Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3237: Big crack

In this way, the children's first wedding has come to an end.

It's a very new experience for kids. The first is that Guanghe 02 moved to a separate hut. According to Fangzheng, married men and women will have a home of their own. This immediately made others envious. After all, everyone wants to have a small world of their own, so after that, others also took action, but unfortunately...

"Huh? What are you kidding? Want me to marry you?"

In the future, with his hands on his hips, he looked at Pure Digits unhappily, and the latter also had a hippie smile.

"Yes, look, after Guanghe 02 got married, didn't they all move to a big house, so I think if we want to get married, we can also move to a big house, isn't that great?"

"You stupid!"

Hearing the words of pure digits, the future almost slapped him in the face with an angry slap.

"So you married me just for the big house?"

"Yeah, in such a big house, the two of us live, what else are you dissatisfied with?"


This time, the future slap was really thrown off, and then she turned around angrily and left.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"You're an idiot for pure numbers! Fool! Idiot! I don't want to see you again!"

"Humph! It's fine if you don't agree, I'll go find someone else!"

Standing on the balcony, watching the farce below, Fang Zheng also laughed and shook his head. After all, these children have never experienced this before, so they will inevitably lose their temper, but Fang Zheng believes that they will calm down after a while.

In fact, just as Fangzheng thought, although everyone was very lively in the first period of time after 02 and Guang got married, they soon returned to their ordinary daily life. For children, this kind of life is very peaceful and reassuring. Although life is a little harder, they don't have to risk their lives and fight with dragons, and they can still live a fulfilling life every day. For them, they have already It's been a pretty good day.

You must know that when they left the mobile city, they were still worried about what kind of life they would live in the future. Now, it seems that this little life... seems to be not bad?

But unfortunately, the peaceful days always come to an end. On this day, Seventh Sister found Fangzheng again.

"X, I have something very important to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Before, I told you that when APE gave us an order, I originally wanted to inform you about this mission, but... at that time..."

"Then why do you want to say it now?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng looked at Qijie curiously, who hesitated for a while.

"In fact, all the mobile cities are currently heading towards the same spot, which is called the Great Rift, and according to the APE, that's where we will fight the Dragon. As long as we can capture the Great Rift, it will end forever. The war between us and the dragon..."

"But what's the use of saying that now? We've defected."

"Because I think this is the life of a human being."

While talking, the seventh sister looked out the window, where you could see the children happily playing and playing.

"Although it's not perfect, this is the life that human beings should have, and as long as the war with the dragon is over, then we can usher in a new life. At that time, I think... everyone can live like now. Such a peaceful day."

How naive.

Listening to Qijie's words, Fangzheng shook his head silently inwardly, not to mention whether there is something shady about APE's plan, take 10,000 steps back and say, even if human beings really defeated the dragon in the end, with the current situation, it's hard to say. Will it fight on its own?

However, he is not surprised that the seventh sister has such thoughts. Under the rule of APE, everyone, including the seventh sister and the children, has been distorted, so of course they will not think that the other party will do such a thing. It is also naive to think that as long as the dragon is completely eliminated, it will be able to usher in a better future.

"I can't decide this alone."

Fang Zheng shook his head.

"Call everyone and listen to other people's opinions."

Soon, the other children were summoned by Fang Zheng with the loudspeaker at the head of the village, and then the seventh sister told them the situation as it was, and after hearing the seventh sister's words, the children fell into silence. .

"So, who is for? Who is against?"

"I object!"

02 The first opening.

"What does the life and death of the APE group have to do with us? After all, they are not using us. Besides, what can we do when we go? Don't forget that we are betrayers! Besides, it doesn't matter if we are missing, just It's just a team, if they think they can fight, let them fight!"

Now 02 and Guang are living a happy newlywed life like glue, and naturally they are not interested in these.

"Me too."

Guang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I will never forgive what APE did to us, so I don't feel the need to assist them."

"Two votes against."

Fang Zheng took a note and looked at the others.

"What's your opinion?"


The others glanced at each other, then looked at Fangzheng.

"X, what do you say?"

"I won't have an opinion this time."

Fang Zheng shook his head.

"You make a choice, and I'll implement it."


Hearing this, the children suddenly gasped and felt a lot more nervous. In the past, they didn't need to make their own decisions, as long as Fangzheng gave orders, but this time they were asked to make their own decisions... that made everyone hesitate.

And at this moment, Berry raised his hand.

"I want to ask, the seventh sister said before that the order to capture the big crack was given before we left the Thirteenth City. It's been so long now, why would you suddenly mention this?"

"Because the battle against the Great Rift has begun."

Qijie said in a low voice, then she stretched out her hand and pressed her communication device. Soon, an image appeared on the screen in front of the children.

It was a combat video of a mobile city. In the center of the video, there was a huge circular fortress, which looked like an upside-down pot on the ground. And in the gap of this fortress, countless called dragons poured out from it, rushing towards all directions.

That scene was like a dense army of cockroaches, countless.

In the vicinity of the circular fortress, the mobile cities are moving towards it, and those called dragons have also launched an attack on these mobile cities that are trying to attack the circular fortress, but these cities have their own Franks mecha squads, So they can still resist some of the attacks for now.

However, there are too many dragons.

The children also saw that many Franks mecha squads were torn to shreds in the attack of the dragon, and when they saw this, they fell into silence. The children are indeed very shameless about the behavior of APE, but there is no conflict between these mecha squads and them, after all, they are all pilots...

"I think we'd better go and help them."

The future said hesitantly.

"There are too many dragons, and they can't bear it alone."

"But, but... we only have so many people, what's the use of going... and we don't even have a place to go back..."

The little fat man also expressed his thoughts worriedly. Hearing this, the others fell into silence. Indeed, the Franks mechas need magma fuel to drive. In the past, if they ran out of fuel, they could go back to the mobile city for supplies, but now they have defected from the mobile city.

But if you don't go back... what if you run out of fuel?

"Look at it!"

At this time, suddenly, Xin pointed at the screen and shouted loudly. Everyone hurriedly looked up and saw a mobile city came to the circular fortress and slowly climbed up under the attack of the dragons. Then the next moment of fire suddenly appeared, and then the entire mobile city exploded!

"The mobile city exploded?"

Seeing this, the children were stunned.

"There are a lot of people living there!"

Children of course know the situation of mobile cities. After all, every mobile city is similar, but what they didn't expect is that APE is so ruthless this time, using mobile cities as bombs will also capture big cracks. come down!

"I think we should still help."

Goro hesitated for a moment, then expressed his opinion.

"Although we fell out with APE, we are driving Franks to protect our city, right? If we don't go now, should we just stand by and watch our companions die?"

Seeing that the battle to capture the big rift was so fierce, the children were also talking about it, Fang Zheng just stayed silent. As he said, it was the children, not him, who made the decision this time.

They make a decision and pay the price.

Facts have proved that the girl is more or less soft-hearted. In the future, Li and Xin both agreed to support, but Yu Nai abstained from voting. Although 02 initially expressed her objection, she may have softened a lot after marriage, and finally abstained from voting with Guang.

As for the boys, Pure Number chose to abstain, while Goro and Fatty decided to help.

Don't look at it, since there are no negative votes, the result is doomed.

"Looks like you've made a decision."

Fang Zheng stood up and stared at the children.

"You know, once you leave here, it is very likely that you will never come back, and your stable days here will end. Even so, do you still want to go?"


Everyone nodded silently.

"Well, since you've all made up your mind, I don't have anything to say."

Fang Zheng shook his head and stood up.

"Get ready, let's go, I hope it's not too late."


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