Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3215: Doubt (it's sad that I can't get into the copy at all)

This is Franks.

Standing on the platform and looking at the mecha in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help but sigh. Although he has seen quite a few mechas, including biochemicals like EVA, and pure machines like Gundam, to be honest, Fang Zheng is the first time he has seen such a "cute" mecha. .

Yes, cute.

How should I put it, this thing is not so much a mecha, but an enlarged Q version of Rockman, with a big head, a thin body, and small limbs. To be honest, Fang Zheng suspects it is Not something that appears in child-oriented animations. After all, the style of this thing is too Q, it really makes people a little at a loss to say what to say.

At least compared to something like EVA or Gundam or even VF, this thing feels a little too cute.

"Okay, I want to see if you are talking big, come up!"

At this moment, the girl with two ponytails had already put on the driver's suit, and came to her body, pointing at him aggressively, while Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and walked into the cab with the girl.

The entire cockpit doesn't look too cramped, but it's not too wide either. The girl with two ponytails sat in her driver's seat, then turned her head and stared at Fang Zheng.

"Okay, the resemblance test won't lie, you can only brag now!"

"Whether it's bragging, you'll know if you try it."

Looking at the girl with two ponytails in front of him, Fang Zheng showed a strange smile.

Before coming here, Fang Zheng had already learned about the production and operation of the Franks mecha through the network intrusion. Strictly speaking, Franks is actually a kind of biological mecha similar to EVA. It is a new body made by human imitating the genetic modification of dragon.

Of course, it's not surprising that the enemy and me have the same origin, and there are many more in animation games.

What's interesting is the way Franks drives.

Generally speaking, double-piloted mechas are rare, even though the Demon Slayer that Fangzheng had driven before was also driven by both him and El. But El, as the Necronomicon, actually played a role similar to an "operating system" in the Demon Slayer, and Fang Zheng was the manipulator of this system.

This is also the reason why the domineering chaebols have never been able to find the magic book and have no way to start the Demon Slayer - no matter how advanced your computer hardware is with no system, is it still a pile of scrap metal?

Franks' manipulation method is similar to that of the Demon Slayer, but somewhat different.

Franks' manipulation method is that the pistil is synchronized with the body, and then the pistil is manipulated by the stamen.

So to put it simply, what Fangzheng was manipulating was not Franks, the mecha, but a girl with two ponytails that synchronized with Franks.

This is what is different from the Demon Slayer. Among the Demon Slayer, El is responsible for manipulating the system center and server, and is responsible for reporting and processing data. However, in Franks, the pistil is equivalent to assimilating itself with Franks and becomes part of Franks' nervous system.

If this is not a person, then Fangzheng is actually no different from grasping the nerve core of the other party to manipulate.

But then again... this scene is really eye-catching.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng was also amazed. Among Franks' driving seats, the female pilot's seat was similar to a motorcycle, with the pistil sitting on it, and then raised his hips to face the stamens. The operating handles on either side of the pistil's buttocks will then pop out, and the stamen will grasp the two handles to manipulate the pistil.

Since the male driver's seat is just above the female driver's seat, from a certain point of view, this posture is exactly the same as one of the 40 hands of Oedo and the 20th hand!

It is said that the design of this operating system was not a serious person at first glance.

But it's GOODJOB for men!

Looking at the round curve in front of him, Fang Zheng silently gave a thumbs up in his heart. That's right, if it's a humanoid mecha like this, it's not unacceptable if it's difficult, isn't it?

While thinking about it, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle. At the same time, the helmet of the double ponytail girl was also activated, and the numerical value and picture appeared on the flat screen part behind the helmet.

The next thing to do is to enter the depths of the pistil's consciousness.

Thinking of this, the corners of Fangzheng's mouth twitched slightly and he closed his eyes.

At the same time, a mechanical sound sounded.

【Start of the first connection】

[Measurement of the ability value, the concave factor pulse has been confirmed. Convex factor pulse standby, ready... 3, 2, 1... Connection started]

"... a lie."

At this moment, the children watching the training outside looked at the values ​​displayed on the screen in surprise.

"Breakthrough 100%?"


Not only the children looked at each other in dismay, but even the staff in charge of the test was stunned and surprised. The reason is very simple, because it is necessary to enter the depths of consciousness to perform the fusion operation, the trust between the stamens and the pistils as the "pilot pilot" must be very high. Because of this, even if there is a little awkwardness or quarrel on weekdays, it is easy to cause fluctuations and changes in the values ​​between the pilots.

But no one thought that Fangzheng and the girl with double ponytails would be able to break through 100% for the first time. You must know that not only did the two meet for the first time, but even the girl with double ponytails was quite unconvinced just now. Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, even if the girls with double ponytails can cooperate, it is difficult for the spirits of the two to synchronize.

However, now, their values ​​have directly exceeded 100%?

You must know that even if the double ponytail girl cooperates with her original partner, the highest value is only 70%!

【End of test】

Soon, the test was over, and then the hatch opened, and then the girl with two ponytails staggered down from above.


Looking at the girl's appearance, several other people hurried over and surrounded her.

"Are you okay, future?"

As the captain of the thirteenth squad, Berry, codenamed 015, looked at the girl with two ponytails. At this moment, she saw the girl with two ponytails sweating profusely, her face flushed, and her eyes were hazy and blurred. She used to be strong and lively, but now she looks like After a lot of exercise, I couldn't stop panting. On the fair and lovely face, there was also a flush of flushing, which made the surrounding girls feel a little itchy.


"I, I'm fine."

The future shook her head and stood up straight. At this moment, she showed an unwilling expression, while another girl next to her looked at her.

"In the future, are you really all right? Do you want to go to the infirmary for a check?"

"No, I think it should be fine..."

Speaking of this, the girl with two ponytails suddenly clenched her fists, and then her face showed a rather excited and excited expression. It was like experiencing some kind of exciting joy.




"That's right, this is the first time I feel this way. I didn't expect to be able to do this... ah, I don't know much about it, just try it out for yourself. This kind of feeling is absolutely beyond imagination. Awesome!"

Although the girl with two ponytails said something was wrong, but looking at her appearance, it seemed that there was no harm. This also made the other girls curious. After all, although they don't know Fangzheng, they are still very familiar with the companion they grew up with. They know that she is a girl with a strong personality and it is difficult to bow her head, but now How could she say such things so bluntly... Is it really completely different from that man driving?

After that, several other girls also conducted a simulated driving test with Fang Zheng out of curiosity, including the glasses girl 196 who was originally planned to be his partner. The result was that everyone was over 100% with no delays at all. This also shocked the staff of the test center and hurriedly reported the results.

"Is there such a thing?"

Looking at the data in front of him, a bald white-bearded old man narrowed his eyes solemnly. Half of his face was covered with steel, so he couldn't see his expression, but the other half had a rather solemn look. He was Frank. The inventor of the mecha - Dr. Franks.

"Being able to ignore all obstacles and break through 100% with all partners... Is such a thing really possible?"

Looking at the data on the screen, the white-bearded old man frowned. This record reminded him of another person... No, strictly speaking, that is not a human being.

So what happened to this driver?

Thinking of this, the white-bearded old man opened the database and began to investigate the information about this mysterious driver.

"CODE: X, the survivor of the 24th ruined city... The cosmos directly under the Seven Sages was transferred to the 13th city as a substitute pilot? By the way, why is the UU reading www.uukanshu.com number X?"

Staring at this document, the white-bearded old man's expression was rather solemn. Frankly speaking, there is not no one who can inspire the pilot's ability, and there is one by his side. But that comes at a price. Any pilot who cooperates with her will be killed by her and eventually die.

However, this is not the case for this pilot. According to the examination results of the medical class after this, whether it is the pilot with the code X or the girls who are pistils, the physiological characteristics are all normal, and there is nothing special about it. place.

Such a powerful ability, there is no cost, can be used at will?

is it possible?

Or, is this also a **** of the Seven Sages?

Thinking of this, Dr. Franks stood up.

In any case - it seems it's time to go to City 13 and see what's going on.

(End of this chapter)

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