Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3268: Is this also possible? ! (Today is just an ordinary day)

For Ellie, this is just a small episode in the journey. After this little trouble was settled, she left there with the others and moved on—Originally, Allie wanted to send Myu directly back to her hometown. But after Miao heard about the Valley of Thousand Flowers, she also wanted to see it, so Ellie decided to take Miao to the Valley of Thousand Flowers to see what was going on there, and then take her home.

After all, if Myuu herself wasn't in a hurry, then Ellie didn't need to be in a hurry, wasn't she?

"Wow, so beautiful...!"

Sure enough, when Miao came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, he looked at the extremely beautiful alien flower field in front of him, his eyes suddenly glowed, and he was extremely excited. Seeing Myu running around in the flower field, curiously admiring the appearance of those flowers, Ellie was also smiling - just at this moment, a voice sounded from behind her.

"Ah, Miss Ellie, you are finally back..."

"Hello, Mengmeng."

Ellie turned her head and saw Mengmeng standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.

"There's nothing wrong here."

"Well... basically everything is normal..."


Hearing this, Ellie frowned.

"So is there any problem?"

"A little bit of a problem... It should be said that you came back just in time, Miss Ellie..."


Because it is rare to see Mengmeng's complex expression, Ellie is also quite surprised, but when she was taken to a room by Mengmeng and saw the two girls in front of her, she immediately understood why Mengmeng said that this question made It's better to handle it yourself.

Because the two girls in front of them are very similar to Ellie - they are wearing a wide coat and pointed hats, yes, you can see their professions at a glance... they are witches.

And one of them knew him.

"Ahahahaha... Hello, I'm Irena the Ash Witch..."

Looking at Irena in front of her, Ellie was speechless. Does she still remember that Fangzheng sent it back to the original world before, but now it has been teleported here again?

According to Mengmeng, both of them emerged from the gateless tower, but the situation is slightly different. Irena still remembers her name and can use magic, but she has lost her memory about herself. ——Hearing this, Ellie couldn't help but want to complain about how unlucky this narcissistic witch is, she passively travels to other worlds from time to time, and this time she actually lost her memory...

As for the other...

"Then... Excuse me, what exactly is this place? How can I go back to my own world?"

Compared with Irena, the other one, Azisha, the witch from the plateau, is better. Like Ellie, she has her own memories, but she doesn't know why she appeared here. From this point of view, this witch is much stronger than Irena, but this is not surprising, because according to Xiaobai's [identification]. Azisha's level is the highest LV99, and its value is second only to Ellie. With such an ability, it is no wonder that she can resist brainwashing.

They are also one of the members who have only recently emerged from the gateless tower. Now the gateless tower is also stationed with representatives from the Valley of Thousand Flowers and Orudana. They will all appear in the gateless tower. The traversers explained the situation clearly, but made an invitation—there was no way out. After all, Orudana couldn’t beat the Valley of Thousand Flowers, and the other party was obviously here to rob people, so they had to use this kind of job fair to decide. A victory and defeat.

Since then, there have been two groups of traversers. After losing a large number of volunteers, Orudana can be considered a good student. Their representatives will welcome those traversers to this world, and will also Complaining to them and selling miserably, in short, Orudana is now facing internal and external troubles, and needs a large number of brave soldiers to assist them in protecting the city. If you can come to Orudana, you will definitely receive a generous reception, etc... Basically It's no different from companies cheating fresh graduates.

On the Wanhua Valley side, it bluntly explained that the Wanhua Valley was established not long ago, and all the residents in it are people who have traveled to this world. They are looking for a way to go back, and they are also trying to restore their memories. Not only that, in the Valley of Thousand Flowers, as long as you work hard, you can live, and you don't need to work hard... and there is a powerful witch to take care of...

Comparing the two, most people chose to go to the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers. Although some travelers were deceived by Orudana's rhetoric, when they entered Orudana, they found out that they were interns who were in danger of their lives. After the job, he also gave up immediately and decisively - for most people, the hard work is not worth it.

And these two witches chose to come to Wanhua Valley from the very beginning, obviously they were very interested in the witch, Ellie. According to Azisha, she wanted to chat with Ellie and ask about the situation in the world.

As for Irena...

"Is there an easy and profitable job for me to do?"

Seeing Irena staring at her with glowing eyes, Airi sighed silently.

As expected of you, you still look like this ghost after losing your memory.

"Exactly, I have a lot to say, let's all come together."

After that, Ellie called the entire group, including the two witches, to the conference room, and explained the current situation to them in detail, including the battle between humans and the devils in the kingdom of Barbagia, and the summoning The gods who came over, and what Xiaobai discovered, the reincarnators with the system, and so on.

After listening to Ellie's story, everyone fell into deep thought.

"really weird."

The plateau witch Azisha was the first to speak.

"That is to say, the gods of this world have summoned a group of people from another world to come here to fight against the race called Majin, but they are not us. And according to Miss Ellie, the war between humans and demons is in the south, right? And why were we called here?"

"And only those who appear in the tower will lose their memory. It is strange that the transmigrators who are summoned by the gods or reincarnated clearly keep their memories."

Mengmeng also frowned and asked her own question.

"There are many possibilities. For example, since the gods can summon genuine powerful traversers, then the country they believe in may also have similar technology, but because the technology is not at home or for some reason, it can only summon the lost memory and there is no system. The transmigrators who are no different from ordinary people, so they were abandoned."

Ellie also expressed her opinion.

"So that tower was abandoned?"

"It's only possible, after all, apart from us, there has never been a particularly powerful adventurer here, even those who have become stronger through training, according to the information I have collected so far, they are far inferior. An envoy summoned by the gods. If that's the case, then it's natural to be abandoned."

Ellie shook her head, but Xiaobai raised his hand silently.

"But what about those reincarnators? The war between humans and demons is imminent, but these reincarnators are still babies. When they grow up and become effective combat power, it will take at least ten years. ."

"I can't say that either, but if I were to make a hypothesis... I think it's very likely that more than one **** is involved."


Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, we also knew before that this world believes in many gods, and the Kingdom of Barbagia believes in summoning gods to make the supreme god. Since the supreme **** has this ability, then other gods have similar abilities. It's not impossible, so it's not difficult to explain that different reincarnators and transmigrators will appear here in groups."

Ellie reached out and tapped on the blackboard.

"Does the gods think differently...?"

"It's also a possibility."

Of course, Ellie's guess is not impossible. If this guess is true, then the supreme **** who summons the angel is like a quick attack in the early stage. In any case, after the base is launched, the **** of the reincarnation is called directly. It is planned to climb the later stage of the development of the technology tree. If there is such a difference in "playing methods", then it is not incomprehensible that the world has become like this.

"But, Miss Ellie, didn't you say that those divine envoys are quite powerful? If they are there, it's not a problem to fight against demons or to unite with kings or something."

Kurosaki Miya asked her question suspiciously, while Airi shook her head.

"This can't be said. Although it is said that they are divine envoys, they are only teenage high school students in the end. They suddenly have a powerful force, and they may become unbalanced because of this. In fact, I am returning to the Valley of Thousand Flowers. I killed one with my own hands before."


Hearing Ellie's words, everyone was shocked, but soon, Ellie and Yue explained the situation to everyone. After listening to the descriptions of the two, the expressions of the others also changed slightly.

"Indeed... This kind of thing is not impossible, because I have nothing to worry about in this world, so I can do whatever I want, plus I have a strong power, it will indeed become a difficult enemy if it is not handled well."

"Yes, that's it."

Ellie nodded, this is the difference between a traverser and a reincarnated person. For a traverser, suddenly coming to a whole new world, it takes a long time to establish a bond, and it takes a lot of time, and he does not Will definitely accept the customs of another world. For many travelers, another world is like an amusement park after all. Fun, fresh and interesting. But after enjoying it, they still want to go home and live.

But the reincarnators are different. They are born in this world, which means to experience life again. Whether they want to or not, they have a deep connection with this world, so if the world faces any crisis, they will not choose to be like The traversers stand by and stand by like that, but take the initiative to stand up to protect all this... Probably?

"But none of that has anything to do with us, we just need to focus on finding a way to get home."

Ellie resolutely put her life and death in this world behind her head.

"In fact, we already have a way. As long as we conquer the seven mazes and obtain the magic of the God Age, we can know the location of the God's Domain, open the gate of God to enter the God's Domain, and find the God of Creation and ask him to send us back."

"But...that's the creator god, right? What if he refuses?"

"Then kill him, or beat him until you beg for mercy."

Ellie who said this was quite calm, as if she was saying "The cuckoo doesn't cry, kill it", which made people tremble.

"Wow...how do you feel like we are the villains after hearing this..."

"But there's no way!"

Azisha thought for a moment and nodded vigorously.

"If this allows me to go back, then I will not hesitate to become an enemy of the God of Creation! After all, I suddenly disappeared, and my daughters must be very worried about me..."

"Hey—!? Does Miss Yazisha have a daughter?!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Yazisha in surprise. After all, she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, does she actually have a daughter?

And is it plural?

"Ah, no...!"

Sensing everyone's astonished gaze, Yazisha waved her hand hastily.

"My daughter is the one...the slime became...the..."

"...Miss Yazisha, are your preferences a little special?"

"I don't want to make irresponsible remarks about other people's love, but...Miss Azisha, you married Slime and gave birth to a child...this is too..."

As she spoke, Mengmeng's complexion became more and more red, she stared at Azisha, as if imagining the girl and slime in front of her like this, that, that...

"It's not ah ah ah ah ah!!"

After that, Azisha finally solved everyone's misunderstanding and told them that her two daughters were the spirits formed by the grievances of the slimes after she killed the slimes for three hundred years. Here, the girls are even more speechless.

"You actually killed slimes for three hundred years. Miss Yazisha, do you have any deep hatred with slimes?"

"Could it be that Miss Azisha once had unbearable memories of being violated by slimes, so every time she saw slimes, she couldn't help but want to kill them?"

"No! I'm just used to it, and in order to keep the slime family from going extinct, I also control the number of slimes that I kill every day?"

"Ugh... What kind of hatred does this person have for slimes?"

At this moment, Yue is also pale.

"It's not that they were completely wiped out, but they were deliberately left behind, and then they were subjected to more than 300 years of torture and fear... This is the behavior of the devil... No, it is indeed a witch."

"Tsk tsk, killing slimes for three hundred years, and recognizing the elf formed by the collection of slime's resentments as daughters, this is not to recognize a thief as a father... No, recognize a thief as a mother? Hmm? Could it be that you are the master of the Palace of Transferring Flowers? This What is the unfolding of the peerless double pride..."

"Not at all!!"

At this moment, Azisha was about to cry. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Of course, after arguing for a while, Ellie returned to the topic and invited the two witches to travel with her on an adventure. After all, they are very powerful. Needless to say, Irena lost her memory, but she I still remember how to use magic, and it is also a powerful helper. It is just a waste of time to stay here.

But for Ellie's invitation...

"Hey? I think it's better to stay here. The Valley of Thousand Flowers is also very comfortable - no, it's very dangerous. I think as a witch, it's better for me to stay here to assist the defense..."

Irena turned her eyes away silently, and said with her head lowered, but luckily, Ellie already had a way to deal with Irena, she stretched out her hand, waved it forward, and then a huge pocket "Bang". "The sound fell in front of Irena.

"This is……?!"

At this moment, Irena jumped up quickly, opened the pocket, and was dazed by the gems and gold inside.

"This this………"

"This is the reward, Miss Irena, as long as you are willing to accept my commission, then these are all yours."


Looking at the shining jewels in her pocket, Irena swallowed silently.

"No problem, I'll take it!"

So, who is this dazzling and dazzling girl who is full of confidence and is not inferior to jewelry?

Yes, it's me.

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