Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3185: I have contracted this fish pond (a new book should be opened within this year...

Once she was born, the second was familiar, when Xing Baixian appeared in front of Fang again, she was embarrassed to death.

"I'm so sorry... Mr. Commander..."

"This is the second time, Miss Xingbai, your luck is too bad..."

Seeing Xing Baixian, who was flushed and lowered his head, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go, what's going on this time? How did you die? What is that monster?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Xing Bai froze for a while, and Fang Zheng snapped his fingers and took out the test tube Tesla gave himself before.

"Oh, and this thing. We found this in your brain. What the **** is this? What trouble are you involved in again?"

"That, that is..."

Seeing the octopus-like bug in the test tube, Xing Baixian's complexion suddenly changed.

"Yes, it's Kishin Norifu! It's him! He...he controlled me...no, not just me, Sidonia...everyone..."

"Calm down, calm down."

Seeing that Xing Baixian was about to run away, Fang Zheng also hurriedly signaled her to calm down.

"Come on, speak slowly... Don't worry."

"Ah, yes..."

Xing Baixian barely calmed down after receiving the tea from Leiden Yayi. She took a sip of the tea, and then explained what happened.

After reading the battlefield records given to them by Fangzheng, Sidnia immediately investigated the two of them. Later, the cockpit records also proved that the long-haired man who framed his colleague had indeed done this. He was immediately interrogated and handed over to a military court for trial.

Originally, according to Sidnia’s law, the chief culprit who framed his colleagues on the battlefield and even caused the failure of important battles like Kishin Norio should be sentenced to capital punishment-to put it bluntly, he was stuffed into an organic reaction furnace to make it. Fertilizer is right. However, because the Qishen Consortium is also quite influential within Cydonia, it still hugged Norifu under some operation and did not use him as fertilizer. In the end, it was only expelled from Cydonia’s guards. The army, and strictly prohibits him from participating in Sidonia's high-level affairs for life.

Although Xing Baixian didn't like the result of this treatment, she was not qualified to make irresponsible remarks about it.

The matter came to an end. Then Cydonia continued to move forward. As for Xing Baixian herself, she was monitored for a period of time. After all, she died on the battlefield at the time, and then suddenly resurrected. It is inevitable that some people will come back Doubt whether this Xing Baixian was secretly created by that mysterious fleet of spy simulators or the like.

It seems that no matter which world, human imagination is equally rich, although this is a matter of course.

Because of this, Xing Baixian lived a life of being monitored for some time after this, but she herself was not afraid of the shadow leaning, she didn't care too much. Perhaps it was her performance that dispelled everyone's doubts. When he encountered Qi Juzi again, Xing Baixian also got permission to attack Qi Juzi again in the mecha.

However, this time Qi Juzi is different.

Because they were actually produced by simulating Xing Baixian's body!

On the battlefield at that time, Xing Baixian was indeed killed by them, but before it had time to completely swallow it, even the ashes were blown up by Fang Zheng. However, these monsters can be regarded as capable, and they actually simulate the part that they have eaten and transformed into three Xingbaixian bodies, and even she herself, and even laughed...

Xingbaixian didn't mention how awkward he was at that time.

Not only that, but the most depressing thing for her is that the Qi Juzi she faced not only simulated her own body, but even inserted a self on it-completely simulating that she was pierced and died by Qi Juzi at the time. Look like. Originally Xingbaixian wanted to get rid of it directly, but Cydonia sent an order, saying that the research department wanted to study the "clothes" simulated by this Qi Juzi, and wanted Xingbaixian to kill Qi Ju. The son cut off the robes before and brought them back.

The so-called robes can be said to be part of Qi Juzi's body, but it is not the core. The ordinary corpse will bubble up and disappear after the core of Qijuzi is eliminated. But if the robes were cut off before Qi Juzi died, they would survive.

Although Xing Baixian had a hundred unwillingness in her heart, but she was a soldier, and obeying orders was the first element, so in the end Xing Baixian had to obediently cut off the robes that mimicked her and put them on. Back to Sidnia.

Frankly speaking, if Xingbaixian wanted to speak, it was really disgusting and very awkward to watch a Qi Juzi simulate himself. But after struggling for a few days, Xing Baixian couldn't help his inner curiosity, and went to the research department to inquire about the condition of the clothes.

However, Xingbaixian was surprised by the answer. The person in charge of the research department told her that the clothes she looked like had been taken away by Qishen Heavy Industries in the name of research!

What does Qishen do with this robe?

Xing Baixian also hurried to Qishen's house, but Qishen Norifu did not refuse her request. Instead, he took her into Qishen Industry's research institute and showed her the clothes that mimicked Xing Baixian's appearance. Not only that, Qishen Norifu also revealed a plan to her-he hopes to create a more powerful new weapon that surpasses the guardian mech, so he decides to create a new existence that combines humans and Qijuzi!

And the method he used was to make this Xingbaixian-shaped cell coat conceive through artificial insemination!

After all, Qijuzi can completely simulate everything about the devoured. As long as it is pregnant with human spirits, then the child it gives birth to is the strongest weapon for the combination of humans and Qijuzi!

To tell the truth, Xing Baixian vomited directly at that time.

Although she is not herself, the one that Qi Juzi simulates is also herself! The thought of his body being arbitrarily manipulated and even being pregnant...Xing Baixian only felt that he was going to faint.

Not only that, Qishen Norifu actually wanted Xing Baixian to assist him, because in his opinion, Qi Juzi simulated Xing Baixian, and the two should be able to synchronize on the spiritual level. But Xing Baixian would definitely not do it, and immediately had a big quarrel with Qishen Norifu, and then said that he would go to the captain to file a complaint! She can't stand such a disgusting thing!

As a result, Qishen Norifu had someone catch her, and then—— took out a glass bottle, took out the little octopus-like bug from it, and then the little bug got directly into Xing Baixian’s eyes. , And then from the eyes to the brain.

Then...Xing Baixian was controlled by Qishen Norifu.

For Xing Baixian, during the time she was controlled, her whole person seemed to be dreaming, like a third person watching her body like a robot and obeying the commands of Qishen Norifu. .

After that, Kishin Norifu didn’t know how to make an agreement with Captain Norio, and the combination of humans and Kijuko he said was born perfectly and grew up quickly. Xingbaixian followed Kishin Norifu’s orders. Become the driver of that combination, and drive it to fight Qijuzi with the guard.

I have to say that the combination is indeed very powerful. In the next few encounters, Xing Baixian and the combination easily eliminated the enemy who stood in front of Cydonia.

However, they are not without danger.

Not long ago, Sidnia discovered that the environment of Planet 9 in the Rem galaxy was suitable for human habitation, so they sent an immigrant ship to Rem 9 to investigate. As a result, the ship was attacked by Qijuzi. When it appeared in front of Cydonia again, it had become a biochemical battleship mimicked by Qi Juzi.

Not only that, it also learned to emit Higgs particle beams by absorbing the technology of that immigration ship!

In this battle, Xing Baixian and the combined body were still trapped in Qi Juzi's trap. Finally, the combined body finally escaped. He was also broken and needed to go back for treatment immediately. And just as they rushed back to the battleship, the huge Qijuzi battleship launched a beam attack on Cydonia.

Although Sidonia ordered the two to leave immediately, but this time Xing Baixian and Qi Juzi worked together to block the battleship, blocking the blow that was supposed to destroy Sidonia, causing it to deviate. The original track.

They were also seriously injured as a result, and they were on the verge of dying.

Perhaps because it was about to die, that bug's control of Xing Baixian was also weakened. At that time, the first thought in her mind was that she would never go back to Cydonia, and then when she thought of a safe place, Xing Baixian, who was a ghost and a god, just thought about it. Thinking of the Blue Fleet.

Then... she lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she appeared in the battleship of the Blue Fleet as she wished.

"Tsk tusk tusk..."

After hearing what Xing Baixian said, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"You said you are an immigrant battleship, why so many troubles..."

"Why does the man named Qishen Norifu want to do this?"

Dan Zhu asked curiously, Xing Baixian shook his head.

"I don't know, he just said to create a perfect race that surpasses humans and Qi Juzi..."

"In the end, BOSS is not all of this virtue, what is the strongest, surpassing human beings, and being promoted to the perfect race..."

Fang Zheng yawned.

This is too routine, he doesn't bother to guess.

On the contrary, it was a trivial sentence Xing Baixian said before that caught Fang Zheng's attention.

"You just said that Cydonia spotted a Volkswagen co-ship heading towards the Rem 9 galaxy?"

The so-called united ship refers to a collection of a large number of Qijuzi, which resembles a spacecraft. The Volkswagen Consortium goes a step further. According to Xing Baixian, this Volkswagen Consortium is dozens of times the length of a tentacles and is even twice the size of the stars of the Rem galaxy...

In terms of volume alone, this thing should be about the size of the Ark in the halo.

"Yes, according to the captain's intention, Cydonia will enter the Lem galaxy, and then occupy the ninth planet, and use it as a stronghold to destroy the public ship, so as to ensure a smooth colonization to the seventh planet, but... …"

When he said this, Xing Baixian frowned. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"I'm not sure if this meant what the captain meant."

After all, after being out of the control of the octopus bug, Xing Baixian looked at everyone, including the captain, being manipulated. After all, in Xingbaixian’s impression, the captain is not the kind of person who is easy to compromise, but she actually reached an agreement with Kishin Norifu who was driven out by herself, and even acquiesced to his plan...in Xingbai From Xian's point of view, I'm afraid Cydonia's captain has long been manipulated by Kishin Norifu.

"Okay, I know."

Hearing Xing Baixian's answer, Fang Zheng nodded.

"The Blue Fleet can help, but we have a request."


"Yes, that Volkswagen co-ship... is ours."

Staring at Xing Baixian, Fang Zheng laughed and said his conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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