Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3124: Don't hurry to die

"Chi You?"

Qiyana was shocked when she heard the girl's answer.

"Chi You is the one who was sealed five thousand years ago..."

After all, it was just the story that Fang Zheng finished telling. Even if Qiyana's memory is the same as Paramecium, she wouldn't forget it so quickly.

"Yes, we are now in the body of the giant beast Chi You, young soldiers, sorry to involve you in this battle that originally belonged to me..."

While talking, the girl raised her hand, and then a cloud of golden light emerged.

"This is my only remaining power. I will give it to you. Please be sure to seal Chi You again..."

After saying this, the girl closed her eyes, and then her body gradually dissipated... However, at this moment, Fang Zheng grabbed her.

"Hey, wait, lady, don't rush to death, I have something to look for you!"


Faced with Fang Zheng's act of disregarding the cards, the young girl was also taken aback. She opened her eyes suspiciously and looked towards Fang Zheng.


"Yes, you are...Miss Ji Lin?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the girl showed a touch of sadness.

"I'm just a ray of thoughts left by Ji Lin here. The real Ji Lin has fallen into the darkness...become a broken minion..."

"Broken minions?"

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows, and Qiyana and the others looked at the girl in surprise.

"Why? Isn't she the hero who sacrificed herself to seal Chi You?"

"The hero is also a human... During the days when she was sealed, she had always longed for someone to find her. But in the end, loneliness and loneliness filled her mind, and she had fallen into the abyss of despair..."

Having said this, the girl's body shook.

"Sorry, I can't support it anymore..."

"You have a good rest first, Chi You will leave it to us to deal with."

Fang Zheng put the golden ball of light back into the girl's hand.

"In fact, we came here to look for you for other things...but we'll talk about Chi You after we get it done."

"...Then, I beg you..."

Obviously, Ji Lin's remnant thoughts could not last too long, she had only time to say one more word, and then disappeared into the air like this.

Watching the girl disappear and transform into that golden sword again, Qiyana blinked and looked at Fang Zheng.

"What should I do now? Jiecheng, if Ji Lin becomes a broken minion, isn't it possible to wake her up again?"

"This problem is not big, after all, the blackening is also cute...Now let's solve the problem at hand first..."

While talking, Fang Zheng glanced around, then contacted Bronya.

"Bronya, can you determine the core of this thing?"

"No problem, wait a moment... I found it. It was detected that two places in the body of the giant beast Chiyou had a high concentration of collapsible reaction. It was preliminarily determined that there should be the core."

"Very good, then we will split the two forces and break the two cores separately... Is the position locked?"

"It's locked, transmitting...Okay."


Looking at the circuit diagram on the screen in front of him, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers.

"Set off!"

The road to the core is not difficult, and although there are many Blind Beasts blocking the way, in front of everyone, this level of Blind Beast is obviously not worth mentioning.


The blade condensed by the long golden hair swept past, and cut the collapsed beast in front of him easily. In the blink of an eye, the obstacles in front of everyone were swept away.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I think it's amazing."

Seeing the small dark with the hair returning to its original shape, Thunderbolt Yayi secretly sighed towards Bronya. Since Xiaoan joined the team as the representative of the girls around Fangzheng, Qiyana and the others have gradually become accustomed to this girl who can use transformation to fight. At the beginning, I was a little uncomfortable, but now I am obviously used to it.

"Yes, it is difficult even for us to be able to cut through the collapsed beast so easily."

Bronya also nodded slightly, it is indeed surprising that her body will deform, but the most surprising thing is that the weapons of small dark changes can easily cut through these broken monsters. You must know that these collapsed beasts have thick skin and thick flesh. Unless they are special weapons made of soul steel, it is difficult to cause damage to them, but Xiaoan can cut them open so easily, which is obviously not ordinary. The body can do it.

However, the two of them only chatted for a few words and then stopped. Fang Zheng also introduced Xiaoan's life experience to them, knowing that she was born as a nano-biochemical weapon. In this regard, Bronya can be regarded as somewhat empathetic. So it won't be particularly troublesome on this issue.

"Already here."

While the two were whispering, Xiao An eliminated the last obstacle, and then she turned her head and looked at Bronya.

"Where is the core?"

"It should be that..."

Bronya stretched out her hand to point forward, and saw that in front of everyone, a huge red crystal was radiating radiance, floating there.

"so big!"

Looking at the red crystal that was three or four stories high, Ya Yi took a breath.

"How are we going to break this? Bronya, are you coming?"

Raiden Yayi uses a sword. Although she has integrated a part of the power of the law of thunder, she has not been able to split such a large crystal.

"As for me, it may not be easy to control the power..."

Bronya said, and looked around. Now they are in Chi You’s belly. If Bronya transforms into the form of the law-maker, she can blast this crystal away, but if she doesn’t handle it well, it might even The place where they are based will also explode together-the ghost knows what Chi You's belly is like, and it is estimated that no one wants to jump in and try it.

"I'll try."

However, at this moment, Xiao An interjected. Hearing her words, both of them were taken aback.

"No problem? Miss Dark?"

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Faced with Raiden Yayi’s question, Xiao An didn’t say much. Then they saw her long golden hair suddenly condense, then stretched out quickly, and then turned into a big knife several meters long, right. With a wave of the crystal in front of you!


The red crystal that looked extremely hard was just cut open in an instant under the blade condensed by the hair, and then the whole "bang" burst into pieces, turning into fragments on the ground. And in it, a flash caught Xiaoan’s attention, she saw her hair flicked, and then the long hair that had been turned into a blade turned into a palm, grabbed the gleaming thing, and brought it to her own. before.

"what is this?"

Seeing something shining in his hand that looked like a crystal, Xiaoan tilted his head suspiciously. At this time, Raiden Yayi and Bronya also walked over. Seeing what was in Xiaoan's hands, the two were also taken aback.

"This is………?"

"What was found in the crystal just now, do you want to destroy it?"

While talking, Xiaoan clenched her fists, and Bronya shook her head.

"No, this is not a dangerous item, Miss Xiaoan, this is soul steel."


Hearing Bronya's answer, Xiaoan looked at her in a puzzled way--this is all crystals, okay? Where is it like steel?

"This is a mysterious substance. It seems to be a remnant of the last civilization. It can be used to make weapons and armors against collapse..."


Xiao An nodded, and then handed the thing to Bronya. The latter also took a closer look.

"What else seems to be written on it?"

"I don't understand... This should be the same type of text as on the stone tablet before."

"Then I am afraid that only Mr. Yuki can understand it, Mr. Yuki..."


Lei Dian Yayi hadn't finished speaking, only a huge roar came from a distance, and then, the body of the behemoth that was shaking gradually calmed down.

"It seems that Mr. Yuki has also succeeded."


Bronya nodded.

"Detected that the flow of collapse energy is weakening, you can confirm..."

"Rumble rumbling--!"

However, Bronya hadn't finished speaking yet, suddenly Chi You's body shook violently again.

"How is this going?"

Leiden Yayi and Xiaoan looked at the space that was trembling more violently than before, their expressions changed greatly, and Bronya did not say a word, and hurriedly started scanning again - then her eyes condensed.

"There is still a heart! Now Benghuaneng is flowing there fast...!"

"how come………?!"


At this moment, the contact sounded again, and then Fang Zheng's voice came.

"What's the situation now? Bronya?"

"Sorry, Mr. Yucheng, we didn't expect Chi You to have a heart inside..."

"Oh, that's nothing, after all, the Four Heavenly Kings will definitely have a fifth..."

Compared with Bronya's nervousness, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Founder's tone is as calm as ever.

"Then, let's meet at the third heart. I have a hunch that someone is waiting for us there."

At first, the three of them did not understand the meaning of Fang Zheng, but when they followed the flow of collapse energy and came to the position of the third heart in the deepest part of Chi You's body, they saw the one standing on the platform, waiting for themselves. Silhouette.

"Broken warriors, you are finally here."

Riding a war horse and holding a huge blade, the black-haired girl stared at them solemnly, without the slightest anger in her eyes, as if she was an undead driven by resentment.

"You shouldn't have come here."

"Why, Miss Ji Lin?"

Looking at the black-haired girl in front of her, Qiyana was puzzled.

"Obviously you sacrificed yourself to protect them, why are you killing them now?"

"Yes, but now they don't deserve to be protected anymore!"

Hearing Qiyana's inquiry, Ji Lin roared in a low voice.

"I protected them, at what cost? They forgot me! They never looked for me, nor thought of saving me from this darkness. I am here alone, and everyone has left me. Go! Everyone!"

Along with the girl's roar, the whole space began to tremble again, as if responding to her anger, Chi You's power also increased again.

"It seems that there is nothing to say."

Fang Zheng silently raised the big sword in his hand.

"Get ready to fight."

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