Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3234: run away (meow lying beside the fish tank drinking fish soup)

In the end, the 9'S people got out of the way, and Fang Zheng was called by the seventh sister and the eight male, and was severely criticized.

"You shouldn't have done that at all."

"That group of idiots was here to trouble us."

Facing the criticism from the seventh sister, Fang Zheng scoffed.

"Don't you really think that they come here to travel when they are idle and have nothing to do. What's more, that group of non-male and female things dares to talk nonsense to my team members. I didn't kill him. It's quite a face. already."

Hearing Fangzheng's answer, Qijie helplessly stretched out her hand to hold her forehead, but Hachiman who had been silent next to him spoke.

"Your words are contrary to the teachings of the sages."

"Because there is no evidence that what they say is true."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"What's right and what's wrong, I'll see for myself, instead of listening to this bunch of immortal nonsense."


Hearing Fangzheng's words, Qijie walked towards him angrily, but just as Qijie walked in front of Fangzheng, she suddenly felt a headache and reached out to cover her forehead.

"Ugh... this feeling... so uncomfortable..."

"It seems that you have also been brainwashed by those old immortals."

Seeing Qijie's painful expression, Fangzheng sighed, then he stretched out his hand and pointed lightly towards Qijie's forehead.

"Then, let me restore your hidden memory."


Hearing this, Hachio who was sitting behind the table suddenly stood up with a roar, and at the same time, accompanied by a scream, Qijie's legs suddenly became weak and collapsed to the ground.


She held her head tremblingly, shaking her head desperately.

"No, no, I... at that time... no, no! No!"

"You saw it too."

Fang Zheng took his eyes away from the shivering Seventh Sister curled up on the ground, and looked at Hachiman.

"Is what the wise people really say right? Going against them is wrong?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Hachio clenched his hands tightly, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Then, I'll go first if I have nothing to do. I think you have a lot to say."

After saying this, Fang Zheng nodded to the seventh sister who was collapsed on the ground, then turned to leave. Looking at this scene, Hachio hesitated for a while, and then walked to Qijie's side. Then Qijie seemed to have found a presence that reassured her, and hugged Hachio and burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, the door closed, completely isolating the whimpering cry.

After that, Fang Zheng returned to the apartment, and everyone welcomed his return. Of course, they were also very disturbed by the fact that the other party was beating up the APE Guards. After all, they were only children. For them, Fang Zheng's behavior was like slapping the students who were loved by the head teacher in public. No one knew what punishment the head teacher would give them.

But it won't be long before they know.

On this day, Fangzheng was called to the command room by Seventh Sister and Eighth Man again, but this time, the expressions of both of them were quite serious.

"Something happened, X."

Hachio stretched out his hand and pointed at the red dot on the screen, while Fang Zheng glanced at it.

"What is that? Is it a dragon?"

"That's APE's amphibious assault force, and they're here for the Thirteenth City."

"Sure enough, the people who come here are not good, I really didn't expect them to actually do this..."

In fact, before coming to the command room, Fangzheng had already learned about the situation through APE's internal network. Because they violated the orders of the sages, they were judged to be dangerous and needed to be arrested for re-education - that is, brainwashing.

To be honest, Fang Zheng was really surprised.

He originally thought that, logically speaking, the strength shown by himself and others, coupled with the plan to be implemented by APE, required a strong Franks team. Even if they did this themselves, the other party should have swallowed their anger. After all, compared to the plans to be implemented next, their trivial matter was nothing at all.

But I didn't expect that the sages would actually disregard that plan and insist on attacking them. Could it be that they think they can be better manipulated after brainwashing? Speaking from the brainwashing cases of Guanghe Qijie, APE's brainwashing technology seems to be really developed, even if the memory is modified, there will be no special loss...

"Thanks for the reminder, then I know what to do."

After saying this, Fang Zheng nodded to the two of them, and then planned to leave the control room.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Of course to prepare for countermeasures."

Fangzheng waved his hand, then turned to leave, but only Qijie and Baan watched his back disappear behind the door panel, and said nothing.

After returning to the dormitory, Fang Zheng immediately called everyone together and told them the situation.

"Hey? How could this happen!?"

Everyone was shocked to hear that the sages actually wanted to send someone to arrest them for re-education. Rie frowned and looked at Fangzheng.

"So, what are you going to do? X?"

"What should I do? There is no place for the master here. Since they want to tear their face with me, then I don't want to stay here to get angry, so I just need to leave here."

"leave here?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, everyone was shocked.

"But where can we go from here? Mobile cities are all under the jurisdiction of APE..."

"So just don't go to the mobile city."

Fang Zheng had already thought about it.

"Remember that seaside town we went to before? I plan to go there, and the people who keep the APE will never find us."


"Okay, this is my decision."

Gu </span> Seeing the uneasy look of everyone, Fang Zheng clapped his hands and looked at his heart.

"My suggestion is, heart, you go with me. APE's list is mainly to arrest you and me. As for the others, you can decide by yourself. After all, you are not the main target. Whether you want to leave here is up to you. up to you."

"I'm leaving too."

However, as soon as Fangzheng finished speaking, 02 stood up holding Guang's hand.

"I've had enough of memory manipulation by those bastards!"

"Me too……!"

Hiroya nodded. He was also a victim of brainwashing by APE's manipulation of memory. Now that his memory has been restored, he naturally hated APE.

"I will never forgive them! I'm leaving too."

"Wait, is it really okay for you to do this? This is rebelling against the adults... This kind of thing..."

Hearing this, Pure Digits hurriedly stopped.

"What about resistance?"

"But, but the adults have been helping us. They have provided us with food, shelter, and..."

"And sent us to die."

Fang Zheng bluntly interrupted the pure number speech.

"You have to know that what you got is not out of the pity or kindness of the adults, the reason why they provide us with a living environment is just for us to drive Franks to fight, protect them, and die for them. They gave us the necessities, we fought for them, it was just a deal, and now we're both clear, that's it."


Pure digit opened his mouth and was speechless, while Fang Zheng looked at the others.

"what about you?"

"I also need to go."

Raspberry also stood up.

"I won't sit idly by."

"Me too!"

The little fat man nodded vigorously.

"I want to go with you too!"

"Going to the future too, those 9'S guys are so mean!"

Everyone gave their answers one after another, and in the end, only pure digits were left in a daze, and after everyone else looked at him, he gritted his teeth.

"I'll go too, and I can go with you too."

"very good."

Fang Zheng nodded.

"Then, pack up, let's go to the hangar."

"Hey? What are you doing in the hangar?"

"Of course it's a machine armor."

Fang Zheng glanced at the little fat man who asked.

"Do you still want to run out on two legs?"

………makes sense.

Considering that APE's armored troops will arrive soon, everyone naturally didn't have time to pack their luggage, and hurried to the hangar, but when they changed into their driving suits and arrived in front of the mecha, two people Shadows blocked their way.

"Seventh sister..."

Looking at Qijie and Baan standing in front of them, a group of children couldn't help but stop. Although they had little communication with the adults here, the relationship between these two people was still very good. At this moment, seeing them blocking their way, a group of children didn't know what to do.

On the contrary, Fang Zheng seemed very calm, he stepped forward and looked at the two of them.

"You guys have made a decision. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"


Hachio nodded, and then pushed the seventh sister.

"Take her away, she has regained her memory, APE will not allow it."

"I see, how about you?"

"Someone has to stay here."

Hachio's expression was still so meticulous, not changing at all.

"Also, after you leave, maybe APE will send other teams to guard the Thirteenth City. I have to stay here and take charge of the command."

"alright, I got it."

Fang Zheng nodded when he heard Yashio's answer. And Yashio didn't speak any more, I saw that he suddenly raised the gun in his hand and aimed at Fangzheng. At the same time, Fangzheng swayed, came to Yashio, and then punched out and hit Yashio's abdomen. The next moment, Hachio rolled his eyes and passed out like that.


"Hey, hey, what are you doing?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone else was taken aback. It was obvious that Hachiman treated them very well, and he even said that he would let them go.

"It's making evidence."

Fang Zheng explained to the crowd in a low voice.

"We all slipped away, and he would definitely think it was colluding with us. As long as APE thinks we beat him and then escaped, then they won't bother him. Okay, let's go!"

After hearing Fangzheng's explanation, everyone finally understood what he meant, so they also took Fangzheng's command to board the mecha, and then directly broke through the warehouse gate and rushed out of the thirteenth city.

When the crowd of 9'S and the heavily armed assault force rushed into the Thirteenth City, the Thirteenth Squad had already disappeared into the vast snowstorm and disappeared without a trace.


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