Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3239: Here we come (seeking longevity is much more difficult than Ghost Valley 8)

"You are………"

Looking at the Golden Sparrow standing in front of him, Princess Dragon frowned.


Looking at the mecha in front of her, Princess Long felt a little puzzled. She could feel that there was indeed a human breath on it, but in addition, Princess Long felt a similar but terrifying aura. ...

"Hehe, it's up to you to guess."

Fang Zheng manipulated the Golden Sparrow to raise his great sword, pointing at the Dragon Mecha controlled by Princess Dragon.

"Although I don't know who you are, it has nothing to do with you."

Facing Fangzheng, Princess Dragon was obviously quite cautious. If it was just a human being, then she might not take him seriously. However, the feeling that the existence on the other side gave her was too oppressive to her. Just sensing the existence of the other party made Princess Long feel the urge to crawl on the ground, as if she was facing an existence that she could never match.

"This is a festival between our dragon people and human beings! They have destroyed this land and desecrated the soul and blood of our family! And now, they even try to steal our last hope called dragon people! In any case, I will I won't let them get away with it!"

Under the circumstance that Fangzheng's origin could not be determined, Princess Long had no choice but to face such an unpredictable enemy...

"Last hope? Then tell me, what's in here?"

"That's my child."


"Astral entities are the ultimate weapons we use to fight foreign invaders. Tens of millions of years ago, we called the dragon people to fight them. Although we repelled those hateful invaders. But we ourselves have suffered heavy losses. In the end, we had to retreat to the ground. But even so, we did not give up our vigilance against the invaders. We knew that they would not give up so easily and would definitely come back again. But..."

Speaking of this, Princess Dragon suddenly gnashed her teeth.

"But during the time we were accumulating power underground, humans occupied this land, they even recklessly consumed the blood of our compatriots, destroyed the life of this land, and even brazenly used the corpses of my compatriots , transformed this disgusting thing!"

Hearing the angry roar called Princess Long, Fang Zheng couldn't help narrowing his eyes, so it seemed that the Dragon Clan was indeed miserable enough. They defeated the invaders and guarded the world. As a result, they had to retreat to the ground to recharge their batteries due to heavy losses. As a result, they did not expect that during the time they were recuperating in the ground, humans were born and occupied this land, and even discovered Magma fuel transformed by the Dragon Man.

As a result, when Princess Dragon realized that something was wrong, human beings had already deserted the entire earth due to overexploitation...

It's no wonder that the Dragons will only appear at the places where the magma fuel is collected. For humans, Dragons are rivals competing with them for resources, but for Dragons, they are to protect their compatriots from being squeezed and used by humans. ...

"There is no time left, I must wake up the star entity and block those abominable invaders..."


Fang Zheng thought for a moment, then, he turned his body sideways.

"Then go over there."


Seeing Fangzheng move away, Princess Long was stunned.

"Are you really willing to let me go?"

"Of course."

Fangzheng replied casually, he originally blocked the other party not to complete the APE mission, but just wanted to ask something from the princess called Long, but before he even said it, the other party had already said everything about pouring beans in a bamboo tube. . Why is Fangzheng stopping her? The other party is so cooperative, he can't do it anymore, right?

Not to mention that the voice of the princess named Long is quite similar to Shana. For Fangzheng, he can't fight if he doesn't fight.

As for whether what Princess Long said is true or false, Fangzheng is naturally aware of it. After all, this is the core area of ​​the tree of imaginary numbers. Right now, there are world bubbles at every extension point following the branches of the tree of imaginary numbers to find the core for revenge or all tactics. Those who switched families, like those alien creatures they encountered in the world of magical girls who only wore fat and food, were attacked aggressively because their hometown was destroyed by the tree of imaginary numbers.

And it is not surprising that there are similar alien forces here.

If this is the case, then when Fangzheng and others first came to this plate, the two mysterious biological fluctuation signals scanned from the cosmos can be understood. Obviously, the other party sent two spies to sneak in. In the human camp, and tried to kill the dragon through the hands of the human, and then when both sides lost, they came out to take advantage of the fisherman.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is higher than that group of aliens in the world of flying trousers.

"X, aren't we going to stop her?"

Seeing that Fangzheng actually let the Dragon Mecha go away, the rest of the thirteenth team was also surprised, and hurriedly asked, but Fangzheng shook his head in the face of their inquiries.

"Wait a minute, it's more complicated than we thought."


"What are you doing!"

However, at this time, suddenly, a communication force intervened in the channel of the thirteenth team, startling everyone.

"Immediately stop 001 at all costs! This is the order of the sage!"


Hearing this, Fang Zheng laughed.

"What does the sage's order have to do with us?"

While talking, Fang Zheng cut off the communication and closed the channel directly.

"Everyone, step back."


Although I don't know what Fangzheng is thinking, everyone hurriedly backed away, and Princess Dragon seems to have changed because of Fangzheng's concession. The army of Dragons who were attacking mechas and mobile cities madly also stopped one after another. Down, no longer launched an impact on the mobile city, but still protected the big crack. Those mobile cities that were still attacking the big crack were also directly blocked by the huge called dragon.

"Boom rumble!!"

Then, the situation changed.

I saw that under everyone's attention, the huge circular fortress collapsed, and then, a hand stretched out from inside and slapped the ground hard. Afterwards, a behemoth with a height of more than 100 meters emerged from the collapsed passage. Its appearance is similar to the Dragon Mecha, which was assimilated by the Dragon Princess, but it is more physique in comparison. huge.

I saw the huge dragon-calling mecha raised its head, looked at the sky, and let out an angry roar. At the same time, huge and strange objects broke out of the ground - this is the truth of the big rift, this is the last position that the dragon people use to fight the alien invaders!

"Boom boom boom!"

Along with the roar, the missile-like things roared into the sky. At the same time, I saw that the huge dragon-calling mecha also opened its mouth. Then, a bright red light beam went straight into the sky and penetrated the sky. .

"What's the matter? What happened?"

The scene in front of them also greatly surprised the members of the thirteenth squad. They originally thought that this group of called dragons would attack them, but they did not expect that the other party not only did not attack them, but instead aimed at the sky? Could it be that they are going to attack Cosmos?

The people on the ground were in chaos, but Fang Zheng was very clear about what happened, because he had already seen that a fleet was emerging from the depths of the universe and heading here. And the attack called Princess Dragon just now was aimed at this fleet.

In fact, everyone on the Azure Fleet couldn't wait any longer. Tesla had already asked Fang Zheng if he wanted to do it, but Fang Zheng still told them not to act rashly, because it was not yet time for them to do it.


However, just when the huge Dragon Calling Mecha was about to strike the second blow, suddenly, an accident appeared.

I saw the Dragon Mecha suddenly stagnated, and then slumped there like a toy without electricity. Immediately afterwards, the thick casing and cables surrounded it from all sides and slowly covered it.

"Damn VRIM! What did you do to your concubine's child!"

The angry roar of the Dragon Princess echoed on the battlefield, at the same time, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com An ethereal voice emerged out of thin air.

"This is VRIM's will, the astral entity will disrupt the order of the universe, so we set the bomb code. If you ask the princess of the dragon to go straight to the astral entity, it will detonate."

"how come………"

Hearing the voice from the sage, everyone was stunned.

"This world will be completely destroyed, and we will assimilate all the intelligent bodies in the universe, so that they will discard the shell called the flesh. And you humans, it is time to usher in evolution. I will give you to last forever, such as Have a peaceful and happy life!"

As the voice fell, the next moment, everyone was surprised to see countless golden light beams flying out of the moving city, leaving the earth as if attracted by something, and flying into the depths of the universe.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, not knowing what happened. And only Fangzheng knew that those beams of light were the souls of those sleeping human beings in the mobile city. Obviously, VRIM has been mixed into the highest organization of human beings from the very beginning, and this is the idea. They used a certain technology to imprint the souls of these human beings. Because of this, the souls and spirits of these human beings have completely become them. 's property.

Only the children who drove the Franks mecha, because they would not become adults, escaped the disaster.

Destroy the dragon with the help of human hands, then harvest the soul and spirit of human beings, and finally occupy or destroy this land.

"It turns out that this is their purpose."

Seeing this, Fang Zheng finally figured out everything, and then he smiled slightly.

Well, now that your round is over, next...it's my turn.


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