Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3135: Space civilization (Ben Meow’s gas stove bursts)

After discovering that there was such a civilized force in this universe, Fang Zheng also immediately made a decision.

That's... fight over!

He now judges that the "man in the sky" mentioned by Walter Young is the mysterious force that attacked the Ark in nine out of ten. Otherwise, the universe is so big that they have found the earth?

And if the people in the sky mentioned by Walther Young are the kind of force that specializes in harvesting other civilizations and squeezing and destroying energy, then it is reasonable for them to carry out this kind of fishing operation.

But this made Teresa quite puzzled.

"Wait, you want to gather the fleet? You can bring the fleet to this world, but you can't go back?"

"It's different, Miss Teresa."

Founder spread his hands.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that in my fleet...well, there are basically no living people."

With that, he pointed to Leander, who smiled slightly at Teresa.

"Although this young lady is a very normal human being in your opinion, in fact she is only a projection of this battleship. To put it bluntly, this battleship itself is her body. Before, Leander's battleship was forcibly summoned to this In the world, we have already broken through the world barrier once-in a very simple and rude way, this way is no problem for them as warships, but I am not sure about the flesh and blood of the little girls around me. Can the body withstand this degree of shock."

"But... if you can assemble the fleet, it means you can get in touch with them, right?"

"It's not the same thing at all."

Fang Zheng shook his head again.

"Simply put, if Leander releases the inducing force field, then my fleet can feel that there is a teleportation point here, and they can use this inducing force field as a mark to jump over. But in the process, both of us are There is no way to communicate. Let’s put it this way, now we and them are separated by a long cave, and then I threw a rope over here, and they can climb along this rope. However, Because the distance is too far, we can't communicate with each other."

"Then, you are looking for the Quantum Sea for..."

"Of course it is to find a safe, convenient and fast passage, rather than digging holes everywhere like pangolins."

Having said this, Fang Zheng thought for a while.

"I will place the jump location outside the solar system. After all, this is forcibly opening the plane channel. It is difficult to ensure that what will happen... At least there, you don't have to worry about another lawmaker."

After making a decision, Fang Zheng asked Leander to find a relatively remote galaxy outside the solar system and stop. They also expressed their intention to summon the fleet. Neither Walter Young nor Teresa objected to this. They knew that it would be useless to object. What's more, they wanted to see the "Blue Fleet in Fang Zheng's hand." "How powerful it is.

"So, you are going to summon the fleet now?"

Walter Yang looked at the barren starry sky in front of him, the other party was asking, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Yes, um... to be honest, I am not too sure if they will come, but there should be no problem..."

Just as Fang Zheng said to De Lisa, he and the world are currently unable to communicate. Only when Leander opens the induced force field, will there be a reaction there.

But that's it.

From a certain point of view, this is similar to Lala’s Jumping Wapjun DX. The jumping device sent Fang Zheng and others to this world, but the device itself did not send it over. So Fang Zheng and others took it for granted and couldn't go back.

Now it's the same situation, Leander opens the inducement field to allow the fleet to teleport over.

But... if that world doesn't open the induced force field, they can't go back.

The same are all one-way tickets.

But Fang Zheng wasn't particularly worried. They came to this world as an accident. At that time, Fang Zheng hadn't had time to stop it, and Lala directly activated Jumping Wapujun DX, and then teleported them here. This time Xiao Hei and the others are there, even if there is something Xiao Hei can handle.

Although Xiao Hei often made Fang Zheng want to spank her angrily, in terms of business matters, Xiao Hei had never disappointed Fang Zheng.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng issued an order.

"Turn on the induced force field."

"Understand, the induced force field has been activated."

In the beginning, there was nothing unusual. But soon, Teresa suddenly changed her face and looked at her Valkyrie War Armor.

"A strong rupture energy response was detected!"

"Well, it's normal... Don't get excited."

Fang Zheng stood there with his arms folded, looking quite calm. The collapse energy is like a plastic film that separates this world from that world. Now that the warship over there has received the inducement signal and started to jump here, it is equivalent to going through this plastic film to this world. During this process, collapse energy will naturally gather due to squeezing and deepening.

When Fang Zheng asked Leander to forcibly summon the hull, a 3000HW collapse reaction erupted. Now he wants to induce a fleet to jump over, naturally it will only be higher instead of lower. That's why Founder deliberately chose a desolate galaxy far away from the solar system, otherwise I don't know what it will become.

"Three thousand...five thousand...ten thousand...five thousand..."

However, De Lisa was obviously not so calm anymore. She almost couldn't stand it when she looked at the collapse energy power value displayed by the Valkyrie War Armor. It is necessary to know that the maximum avalanche power of 5,000 HW, but the current avalanche power has completely exceeded the range that the Valkyrie armor can measure! Only the rapid sirens and the shining red light flickered in front of De Lisa's eyes, and the numerical value had completely turned into a garbled code.

She looked forward subconsciously, and then, an unforgettable scene emerged for Teresa.

Before her eyes, the dazzling shining star in the center of the galaxy suddenly became more and more shining, exploding with brilliance that people could barely look at. But after a while, when the light dissipated, the whole star began to gradually and quickly become bleak. Its light is getting smaller and smaller, getting darker and darker, and finally—it seems that even the entire planet is swallowed, and a huge darkness that even the light can't escape appears along with it.

At this moment, Fang Zheng suddenly said.

"Oh, here it comes."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked forward. Afterwards, everyone saw that in the dark black cavity, a little dazzling flash suddenly appeared, it was like a signal that the end of the other bank was shining, and then, They just turned into meteors and suddenly passed through the black hole!

Immediately afterwards, everyone only felt a flower in front of them, and then they saw the beams of light transforming into huge and gorgeous warships in front of them. It was a huge change from movement to stillness that was completely unimaginable. At the last moment, they just watched beams of light flying towards them.

And the next moment, without even blinking their eyes, those beams turned into an incomparable huge battleship, completely covering their vision.

Then, a beautiful silver-haired girl appeared on the screen in front of Fang.

"Hello, Commander, Rodney led the First Fleet of the Blue Fleet to support!"

"It's fine if you come, Rodney."

Seeing the silver-haired girl in front of him, Fang Zheng was also relieved.

"Anyway, let's get out of here first, it's all turned into a black hole, and it's not safe to stay..."


After leaving this completely destroyed galaxy and returning to the solar system, Fang Zheng also inspected the support army. I have to say that the number of warships that came here this time was still quite large.

Members include: Two Eternal Class aircraft carriers-Victory, Glory.

Archon-class aircraft carrier-unicorn, centaur.

Apostle-class combat power auxiliary ship-awesome.

Divine Envoy class dreadnought ship-Rodney.

Sentinel-class electronic assault ship-small beagle, big fighting dog.

Dragoon-class destroyer-female general, Aksta, Crescent, Goddess of Destiny, brave.

Penitent-class tactical destroyer-Javelin, diva.

Purification-class stealth bombers-U-101, U-96, large mackerel.

Pilgrim-class force field reconnaissance ship-Hermione.

Profanity class heavy assault cruiser-London, Drake, Norfolk, Suffolk.

Fanatical class heavy assault cruiser-Sheffield, Ajax, Edinburgh.

Paladin-class predator-Bisman, war exhaustion, Hood.

The last is the Black Hidden Service Ship-Sirius.

"Originally, Miss Black hoped to summon some sisters here as soon as possible. After all, she thinks that Commander, you must need reinforcements in this world to open the induction force field. The world and the continent of Semiria are cruising, so only one assault team can be deployed, and I will lead the team to support."

After the report, Rodney also explained the situation in the world over there. To Fang Zheng's sigh of relief, the passage of time between the two worlds is really different. At least fifteen days have passed since they were in that world. As for the problems of the girls' families, Xiao Hei has also used hints to solve them-well, she is also a magician anyway, this must be no problem.

"Well... everything goes well."

After listening to Rodney's report, Fang Zheng also took a sigh of relief and nodded. Sure enough, Xiao Hei is reliable, which is why Fang Zheng is not too worried. After all, Xiao Hei has been with him for a long time. When he is absent for a long time, he can guess that he must have traveled to other worlds for some reason. He will naturally help Fang Zheng deal with some remaining problems, which is why Fang Zheng has always trusted Xiao Hei. Black, and the reason why he is willing to hand over the command to her.

"By the way, where are our ground forces?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Rodney closed his eyes, communicated with his sisters, and then opened his eyes.

"I'm very sorry, Commander, only the larvae survive in the Swarm Troops. All other combat units were wiped out due to extreme gravitational involvement and oppression during the leap just now."

"It's okay, just have larvae."

Hearing this, Fang Zheng immediately made his determination to return from the Quantum Sea. Just kidding, his current Zerg troops are all three offenses and three defenses, and they can’t resist the forced jump, so the little guys in his own family are even more useless. . At least Fang Zheng didn't think that Xilian Temple Chuncai's body could be more defensive than the larvae.

"Your mission has been determined, and Leander will inform you of the specific content."

"Okay, I see, Commander."

Rodney saluted, and then disappeared into the air, and then Fang Zheng walked out of the room and returned to the bridge, looking at the four people standing there like sculptures, coughing.

"Ahem, guys... have you seen enough?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's voice, everyone trembled suddenly, as if they were awakening from a big dream, they withdrew their gazes from the group of battleships in front of them that looked extremely majestic and majestic, bathed in the radiance of the sun.

"I really didn't expect that UU reading www.uukanshu.com would see such a scene one day."

Walter Young couldn't help but sigh, and Teresa also nodded.

"To be honest, the Ark of the previous era is shocking enough, but this..."

Having said this, Teresa didn't know how to describe it for a while. She had always thought that Fang Zheng's coping methods were quite radical and brave, but now she realized that for the other party, Otto's tricks were not scary at all. With the existence of such a space fleet, no organization leader on the earth would be considered.

"By the way, I heard Miss Lala said that it was Debby Luke who unified the galaxy, so this is also..."

"This is the fleet directly under our Heavenly Dao Palace. Deb Luke only ruled the galaxy of that world, and did not attack the earth. Of course, the current relationship between us and Deb Luke is... a cooperative relationship."


Teresa is not a fool. Hearing Fang Zheng's words, she thought of the relationship between Lala and him, and she suddenly realized.

However, Founder looked a little depressed.

"It's just that these are the only ones that can jump over. After all, time is limited. The ability of an assault squadron to come is obviously the limit. If it can jump over a Titan or forget it, it's useless to say it now.

Fang Zheng shook his head, and then he looked at everyone again.

"Then, let's talk about the'man in heaven' next."

When he said this, the corners of Fang Zheng's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a cold smile.

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