Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3176: Behind the scenes (when Ben cat becomes a ball cat)

When the three of them went to Shinjo Akane's home, those monsters also began to wreak havoc in the city.

Most of them are monsters that have appeared before, and there are some weird shapes that seem to be cut corners. According to Xin Tiaoqian, these are all self-made failures. Because it didn't come in handy before, I just threw it aside. As a result, these monsters suddenly appeared without knowing how.

Of course, there is no need to guess, because only one person can do this.


Xin Tiao Qian pushed open the door angrily, yelling the name loudly, and then everyone saw a tall figure slowly walking down the stairs on the second floor.

"Oh, Akane, you are finally back, but I am very worried about you."

The one who came down the stairs was not a human at first glance. It was about two meters tall, covered in a black cloak and a strange black mask. There was even a fire burning behind its head...

"Hey! Out, aliens?!"

Seeing this weird person in front of him, Baoduo Liuhua cried out in surprise. But Akane Xinjo stared at each other very unhappily, and asked.

"What are you doing? What's the matter with the monsters outside?"

"Oh, because Akane, you have never come back, I am very worried about your safety. But I couldn't find you, so I used this method-and you see, the defective products outside are still not good."

While talking, the strange man in black looked out the window. At this moment, the giant and Qiyana and other Valkyrie have also been dispatched and are fighting the monsters. Perhaps it was because these monsters were only defective products made by Shinjo Akane, their performance was not as threatening as the previous monsters, and they were quickly defeated by the Valkyrie and the Giant one by one.

"So, Akane, continue to make monsters, right?"

While speaking, the strange man in black stretched out his hand towards Xintiaoqian. And Xin Tiao Qian just frowned, stared at it, and then turned her head abruptly.

"No! I'm tired of it! I will never make monsters again!"

"Don't say that..."

In the face of Xin Teoqian who lost her temper, the strange man in black persuaded like an old father.

"We still need Akane's power. Only Akane can make monsters."

"Anyway, I won't make monsters anymore."

Akane Xinjo shook her head again, staring at her unhappy, and facing Xin Teo Akane's answer, the strange man in black sighed helplessly like a father looking at his daughter in the rebellious period.

"In that case, there is no way...you have to...make you a monster yourself."

Having said this, the strange man in black looked at Xin Tiaoqian, and then a red light flashed in his eyes!

"Instantiate start!"

Accompanied by the words of the strange man in black, bright red light beams shot from his eyes instantly and flew towards Xinjoqian. However, at the same time, Fang Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand, and then a translucent barrier emerged out of thin air, blocking the beam of light emitted by the strange man in black.

"………Who are you?"

At this time, the black-clothed monsters set their sights on Fang Zheng and Baoduo Liuhua. Perhaps for him before, there was no need to pay attention to two human beings.

Faced with the behavior of the strange man in black, Shinjo Akane was stunned for a moment, and then stared at him angrily.

"You want to turn me into a monster! Alexis! What do you want to do?!"

"Hehehe, the fox's tail is finally revealed."

Fang Zheng stared at the weird man in black and smiled coldly. He guessed that this kind of thing might happen, so he stayed on guard. After all, Xin Tiao Qian is just an immature world consciousness, and the opposite is likely to be an old skater who has experienced many battles. So if you are not careful, Xin Tiao Qian may be overcast by the other party. Now it seemed that Fang Zheng's guess was obviously correct-this guy finally showed his true colors.

"I can't help it, Akane, who told you not to make monsters?"

Looking at Shinjo Akane, the tone of the strange man in black did not change at all.

"It's a pity, you could have been our companion..."

"go to hell!"

Of course, Fang Zheng was not in the mood to chat with this guy here, and when he drew out Frostmourne, he slashed at the black-clothed weird man with a sword. But the next moment the body of the strange man in black split into two in front of the Fang Zheng's sharp blade, turning into a phantom and slowly dispersing. But even so, it still stared at Shinjo Akane.

"If this is the case, then...you will destroy it with this world."

After leaving this sentence, the shadow monster disappeared. At the same time, a voice came from the second floor.

"Instantiate start!"

The next moment, a red light flashed, and the whole house became silent again.

"No, it's a trap!"

Fang Zheng's expression also changed at this moment, and he rushed to the second floor, and then kicked and opened the locked door-I saw that the huge room was full of garbage bags, and the computer on the computer desk in the corner was at this moment. It is also completely broken.

"Wow... Akane, you are too messy..."

Looking at the trash bags stuffed on the ground, Bao Duo Liuhua couldn't help but vomit, while Xin Tiao Qian scratched her head in embarrassment.

"a ha ha ha……"

"It does not matter."

Although Fang Zheng has something to say about Xintiaoqian's room, this kind of trivial matter is not important. What is important is... Thinking of this, his eyes swept away from the empty cupboard in the bedroom. .

"Qian, what's in this cabinet?"

Founder didn't think Xintiaoqian would waste space by putting these empty cabinets here.

"Hey? There are all my monster models and figures..."

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Xin Tiao Qian was stunned for a moment, and she was shocked when she looked at the cabinet.

"Why is it all gone?!"

"...I already know where those things are..."

Facing Xintiaoqian's answer, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to hold his forehead helplessly, but at this moment, the roof suddenly broke, and a huge foot fell from the sky.


The still luxurious apartment was instantly trampled into ruins by a huge Godzilla-like monster. At the same time, with a flash of brilliance, Fang Zheng also grabbed Xin Tiao Qian and Bao Duo Liu Hua and appeared in the open space not far away. Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"...Good fellow, this city has become a monster zoo..."

Seeing this scene in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help feeling sighed-at this moment they were standing on a hillside at the edge of the city, looking forward, only to see monsters everywhere, some flying, some running, some rolling, and Jumping...


Xinjo Akane and Baoduo Liuhua were also stunned, completely unable to return to their senses. After a while, Baoduo Liuhua trembled all over, and hurriedly ran down the mountain--then he was caught by Fang Zheng.

"Wait, what are you doing? Now the city is full of monsters."

"My mother, and Haas...everyone is still inside! I..."

Having said this, Bao Duo Liuhua saw Xin Tiao Qian, and immediately reacted and grabbed her.

"Aki, please, save my mother and my friends... Everyone... Please, are you not the **** of this world?"


Faced with Bao Duo Liuhua's request, Xin Tiao Qian frowned in embarrassment.

"But I don't know what to do? I haven't encountered such a thing before, do you want me to build a stronger monster???"

"I'll take care of it."

At this moment, Fang Zheng spoke. He scanned the surroundings and then frowned.

"Aki, can you make a large vacant lot?"

"There is no problem with this."

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Xin Tiao Qian nodded, then she stretched out her hand and pointed towards the dense fog.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that at the place Shinjo Akane was pointing, the dense fog quickly rolled backwards, and then trees and land flew out of the fog like a jigsaw puzzle of sand table models, and then combined together to form An empty grassland. Seeing this, Baoduo Liuhua was even more surprised. Although she had known that Xin Tiaoqian was the **** of this world, she did not expect that the other party actually possessed this kind of power...

While Xin Tiao Qian created space, Fang Zheng quickly contacted the Valkyrie who was fighting.

"Can you hear me? Qiyana?"

"This voice is... Yuki? What should I do? Why do so many monsters suddenly appear!"

At this moment, Qiyana is obviously also in a hurry and can't talk about it.

"Leave it to me to deal with... Now I have one thing for you to do, I will give you a coordinate, and then I want you to use the power of the law of the sky to lock all the monsters to the coordinate location, is there any problem? ?"

Fang Zheng has read the internal information of Destiny. When the second collapse broke out, Xi Lin, the law of the sky, did similar things. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com now wants to come to Qiyana should be no problem.


"Yes... The specific coordinates are..."

Fang Zheng swept, and quickly reported a round of numbers.

However, there was no movement over there.

"What's the matter? Qiyana? Speak?"

"I...I don't understand! How do you look at the coordinates!?"


Did you grow up eating paramecium? !

Hearing Qiyana's crying rhetorical question, Fang Zheng was speechless.

Why is the law of the sky so unlucky, so he chose you?

Tucao returned to Tucao, he still quickly locked Qiyana's coordinates, and then determined her position.

"Your left! Look far away! There is a large open space! Did you see it? It's there, throw it over for me!"

"...I, I will try!"

After a while, the three of them saw the sky above the clearing created by Shinjo Akane in the distance suddenly flashed, and then a series of black holes opened, and then, hundreds of huge monsters fell from the sky like this, and fell heavily. Fell to the ground. Of course, this did not cause much damage to them, and soon these monsters got up again and tried to continue to attack the city.

But for Founder, this is enough.

He silently took out the personal terminal, and then pressed send.

At this moment, the clouds suddenly dispersed, and then, a huge golden battleship rushed out of the clouds, and the thick barrels on both sides of its hull aimed at the monster group in front of it.

The next moment, a hot beam of light fell from the sky, sweeping across the entire plain, and shrouded all the huge monsters in the flames.


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