Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3164: What the **** is this? (Dumplings are swimming around the bottom of the water...

After this, Fang Zheng sang two songs in the thrift store, and the girl was suddenly excited. After all, the professional strength is here. It would be too embarrassing if even a little girl can't coax him? Of course, Fang is definitely not going to roll over.

After exchanging contact information with the girl named Baoduo Liuhua, Fang Zheng left the thrift store-as for the old guitar, he bought it and took it away.

Although the time has not been long, Fang Zheng also got some information from Baoduo Liuhua. Simply put, at least in the impression of this girl, the world is quite peaceful, let alone any monsters, even disasters did not appear. pass. This is very strange. You must know that in Qiyana's world, even if the destiny and the government can conceal the truth of the collapse, the outbreak of the collapse will still be known.

But here, everything seems to be normal? Nothing happened? There is no sign?

This is not right.

All in all, let's go and take a look at the monster sculpture first.

After making a decision, Fang Zheng went to the place where the monster sculpture was-the ghost place is quite far away. The so-called Wangshan stray horse, don’t look at such a big monster sculpture as if it’s very close. It's not easy. However, Fang Zheng didn't need to waste such great efforts. He stretched out his hand and summoned his own Griffin. He drove his motorcycle and galloped towards the place where the monster sculpture was. Without much effort, he arrived in front of the monster sculpture. .


"What the **** is this?"

Looking at the monster sculpture in front of him, Fang Zheng looked puzzled. He could feel that this thing was indeed shaped by Benghuan, and on the whole it was not much different from Qiyana's Benghai beast. But this ghost thing is standing here motionless, like a sculpture.

Not only that, but the people coming and going turned a blind eye to it. There is such a big thing here, they are as if they hadn't seen it.

What kind of ghost setting is this again? This world has been destroyed and occupied, can it be achieved? ?

Although Fang Zheng wanted to try to hack this thing and see how he would react, he still chose to stay on hold for the time being, considering that he might be stunned. After all, such a big monster is very unusual in the city itself, and it is even more unusual for people to ignore them. Generally speaking, in this case, it is very likely that the collapse has eroded and ruled the world, but people don't know anything about it.

If this is the case, then acting without authorization will only attract the other party's attention.

However, since there are monsters in this world, according to the setting, there should be guys fighting against them.

Let's take a look first.

In any case, since this thing has appeared, it should not be as simple as an invisible cultural sculpture. They must be of any use.

So next, Fang Zheng played a guest role as a street singer, playing the guitar and singing near the monster while observing the monster's movements. Although his performance also attracted many people over, everyone onlookers like the blind were completely blind to the huge monster behind Fang Zheng. It seemed to them that the huge monster was just an ordinary high-rise building, and there was nothing to it. Special.

It was like this until sunset Xishan.


Seeing it was getting late, Fang Zheng also sighed, and then picked up the guitar on his back. I stayed here for a day today and I didn’t find anything good. Anyway, I went to the hotel to book a room first, and then...


Just as Fang Zheng was thinking about whether to go to the thrift store for a cup of coffee to tease the girl, suddenly, there was a dull noise from the street, and even the ground began to tremble slightly.

This is... an earthquake? wrong! Attack?

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's eyes flashed.

Check it out!

In the next moment, he jumped up and hurried towards the place where the roar erupted.

Of course, Fang Zheng's speed was not slow, just a few ups and downs, and he came to the vicinity of the city that was attacked. At the same time, he also saw the huge black shadow raging among the tall buildings.

"Sure enough, there are monsters raging? I just... Damn, what is this stuff?!"

After seeing the monster in front of him clearly, Fang Zheng suddenly yelled out of silence.

It's no wonder that he would be so gaffe. After all, Fangzheng wanted to come, monsters, if it weren't Godzilla, or Tyrannosaurus, or Zerg, wouldn't all the things that attack human cities be like this?

But this is not it!

This Nima... doesn't look like a creature at all, okay!

The thing in front of me looks similar to the monster in the special film, but its abdomen is red and its upper body is blue. However, Fang Zheng was speechless, this color didn't look like it was formed naturally, it looked like it was sprayed on!

And that horn, that claw! It's not biological at all, it's just a steel wire. That corner is a twisted wire twisted twice, okay! The claws are three curved wire ropes... This is too "simple".

What kind of monster is this? This looks like an unfinished monster figure!

Not only that, along with the movement of the monster, Fang Zheng even saw debris falling from the bottom of the monster's neck.

Good guy, you're still losing the paint!

What the **** is this.........

Seeing the inferior hand-made goods in front of him, Fang Zheng was completely confused, and he stood there speechless.

Of course he can feel that there is also a collapse energy response in this thing, so from a certain perspective, this is also a collapse beast.

But... this Benghuai grows too cheap.

It feels that the quality is as good as the plastic monsters in the Ultraman series sold by the stallholder at the entrance of the campus when Founder was a child.

When Fang Zheng was speechless, he saw that the monster also opened his mouth. Soon, huge fireballs spurted from its mouth, hitting the distance of the city, causing a large explosion.

It’s Yaoshou, the monster has attacked Tokyo-but that’s not surprising.

Although Fangzheng Tucao looks like a cheap commodity, at least people really have the power of a monster.

"So what should I do next..."

Just when Fang Zheng was considering whether to go up and cut it, suddenly, a green light flashed out of thin air, and then, a giant fell from the sky and stood in front of the monster.

"...Well, I don't think I need to do anything."

Seeing this, Fang Zheng spread his hands, then sat down on the roof, looking forward curiously.

What's this? Ultraman fights little monsters? But... this doesn't look like Ultraman either.

Although it looks like a human, it feels a bit mechanized, and it feels like an Ultraman robot-but there doesn't seem to be a robot in the Ultraman series, right?

I thought so, but Founder didn't care, he opened a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, and enjoyed the battle between the two sides here.

The giant stopped the monster, and then was easily knocked to the ground by the monster and beat it to the blood with a series of moves.

There is no fluctuation in Fang Zheng's heart. Don't underestimate the children who grew up with Ultraman. In all episodes, Ultraman didn't explode after being beaten by a monster to the flash of residual blood. Founder still remembered that when he was a child, he was very excited when he saw Ultraman being defeated by a monster. He kept shouting "Come on, Ultraman stand up", but one episode and two episodes are like this, and three episodes and four episodes are like this... Founder now has antibodies.

So when it comes later, even if Ultraman is beaten by the monster again, Fang Zheng is basically unmoved. Anyway, no matter how badly he is beaten, he will inevitably kill after a wave of outbreaks after the lights are turned on. Let's sit down. Just wait for cheers to celebrate the victory.

Of course, it's not when there is no anti-routine. I remember that there was an episode of Ultraman's death. Founder was sitting in front of the TV watching Ultraman being violently beaten by a monster, then flashing, then flashing, and then flashing...and then Just died.

At that time, Fang Zheng was still confused with a question mark.

Because of the age, I didn't remember it very clearly later, but the episode was remembered by Fang Zheng because of its deep impression.

Later that Ultraman...should be resurrected?

Can not remember.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The violent explosion sounded again, pulling Fang Zheng from the memory back to reality, and saw that the giant in front of him was also violently beaten by the little monster on the ground like Ultraman, and the gems on his forehead shone violently.

Good guy, you are really a copycat of Ultraman.

Behind it was almost the same as Ultraman, and saw the crippled giant getting up, and then rushed to the monster again, and a hand knife chopped off its neck.

However, what appeared from the neck was not blood and internal organs. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was a pile of yellow-green-green plastic pipes. Then the giant's left hand stretched forward, and a moving photosensitive wave burst out and hit He shot the monster and exploded it instantly.

Well, the whole process is basically the same as Ultraman.

After exploding the monster, the giant disappeared, and Fang Zheng also turned and left, and then came to a school not far away-this place has been destroyed by the monster attack just now, and there is fire and thick everywhere. Smoke, and the beast's severed head was lying on the ground, seemingly silent.


Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and gently pressed the thing, the touch... it was obviously plastic.

In other words, this monster is actually a figure? In other words, someone made a monster figure, and then let it come out to attack the city? Is there such an operation?

Staring at the hole in the monster's neck and the colorful plastic tubes inside, Fang Zheng frowned.

What the **** is going on in this world?

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