, a modern dress, and there are still a pair of rabbit ears on her head...

"Are you the people locked up here?"

Seeing Fang Zheng and Karen, Yaezakura seemed to not know the two of them and asked, Fang Zheng made a gesture to Karen, motioning her not to speak, and then nodded.

"Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, my name is Ying. What are your names?"

"My name is Masa Yuuki."



Hearing the answers from the two, the girl named Sakura nodded.

"I won't hurt you, but I want to ask you one thing, have you seen this girl in the photo?"

While speaking, Sakura took off the pendant on her chest, and then an image was projected into the air. That was the photo of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin, but unlike the two in reality, both of them are wearing quite modern costumes at the moment. Yae Rin is still wearing a single ponytail and smiling while holding his sister's arm.


Seeing this scene, Karen subconsciously wanted to talk, but Fang Zheng quickly grabbed her thigh and squeezed it hard. This made Karen cry out and lower her body to cover herself. Mouth.

"Sorry, we have been here and haven't seen anyone else."

"You haven't seen her? How come... Then has anyone been here recently or has been taken out? Please, I have to find her!"

Speaking of this, Ying's expression became more serious, and Fang Zheng also hurriedly raised his hand.

"Please calm down, Miss Ying, we really don't know where she was taken..."

"Sorry... I'm too anxious."

Sakura also sighed and looked at the two of them.

"Come with me, I will take you out of here."

"I, we can help you!"

At this moment, Karen also hurriedly spoke.

"We can help you find your sister, she is a very important person to you!"


"No problem, Miss Ying."

Fang Zheng also looked at Ying and said.

"You helped us, then we will also help you... And if there are many people, it will be easier to find your sister."

"thank you all."

Sakura showed a smile when she heard the two talking.

"Then let's get out of here first."

After saying this, Sakura turned and left the cell, while Karen pulled Fangzheng.

"Wait, what the **** is going on? Is this Miss Yae's dream? Why can't she recognize us at all? And her and Rin's dressing is also weird, what the **** is this place?"

"I'm not so sure either."

Facing Karen's question, Fang Zheng shook his head.

"But to be sure, this is definitely not an ordinary dream."


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