Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3245: The little angel likes it (Dad uses the sponge for washing dishes to filter the fish.

After coming to the core area of ​​the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, Fangzheng has seen quite a few enemies. Some are like those in the world of air combat witches, and some are like VRIM who secretly plant spies among human beings to induce human ego. Destroy and kill with a knife.

However, ZAM is the most insidious one.

In fact, at the beginning of the battle, Fangzheng had always had some doubts. With ZAM's ability, it was easy to eliminate FAF, but why didn't they do it?

Also, what exactly does ZAM want to do in the human world?

Now, he has an answer.

All of these are ZAM's traps.

At the very beginning, ZAM invaded the world, but maybe they were a counterattack of the tree of fear and worry, so they acted like they were repelled, and they didn't even close that passage, but let humans pass through this passage. Came to the planet where ZAM is located.

In other words, instead of repelling ZAM, humans were lured into that world by ZAM, and then they stepped into ZAM's trap.

During the battle with ZAM, many fighter planes were destroyed, and many of the pilots jumped to escape and were taken back to the base. But in fact, when these pilots returned to the base, they were no longer who they were, but replicas made by ZAM with their own memories.

Then these people will apply for retirement for various reasons, leave the FAF, and return to Earth - which the FAF will not refuse, because if they are severely traumatized in the air battle, they will choose this path. Not surprising. In turn, the army in the human world also urgently needs these soldiers who can fight against aliens and survive to join their ranks to enhance their strength.

As a result, these replicants made by ZAM unknowingly infiltrated the human world, and... they also used this method to replace other people one by one.

Just like this hospital.

Fangzheng was sure that after the man came to this hospital, he used some means to gradually "replace" the people in the hospital, from doctors, nurses to other staff. The replaced person is almost the same as the original, he has his own memory, and his words and deeds are the same as himself.

No one will think that that person is not himself.

After taking control of the hospital, it is even easier to replace other people. Just ask the doctor to do some hands and feet, expressing that he wants to perform certain examinations or operations on the patient, and then he can be pushed into the operating room unconsciously— - When the operation is over, the one who comes out again is no longer me.

Rather, they are replicas with their own memories.

Not only that, but they are not copied by anyone. ZAM will select those who hold high positions in human society and have influence and power to replace them. This is why it is clear that the FAF and ZAM on the front line are fighting to the death, but the rear is against them. This is not mentioned, and even the information is deliberately manipulated to make humans forget this threat.

When Fangzheng returned to the battleship and told others about his findings, everyone had goosebumps all over.

"It's really bad..."

While Tesla touched his arm, he looked at the corpse in front of him that looked like a human skin model filled with blood.

"I didn't expect that such an enemy would appear..."

"A lot of people have been replaced by ZAM?"

Einstein frowned, thought for a moment, and asked, Fang Zheng nodded.

"We had scans before we left and about half of them have been replaced with ZAM."

"...They are really amazing."

Even Einstein, who was usually silent, gasped when he heard this. ZAM's strategy has been very clear so far. After they completely grasp the dominance of human society, they will cut off their aid to the FAF, and claim that the other party has a tendency to rebel and become independent, and launch an attack on the FAF. The power was wiped out in one fell swoop.

"Does the FAF know about this?"

"I think they should be unaware, otherwise they wouldn't still be entangled with ZAM here."

"Then... do we have a way to destroy these monsters?"

Tesla asked suspiciously. She originally thought that the Antarctic plate was a relatively simple world, but she did not expect that the water here is deeper than what she saw on the surface.

"There is a way."

Fang Zheng nodded and sighed at the same time. In fact, it is too difficult to extract ZAM from humans one by one. It is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also arouses the vigilance of the other party, but Fangzheng has an easier way.

In other words, this is the little angel's heart and mind, and every time he encounters a problem, he will make suggestions.

"The problem can be solved with genetic weapons."

That's right, using genetic weapons to exterminate the family when something is not resolved, this is almost her routine operation for Little Angel. It's just that Fangzheng never allowed her to do this, but now that she is no longer here, there is an opportunity to use genetic weapons.

"You mean... biological weapons?"

Hearing this, Tesla frowned.

"Is this all right?"

"no problem."

This time, it was Dan Zhu who answered Tesla.

"I have already researched, and these replicants made by ZAM are not strictly replicants, but more like they are reversed in a mirror."


"Yeah, I don't know what ZAM is using, but these replicants are like mirror images of humans -- and at the molecular level."

Hearing Dan Zhu's answer, Tesla thought for a moment.

"You mean that these replicators are the opposite of humans in terms of DNA sequencing, cellular structure, and even synthetic enzymes?"


Danju nodded.

"We can target this and create viruses specifically designed to deal with them, and we should be able to eliminate them."

"So, what about ZAM?"

Tesla's expertise wasn't in biology, so she decided not to speak out in her non-specialty field, but immediately shifted the subject. I have to say that Tesla's focus is also normal. The replicators created by ZAM... just call them ZAM people. Even if these ZAM people can be eliminated by the virus, ZAM can still create it again, right?

For Tesla's question, Fang Zheng gave the answer very lightly.

"I have issued an extermination order."

"Issue... what?"

"Extermination Order."

Looking at the confused Tesla in front of him, Fang Zheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"As for the overall extinction of a civilization, it needs to be confirmed by me as the ruler of the blue fleet. ZAM is our enemy, and it is natural to completely eliminate it... Having said that, this seems to be the first time you have seen me sign an extinction. Order."

The strange house child in the world of Sidonia was created by the Honkai consciousness, so there is no way to destroy it. The Alien Army in the world of the Flying Witch is unnecessary, because they only have those fighting powers left, and they will be wiped out after they are defeated. On the contrary, the VRIM of the Franks Mecha World met the conditions for issuing an extermination order. Unfortunately, before Fangzheng could make a move, it took the poison and died.

"But you didn't do that when dealing with the Outsiders."

Tesla's brain is still very good.

"Because at that time you needed to collect data and technology on the planet of the Extraterrestrial."

Fang Zheng spread his hands helplessly.

"Otherwise I'll just blow up the entire planet."

There is no starburst, what kind of extinction order.


In the face of Fangzheng's answer, Tesla has absolutely nothing to say. The perspectives of the two sides are fundamentally different. This...

"So what about the FAF? Are you going to notify them to evacuate?"

"I'll give them a chance."

Fang Zheng thought for a while and gave an answer.

"As for what choice they will make, it's their own business."

When he returned to his room, Commodore Kerry was already exhausted. The FAF battle situation is still stalemate, and the situation on the front line does not seem to improve at all. Although the special operations unit has also achieved results, it is still a little tired to deal with ZAM, and even Brigadier General Kerry is not sure whether he can see the day when humans truly defeat ZAM.

However, just when she was about to rest, suddenly, a voice sounded from behind her.

"Hello, this lady."

Hearing this voice, Brigadier General Kelly hurriedly turned around, drew his gun, and took aim at one go. Then she saw that behind her, a person wearing a strange black armor was standing there. He was wearing a mask and could not see his face, but from this armor, it was obvious that the other party was not a member of FAF.

"who are you?"

Brigadier General Kerry raised his gun to aim at the other party and asked in a low voice, but the man in black did not answer, but just pointed to his chest - there was a roaring red dragon logo printed there.

"Is it you?"

Seeing this sign, Brigadier General Kerry frowned, and suddenly remembered the legendary ghost of the round table.

"How did you get here?"

"It's a trade secret."

While speaking, the man in black stretched out his hand and handed over a file bag.

"This is?"

"A small present for you."


Staring at the document bag in the hands of the man in black, Brigadier General Kerry was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to take it, opened it, and flipped through the documents inside. At first, she was able to remain calm, but the more she looked down, the more serious and solemn the expression of Brigadier General Kerry became.

All of these are traps for ZAM, ZAM has created replicants to infiltrate human society, UU read www.uukanshu.com and control its high level... and even began to transform other humans into ZAM people...

"Is there any evidence for this?"

After reading the document, Brigadier General Keli stabilized his mind and looked at the man in black again, but the latter did not answer her words at all, but continued to speak.

"We will completely destroy this planet and destroy ZAM. I only give you ten days. If you don't evacuate after ten days, you will be buried with ZAM. Oh, yes, and this."

As he spoke, the man in black took out something the size of a Coke can and put it on the table.

"This is a genetic weapon made against the biological structure of the ZAM people. As long as you bring it back to the earth and turn it on, it will volatilize in the atmosphere, and all ZAM people will die after being infected."

"Do you think I would use something so suspicious? In fact, you haven't revealed your identity and origin yet."

Brigadier General Keli stared at the man in black and continued to question, and then the latter laughed.

"This has nothing to do with you. I have pointed out a way for you. How you choose is your own business... But if you make a choice, then you will have to bear the consequences, then... that's it... Goodbye."

As he spoke, the man in black raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The next moment, Brigadier General Keli saw a flower in front of him, and then the man in black who was leaning against the wall disappeared.

Only the information in her hand and the black jar on the table proved to her that all this was not a dream.

So, how exactly?

Looking at the jar on the table, Brigadier General Kerry felt that this was probably the most difficult decision he had to make.


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