Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3148: Snake's nest (this cat shrinks into a ball and can't help but roll)

Unfortunately, there was no good news from Einstein.

"The fluctuations of the Quantum Sea are still unstable. This is the first time I have seen this situation. What exactly did you look like in it?"

Fang Zheng was also very speechless about this... how to put it, he was on the top at that time, and he didn't care about that much.

From this point of view, the Law of Consciousness and Founder are also very similar.

"Ahahahaha...it was on the head...I didn't pay attention to this..."

Standing behind the glass and looking at Anna who was sleeping on the bed, the one with the Law of Consciousness was also speechless.

After a few days of deep sleep, Anna Shaniat also woke up, and as Fang Zheng had expected, she... lost part of her memory.

Fortunately, Anna still remembered who she was, what she did, and the awakening part of the Law of Ice. Even strictly speaking, she is not forgetting, but she simply can't remember. For example, Anna remembered that when she had a crash in the Snow Lotus team, she rescued a person, but she didn't remember who that person was, and part of what happened afterwards disappeared completely, but fortunately, apart from these. Besides, there are no special problems with other parts.

"The collapse is polluted from the pain in the deepest part of the memory. It is not surprising that it will be like this."

Fang Zheng retracted his gaze and shook his head when he saw the Law of Consciousness. He had basically figured out the pollution routine of the collapse. It is to first start with the most painful memories of the other party, amplify the negative emotions, and then use these negative emotions to merge with the soul of the shaped disciple. In this way, a disciple who hates the world can be created.

In fact, the collapse of consciousness was the same method for Fu Hua at the beginning, but it did not expect that Fu Hua's memory capacity was too large, so that it had not searched for the so-called "most painful" part, and was directly affected by so much data reading. The crash broke down, and only then has such a law of consciousness come into being.

But right now, the Law of Consciousness and the Law of Ice are fighting in the spiritual world. In the end, they even directly slid to kill the Law of Ice. This is naturally tantamount to obliterating the personality and soul of the Law of Ice, and at the same time. The data is deleted—just like the anti-virus software detects that the data is infected, whether you are a system file or not, in short, delete it first.

"If you forget, forget it. Since it's a painful memory, it's probably nothing good."


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the Law of Consciousness immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Just look at me. After I wake up, those memories are not happy to turn over. I am me. I want to be a brand new me..."

"It's all right."

Looking at the Law of Consciousness who was desperately making excuses for himself, Fang Zheng also smiled and patted her head.

"This time it’s not a big problem. If you have to be more careful next time, it’s okay to make a mistake once, but it’s stupid to make a mistake twice."

"I understand this, I will definitely not do it again next time."

"Okay, get out!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, those who knew the Law were immediately pardoned, just like a primary school student who had been taught by the teacher, turned their heads and ran out to play with friends.

"Is that okay?"

Tesla watched the Law of Consciousness run away, frowning involuntarily. In her opinion, the Law of Consciousness, besides the First Law of Bronya, the other Law of the Sky, The Law of Thunder and the Law of Ice are both imperfect bodies. Only this law of consciousness can be regarded as a complete body, although she has lost her body, the core of the law is also on Fu Hua's side. But according to Fu Hua's own statement, the power of the disciple who knows the law is still firmly controlled by that person.

It can be said that apart from Bronya, the Law of Consciousness is the most dangerous.

"No problem, just like that for the children, just give them a good guide."

Fang Zheng answered casually, without taking this matter to heart.

"But after this time, I estimate that for a long time to come, the collapse of consciousness should not dare to come and make trouble again."

After all, the collapse of consciousness is wise, and Fang Zheng suffered a loss by connecting twice. If it is stupid enough to do it again, then the collapse of consciousness is really stupid and can’t be stupid—but it destroyed the last one. Judging from the methods of the century of the human era, this collapse of consciousness is obviously not stupid.

"This is a good thing, at least we can relax."

Tesla breathed a sigh of relief, and then she seemed to think of something, her face flushed and she stared at Fang Zheng.

"Previously, I didn't mean to relax that way! Don't be crooked!"

"Yes, yes, I know..."

Facing Tesla's words, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly. He didn't want to get entangled in that issue, so he changed the subject directly.

"By the way, how is the world snake? Haven't found their lair yet?"

Since World Snake tried to create a collapse in the Sky City and failed, Destiny and Counter Entropy immediately included this organization as a terrorist. Not only that, the list that Fang Zheng gave them was also dumbfounded at both sides.

The reason is very simple. Many of the members have even cooperated with Tianming and Inverse Entropy for many years, and they are considered their senior partners! Among them are factory executives, financial tycoons, and even high-level officials within the government!

Shocking! !

There has been such a behemoth lurking around him, and they didn't realize it at all?

Can this be tolerated?

Of course this is unbearable!

You play us as fools, and we are really fools. You have been fooled by you for so many years? !

So the destiny, inverse entropy and even Shenzhou all acted. After all, the Sky City is located in Shenzhou, and the world snake uses their city as an experimental field. Have they ever asked them? !

For a time, many people were arrested and then interrogated.

Then... the problem was raised.

Because those people didn't even say anything!

At the beginning, Mandate of Heaven, Inverse Entropy, and Shenzhou felt that these people on the list were probably only related to the world snake or transfer of benefits, and it was easy to open it as long as the breach was found. However, they discovered during the interrogation, where are these people like terrorists? You are simply a fanatic! One by one, you don't even need to be killed, but to pry out the world's snake intelligence from their mouths, it's harder than going to the sky!

I've tried all methods of interrogation and torture. Those people gritted their teeth and didn't open their mouths. They looked like they would rather die than surrender for the sake of all mankind. Many people even chose to commit suicide to silence them completely.

Things are in trouble now.

To be honest, the ruling class is not afraid of terrorists, but they are really a headache for fanatics. The snake in this world has obviously become a religion. The only fortunate thing is that its transmission seems to only revolve around the high-level, but it is not well-known among the people at the bottom.

But this is scary enough, okay.

At this moment, the three parties raised the danger level of being a world snake by three levels, directly reaching the highest level.

The terrorist organization is nothing more. What I am afraid of is this kind of terrorist organization acting under the banner of mankind. If it infiltrates among the people at the bottom, then it will be flagged with the flag of "the sky is dead and the yellow sky is standing"... No one dares to think about what impact that will have!

It is a pity that although the three forces have joined forces to strike, apart from the several strongholds of the world snake, there is not much gain. At least the woman who was in charge of the plan in the Sky City at the time, code-named Jackal and Raven, had never been found.

And the Grey Snake, who cooperated with Kokolia to open the gate of the abyss, also disappeared.

Although Fang Zheng killed Kevin, the organization of World Snake did not seem to be completely destroyed.

It's really weird, can a snake with its head beheaded still survive?

In fact, there have been suggestions within Destiny to let the Law of Consciousness to interrogate. After all, the Law of Consciousness is the Law of Consciousness. As long as she takes action, then those fanatics will have to speak obediently no matter how hard they are. However, after thinking about it, Teresa still refused. The existence of the lawmaker itself is very sensitive. If the power of the lawmaker is used to deal with humans, it will inevitably not leave any troubles.

"No, we haven't found the stronghold of the world snakes, if they are really left over from the last century..."

"Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu don't know either. They are not responsible for the Stigmata Project, and they don't know what Kevin did."

Founder understood Tesla's meaning and quickly gave an answer, but Tesla scratched his hair unhappy.

"Really, I can finally relax. Why is the shattered thing of World Snake not worrying about it all the time?"

"But it's not impossible."

"Do you have a way?"

"Of course."

Facing Tesla's puzzled gaze, Fang Zheng nodded.

"It's very simple, when something goes wrong.........it's a fate."

The gusty wind howled, yellow sand all over the sky.

Standing in the ruins of the city, Tesla looked dazed.

"So, according to your... fortune telling, is the base of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com World Snake right here?"

As a scientist, Tesla does not believe in strange powers. Especially when she saw Fang Zheng closing his eyes on the world map and muttering to himself, and then chanted some weird spells, then took out a handful of gems and diamonds and waved it on top, and then saw the gems directly It turned into dust and fell, and then Fang Zheng opened his eyes and gave the answer...

What is the difference between this and the shaman's great jumping god?

Although satellite reconnaissance was conducted after that, it was discovered that there was indeed a huge artificial building complex under the ruins of this abandoned city.

But Tesla was still dumbfounded, completely unimaginable.

"This is not divination, this is prophecy."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"This is very scientific."

"......... Prophecy itself is not scientific, okay."

"Really? If we focus on high dimensions, everything can be predicted and calculated..."

"This is not the reason why you just grab a couple of them on the map and give the answer."

Tesla interrupted Fang Zheng's speech unhappily. The thing you are talking about now is completely different from what you did before.

"So, what should I do next? If this is really the base of the world snake, then it must be difficult to get it done."

"It's true, but we have an easier way."

While talking, Fang Zheng raised his head, and then saw a huge golden battleship slowly flying out of the clouds.

"Anyway, it's not archaeology...just explode it directly."

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