Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3217: Meet me

When Fang Zheng drove the Chlorophytum back to the hangar, the other children also ran over.

"It's amazing!! You can actually defeat such a strong dragon by yourself! It's so handsome!!"

A short-statured teenager rushed over and looked at Fangzheng with glowing eyes.

"How is that done?! Can you teach me?"

"Yeah, that's really cool!"

Behind him, a plump fat man nodded vigorously. It's no wonder that they have this view, after all, the battle between the Chlorophytum and the Dragon just now was completed in one go. From the beginning to the end, he was so handsome that he had no friends, but any boy who saw this wild and handsome fighting style would definitely be unable to bear it.

"It's okay, but not everyone thinks that way."

Facing the praise of the two, Fang Zheng laughed, then stretched out his hand and lifted Yu Nai up from the cockpit, only to see the latter staggeringly grabbing Fang Zheng's arm and walking off the mecha, the whole person standing in a daze. Unsteady look. Seeing this scene, the girls also hurried over.

"Yunai! What's wrong with you?"

"Cheer up a little, what's wrong?"

"What happened to her? X?"

"The stimulation is too great, just rest for a while."

Facing the question from the bespectacled boy next to him, Fang Zheng laughed and shrugged his shoulders. It has also been said before that in the manipulation of the Franks mecha, the pistil is responsible for synchronizing with the body, which means that their senses are connected with the mecha.

To those who were on the sidelines, Fang Zheng's smooth fight was so handsome, but to Yu Nai, who was in it, it felt no better than riding a roller coaster. To deal with this kind of giant monster, Fang Zheng has a lot of combat experience, but Yu Nai is strictly speaking it is the first time on the battlefield --- think if the monster hunter has a first perspective, you can do this action in a circle. Dizziness is weird.

Especially in the end, Fangzheng's qi blade stabbed the Denglong slash to dodge the opponent's attack and then counterattacked. It looked handsome, but for Yu Nai, it was just watching his body dig into the mouth of the dragon, and it was still He barely managed to evade the opponent's attack by almost a tiny margin, and later he was directly bombed into scum.

During the battle, I was excited and didn't respond. Now that the battle was over, Yu Nai came back to his senses. Suddenly, his legs became weak, and he couldn't walk anymore...

After that, Yu Nai was sent to the infirmary for examination, and the launching ceremony was considered to be over. Although Fangzheng attacked without authorization, considering that he did withstood the attack of the Dragon, and even killed him by himself, so he didn't receive any punishment.

But for some...that's another story.

"It's unimaginable."

Looking at the value displayed on the screen in front of him, Dr. Franks stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes. He also got the results of the physical test on Yu Nai from the infirmary. Except for some mental stimulation, there is no serious physical problem.

However, this result made the old man more and more puzzled.

what is the problem?

According to the results of the Chlorophytum's sortie, from the start to the end of the battle, the numerical cooperation of the two was 100%. However, according to the information from the infirmary, the Pistil pilot code-named 196 felt frightened and fearful when he was manipulated to fight. I have never seen it myself. And being able to deal with a large Moho-class dragon with this kind of power alone is even more frightening.

However, in the doctor's view, there is a very obvious contradiction.

The Franks mecha must have a high degree of affinity and trust between the two to be able to work together. And according to the information from the infirmary, if 196 at that time really felt scared and afraid, then the synchronization value between her and the pilot with the code name X would inevitably fluctuate and decrease.

However, the fact is, according to the record of the body, the synchronization value of the spider plant is shockingly stable, and there is almost no fluctuation of a decimal point.

It's as if the values ​​are completely locked.

And there are only two possibilities for this situation, either they have the same heart and trust each other—this is impossible, because according to the information, X only came to the thirteenth city a few days earlier. He and 196 have not met several times, so there is no trust at all.

Then another possibility is that the pilot with the code X has some kind of ability to force the spirit of the other party to synchronize. He does not need to rely on trust, communication and other means, but can force the other party's spirit to match his own, so as to achieve the effect of manipulating the Franks mecha.

This inference sounds a bit bizarre at first, but unfortunately, Dr. Franks knew such an almost identical pilot.


"Is this some kind of destiny?"

Staring at the list in front of him, Dr. Franks frowned. 02 is a special pilot, she is a pistil, but has a powerful and terrifying power. The pilots who connect with her will die after a maximum of three times, and she will greedily devour the spirits of those pilots, consuming their hearts and energy like a beast.

Because of this, although 02 is very powerful as a pilot, she has never had a fixed partner, because ordinary pilots can't withstand her "greed" at all.

However, now, there is a "stamen" that can force the spirit of the pistil to synchronize with itself... It's almost like it was tailor-made for 02.

Do you want him to try to connect with 02?

Thinking of this, Dr. Franks made a decision.


"Hey? Does X want to connect with that 'partner killer'?"

I have to say that when they heard the news, the children of the 13th Unit were all taken aback. Although they had never met the partner killer, they had also heard rumors about her.

"Partner killer?"

On the contrary, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"what is that?"

"do not you know?"

Seeing Fang Zheng's confused appearance, Miku, a girl with two ponytails who had challenged Fang Zheng before, also hurriedly explained to him.

"It is said that the woman has horns and fangs, and will drink the blood of other pilots who are driving together, and she will die the third time!"

"But that's just a rumor."

Fang Zheng didn't take it to heart, but then again......

"Has horns..."

"Huh? Did you think of anything?"

"more or less."

Facing the curious eyes of the children, Fang Zheng nodded.

"Speaking of which, I did see such a girl by the lake a few days ago. She had a pair of horns on her head."

"Ah...! That must be her right!"

"To actually ask you to connect with that partner killer, what are the people above thinking!"

"No matter what, you'll know when you go."

Fang Zheng didn't take it seriously, he waved to the crowd with a smile.

"I'll take a look at the situation, and come back and tell you what kind of person that girl is."

Although Fangzheng is very calm, the children of the 13th unit are very worried. After all, they also know that Fangzheng can synchronize with all the pistils to 100%, so they can guess, this time "Adult" They" asked Fangzheng to come over, it must be for this matter, but unfortunately, as "children", they couldn't do anything except obey orders.


Seeing the door of the dormitory closed, Xin sighed softly.

"Hope he's alright..."

"Yeah, Hiro, Man and Naomi have all left. It's rare to have a new person, and it's not bad. I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Wait, if X succeeds with that partner killer, does that mean that partner killer will also come and live with us?"

"I'm quite curious about what kind of person she is..."

Compared with the curiosity of children, Fang Zheng's curiosity is not so strong.

In fact, when he saw him, he was very calm.

"Yo, it's really you."

"It's actually you??"

Contrary to Fang Zheng's calmness, the **** the opposite side was a little surprised. Just as Fang Zheng thought, the partner killer who was about to conduct a relativistic connection test with him, the girl with horns was the one he had seen by the lake before. .

"First meeting, my name is X, how about you?"

"02, it's very rare for me to do the opposite connection test with other people. What's so unusual about you?"

"Hehehe, just sit down and you'll know."

After a short conversation, the two got on the 02 Mecha Strelitzia.

Then...the test begins.

【Start of the first connection】

[Measurement of the ability value, the concave factor pulse has been confirmed. Convex factor pulse standby, ready... 3, 2, 1... Connection started]

As the electronic sound fell, the next moment, the spirits of the two were connected like this.

I see.

The moment she entered 02's spirit, Fangzheng immediately understood why she was called "Partner Killer". Because 02's spiritual world is like a bottomless pit, biting the stamens that entered it, like a beast trying to pull it into the deepest, and then drain it completely. That is simply without any restraint, like a wild beastly general oppression.

Moreover, this power far exceeds that of ordinary humans.

No wonder it was said that people who partnered with her would die if they were no more than three times.

Fangzheng finally understood that the spiritual world of 02 was just like the female ghost in the story of Liao Zhai, and the spirit of the pilot who connected with her could not stand such torture. It's like a small soft snake, only to be completely wiped out after being sucked into the rotating steel shredder.

But Fangzheng's spiritual body is not a soft snake, but an extremely hard diamond! So, after going deep into the spirit of 02, not only did he not intend to be swallowed by the other party, on the contrary, he also tried to suppress this disobedient wild power!

Just like a cowboy tames a wild horse, he stubbornly suppressed the wild horse that was desperately trying to jump and tame it completely.

However, Fangzheng's repression also had a reactionary force. It seemed that 02 was deeply dissatisfied with this repression, so instead of obeying, she struggled and resisted more and more fiercely. look.

But of course Fangzheng won't stop just because she wants the fish to die and the net to break. Just kidding, you are a whale, so don't even think about breaking Lao Tzu's fishing net!

So just when Fangzheng took a deep breath and was about to launch his final attack and completely tame him......


The rapid alarm sounded, interrupting the further contest between the two sides.

"...I didn't expect that the body couldn't hold it anymore..."

Standing on the tarmac, Fang Zheng silently looked at the Strelitzia, which was covered in smoke. He didn't expect this thing to be so fragile, just a little bit of force, he directly exceeded the other party's tolerance limit.

"I didn't expect you to be quite interesting."

At this moment, 02 is also standing beside Fang Zheng with a smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking at him while eating a lollipop and said.

"It's the first time I've met a pilot like you, how about it? Do you want to wait until the Strelitzia is repaired and compare it again?"

"Then see if they give them a chance."

Fangzheng shrugged. He estimated that the other party would not give him this opportunity again. After all, according to the on-site maintenance personnel, the Strelitzia needed to be returned for major repairs—although the specifics were unknown, but those maintenance personnel looked suspicious. You can tell from the way you hang yourself that this thing is definitely not as simple as changing parts.


Speaking of this, 02 seemed to think of something, turned his head and looked at Fang Zheng curiously.

"You said about that mermaid before, what's her story?"

"That's not a good story... But anyway, if you're idle, you're idle, so I'll tell you about it..."

(End of this chapter)

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