Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3159: What are you doing? (Recently, Ben Miao became obsessed with eating fish)

In the bathroom, Xiaoan stared at herself in the mirror with an unhappy expression on her face.

I have to say that Heisaki Mea's words are quite heartwarming.

Obviously the two are about the same age, why are they so different in this respect?

The genes are exactly the same.

Is it because of insufficient nutrition? Or does the abnormal work and rest lead to physiological dysfunction?

However, according to Ryoko Mito's account, Tia Yu at that time was also doing research day and night in the research room all day long.

But this is not important.

If it was me...

Staring at herself in the mirror, Xiao An frowned, and then her chest began to swell, and her height began to rise. After a while, a mature Xiao An appeared in the mirror.

"Well... I can do it too."

Looking at herself in the mirror with satisfaction, Xiao An nodded. However, at this moment, suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps, and before Xiaoan could react, he saw the bathroom door suddenly opened, and then a pretty beautiful woman with silver-gray hair and long waist-length hair left. Come in.

Seeing Xiaoan, she was stunned for a moment, and the latter also looked at the woman in front of her in surprise.



For a while, the atmosphere in the bathroom seemed a bit awkward.

"Cough, cough cough."

Xiaoan coughed, then raised her head and stared at the other person. Fortunately, she didn't know this woman with long silver-gray hair. If it was Kurosaki Mea or someone else who knew her, then it happened. But it's a big one. But now... she can be fooled!

Thinking of this, Xiao An stared at each other and said.

"This is Dr. Tiayyo."


The silver-gray-haired girl seemed to be startled by Xiaoan. At this moment, she just nodded subconsciously. Originally, Xiaoan should have smiled after Tiyayo at this time, but she is obviously not good at doing this kind of things, so she too He just nodded to the other party, and then left the bathroom.


After the bathroom door was closed, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief.

"The one... just now is Miss Dark."

Bronya fled here to avoid Xier, but she didn't expect Xiaoan to be here. Although the appearance of the other party when she grew up was indeed very similar to Tiayo, Bronya could tell at a glance that the woman in front of her was not Tiayo at all. She also met Dr. Tiayo. Although that woman is a beautiful woman, she always feels a little light, very relaxed, and a little natural.

But this "Tiyayo" gives people a feeling of tightness and a very tricky body, so Bronya can immediately see that she is not Tiyayo, but Xiaoan.

Fortunately, Xiao An didn't seem to recognize her.

This is also normal. After all, it is well known that Xiaoan, Eve and Kurosaki Mea have the ability to transform. Conversely, if you know that she is the law of reason, everyone knows that she is the law of reason. Most people don’t know exactly what the power of ‘’s power is. Of course, they don’t care too much.

"Anyway, it should be over."

While talking to herself, Bronya stared at the mirror, and then began to lift her transformation.


"No, no response???"

Looking at herself in the mirror who hadn't changed the slightest, Bronya was taken aback.

How could this be? Shouldn't it mean that as long as you cancel the collapse energy, you can change back to the original state?

Why is it stuck here and can't go back!

What should I do now?

Just when Bronya didn't know what to do, suddenly a familiar voice came not far from the door.

"Ah, it's here, I feel that there is a reaction to the collapse energy......it shouldn't be the collapse beast!"

"We are on a battleship in low-Earth orbit, Qiyana, how could the collapse beast come here..."

"Hey? But you can't tell? Yayi, maybe a new breed of Benghuai beast sneaks in. Just like the movie we watched before, the biochemical monster in it sneaked into the heavily guarded base!"

Along with this sentence, the bathroom door was pushed open with a "click", and then Bronya saw Qiyana strode in. She looked at Bronya curiously, and then He turned around and opened the compartments for a closer look - or the Thunder and Lightning Yayi couldn't see it and grabbed her.

"Wait, Qiyana, what are you doing! This is the bathroom!"

"I know, but... ah!"

At this time, Qiyana seemed to perceive the existence of Bronya, and she stretched out her finger to her in surprise.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before and said, are you pretending to be Benghuai Beast?!"

"...Stupid...how it is possible."

Looking at Qiyana in front of her, Bronya almost uttered the mantra of "Stupid Qiyana". If she really said it, then her identity would be exposed immediately.

No matter who you let it know, you can never let Qiyana know!

If Qiyana knows that she has used the power of the law of reason to become this appearance and can’t change it back, then she will laugh at herself, and it would be a great humiliation for Bronya. !

"Hello, lady."

Fortunately, compared to Qiyana, Raiden Yayi is obviously more common sense.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you, I'm Raiden Yai, this is Qiyana... May I ask that you are...?"

While speaking, Raiden Yayi also stared at Bronya suspiciously. Now they are basically living on the Fangzheng battleship, living with other people. So for Raiden Yayi, the people on this battleship basically knew him, but she had never seen this beautiful woman with silver hair in front of her.

"...I am the Valkyrie who came here to deliver the letter on behalf of Destiny. My name is... Leah."

At this moment, Bronya had no other choice but to bite the bullet and continue to make up.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Miss Leah..."

"It's nothing, then I have something else to go."

Seeing Qiyana still staring at herself suspiciously, Bronya was also flustered in her heart. She knew that although Qiyana's brain was not working well, her intuition was unexpectedly sharp, and she continued to stay here. If it is, she might really be able to see through, so she simply greeted the two of them, and then quickly left the bathroom.

And there, Thunderbolt Yayi also pulled Qiyana out, of course, at this time Bronya had disappeared.

"It's strange, I always feel that she looks a bit familiar, as if she is someone I know very well."

Qiyana looked left and right, still a bit hard to let go, while Raiden Yayi sighed helplessly.

"Really, Qiyana, you have to be careful, you can't do this kind of thing casually..."

When Raiden Yayi was preaching to Qiyana, Xier also ran over at the corner at the end of the passage.

"Ah, Sister Mei, Sister Qiyana."

Seeing the two, Xier also hurriedly called out.

"Excuse me, have you seen a big sister with long silver-gray hair and eyes?"

"We have seen it, but we don't know where she is now... Are you looking for something to her?"

Facing Raiden Yayi's question, Xi'er hesitated, but soon Hei Xi'er got out and spoke first.

"We suspect that she is Bronya's sister!"


"Bronia's sister?"

Hearing Heixier's words, Lei Dian Yayi and Qiyana were shocked, and the latter nodded as if suddenly enlightened.

"Ah, no wonder I always feel as if I have seen her somewhere. That person does look very much like Bronya."

"But why do you think so?"

"It's like this..."

Faced with Raiden’s inquiry, Hei Xier also sent herself and Xier to Bronya, only to find that this strange big sister had said what happened in Bronya’s room, and after hearing Hei’er’s When she spoke, Raiden Yayi frowned.

"Wait, you said you saw her in Bronya's room, and she said she was a cleaner?"

"Yes, but there is a cleaner like her, we suspect that she might be related to Bronya..."

"Ah, she said just now that she was sent by Destiny to deliver the letter!"

Now Qiyana seemed to have figured out something, and clapped her hands vigorously.

"I see, she is a spy!"


"Yeah! It must be a spy. She must have stolen some confidential documents in Bronya's room. Oops! She must not be allowed to leave here! You must catch her!"

After saying this, Qiyana turned around and flew towards the other side of the passage, while Raiden Yayi and Xi'er looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

Is this also OK?

At the same time, Bronya was also advancing quickly in the passage.

What should I do next?

She used her brain desperately to think about solutions.

If it doesn't work, just go to Yuuki. Although he will definitely make fun of him, it's better than keeping it like this.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. Just when Bronya turned this thought, the hatch not far away opened, and Fang Zheng walked out of it. Seeing this scene, Bronya was also happy in her heart, but when she was about to go up to find Fang Zheng to explain, suddenly a voice came from behind her.

"Catch you, you suspicious fellow!"

Hearing this sound, Bronya turned her head and looked around, and saw that not far behind her, Qiyana was holding a pair of guns and rushed toward her aggressively.

"Just give me a shot, you suspicious spy, I must arrest you personally!"

Stupid Qiyana! !

For a moment, Bronya really wanted to summon the reloaded bunny and punch her down, but at this moment she still didn't want to reveal her identity, so Bronya raised her hand and quickly reasoned. The player's power was activated again, two pistols appeared in Bronya's hands, and then she aimed at Qiyana and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom!"

"Sure enough, it's a spy!"

Seeing that the other party dared to fight back, Qiyana increasingly believed that the other party was a spy. At this moment, she also dodged Bronya's attack and rushed towards her again. This time Bronya didn't keep her hand, but she reached out again, made a smoke bomb, and threw it forward at Qiyana.

"It's useless!"

However, what Bronya did not expect was that Qiyana waved her hand suddenly in the face of the smoke bomb that was thrown at her. Then a hole appeared in front of her, swallowing the one that had not had time to explode. The smoke bomb, and then she kicked and kicked Bronya in a roundabout way, the latter had no choice but to resist with both hands, and then...


In the next moment, Bronya was kicked out and hit a wall not far away.

At this time, Fang Zheng also came over.

"I said, what are you doing?"

"Ah, Yuki!"

Seeing Fang Zheng, Qiyana suddenly jumped up triumphantly.

"I found a spy!"


"Yeah, look, it's her...poof?!"

However, when Qiyana looked at Bronya again, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Slumped? Slumped?!"

I saw the silver-haired girl who stood up again, her **** that had been straightened out at this moment were like two paper balloons that were filled with paper and then smashed into a flattened state. This is also normal, Qiyana. Kicked Bronya's arm against her chest, and under the impact of the force...well, everyone knows it.


At this moment, Bronya also stared at Qiyana ferociously. At the same time, her body began to shrink gradually, and after a while, she returned to her original Bronya appearance.

"Hey? Hey?!"

Seeing this scene, Qiyana was stunned, while Bronya stared at her viciously.

"Stupid Qiyana, Bronya... I will never forgive you!"

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