Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3146: The Law of Ice (curled up into a group of meow meow meow)

At the speed of a space warship, it would not take a few minutes at most to reach the destination. During this time, Fang Zheng had already contacted the Indestructible Blade team that had rushed to the scene.

"So, what can be known at the moment is...Is the Lvzhe turned into a Valkyrie?"


You Randale nodded.

"According to the description of the survivor, it was the captain of the Snow Lotus team, Anna Shaniat, who awakened..."

According to Youlandale's description, when the Snow Lotus team was stationed on the Coral Island patrolling, their captain Anna suddenly had an abnormal situation on the way. At the same time, the system that detected a sharp rise in the concentration of collapse also immediately released serum gas. I have to admit that the serum gas produced by the World Snake is really awesome, and it was placed by it without the knowledge of the Law of the Sky. The newly awakened Anna is even more unbearable, and the collapse of her body has just exploded. When he came out, he was directly neutralized by the serum gas, and the whole person also screamed and fell to the ground.

The remaining Valkyrie team also immediately chose to evacuate.

"Because of the effect of serum gas, most of the residents of Coral Island have had time to be evacuated, but now the central area has become an extremely low temperature area..."

"I see. Give it to us here. You are responsible for perimeter security and evacuation of refugees."

After listening to Youlandale's report, Fang Zheng immediately made a decision.

"Unexpectedly, that thing is so easy to use."

Qiyana, who listened to the report in the sidelines, couldn't help but sigh, and Raiden Yayi also nodded.

"If the whole world can adopt this method, then we will be able to minimize the disaster caused by the collapse and outbreak in the future."

"This is impossible. Collapse will also evolve. Maybe there will be a lawyer who is not afraid of this kind of serum gas."

Fang Zheng shook his head. He had studied the law-makers of the previous generation, and the later human civilizations of the previous generations were also quite proficient in the use of collapsing energy, and even developed the existence of fusion warriors to fight the law-makers.

The results of it? The collapsing consciousness actually created a lawmaker that could make the collapsing invalid.

So the Fire Chasing Moth completely sacked its claws, and hundreds of fusion warriors died all at once until only thirteen were left to kill the lawmaker.

This is why Fangzheng sees Kevin’s idiot stigmata plan unreliable. You are here to plan to survive the fittest. When the time comes to collapse your consciousness, you will draw a gourd according to the same pattern and create a lawmaker that can make the collapse. Then those living Wouldn't the stigmatous humans that came down just die?

Diversity is the root of species survival, it must be the same...This is why little angels favor genetic weapons so much.

After all, the same is easy to be wiped out.

For Fangzheng, the best way is to completely eliminate the collapse consciousness. In the previous encounters, he has been certain that the so-called collapse consciousness is actually the same as the evil of Gaia and this world in the Moon World—strictly. In other words, this collapsed consciousness is like a fusion of the two.

In the terminology of Xianxia World, it belongs to a part of "Heavenly Dao".

But the headache of this heaven is that it has self-awareness.

Of course this is no longer possible.

Previously, Fangzheng regarded collapse disasters as natural disasters similar to earthquakes and tsunamis, but the problem is that earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes have no self-awareness. This is a natural phenomenon, but the collapse of consciousness is obviously abnormal. It may be the result of a certain kind of collapse and "refinement", or there may be a greater purpose behind it.

But this is not important.

The important thing is that as long as Founder can catch it and defeat it, then the collapse and disaster of this world will become normal, at least not to face a guy who is deliberately planning to do things behind the scenes all the time.

But for now, let's focus on what's in front of you.

"Everyone, get ready, let's go!"

The brilliance flashed.

The next moment, Fang Zheng and the girls just appeared in the center of the outbreak of Coral Island.

"Tsk tusk, this is really miserable."

Seeing the howling cold wind in front of him, and the surrounding ground and buildings almost completely frozen, Fang Zheng couldn't help but sigh. This scene made him feel like a scene from the movie "The Day After Day", of course, considering that it was a lawmaker who made all of this, then this is not surprising.

The cold wind screamed, but the low temperature in front of everyone did not bother them. After all, they are now wearing cosmic armor from Mass Effect, which can directly deal with the vacuum. Although the temperature in this place is very low right now, it has not reached that point.

But the most important thing is their current big ice cube.

"She froze herself at the last moment, not sure if it was her own thoughts, or the instinctive self-preservation behavior of the Law of Ice after perceiving serum gas. So, what do you think next?"

Fang Zheng withdrew his gaze from the ice cube and looked at the four Lawyers behind him. It is not difficult for them to break this ice block, but the question is how to deal with this law practitioner.

"Let me come!"

The Law of Consciousness raised his hand excitedly.

"I can modify her consciousness the moment she appears!"

"Is it her own that you want to modify? Or is it from the lawyer?"


Faced with Fang Zheng's inquiry, the Consciousness of Law was stunned for a moment.


"Let me explain."

Founder also knew that the Law of Consciousness was just getting used to it, so he didn't say much, but looked at the other four people.

"This time, our goal is to capture the Law of Ice... This statement is not true. Strictly speaking, we need to assist Anna Shaniat so that she can fight and overwhelm the will of the Law of Ice. Fortunately, This disciple has just been born, and it is not comprehensive yet, so what we have to do is to defeat this disciple before it can completely seize Anna's body dominance."

Having said this, Fang Zheng looked at the girls.

"You all have the experience of fighting against the law-makers. I think you should understand this."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Qiyana and Raiden Yayi nodded.

"Then, I will assign tasks next."

Founder didn't waste time and gave the order straightforwardly.

"In a while, I will break open the icicle. I can be sure that Anna's real body will emerge from it at that time, and then we need to connect with her spirit and go deep into it..."

"But Mr. Yuki..."

Hearing this, Leiden Yayi said with some doubts.

"We don't have this kind of power. Only those with the law of knowledge can do it, right?"

"Of course we have a way...Gaya."

"Come on, senior!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's call, Kurosaki Mea happily raised her hand, and at the same time the long braid behind her dangling like a dog's tail.

"Kurosaki Mea has the ability to teleport spirit bodies. She can connect your spirits to Anna's spiritual world."

Since the last time Xiaoan ran away, the girls have been so frightened that Xiaoan no longer dare to watch Fangzheng. Although the influence of DARKNESS has been eliminated according to the truth, who knows if anything will happen again?

So who to send?

After thinking about it, everyone decided to let Heisaki Mea go-anyway, she already had a leg with Fang Zheng, and didn't care about having another leg.

So Kurosaki Mea happily took on this task.

"Qiana, Xiaolu, you two and I will go to Anna's spiritual world. Mei, Bronya, you two are responsible for suppressing the rampage of the law of ice in reality."

Founder finished the assignment in one sentence, after all, there was nothing particularly to say. By the way, regarding the Law of Consciousness, he didn't think about giving the other party a name, but the Law of Consciousness didn't like the two names, Hua or Fu Hua. In the end, she decided to call her the Law of Consciousness. Well, according to her statement, after all, I am a lawyer, so what is there to be afraid of? Is there anything wrong with saying your name openly?

From Fang Zheng's point of view, this is the same as the nickname of "Dark Fallen Angel" by the Second Junior Boy-when she grows up, she will know what this is called black history.

"Do you understand everything?"

Upon hearing this, the girls nodded, and Fang Zheng also reached out and took out Frostmourne from the void.

"Very good—do it!"

Before he finished his words, Fang Zheng was holding a big sword and swiping down at the icicle in front of him.


The sturdy icicle shattered at the sound, and then a figure emerged from it. She wore a pure white dress similar to that worn by a married bride, but her entire face and body were completely dark. It looks like a humanoid NPC without modeling in the game.



At the same time, Kurosaki Mea leaped up, and then she saw her long braid suddenly split into several braids, hitting Fangzheng, the Law of Consciousness, Qiyana, and the Law of Ice. On the forehead of the reader-immediately after the next moment, everyone's eyes were dark.

When the scene changed again, they had already come to a piece of ice and snow.

Looking around, everything in front of me is a scene shaped by the condensation of ice and snow, as if ten thousand years of ice-like material soars into the clouds, forming a church-like building. In the center of that building, a slender beautiful girl was hung on the cross like a sinner, and the whole cross was firmly bound by a huge prison like a birdcage.


The girl who was nailed to the cross at this moment had a pale face and was obviously enduring great pain. And in front of her, a figure that looked like a girl shaped like ice and snow all over was staring at her with a sneer—don’t ask, that’s the law practitioner this time.

"You go first."

Fang Zheng glanced around, then gestured to the Law of Consciousness and Qiyana.

"You go to attract her attention and support Anna's consciousness as much as possible. I will go to the back to see if I can find the connection line to collapse the consciousness, and then send it a shot."

Since Fangzheng sneaked an attack on breaking consciousness through the law of consciousness before, the breaking consciousness and the law of consciousness have completely disconnected. For those with the Law of Consciousness, the biggest impact is that her efficiency in absorbing collapse energy has decreased. In the past, when connected with the collapsed consciousness, the law of consciousness is like an EVA with a cable plugged in, and the supply of collapsed energy is endless. But now that she has lost the support of the collapse consciousness, she has to save a little bit...Although she will not wait for the battery to run out like EVA, but in the absorption of collapse energy, it is obviously not as convenient as before.

Obviously, the Law of Ice in front of him should be the same, so Fang Zheng planned to look for it to see if he could find the "cable" of the Law of Ice, and then go to say hello to the collapse consciousness.

It's best to never see again.

"pass it to me!"

The Law of Consciousness nodded excitedly. Although she hated Fu Hua very much, she had to admit that Fu Hua's consciousness had a great influence on her. In the last century, Fu Hua watched Ji Zi of Lizhehua being killed but couldn't do anything. And this time, it seems that history repeats itself—the Valkyrie, and it's the lawmaker. For those of the Law of Knowledge, this is simply a great opportunity.

Let the old antique see, we are not completely out of chance to save her!

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it!

I have to admit that Fang Zheng has figured out the idea of ​​the Law of Consciousness very well, and if he changes to Fu Hua...well, maybe the two sides will fight by themselves first.

Fang Zheng flashed away, but the Law of Consciousness grabbed it, took out a spear, and threw it towards the cage.


The spear pierced through the mental cage instantly, stabling at the Law of Ice. The latter was also taken aback. Obviously she didn't expect anyone to come to the spiritual world to attack herself. But when she turned her head and saw the Law of Consciousness and Qiyana, she was taken aback.

"It's you? You traitor!"


Hearing this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The Law of Consciousness was stunned, while the Law of Ice stared at her viciously.

"Yes, collapse created you, but you betrayed the will of collapse and became an accomplice of mankind! Traitor, and now, do you want to come here to stop me?!"

While speaking, the Law of Ice looked at Qiyana.

"And you, the Law of the Sora, what have you encountered before, haven't you forgotten? Why are you still bowing to humans and fighting for them? Are they worthy of you?"


Although I clearly heard the condemnation of the Law of Ice, the Law of the Sky is still pretending to be dead-the MMP old lady can't beat that monster again, what can I do? I am also desperate! You are so arrogant because you have never been beaten. You will know how miserable it is when you are rubbed underground by him!

"Huh? Who cares what you said?"

Facing the scolding of the Law of Ice, the Law of Consciousness obviously did not take her words to heart.

"I don't care who created me. I can do whatever I want. Can you control it? Let me let her go, or I will show you good looks!"

"Then, let me see if you have this kind of ability!"

As the voice fell, the body of the Law of Ice flashed at the next moment and appeared in front of the Law of Consciousness. Then she raised her hand, and sharp ice erupted from the ground. At the same time, Consciousness The ruler of the law also waved his hand suddenly, took out a big sword and slammed it to the ground.

"Let you see how good I am!"

The next moment, the battle began.

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