Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3192: Lay out the line of defense

For Cydonia's choice, Fang Zheng was not surprised. In fact, he had long guessed that the other party had only this choice.

The reason is simple. When the difference between the two parties is too great, the weaker party will either work hard or work hard. This is the case between people and countries. A country is poor, weak and poor, and naturally has to make a lot of sacrifices to be able to catch up with advanced and rich countries. What is the use of just calling everyone equal?

What's more, people are born unequal.

Who will be equal to you?

If Cydonia wanted to control her own destiny, she had to make sacrifices, because they really had no other terms of exchange other than sacrifices.

The other party's suggestion was similar to what Fang Zheng thought. Sidonia attracted the other party's attention from the front, and the Blue Fleet attacked from the rear. Of course, Fang Zheng would not object to this, and he nodded and agreed.

As for Xing Baixian and Bai Yuyijin, they are naturally the representative of Cydonia and are permanently stationed in the Blue Fleet. To put it bluntly, she is also responsible for spreading the word. If Sidonia has something, it will be conveyed to Fang Zheng through her, and Fang Zheng’s answer will be conveyed back to Sidonia through her. From this point on Look, Xing Baixian is almost like Cydonia’s ambassador right now...

Xing Baixian naturally did not object to staying on the Blue Fleet. Xing Baixian grew up on Cydonia in the past, and was used to the environment there and didn't think there was any problem. But after living in the Blue Fleet for a few days, she felt uncomfortable when she went back.

It's like a rural college student in the 70s and 80s who went to the city to enjoy the life in the city, and then went back to the countryside to feel completely different.

As for Bai Yuyijin, she also likes to stay in the Blue Fleet very much, but her reason is somewhat special. Although in Cydonia, everyone is very warm and friendly to Bai Yuyi, but as a fifteen-meter tall behemoth, Bai Yuyi cannot move freely, and can only perceive the outside world through its tentacles. In addition, although Bai Yuyijin’s cognition is a human being, she is also a fusion individual of Qi Juzi after all. Out-of-the-ordinary feeling.

But it’s different in the Blue Fleet. After all, the Blue Fleet belongs to the Zerg race. Although Zerg and Qi Juzi are not the same thing, everyone is a "monster", at least better than being alone. Loneliness is much better. And in Bai Yuyijing's eyes, those Zergs are also very enthusiastic towards themselves, often surrounding her like cats and dogs...

Of course, if Fang Zheng knew what Bai Yuyijing was thinking, he would tell Bai Yuyijing that these zergs surrounding her were not getting close to her, but were discussing how to transform and integrate her.

So sometimes it's a good thing that the language is not clear.

In addition to Xing Baixian, Sidonia also sent a team of guards and mechas to garrison. And the pilots of these guards and mechas are all clones, similar to sister Misaka. Everyone has almost the same length, with long pink hair and the same appearance characteristics.

It's just that compared with Sister Misaka, the characters of these clones are still close to normal people.

Moreover, their names are not like Misaka’s sisters, which is the addition of 12345 behind Misaka. This group of clones are called Zeng sisters. The most interesting thing is that their names are all Zeng and then add a Chinese character next to the fire character. From the beginning, they are respectively. Cheek flame, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek...

Compared to Misaka 12345, this way of naming obviously feels much more literate.

Although it is still not clear who is who.

Of course, these guards and mechas didn't come here to eat and drink. Founder needed them to do sparring exercises for his little girls so that they could get used to fighting in a weightless environment in space. Considering that Qi Juzi will definitely integrate a bunch of mecha replicas as a pioneer army, then as long as he also fights against mechas, he can accumulate experience.

This is why Cydonia will send a team of mechas to do sparring.

For Qiyana and other Valkyries, it is not easy to keep balance and master the direction in a weightless environment, and the practice with the Guardian Mecha also exposed some of their shortcomings. Of course, this is not to say that the Valkyrie can't defeat the Guardian mecha, it's just a mere mecha. For the lawmakers, they can all dismantle the machine with bare hands.

But in terms of speed, the Valkyrie is going to lose slightly.

Especially when the Guardian Mech's palm position burst out assault, only Qiyana could keep up through the space jump teleportation.

However... it is well known that positioning in space in the universe is extremely difficult because of the lack of reference objects, so a lot of calculations and locking are required to calibrate the direction and distance.

However, Qiyana's brain is similar to Paramecium. You told her that this is basically equivalent to playing the piano to a cow... So every time she sees her jumping in the wrong direction, Fang Zheng will be alive and well, and she can't wait to change her mind.

Fortunately, there are clever ones. For example, Bronya intends to improve the reloaded bunny based on the spray device of the mecha... Well, Fang Zheng still gave full trust to Bronya's IQ.

The ability of the law of reason is also trustworthy in this respect.

Through Xingbaixian, Fang Zheng also discussed the battle plan with Sidonia.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss. Originally, Cydonia's plan was to enter the Lem galaxy, occupy the ninth planet first, and use the ninth planet's ring as a barrier to fight with the public. Now the plan naturally won’t change. It’s the same as before, except this time they don’t need to fight alone. They are mainly responsible for resisting the attack of the masses and attracting the opponent’s forces. Then Fang Zheng led the Blue Fleet to make a surprise attack from the rear. Kill it by surprise.

As for how Fang Zheng wanted to seal the core, that was the matter of the Blue Fleet, and Sidonia didn't have this ability.

Fang Zheng will not let them work in vain. He will leave the Valkyrie and a few aircraft carriers here to assist Sidonia in resisting Qi Juzi’s attack, and he will lead Rodney and several other large warships to directly kill the rear. After all, with the size of the Volkswagen co-ship, ordinary destroyers are useless at all.

This is also thanks to Sidonia making the right decision. If they really plan to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, then Fang Zheng doesn't mind letting them know how dangerous it is to watch in place when the two giants are fighting.


"This Volkswagen co-ship is too slow."

Seeing the Volkswagen joining the ship on the screen, which was heading towards Cydonia, Tesla suddenly complained. Although the plan went well, it would take at least three days for them to reach the battlefield according to the speed of Volkswagen's co-ship...For Sidnia, this was not a strange thing. Because the current driving force that promotes the joint ship of the public comes from the immigrant ship that was swallowed by Qi Juzi before, so Qi Juzi simulates the engine of that immigrant ship.

Although the Qi Juzi of the simulated immigration ship had been wiped out by Sidonia, since it has been swallowed and digested, it is not surprising that the public co-ship will possess such an ability.

However, it is conceivable that without opening the super-light-speed technology tree, even if the engine thrust is enlarged tens of thousands of times, it is not an easy task to propel such a behemoth.

"For Cydonia, it's too soon. They can't wait for the other party to come back in a year and give them enough time to improve their mecha technology."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and said.

By the way, after Ochiai became a fusion entity, Xing Baixian who returned to Cydonia also explained to the captain that Ochiai used the tentacle monster to control his own brain, so Cydonia was also a whole ship. There was a big check up and down, and several people who were also under control were found.

From this, it can be seen that Kisami Norio was actually controlled by Ochiai, but his experience was even worse. After Ochiai’s consciousness was transplanted to the fusion individual, Kisami Norio lost the value of use and was thrown aside by him. , As a result, that guy was wiped out under the gravitational emission line reflected by Qiyana, and there was no hair left.

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Tesla's brain suddenly flashed.

Gu "Didn't they absorb the guard mecha and pilot? If they use the skill called palm position, wouldn't they run faster?"

"You should be thankful that these guys are not that smart yet..."

However, Fang Zheng hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, a rapid alarm sounded, and then Leander's voice came.

"Report to the commander that the target has increased its speed and is fast approaching Sidonia!"

"What's the matter? Let me see?"


Soon, the picture of Volkswagen co-shipping appeared again on the screen. At this moment, everyone also saw that behind the Volkswagen co-ship on the screen, the originally simulated jets became as many as several, and they were arranged to form a circle. , Interlaced and connected together, sprayed with bright red particle wind, pushing the huge body forward.

"Volkswagen joins the ship, there are still ten hours to reach Cydonia!"

"......Just your crow's mouth."

Fang Zheng stared at Tesla speechlessly. As Tesla said, it seems that the collapsed beasts in this world are not stupid...

"Notify Cydonia...but I think they already know."

As Fang Zheng had expected, Sidonia had already acted quickly at this moment, and the acceleration of Volkswagen's combined ship completely exceeded their expectations, but now there is no other way except to immediately deploy a line of defense.

Soon, a mecha flew out of Cydonia, quickly arranged and formed. At the same time, the battleships of the Blue Fleet also appeared from the rear and began to rendezvous with Cydonia.

"Is that the battleship of the Blue Fleet? It's amazing..."

Seeing the huge battleship shining with golden light, Cydonia’s manipulators couldn’t help but sigh. They were fighting alongside others for the first time. In the past, Cydonia could only rely on herself to fight alone. , But now... this feeling of being around is really good.

Riding in the white feather clothes, Xing Baixian was also a little nervous at this moment, and at this moment, suddenly, a contact signal sounded, and then, a man's voice appeared in Xing Baixian's ear.

"Star White?"

"Ah, Gu Fengjun? What's the matter?"

Hearing this voice, Xing Baixian's heart beats. The person who was talking to her was Gu Fengchang, who was also Cydonia's ace pilot. Xing Baixian also had a lot of fate with him, the relationship between the two very good. During the period when Xing Baixian was missing, Gu Feng Changdao was often worried about Xing Baixian. And Xing Baixian also had a good impression of this young man named Gu Feng Changdao.

However, it is a pity that after Xing Baixian returned to Cydonia from the Blue Fleet this time, he found that Tanakazecho had already had some ambiguities with the two girls, Kodo Itzana and Midorikawa. It’s hard for her to get close to each other as before.

"Is that okay? Let the blue fleet take the lead...do we really need to help?"

According to the communication tactics of the Blue Fleet and Sidnia, the entire defense network is divided into three layers. The first layer is composed of the aircraft carriers and destroyers of the Blue Fleet, and is responsible for intercepting most of Qijuzi. The second layer is in charge of the Valkyries, who are mainly responsible for sweeping the fish that slip through the net under the flames of the Blue Fleet. Cydonia’s own mech forces are deployed in the rear to defend her mothership while dealing with the remaining remaining enemies.

"This is the decision of Mr. Commander and the captain. We just need to guard our defense line."

Of course Xing Baixian understands the purpose of doing this. It is not to look down on Cydonia, but Xing Baixian has seen it on Leander before. This time the Qi Juzi who attacked is almost all simulated as a guardian mech. of. When Sidnia’s defense forces encountered Qi Juzi, which was simulated as a mecha, only four Qi Juzi caused half of the casualties of the defense forces.

This time, the number of Qijuzi that simulates mechas was hundreds of thousands. With the number of Sidnia's mechas, I am afraid that they will not be enough to fill the gaps between the teeth.

Maybe it was wiped out the moment the two sides met each other.

"I see...Be careful, Xingbai, and you."

"Okay, Gu Fengjun."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu Feng."

Hearing Gu Feng's words, Xing Baixian and Bai Yuyijing both responded immediately, and at this moment, an unhappy voice was inserted into the contact channel.

"Really, why don't you come and ask me, Long Dao?"

"Ah, Izana..."

Hearing the conversation between Izana and Gu Feng Changdao over there, UU read www. Xing Baixian couldn't help but smile. Kodose Izana is also Cydonia’s crew, but "she" was originally neither a man nor a woman, but a non-male or female "neutron". This is also a result of Cydonia's genetic adjustment. One of the races. One of the characteristics of this race is that it changes gender according to the gender of the subject.

When Xingbaixian died for the first time, Kodase Itzana was just a "neutron" that was neither male nor female.

But this time when Xing Baixian came back from the Blue Fleet, he found that it had become "she", completely transformed from a genderless body into a female.

As for who to change her... then it goes without saying.

"The Qijuzi army is approaching the defense line!"

A notification from the rear came in his ear, Xing Baixian also condensed his mind and looked forward again.

"Come on, no, we must be able to protect Cydonia!"

"Yes, my sister!"

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