Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3228: Classic re-engraving (weather 1 is cold and the mood of this cat is not wonderful)

With Fang Zheng's order, the battle officially began.

In general, under Fangzheng's command, the thirteenth squad has already gained considerable experience in how to deal with a dragon called dragon. At this moment, facing the tentacle attack of the dragon, everyone hurriedly began to react. They all launched a counterattack against the tentacles in front of them, tearing the tentacles that rushed over to pieces.

But there are also hidden risks.

"Be careful, don't hold back!"

"I didn't hold back!"

Hearing the complaints from the future, Pure Digits replied angrily while tearing up the tentacles that rushed over. At this moment, he was in a very bad mood. Although the two were reluctantly cooperating, they were still not convinced by pure numbers. Especially listening to the complaints of the future now makes him quite unhappy.

Obviously I can too!

Thinking of this, the pure number is also a fire, and then rushed up.

Watch me kill this guy!

The next moment, Qingyuhao suddenly jumped and rushed forward. And the tentacles called dragons also attacked it from all directions, wrapping the Qingyao in it. In the face of the dragon's attack, Qingyuhao was not afraid, and suddenly waved his hands to cut off the tentacles wrapped around his body. Then land again. And at this time, Pure Digits also saw the core of blue radiance hidden in the huge body called Dragon.

"What, it really has a core, look at me!"

Seeing the blue core, Pure Digit was instantly delighted, and then he manipulated the azure horn to jump up suddenly, rushing towards the belly of the huge dragon, and punching the blue core!

But what was unexpected by the pure number of digits was that the grappling hook of Qingyu did not penetrate the core of the opponent as he expected. On the contrary, it seemed to hit a hard object, sending out a crisp sound. The crash, then stopped.


Seeing this scene, Pure Digits was taken aback, but before she could regain her senses, something even more astonishing happened the next moment-I saw that the foam-like thing wrapped in a dragon's shell suddenly started Swelling, gradually swallowing the Qingyao into it!

"Wow ah ah ah, what's going on?"

"Idiot, what the **** are you doing!"

The Qingyao desperately tried to struggle to escape, but the constantly proliferating bubbles began to wrap and devour it.


Seeing this scene, the others rushed up and tried to rescue the Qingyao. But those bubbles swelled again, swallowing up the other machines.

"Wait, wait, what the **** is this?"

"I can't break free at all..."

Although these bubble-like things themselves look quite fragile, they are full of stickiness like goo. Soon, the Delphinium and Chlorophytum, which originally wanted to rescue the Qingyu, also seemed to be stuck in the quagmire and began to be unable to move.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Seeing this, Fang Zheng also frowned.

"The Strelitzia, withdraw from the enemy's attack range and prepare for assistance!"

"how about you?"

"I'm going to pull these idiots out!"

The voice fell, and the Golden Sparrow jumped up, and the great sword in his hand flashed a sword light again, and swung it forward with force. The torn Jianguang slashed into the huge foam-like body of the dragon in an instant, but it did not divide it into two like the previous dragon, although the sword light did leave a huge gap in the dragon's body. , but in the blink of an eye the foam that proliferates fills it up again.

This thing is much more difficult to deal with than the average dragon, but it's not impossible...

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Just do it.

Following Fangzheng's attack, the tentacles called Dragon also attacked the Golden Sparrow again. Fangzheng swung his great sword, cut off the attacking tentacles, and rushed to the three mechas that were swallowed by the foam. Then he raised the great sword. , I saw a flash of sword light, and the next moment, the glue-like bubbles wrapped around the mecha were torn apart, and then Fang Zheng turned around and kicked, kicking the three bodies out of it.




Drawing three elegant arcs in the air, the kicked mecha fell heavily in front of Strelitzia. And the named dragon obviously hasn't given up, trying to reach out again to retrieve his loot. And at this moment, the Strelitzia, which was already ready to go, was of course impossible to let it succeed, waving a long spear to force back the attack of the dragon again.

"Where's X?!"

After getting out of danger, Berry hurriedly turned her head to look behind. But at this moment, she saw that the Golden Sparrow was slowly being swallowed.

At the same time, the voice of the heart sounded.

"X, X he's still inside!"

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned for a moment, and they hurriedly looked down, only to find that the Strelitzia was holding an escape pod...


"Yes, X ejected me from the Gorilla, he's still inside..."

At this moment, Xin's face is also ashen, because just after kicking out the three mechas, Fangzheng directly activated the escape system, sealed Xin's cockpit directly, and sprayed it out of his mouth. Since the female pilot who acts as a pistil cannot perceive her body when she is connected to the Franks mecha, she has been sent away by Fangzheng when she realizes that her connection with the mecha has been forcibly cut off.

"Go and save him...!"

"No, it's too late! The dragon has an activation reaction!"

Under the gazes of everyone, after swallowing the Golden Sparrow, the dragon named Long suddenly began to emit dazzling golden light from the top and bottom of his body, and then—a huge explosion sounded, and the blazing fire turned into a sky. A mushroom cloud covered the entire sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"how come………"

Staring at the mushroom cloud that exploded and flew in front of him, Berry's face was ashen. Everyone knows that for the convenience of combat operations, the Golden Sparrow usually uses the light-loaded mode to fight, and while increasing its mobility, it also means weakening its defense. Can the current gorse withstand such a blow?

But when the explosion ended, something even more surprising happened.

I saw that the dragon who devoured the Golden Sparrow still appeared in front of everyone unscathed, and the Golden Sparrow had disappeared at this moment...

Now how to do?

Faced with this sudden situation, everyone looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do. For a long time, they followed Fangzheng's orders and acted in battle. Now that Fangzheng did not issue orders, they felt a little at a loss.

Just then, an order came from behind.

"Retreat immediately."

"But the Golden Sparrow...!"

"This is an order."


In the face of the order from the rear, everyone had no choice but to obey the order and leave the battlefield and return to the thirteenth city.

Back in the combat command room, everyone seemed very depressed.

"it was all your fault!"

In the future, he was even more angry and scolded the pure digits.

"If you didn't want to be in the limelight, you wouldn't be like this!"

"How would I know, I just think that's the core..."

Gu </span> heard her partner's rebuke, and Pure Digits hurriedly defended herself.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about that."

Merry hurriedly pulled the two away, and then she raised her head and looked at the seventh sister who was standing in front.

"That, Seventh Sister, about the Golden Sparrow..."

"Its location has not been determined yet, it may be that the signal is isolated, or it may have been destroyed."


Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads one after another, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, at this moment, a voice broke the silence.

"I don't think you need to worry so much."

02Eating a lollipop while looking at the crowd.

"That guy has a lot of ideas. I don't think he will die so easily."

"02, do you mean that he did this because he knew he would be swallowed?"

Hearing 02's words, Hiro also stared at her with wide eyes in surprise.

"Of course, have you forgotten? At that time, he asked us to go outside to meet him. Obviously, he had expected this. I think he should have some way to do it. It won't be so easy to die."

"makes sense."

Hearing this, the others cheered up one after another. They knew Fangzheng's power. Every time he faced the enemy, he could calmly see through the opponent's weakness and deal with it. And when he and others were swallowed up by that weird bubble before, Fang Zheng would naturally see it...

And in fact, it is.

"Is it really sucked in? I guessed that would be the case."

Fang Zheng opened his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.

As 02 said, he knew this kind of thing would happen from the beginning, so he used this method.

To say why Fangzheng didn't break away with Xin, it's not because he has the atmosphere of self-sacrificing heroes to save beauty, but the setting of Franks mecha is that there is only one escape system.

Although it looks like a child-oriented mecha animation, in fact, when faced with the final situation, only one of the two pilots of the Franks mecha was able to escape. On the other hand, one must act with the idea of ​​perishing with the enemy.

If the male pilot is left behind, then he will be responsible for activating the self-destruction system of the Franks mecha, and then pull a back on the road together.

And if the female pilot is left behind, then all that needs to be done is to make the Franks mecha run wild, make it a dragon, and then turn into a berserker and kill the Quartet and then hang up.

After all, the Franks mecha is not something that a female pilot can start alone. If it is forced to start, the end result will be death because it can't bear it.

But for Fangzheng...

"This is really a classic re-enactment."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Fang Zheng laughed. This reminded him of the EVA animation he watched before, in which the twelfth apostle swallowed the first EVA machine into the imaginary space through the shadow. All attack methods are useless for the twelfth apostle. The apostles should have won.

But something terrible happened.

That is, the first machine that was swallowed ran out of power.

Then the twelfth apostle was torn apart from the inside by the runaway No. 1 machine.

Speaking of which, I didn't seem to have seen this guy before in that EVA world...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng shook his head, then raised his right hand and took off his gloves.

Well, BGM is ringing!

The first machine is going to run wild!

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang...!

At the same time, in the battle command room, everyone looked solemn. Therefore, just now, an order was issued to them to give the highest priority to defeating the Gutenberg-class called dragon. As for the swallowed gorse... it is equivalent to being abandoned.

Of course the children didn't want to, but they couldn't think of a better way, but just when everyone was at a loss... Suddenly, the dragon on the screen changed.

"Report, the energy in the dragon's body rises rapidly! The dragon stops moving!"


Hearing the report, everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked at the screen. Sure enough, the dragon called the mushroom cloud on the screen had stopped moving at this moment. Not only that, its body seemed to be shaking.

"Wait, it looks painful, doesn't it?"

Seeing how the dragon's body suddenly swelled and then shrank in front of him, he asked in confusion in the future, while the others stared at the screen, not daring to take a breath. Then, in front of them, an incredible scene happened.


Suddenly, the screaming dragon made a sharp, tear-like roar, and the next moment its body suddenly swelled to the top, just when everyone thought it would shatter like a burst balloon, they saw the original ringing around the screaming. Outside the dragon's body, the bubble-like object suddenly solidified, and then quickly shrank and condensed. The original viscous bubble turned into a hard solid. In the blink of an eye, the dragon, which was originally like a huge mushroom cloud, shrunk into a circle. A solid object shaped like a stone.

Subsequently, UU reading www.uukanshu. Everyone saw that, on the surface of the hard shell, cracks appeared one after another, and then...


An arm broke through the sturdy shell, extending out of it.

"That is……?"

"Golden Sparrow?!"

Accompanied by the outstretched arm, the next moment, Huo Long's body burst out a huge gap, and at the same time, the body of the Golden Sparrow also appeared from it. However, the current Gorge is completely different from the previous human form. At this moment, it seems to be a pitch-black, terrifying monster, and its two arms are more like dragon-like front claws than arms.

"That's... panic?!"

Seeing this, Seventh Sister was stunned, she turned her head and looked at Xin.

"How is that possible? Obviously the pistil is still here?!"

The so-called panic is that the female pilots forcibly start the Franks mech to go berserk, but generally speaking, only female pilots can do this!

However, now, the heart of the pistil of the Golden Sparrow is still here, but the Golden Sparrow has started to panic? !

What exactly is going on? !

Ignoring everyone's inner confusion, I saw the beast-like Golden Sparrow suddenly stretched out its arms and pushed it hard to both sides!


The next moment, the huge called dragon was torn apart immediately, completely exploded and shattered, and at the same time, the Golden Sparrow also fell from it, hitting the ground heavily. It raised its head, opened its mouth, and let out a roar like a beast.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh-----!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone stood in front of the screen blankly, motionless.

Is that the true face of the mecha they are driving?


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